Asmuti, Ayendra
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Andalas

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LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2(Jul-Des) (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang 25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Nagari Bukit Tandang khususnya Jorong Parit merupakan daerah sentra pengembangan tanaman pangan khususnya tanaman padi di Kabupaten Solok dan Kabupaten Solok juga merupakan sentra produksi padi dan beras di Propisinsi Sumatera Barat yang terkenal dengan beras Soloknya. Kondisi dengan penen padi dan produksi beras yang melimpah ini menggambarkan bahwa daerah Nagari Bukit Tandang  relatif potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai distributor dan usaha mandiri  tepung beras di Kecamatan Bukit Sundi dan Kabupaten Solok. Progam pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan metode andragogi. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara pemberian materi dengan penyuluhan dan melakukan praktek secara bersama-sama.Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah 1) penyuluhan dan praktek penggunaan alat penepungan, 2) penyuluhan dan praktek penggunaan alat pengering semi mekanis menggunakan energi tenaga surya, 3) penyuluhan dan praktek penggunaan plastik kemasan dan alat sealer. Kegitan ini dilakukan pada kelompok tani Harapan Jaya. Data diperoleh  dari hasil penepungan,  pengeringan secara manual dan menggunakan alat. Proses penepungan dengan disk mill mampu memproduksi tepung sehari 20-30 kg/hari (delapan jam kerja/hari) berat basah tepung beras. Sedangkan menggunakan lesung dapat memproduksi tepung beras 5-6 kg/hari (delapan jam kerja/hari). Hasil pengeringan  tepung dengan rumah pengering dapat meningkatkat kualitas tepung lebih bersih dengan kuantitas tepung yang tetap, apabila dibandingkan dengan pengeringan yang dilakukan di para-para menggunakan talam. Satu hari rumah pengering dapat mengeringkan tepung 2- 3 kali. Jika cuaca cerah rumah pengering dapat mengeringkan tepung 4 kali, sedangkan kondisi cuaca tidak cerah, hanya mampu mengeringkan tepung 2 kali penepungan. Rata-rata rumah pengering mampu mengeringkan tepung dalam sehari 10kg/hari. Sedangkan menggunakan para-para dan talam hanya mampu memproduksi 4 kg/hari. Kata kunci: Teknologi Pertanian, Tepung Beras, Pengemasan, Bukit Sundi   ABSTRACT   Nagari Bukit Tandang specifically Jorong Parit is a center of food crop development especially rice plants in Kabupaten Solok, also the center of rice and rice production in West Sumatra Province which is famous for its Solok rice. This condition with abundant penen rice and rice production illustrates that the Nagari Bukit Tandang area is relatively potential to be developed as a distributor and independent business of rice flour in  Kecamatan Bukit Sundi and Kabupaten Solok. This community service program is carried out using the andragogy method. This method is carried out by giving material with counseling and practicing together. The activities carried out were 1) counseling and practice of using shading tools, 2) counseling and practice of using semi-mechanical dryers using solar energy, 3) counseling and practice of using plastic packaging and sealer tools. This activity was carried out on the Harapan Jaya farmer group. Data is obtained from the results of shading, drying manually and using tools. The process of holding with a disk mill is able to produce 20-30 kg / day (eight hours of work / day) flour starch wet weight of rice flour. While using mortar can produce rice flour 5-6 kg / day (eight working hours / day). The results of drying the flour with the dryer house can increase the quality of the flour cleaner with a fixed quantity of flour, when compared with the drying carried out whith use tray. One day drying house can dry flour 2-3 times. If the weather is sunny, the drying house can dry the flour 4 times, while the weather conditions are not bright, it is only able to dry the flour 2 times the sinking. The average drying house is able to dry flour in a day of 10kg / day. While using tray can only produce 4 kg/day. Keywords: Agricultural Technology, Rice Flour, Packaging, Bukit Sundi
Jurnal Solum Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.488 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jsolum.17.2.42-48.2020


It is estimated that around 95 percent of national rice production is supplied from paddy fields, so the paddy fields is very strategic in national food securities. Therefore, the potential carrying capacity and productivity of rice fields must be maintained and developed. But on the contrary the productivity of paddy fields in Sub Das Tampo, Lintau Buo Utara, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra, there is an indication of a decrease in paddy productivity in the last 10 years (Agita and Ayendra 2018). Decreased paddy productivity is indicated as a result of 1.) Drainage or nutrient deficit due to harvest carried out more than what is given through fertilization or addition of nutrients from irrigation water, 2). Excess or lack of certain nutrients due to unbalanced fertilization, 3). Decreased of soil organic content in the land and 4). Decrease in the quality of rice field management, especially: a). the use of inorganic fertilizers which causes low organic matter content and soil texture becomes porous quench, so it is less able to hold water, b). use of rotary plow in tillage for a long time which causes the processing layer and the depth of the root zone to become shallower ( into 10-15 cm), c). less intense of crop maintenance. This research was carried out by creating of soil tillage from 10-15 cm to 20-25 cm using a plow and increasing of organic matter by adding manure of 50 tons / ha (5% soil tillage zone ) to the rice fields in the Farmers Group of Tanjung Mutiara in Tampo Irrigation System, Nagari Lubuk Jantan , Kecamatan Lintau Buo Utara. The results of the study showed an increase in land productivity from an average of 3.2 tons / ha to 4.6 tons / ha and increase farmers' income by Rp 1.200.000 / ha.Key words : land creation, soil tillage, productivity
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Tani Melalui Usaha Mandiri Tepung Beras di Nagari Bukit Tandang Kec. Bukit Sundi Kab. Solok Ifmalinda Ifmalinda; Ayendra Asmuti; Moh. Agita Tjandra; Azrifirwan Azrifirwan; Iriwad Putri
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.68 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/logista.2.2.61-65.2018


