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Formulasi dan Evaluasi Fast Disintegrating Tablet (FDT) Loratadin Eryani, Mikhania Christiningtyas; Wikarsa, Saleh; Soemirtapura, Yeyet Cahyati
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 39, No 1 & 2 (2014)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.161 KB)


Fast Disintegrating Tablet (FDT) adalah sediaan tablet yang hancur cepat di mulut yang membantu mempermudah penggunaannya khususnya saat tidak tersedia air. Permasalahan yang dihadapi pada formulasi FDT adalah waktu hancur yang sangat singkat dan masalah rasa untuk zat aktif yang berasa tidak enak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memformulasi sediaan FDT loratadin yang memiliki rasa pahit. FDT dibuat dengan metode kempa langsung menggunakan manitol yang digranulasi dengan PVP K-30 sebagai pengisi atau Parteck® M 200 dengan kombinasi Avicel PH-102. Formula tersebut selanjutnya dibuat tablet dengan cara menambahkan Ac-Di-Sol pada beberapa konsentrasi dan kekerasan yang berbeda. Evaluasi sediaan meliputi pengujian kekerasan, friabilitas, friksibilitas, waktu pembasahan, waktu hancur, penetapan kadar, kesukaan dan disolusi. Profil uji disolusi kemudian dibandingkan dengan tablet inovator konvensional, Claritin®. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa tablet yang dibuat dengan menggunakan granul manitol maupun Parteck® M 200 dengan Ac-Di-Sol sebagai bahan penghancur dengan konsentrasi 2,5% dan kekerasan tablet ±4 kg dapat menghasilkan FDT yang memenuhi syarat, termasuk dari segi rasa. Hasil uji disolusi dari FDT yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa loratadin terdisolusi lebih cepat dibandingkan Claritin® dengan nilai f2 kurang dari 30.Kata Kunci: loratadin, fast disintegrating tablet, waktu hancur, disolusi, rasa.AbstractFast Disintegrating Tablet (FDT) is a tablet which rapidly disintegrate in the mouth that facilitate in their use, especially when water is not available. The problem in FDT formulation is a very short disintegration time and the bad taste of active substances. The aim of this study was to formulate FDT loratadine which has a bitter taste. FDT was made by direct compression using granulated mannitol with PVP K-30 or Parteck® M 200 combined with Avicel PH-102 as diluent. Tablet was then made by adding the various concentration of Ac-Di-Sol and at different of hardness. The tablet evaluation included hardness, friability, frictibility, wetting time, disintegration time, loratadine assay, panelists test and dissolution test. Dissolution profiles were then compared to innovator conventional tablet, Claritin®. The results showed that the tablets which made using granulated mannitol or Parteck® M 200 with 2,5% Ac-Di-Sol and at ± 4 kg of hardness could produce FDT that meet the requirements, included the taste. The dissolution test showed that loratadine from FDT formulation dissolved faster than Claritin® tablets with f2 values less than 30.Keywords: loratadine, fast disintegrating tablet, disintegration time, dissolution, taste
The Effect of Concentration Variation of Ethanolic Extract from Potato Peels (Solanum tuberosum L.) on the Physical Properties and Antibacterial Activity of Gels against Propionibacterium acnes Rashati, Dewi; Eryani, Mikhania Cristiningtyas
Pharmaciana Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.416 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v8i2.8395


This research was aimed to know the effect of ptotato skins ethanolic extract variation concentration to physical properties of gel and antibacterial effect to Propionibacterium acnes. Gel were formulated in 3 formulas with potato skins concentration 50%, 60% and 705 respectivelly. The phisical properties of gel which obeserved include organoleptic, homogenity, pH, and spreadability. The results show that variation concentration of potato skins ethanolic extract has an effect to gel colour and viscosity but has not effect to form, smell, pH, and spreadability of gel. All formulas show strong inhibition power to Propionibacterium acnes. 
Karakterisasi Morfologi Streptomyces Endofit dari Beberapa Tanaman Obat Azizah, Siti Nur; Eryani, Mikhania Christiningtyas
JURNAL ILMIAH FARMASI AKADEMI FARMASI JEMBER Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Akademi Farmasi Jember

