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JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah) Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah of State Institute for Islamic Studies Batusangkar, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.332 KB) | DOI: 10.1234/juris.v9i2.913


How can humans live happily is old problems and new problems as well, he is also the problem of micro and macro issues from of the economics perspective. There is no way to be able to live happily except by getting rid of the three enemies of man, namely poverty, ignorance and disease. In terms of social factors, poverty is also a chain where the chain can be broken. It is an interesting phenomenon to listen to the history of Islam that explains that the first holy war undertaken by Abu Bakr was the war against poverty in the form of warfare against the rich who do not want to pay the zakat that should be enjoyed directly to the poor. This paper explores the problems or social problems as an inspiration or a solution to the problem of poverty in the Islamic perspective.
Prinsip-prinsip Hukum Kelalaian Sebagai Penyebab Ganti Rugi dalam Hukum Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia Asyari Hasan; Alimin Alimin; Rizal Fahlefi; Desmadi Saharuddin
Al-Ulum Vol. 19 No. 1 (2019): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1718.627 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/au.v19i1.722


This study discusses what are the concepts of legal principles of negligence as a cause of compensation contained in the positive Indonesian Islamic economic law concerning the implementation of contracts for Islamic financial institutions that are studied in a qualitative-normative exploratory manner. This study indicates that there are six legal principles of negligence as a cause of compensation in the positive law of Indonesian sharia economy, namely: 1) carried out with careful consideration, 2) carried out appropriately, 3) carried out carefully, 4) business activities may not exceed permitted limits, 5) business activities must be in line with the provisions stipulated in the contract (not violating the agreement), and 6) negligence classified as intentional negligence and accidental negligence. While the legal principles of negligence contained in conventional law are currently more complete (11 principles of negligence) than those contained in the positive law of sharia economy (only 6 principles)
Problematika Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Batu Mandi Tilatang Kamang Syukra Vadhillah; Alimin Alimin; Suharmon Suharmon
Arabia Vol 8, No 1 (2016): JURNAL ARABIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/arabia.v8i1.1941


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi problematika pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang dihadapi guru dan siswa di MAN Batu Mandi Tilatang Kamang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Adapun problematika pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang dihadapi guru dan siswa di madrasah ini adalah tidak ada media pembelajaran untuk ijtima’, siswa berasal dari latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeda-beda, guru kurang termotivasi untuk berbicara bahasa Arab, labor bahasa sebagai penunjang pembelajaran bahasa Arab tidak ada, metode yang digunakan tidak bervariasi, lingkungan yang kurang mendukung untuk tercapainya proses pembelajaran yang baik dan waktu belajar yang ditetapkan tidak cukup.
Utilization of Agricultural Land During the Planting Break in Jorong Mandahiling Nagari Pagaruyung, West Sumatra: Sharia and Legal-Formal Economic Perspectives Rizal Fahlefi; Alimin Alimin; Indah Fitrah Nauri
Asy-Syir'ah: Jurnal Ilmu Syari'ah dan Hukum Vol 55, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law - Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajish.v55i1.928


Abstract: The study aims to explain the pattern and legal perspective of the practice of agricultural land use cooperation during the planting break in Jorong Mandahiling, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra Province. This research uses a case study method which is analyzed qualitatively. The research subjects consisted of 21 land owners and 21 land cultivators. The results showed that there are three patterns of land use cooperation during the planting break in Jorong Mandahiling. Based on three patterns of cooperation, there are three types of contracts that apply from the point of view of sharia economic law, namely: first, leasing on land (kirā’ al-ardh); second, profit sharing system (mudhārabah); and third, combination of profit sharing system and joint venture (mudhārabah musytarakah) with a profit sharing system which does not fulfill the principle of fairness in transactions. Viewed from the perspective of sharia economic law and existing legal-formal, the practice of profit sharing in land use cooperation during the planting break is not fully in accordance with existing provisions, especially in the principle of fairness in transactions, because, two of the three contracts that are practiced are more profitable for land owners and unfair for culvtivators.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pola dan tinjauan hukum terhadap praktik kerja sama pemanfaatan lahan pertanian selama masa jeda tanam di Jorong Mandahiling, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus yang dianalisis secara kualitatif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 21 orang pemilik lahan dan 21 orang penggarap lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga pola kerja sama pemanfaatan lahan pada masa jeda tanam di Jorong Mandahiling. Dari tiga pola kerja sama tersebut, terdapat tiga jenis akad yang berlaku dari sudut pandang hukum ekonomi syariah, yaitu: pertama, sewa atas tanah (kirā’ al-ardh); kedua, sistem bagi hasil (mudhārabah); dan ketiga, perpaduan sistem bagi hasil dan kongsi (mudhārabah musytarakah) dengan sistem bagi hasil yang tidak memenuhi prinsip keadilan bertransaksi. Ditinjau dari perspektif hukum ekonomi syariah dan legal-formal yang ada, praktik bagi hasil dalam kerja sama pemanfaatan lahan pada masa jeda tanam tersebut belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada, khususnya dalam prinsip keadilan bertransaksi, karena dua dari tiga akad yang dipraktikkan lebih menguntungkan bagi pemilik lahan dan tidak adil bagi penggarap lahan.
Analisis Persiapan PT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Al Makmur dalam Penerapan Good Corporate Governance Hendra Putra; Zainuddin Zainuddin; Alimin Alimin
Al-bank: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July - Desember 2021
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (71.618 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/ab.v1i2.3877