ABSTRAK: Nagari Bukit Tandang khususnya Jorong Parit merupakan daerah sentra pengembangan tanaman pangan khususnya tanaman padi di Kabupaten Solok dan Kabupaten Solok juga merupakan sentra produksi padi dan beras di Propisinsi Sumatera Barat yang terkenal dengan beras Soloknya. Kondisi dengan penen padi dan produksi beras yang melimpah ini menggambarkan bahwa daerah Nagari Bukit Tandang relatif potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai distributor dan usaha mandiri tepung beras di Kecamatan Bukit Sundi dan Kabupaten Solok. Progam pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan metode andragogi. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara pemberian materi dengan penyuluhan dan melakukan praktek secara bersama-sama.Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah 1) penyuluhan dan praktek penggunaan alat penepungan, 2) penyuluhan dan praktek penggunaan alat pengering semi mekanis menggunakan energi tenaga surya, 3) penyuluhan dan praktek penggunaan plastik kemasan dan alat sealer. Kegitan ini dilakukan pada kelompok tani Harapan Jaya. Data diperoleh dari hasil penepungan, pengeringan secara manual dan menggunakan alat. Proses penepungan dengan disk mill mampu memproduksi tepung sehari 20-30 kg/hari (delapan jam kerja/hari) berat basah tepung beras. Sedangkan menggunakan lesung dapat memproduksi tepung beras 5-6 kg/hari (delapan jam kerja/hari). Hasil pengeringan tepung dengan rumah pengering dapat meningkatkat kualitas tepung lebih bersih dengan kuantitas tepung yang tetap, apabila dibandingkan dengan pengeringan yang dilakukan di para-para menggunakan talam. Satu hari rumah pengering dapat mengeringkan tepung 2- 3 kali. Jika cuaca cerah rumah pengering dapat mengeringkan tepung 4 kali, sedangkan kondisi cuaca tidak cerah, hanya mampu mengeringkan tepung 2 kali penepungan. Rata-rata rumah pengering mampu mengeringkan tepung dalam sehari 10kg/hari. Sedangkan menggunakan para-para dan talam hanya mampu memproduksi 4 kg/hari.Kata kunci: Teknologi Pertanian, Tepung Beras, Pengemasan, Bukit Sundi Empowering Farmers Through Business Independent Rice Flour in Nagari Bukit Tandang Kec. Bukit Sundi Kab. SolokABSTRACT: Nagari Bukit Tandang specifically Jorong Parit is a center of food crop development especially rice plants in Kabupaten Solok, also the center of rice and rice production in West Sumatra Province which is famous for its Solok rice. This condition with abundant penen rice and rice production illustrates that the Nagari Bukit Tandang area is relatively potential to be developed as a distributor and independent business of rice flour in Kecamatan Bukit Sundi and Kabupaten Solok. This community service program is carried out using the andragogy method. This method is carried out by giving material with counseling and practicing together. The activities carried out were 1) counseling and practice of using shading tools, 2) counseling and practice of using semi-mechanical dryers using solar energy, 3) counseling and practice of using plastic packaging and sealer tools. This activity was carried out on the Harapan Jaya farmer group. Data is obtained from the results of shading, drying manually and using tools. The process of holding with a disk mill is able to produce 20-30 kg / day (eight hours of work / day) flour starch wet weight of rice flour. While using mortar can produce rice flour 5-6 kg / day (eight working hours / day). The results of drying the flour with the dryer house can increase the quality of the flour cleaner with a fixed quantity of flour, when compared with the drying carried out whith use tray. One day drying house can dry flour 2-3 times. If the weather is sunny, the drying house can dry the flour 4 times, while the weather conditions are not bright, it is only able to dry the flour 2 times the sinking. The average drying house is able to dry flour in a day of 10kg / day. While using tray can only produce 4 kg/day.Keywords: Agricultural Technology, Rice Flour, Packaging, Bukit Sundi
Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Pengembangan Agribisnis Kopi Di Sumatera Barat Rahmi Awalina; Ayendra Asmuti; Zuldadan Naspendra; Syaifuddin Islami
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.516 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.3.1.18-26.2022


Indonesia is the third largest coffee exporting country in the world after Vietnam. In the current era of trade globalization, market competition is increasingly more stringent, where each country opens up their markets to one another. Therefore, we need to analyze the competitiveness and development of Indonesian coffee agribusiness. Competitiveness The analysis is perfomed by analyzing the comparative advantage Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and competitive advantage with Diamond Porter's theoretical approach. The results show that Indonesian coffee, especially West Sumatra, has a competitive advantage, both comparative and competitive. The analysis used for produce an agribusiness development strategy is by SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats). The strategy resulting from the analysis is more focused on the technical aspect and cultivation of coffee commodity development.