Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Vol 1, No 1 (2004): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian

Pemisahan Kardanol Dari Minyak Kulit Biji Mete Dengan Metode Destilasi Vakum

nFN Risfaheri (Unknown)
Tun Tedja Irawadi (Unknown)
M. Anwar Nur (Unknown)
Illah Sailah (Unknown)
Zainal Alim Mas'ud (Unknown)
Meika S. Rusli (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
16 Oct 2019


Minyak kulit biji mete (Cashew nut shellliquidlCNSL) merupakan hasil samping dari pengo laban kacang mete, mengandung senyawa fenolik terutama kardanol. Kardanol merupakan senyawa monohidroksi fenolik yang mempunyai rantai panjang hidrokarbon pada posisi metanya. Kardanol memiliki potensi sebagai pengganti fenol pada berbagai produk industri kimia berbasis resin fenolik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimum pemisahan kardanol dari CNSL dan mengidentifikasi karakteristik kardanol serta estimasi kelayakan produksi kardanol. Tahapan penelitian meliputi: (I) analisis sifat fisika dan kimia CNSL; (2) optimasi dekarboksilasi CNSL untuk mengkonversi asam anakardat menjadi kardanol; (3) optimasi suhu destilasi CNSL untuk pemisahan kardanol; (4) identifikasi destilat dengan GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry), HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) dan FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy); serta (5) estimasi kelayakan produksi kardanol. Kondisi optimum dekarboksilasi dicapai dengan pemanasan 140"(: selama I jam. Kardanol dapat dipisahkan dari CNSL dengan dettilasi vakum (4-8 mmHg), dan suhu optimum dicapai pada 280"(: dengan rendemen 74,22%. Karakteristik destilat CNSL sesuai dengan spesifikasi kardanol teknis. Komponen destilat terdiri atas: 3-[8(Z),II(Z),14-pentadecatrienyl] phenol 74,25%, 3-[8(Z), II (Z),14-pentadecadienyl] phenol 10,94%, dan 3-[8(Z),11 (Z),14-pentadecieny/] phenol 14,81%. Industri produksi kardanol layak didirikan, dengan nilai NPV = Rp 5.311.121.638, IRR = 45,79%, Net B/C = 2,46 dan PBP = 2,22 tahun. Isolation of cardanol from the cashew nut shell liquid using vacuum distillation methodThe cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) is a by product obtained during the cashew nut processing contained the phenolic constituents mainly cardanol. Cardanol is a mono hydroxyl phenol having a long hydrocarbon chain in the meta position. It has a potential as a subtitute for phenol in resin phenolic-base chemical products. The objective of the research was to find out the optimum condition in isolating the cardanol from CNSL and to identify the characteristic of cardanol and to estimate the feasibility of cardanol production. The research was carried out in several stages as followed: (I) analyses of physico-chemistry of CNSL, (2) dicarboxylic optimation of CNSL to convert anacardic acid into cardanol, (3) temperature optimation of CNSL distillation process, (4) identification of CNSL distillate using GC-MS, HPLC, and FTIR; and (5) estimation of feasibility of cardanol production. The optimal condition of the decarboxylation was heating at 14O"C for I hour. The cardanol was obtained from CNSL by vacuum distillation process at 4-8 mmHg, and the optimal temperature was achieved at 280"(: with the 74.22 % yield. The characteristics of CNSL distillate met the specification of technical cardanol. The constituent of distillate were as follow: 3-[8(Z),11 (Z),14-pentadecatrienyl]phenol 74.25 %, 3-[8(Z),11 (Z),14-pentadecadienyl]phenol 10.94 %, and 3-[8(Z),ll(Z),14-pentadecienyl]phenol 14.81%. The cardanol production industries was feasible to be implemented with NPV = Rp. 5.311.121.638, IRR = 45.79%, Net B/C = 2.46 and PBP = 2.22 years.

Copyrights © 2004

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


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