Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2002): Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia

Sex Reversal on Congo Tetra Fish (Micraleptus intterruptus ) Larvae

Harton Arfah (Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture)
, Alimuddin (Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture)
K. Sumantadinata (Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture)
Julie Ekasari (Bogor Agricultural University, Department of Aquaculture)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2007


ABSTRACTExperiment was performed to assess the effect of 17a-methyltestosterone (MT) treatment on Congo tetra fish larvae.  To evaluate the optimal pattern of MT treatment, three different treatments were administrated.  Three months old larvae were submerged in three different doses of MT; 1, 2 and 4 mg/l.  These studies showed that the highest percentage of male fish was obtained by 4 mg/l MT treatment, 87,17%.  The 2 mg/l and 1 mg/l MT treatments obtained 77,53% and 69,86% male respectively, two times higher than control, 38,96%.  On the other hand, the 4 mg/l MT treatment also resulted the highest percentage of hermaphrodite fishes, 17,58%.  The highest survival rate was shown by 1 mg/l MT treatment, 62,77% and the lowest was shown by the 4 mg/l MT treatment, 47,20%.  The highest rate of fish length and weight was shown by the 4 mg/l MT treatment, 4,4 cm and 1,65 gram respectively.  These findings suggest that MT treatment offers an advantage in growth of  tetra Congo larvae. Key word :  Sex reversal, methyltestosterone, Congo tetra fish, Micraleptus intterruptus. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman larva di dalam larutan hormon 17a-metiltestosteron pada dosis 1, 2 dan 4 mg/l larutan.  Persentase tertinggi ikan jantan dihasilkan  oleh perlakuan 4 mg/l, yaitu 87,17%.  Perlakuan 2 mg/l dan 1 mg/l masing-masing menghasilkan 77,53% dan 69,86% sedangkan kontrol menghasilkan 38,96% jantan.  Efek lain dari perlakuan MT ini adalah hermafroditisme.  Perlakuan 4 mg/l menghasilkan persentase hermafrodit tertinggi yaitu 17,58%, sedangkan pada kontrol kelangsungan hidup tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan 1 mg/l (62,77%) dan terendah pada perlakuan 4 mg/l (47,20%).  Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dosis hormon terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan.  Pengukuran bobot dan panjang ikan pada setiap perlakuan menunjukkan nilai tertinggi dihasilkan oleh perlakuan 4 mg/l  yaitu 1,65 gram dan 4,40 cm.  Hal ini diduga bahwa hormon MT merangsang pula pertumbuhan ikan.Kata kunci :  Pergantian kelamin, metiltestosteron, ikan tetra Kongo, Micraleptus intterruptus.

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


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