The aim is to analyze the preparation of PT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah  Al Makmur in implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the Awareness Building, GCG Assessment and Manual Building stages. The method used is descriptive qualitative, the data collection technique used by the writer is through interviews and documentation, Data processing was carried out by qualitative analysis then presented the data in a short narrative description, then analyzed and concluded. The Awareness Building stage has been done well, but it must be maximized more by providing education through seminars, workshops and group discussions sustainably. So that, all elements that involved have the same understanding and awareness of the importance of implementing GCG. For the GCG Assessment stage which carried out by the internal company is in accordance, but in determining the priority scale must pay attention to the internal conditions of the company. And for the Manual Building stage (preparation of guidelines) of PT. PT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Al-Makmur has not completed the GCG
Pelaksanaan Denda atas Nasabah Mampu Penunda Pembayaran Utang di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Alimin Alimin; Rizal Fahlefi
TSAQAFAH Vol 16, No 1 (2020): Islamic Economics
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v16i1.4006


AbstractIslamic Financial Institutions (IFI) have business and social functions. One source of income for social funds other than infaq, shadaqah, and zakah is a fine fund for late payment of debt to able customers. This phenomenon is different from conventional financial institutions that make fines as one of their income. The fine at the IFI serves to discipline customers to pay debts, but the collection of these fines should not be done haphazardly because it can lead to ribawi practices and abuse of the situation. Decisions of various fatwa institutions have been made available regarding the rules for implementing this fine (DSN-MUI No. 17 of 2000 and the Sharia Standards of the AAOIFI Sharia Board of Bahrain No.8 and Majma 'al-Fiqh al-Islami Islamic Conference Organization No. 109 of 2000). Based on the results of this study it was found that the implementation of this fine was very varied. The study also found that the potential for these fines was quite large and would contribute positively to IFI's social functions while enhancing the positive image of the community. Variations in the application of these fines can be seen in terms of a) whether or not the fines are carried out with the aim of the promotion strategy, b) the amount of fines applied based on the effectiveness of the deterrence function, c) customer knowledge and understanding is still very low on these sanctions rules, and even IFI practitioners are still not optimally understood.Keywords: Sanction Fines, Usury, BMT, Capable Customers, Bad Debth, Islamic Financial Institutions.                                                     AbstrakLembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) mempunyai fungsi bisnis dan sosial. Salah satu sumber pemasukan dari dana sosial selain infak, sedekah dan zakat adalah denda keterlambatan pembayaran utang atas nasabah yang mampu. Hal ini berbeda dengan lembaga keuangan konvensional yang menjadikan denda sebagai salah satu pendapatan lembaga keuangan. Denda pada LKS tersebut berfungsi untuk mendisiplinkan nasabah terutang, namun dalam penerapan denda keterlambatan pembayaran tidak boleh dilakukan sembarangan karena dapat menjurus kepada praktik ribawi dan penyalahgunaan keadaan. Keputusan berbagai lembaga fatwa pun sudah ada tentang pelaksanaan denda ini (DSN-MUI No. 17 Th. 2000 dan Standar Syariah Dewan Syariah AAOIFI Bahrain No. 8 serta Majma' al-Fiqh al-Islami Organisasi Konferensi Islam No. 109 Th. 2000). Namun, berdasarkan hasil penelitian ternyata di lapangan terdapat berbagai variasi pelaksanaannya. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa potensi denda tersebut cukup besar dan akan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi fungsi sosial LKS sekaligus meningkatkan kesan positif dari masyarakat. Variasi penerapan terlihat dari sisi a) dilaksanakan atau tidaknya denda tersebut dengan alasan strategi promosi, b)  jumlah denda yang diterapkan berdasarkan efektifnya tujuan penjeraan, c) pengetahuan dan pemahaman nasabah masih sangat rendah terhadap aturan sanksi ini, dan bahkan praktisi terhadap aturan sanksi ini masih belum maksimal.Kata Kunci: Denda Sanksi, Riba, BMT, Nasabah Mampu, Keterlambatan Pembayaran, Lembaga Keuangan Syariah.
Zakat for The Elderly: A Survey of Mustahiks and An Islamic Law Perspective Rizal Fahlefi; Alimin Alimin
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 24, No 2 (2020): DECEMBER
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/madania.v24i2.3368