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Tuberculosis diseases (TB) prevalency from sensitive and resistant strain has been hight in Indonesia. The finding of bioactive compounds should be developed to solve this problem. Endophitic Actinomycetes specially from Streptomyces sp was reported to have the same bioactive compound with its host plant. The aims of this research was to obtain Endophitic Actinomycetes  from some medical plants which have antituberculosis effect. Medicinal plants  used in this study were Kaemferia galanga, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Piper cronatum. Actinomycetes was isolated using two different media namely Humic Acid Vitamin (HV) agar and HV with plant extract, and purified on Yeast Malt Agar (YMA) medium. Morphological  characterization of Actinomycetes obtained was observed including aerial mycelium and substrate mycelium, pigmentation, and colony surface. A total of 5 Endophitic Actinomycetes of Streptomyces genus were obtained from medicinal plant. Isolates K.J3A, K.J3B, K.J4 and K.J11 were endophitic Streptomyces from Kaemferia galanga radix, S.MJ1 from Piper cronatum folium. Actinomycetes was not found from Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx. Each isolate had variety of characteristics which could be seen in aerial mass color, substrate mass color, and pigmentation
JURNAL ILMIAH FARMASI AKADEMI FARMASI JEMBER Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Akademi Farmasi Jember

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The aim of this research was to know the influence of HPMC variation concentration as gelling agent againts physical properties antifungal extract galangal gel (Alpinia galanga (L) Swartz). Pre-experimental the one shot case study was used as the research design. Gel is formulated into three formulas with various concentration of HPMC 2% (F1), 3% (F2), and 4% (F3). The materials used in this research were galangal extract, propylenglycol, glycerin, methyl paraben, and aquadest. The result showed that the variation concentration of HPMC give influence to physical properties of organoleptic gel (form, smell and colour), viscosity, and spreadibility of gel but did not influence homogeneity and pH of the gel.
Jurnal Riset Kefarmasian Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Riset Kefarmasian Indonesia
Publisher : APDFI (Asosiasi Pendidikan Diploma Farmasi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.443 KB) | DOI: 10.33759/jrki.v1i1.6


Sauropus androgynus (L) Merr leaf in Indonesia called katuk have strong antioxidant activity with IC50 80,01 ppm. The aims of this research is want to know physical properties of katuk leaf shampo which is formulated in various formulas. In this research katuk was formulated in shampoo with viscocity agent (HPMC, sodium CMC and Carbopol) in various concentration. The result showed that all shampoo formulas had low jasmine smell, but had different in form and colour. Shampoo viscocity increased with increased viscocity agent. The highest viscocity showed by F7 with 0,5% carbopol concentration. pH test showed that the shampoo with HPMC and sodium CMC had pH value 6. pH value of shampoo with carbopol was 5. All of pH formulas meet the requirement of SNI standard. Statistical result showed that the physical properties of foam high, viscocity and pH all formulas had significant difference.
Jurnal Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JIKI) Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JIKI)
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang (State Health Polytechnic of Malang)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (51.806 KB) | DOI: 10.31290/jiki.v5i2.1434


Gummy candies is semi wet chewing candies that made from gelatin and carageenan. The aim of this study was to formulated Hylocereus polyrhizus to gummy candies form. Variaton concetration of gelatin and carageenan in this study were 750 mg : 250 mg (F1), 500 mg : 500 mg (F2) dan 250 mg : 500 mg (F3). The method used was molding method. Gummy candies were evaluated organoleptic, weight variaton, pH and stability at cool, cold and warm temperature. The results showed that all formulas sweet, clear brown, and had tutty fruty smell. The elasticity of F1 was little chewyy, chewy and very chewy. All formulas meet the requirement of weight variation. All formualas had 4 of pH. Based on stability study, F3 at cold temperature was the most stable formula.
Jurnal Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JIKI) Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JIKI)
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang (State Health Polytechnic of Malang)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31290/jiki.v7i1.2237


The aims of this research was to understand the effect of variations concentrations HPMC as gelling agent to the physical characteristic hand sanitizer gel of papaya leaves (Carica papaya L.). Gel was formulated with variation concentration of the HPMC 2% (F1), 2.5% (F2) , and 3% (F3) The active ingredient was papaya leaves extract. The ingredient use were HPMC as gelling agent, propilenglikol as humectant, methylparaben as preservative, oleum rosae as corigen odoris and aquadest as a solvent. The result of organoleptic test showed difference in consistency of gel but there were no difference in smell and color. Homogeneity test showed homogeneous result in all formulas. Viscosity test, pH, and spreadability were in accordance with the requrements. The statistic result used One Way Anova showed that there were a difference in pH and viscosity.
Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria From Tape and Jember Tempeh as a Probiotic Candidate Siti Nur Azizah; Mikhania Christiningtyas Eryani; Azizah Azizah
Jurnal Biodjati Vol 6, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v6i2.12393


