Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan
Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Januari 2020

Perbandingan Efektifitas Mobilisasi Dini dan Senam Nifas Terhadap Involusi Uterus pada Ibu Postpartum Normal di Bidan Praktek Mandiri (BPM) Kota PematangSiantar

Inke Malahayati (Prodi Kebidanan Pematangsiantar, Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan)
Ribka Nova Sartika Sembiring (Prodi Kebidanan Pematangsiantar, Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Nov 2019


Failure of the uterus to contract after childbearing is one in all the causes of maternal death. Numerous makes an attempts were created to enhanced the power of the uterus to contract. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of postpartum exercise with early mobilization of uterine involution in normal postpartum. This type of research was a quasi-experimental design with a pretest and posttest design group. This research was implemented in midwives practicing independently. The population of this study was all normal postpartum. The sample of the study was 34 normal postpartum, aged 20-35 years, 2-4 parity, baby born healthy, postpartum haemoglobin ≥ 10.5 gr%, exclusively breastfeeding. Early mobilization was carried out after two hours postpartum and postpartum exercise was carried out for six days. Measurement of the postpartum fundal height was performed on days 1st, 3rd and 7th using a caliper pelvimeter. Consecutive sampling was used in this study. The difference between the two groups was analyzed by unpaired t-test and Mann Whitney U-test. There was a difference in the height of the uterine fundus on the third and seventh postpartum days between the two groups. Postpartum exercise was more effective than early mobilization in accelerating uterine involution. Therefore, it is expected that midwives can facilitate mothers to do postpartum exercise from the first day of postpartum. Keywords: postpartum exercise; early mobilization; postpartum; involution; uterus ABSTRAK Salah satu proses penting pada masa nifas adalah pemulihan organ reproduksi yang ditandai dengan penurunan tinggi fundus uteri dan derajat kontraksi uterus. Secara bertahap, uterus yang berkontraksi dengan baik akan berkurang ukurannya sampai tidak dapat dipalpasi lagi di atas simfisis pubis. Diantara faktor yang berperan dalam kontraksi uterus adalah mobilisasi dini dan senam nifas. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membandingkan efektifitas mobilisasi dini dan senam nifas terhadap involusi uterus pada ibu postpartum normal. Jenis penelitian adalah desain kuasi eksperimental dengan kelompok pre dan posttest. Responden penelitian adalah 34 orang ibu postpartum, usia 20-35 tahun di Bidan Praktek Mandiri Kota Pematangsiantar, Juni-September 2016. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah consecutive sampling sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Dilakukan senam nifas pada kelompok intervensi dan mobilisasi dini pada kelompok kontrol. Pengukuran tinggi fundus uteri dilakukan sebelum dan setelah perlakuan pada hari ke-1, -3 dan -7. Analisa data menggunakan uji t-tak berpasanagn dan Mann Whitney menggunakan SPSS versi 20.0. Terdapat perbedaan tinggi fundus uteri hari ke-3 dan ke-7 antara senam nifas dan mobilisasi dini. Senam nifas lebih efektif menurunkan tinggi fundus uteri dibandingkan mobilisasi dini. Bidan diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi ibu melakukan senam nifas sejak hari pertama postpartum. Kata kunci: senam nifas; mobilisasi dini; postpartum; involusi; uterus

Copyrights © 2020

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