The study aims to find out a general description of mustahiks of old-age insurance program from National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Tanah Datar Regency and to analyse the legal status of the program from Islamic law perspective. The old-age insurance program is distribution of consumptive zakat permanently throughout life for the elderly. The researcher used a survey method. The results showed that the old-age insurance program is directed to meet the basic needs of elderly mustahiks. The characteristics of the elderly mustahiks are as follows: 90% are women, 45% are classified as the old-old, 50% have never attended school, 60% are sick, 85% are non-potential elderly people, 55% live in unworthy shelter, 65% live alone, before receiving zakat 80% meet their needs with the help of others, 80% have no income other than zakat. These facts support that the consumptive zakat for the elderly must be continued, because it greatly helps elderly welfare. Although there is no specific argument regarding zakat for the elderly, it doesn’t contradict the provisions of Islamic law. If the Caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar, and 'Ali decided on a policy of providing compensation for non-Muslim elderly from Baitul Mâl, for Muslim elderly ofcourse even more important. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum dari mustahik program jaminan hari tua dari Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Kabupaten Tanah Datar dan untuk menganalisis status hukum program perspektif hukum Islam. Program jaminan hari tua merupakan penyaluran zakat konsumtif secara permanen bagi lansia sepanjang hidupnya. Peneliti menggunakan metode survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program jaminan hari tua bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar para mustahik lansia. Karakteristik mustahik lansia tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: 90% diantaranya adalah perempuan, 45% diklasifikasikan sebagai lansia berumur sangat lanjut, 50% tidak pernah bersekolah, 60% dalam kondisi sakit, 85% merupakan lansia yang tidak potensial, 55% tinggal di tempat tinggal yang tidak layak, 65% tinggal sendirian, sebelum menerima zakat 80% memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dengan mengandalkan bantuan orang lain, 80% tidak memiliki penghasilan selain zakat. Fakta-fakta ini mendukung bahwa program zakat konsumtif untuk lansia mesti dilanjutkan, karena sangat membantu kesejahteraan lansia. Meskipun tidak ada dalil khusus tentang alokasi zakat untuk lansia, tetapi hal tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan hukum Islam. Jika Khalifah Abu Bakr, Umar, dan ‘Ali pernah mengambil kebijakan untuk memberikan santunan kepada lansia non-Muslim dari Baitul Mâl, maka menyantuni lansia Muslim tentu lebih utama lagi. 
Tamwil Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.231 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/jtm.v7i1.2271


The problem in this article is how to apply the product, price, place, and promotion of deposit products at Baitul Maal wa Tamwil in Payakumbuh. The research uses qualitative methods and belongs to field research with semi-structured interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. The results of the findings show that BMT in Payakumbuh applies a marketing strategy (product) of deposit products carried out in the form of socialization to prospective customers and sending a letter of a deposit offer. Furthermore, the marketing strategy (price) is carried out by notifying the amount of ratio to be given on the nominal amount of deposits and providing convenience in the form of ball pick-up and giving deposit accounts to distant customers so as not to have to come to the office to deposit funds. The marketing strategy (place) of deposit products is to pay attention to the position of the BMT office to make it easier for customers to make transactions. Lastly, the marketing strategy (promotion) of deposit products on BMT is carried out with various advertisements in the form of brochures, letters of offer, and banners. Then BMT also promotes products through social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter. In addition, BMT also uses sales promotion by giving gifts to customers for a number of funds and personal sales conducted by the marketing department in the form of direct socialization
Pemanfaatan Teknologi dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Santri Melalui Penggunaan Software Akuntansi dan Voucher Belanja di Pesantren Rizal Fahlefi; Muhammad Deni Putra; Alimin Alimin; Widi Nopiardo
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2022): JIEI
Publisher : ITB AAS INDONESIA Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/jiei.v8i2.5241


The problem that underlies this research is that at the Ulul Albab Modern Islamic Boarding School for Famales, Koto Baru, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra Province, financial management is still manual and resources in the field of information technology are also lacking. Therefore, Ulul Albab uses financial applications to streamline the financial management of students and implements a shopping system using an integrated voucher application system. This study aims to explore the use of technology in the form of accounting software and shopping vouchers in managing the finances of students at Ulul Albab. The research uses the qualitative method and case study approach. The results showed that Ulul Albab utilizes existing technology to assist in the financial management of students. The "BENTAR" software is used and it is also integrated with the student shopping vouchers. The accounting staff of Ulul Albab are given training in operating the software so that they can use it according to its functions and benefits, while students are given training on the use of shopping vouchers so that they can use it according to their individual needs. The utilization of the technology is continuously monitored until it is believed that it can actually run well. This is an indicator of the ability of Ulul Albab to adapt to digitalization in the industrial era of 4.0. The transformation carried out by Ulul Albab can become a technology-based financial management model in Islamic boarding schools.
JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah) Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.332 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/juris.v9i2.913


How can humans live happily is old problems and new problems as well, he is also the problem of micro and macro issues from of the economics perspective. There is no way to be able to live happily except by getting rid of the three enemies of man, namely poverty, ignorance and disease. In terms of social factors, poverty is also a chain where the chain can be broken. It is an interesting phenomenon to listen to the history of Islam that explains that the first holy war undertaken by Abu Bakr was the war against poverty in the form of warfare against the rich who do not want to pay the zakat that should be enjoyed directly to the poor. This paper explores the problems or social problems as an inspiration or a solution to the problem of poverty in the Islamic perspective.