Probiotics are microbes in fermented foods that have beneficial effects on health. Microbes that act as probiotics are lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that can produce metabolites such as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and bacteriocins. This study aimed to obtain lactic acid bacterial isolates from tape and tempeh, and to test the potential of LAB as a probiotic candidate by activity test as an antidiarrhea and its resistance to gastric pH and bile salts. The fermentation products used as a source of LAB isolates are tempeh sumber mas merk, and yellow cassava tape, sari madu merk from Jember. The results of the first stage regarding the isolation of LAB using GYP media showed that there were 2 LAB isolates (TaJ.14 and TaJ.15) from the tape and 4 LAB isolates (TeJ.18, TeJ.22, TeJ.24, and TeJ.25) from tempeh. The results of the antidiarrheal test using the disc diffusion method (oxoid) showed that TaJ.14 and TaJ.15 isolates were able to inhibit Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Shigella dysentriae, while TeJ.18, TeJ.22, TeJ.24, TeJ.25, and Lactobacillus casei (control) was only able to inhibit B. subtilis and E. coli. The results of LAB resistance to gastric pH showed that the TeJ.25 isolate had the highest percentage of pH 3 and 2.5 resistance (51.13 and 33.03%) compared to other isolates and controls. LAB resistance test results against bile salts (oxgal) showed that the TeJ.22 isolate had the highest percentage of resistance (75.10%) compared to other isolates although was still higher in control (75.99%).
The effect of concentration variation of ethanolic extract from potato peels (Solanum tuberosum L.) on the physical properties and antibacterial activity of gels against Propionibacterium acnes Dewi Rashati; Mikhania Cristiningtyas Eryani
Pharmaciana Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.416 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v8i2.8395


Gel is a semisolid dosage form that consumers prefer because of its cool sensation. This research aimed to identify the effect of different concentrations of ethanolic extract from potato peels on the physical properties and the antibacterial activities of the resultant gels against Propionibacterium acnes. The gel was prepared with three formulas using a variety of potato peel concentrations, namely 50%, 60% and 70%. Its physical properties were analyzed based on organoleptic observation, homogeneity, pH, and spreadability. The results showed that the ethanolic extract of potato peels affected the color and viscosity of the gel. However, no effects were detected on shape, smell, pH, and spreadability. All formulas showed strong inhibitory capacity against Propionibacterium acnes.
Formulasi dan Evaluasi Fast Disintegrating Tablet (FDT) Loratadin Mikhania Christiningtyas Eryani; Saleh Wikarsa; Yeyet Cahyati Soemirtapura
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 39 No. 1 & 2 (2014)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Fast Disintegrating Tablet (FDT) adalah sediaan tablet yang hancur cepat di mulut yang membantu mempermudah penggunaannya khususnya saat tidak tersedia air. Permasalahan yang dihadapi pada formulasi FDT adalah waktu hancur yang sangat singkat dan masalah rasa untuk zat aktif yang berasa tidak enak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memformulasi sediaan FDT loratadin yang memiliki rasa pahit. FDT dibuat dengan metode kempa langsung menggunakan manitol yang digranulasi dengan PVP K-30 sebagai pengisi atau Parteck® M 200 dengan kombinasi Avicel PH-102. Formula tersebut selanjutnya dibuat tablet dengan cara menambahkan Ac-Di-Sol pada beberapa konsentrasi dan kekerasan yang berbeda. Evaluasi sediaan meliputi pengujian kekerasan, friabilitas, friksibilitas, waktu pembasahan, waktu hancur, penetapan kadar, kesukaan dan disolusi. Profil uji disolusi kemudian dibandingkan dengan tablet inovator konvensional, Claritin®. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa tablet yang dibuat dengan menggunakan granul manitol maupun Parteck® M 200 dengan Ac-Di-Sol sebagai bahan penghancur dengan konsentrasi 2,5% dan kekerasan tablet ±4 kg dapat menghasilkan FDT yang memenuhi syarat, termasuk dari segi rasa. Hasil uji disolusi dari FDT yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa loratadin terdisolusi lebih cepat dibandingkan Claritin® dengan nilai f2 kurang dari 30.Kata Kunci: loratadin, fast disintegrating tablet, waktu hancur, disolusi, rasa.AbstractFast Disintegrating Tablet (FDT) is a tablet which rapidly disintegrate in the mouth that facilitate in their use, especially when water is not available. The problem in FDT formulation is a very short disintegration time and the bad taste of active substances. The aim of this study was to formulate FDT loratadine which has a bitter taste. FDT was made by direct compression using granulated mannitol with PVP K-30 or Parteck® M 200 combined with Avicel PH-102 as diluent. Tablet was then made by adding the various concentration of Ac-Di-Sol and at different of hardness. The tablet evaluation included hardness, friability, frictibility, wetting time, disintegration time, loratadine assay, panelists test and dissolution test. Dissolution profiles were then compared to innovator conventional tablet, Claritin®. The results showed that the tablets which made using granulated mannitol or Parteck® M 200 with 2,5% Ac-Di-Sol and at ± 4 kg of hardness could produce FDT that meet the requirements, included the taste. The dissolution test showed that loratadine from FDT formulation dissolved faster than Claritin® tablets with f2 values less than 30.Keywords: loratadine, fast disintegrating tablet, disintegration time, dissolution, taste