Jurnal Ilmiah Elektronik Infrastruktur Teknik Sipil
Vol 2 No 2 (2013): Jurnal Ilmiah Infrastruktur Teknik Sipil


Arishandi, Nyoman Gery (Unknown)
Purbanto, I Gusti Raka (Unknown)
Suparsa, I Gusti Putu (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Apr 2013


Abstrak : Bandar Udara Internasional Ngurah Rai Bali adalah salah satu gerbang utama transportasi udara di Indonesia, yang mengalami pertumbuhan lalu lintas dan peningkatan jumlah penumpang sebesar 32,69% dalam 2 tahun terakhir. Namun, peningkatan pergerakan pesawat tidak diiringi dengan pengembangan infrastruktur yang melayani pergerakan pesawat yaitu runway bandara. Oleh karenanya, perlu untuk menganalisis kapasitas runway Bandar Udara Internasional Ngurah Rai Bali agar ada kesesuain pergerakan pesawat dengan ketersediaan infrastruktur saat ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk  menganalisis kapasitas runway tunggal yang dimiliki Bandar Udara Internasional Ngurah Rai Bali dalam melayani pesawat yang beroperasi saat ini maupun 10 tahun mendatang. Kapasitas runway berdasarkan pengembangan model kedatangan saja menghasilkan 35 operasi/jam, model keberangkatan saja menghasilkan 30 operasi/jam dan model campuran menghasilkan 29 operasi/jam. Persentase pergerakan pesawat pada jam puncak terhadap kapasitas runway berdasarkan pengembangan model campuran sudah mencapai 92,8 %. Pergerakan pesawat untuk 10 tahun mendatang, pada tahun 2021, pada jam puncak mencapai 137 pergerakan/jam, sedangkan kapasitas runway berdasarkan model operasi campuran sebesar 29 operasi/jam. Hasil analisis kapasitas runway dan peramalan pergerakan pesawat pada jam puncak tahun 2021 menunjukkan bahwa runway sudah tidak dapat melayani peningkatan pergerakan pesawat dan perlu dilakukan usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan kapasitas runway. Abstrack : Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali is one of the major air transportation gateways in Indonesia, with the growth of traffic and the number of passengers has increased by 32.69% in the last 2 years. However, the increase in aircraft movements is not accompanied by the development of the infrastructure that serves the movement of the aircraft that is the airport’s runway. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the runway capacity of Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali, so that there is an adjustment between the aircraft movements with the current infrastructure. The purpose of this research is to analyze the capacity of a single runway which is owned by Ngurah Rai International Airport  Bali in serving aircraft that is being operated nowadays and in next 10 years. The runway capacity based on the development model of arrival only can produce 35 operations/hour, departure model only produce 30 operations/hour and a mixed model generates 29 operations/hour.  The percentage of aircraft movements at the peak hours to the runway capacity by developing a model mixture has reached 92.8%. The aircraft movement for the next 10 years, in 2021, at the peak hours reaching 137 movements/hour, while the runway capacity based on the mixed model generates produce 29 operations/hour. The results of the analysis in runway capacity and aircraft movement forecasts at the peak hours in the year of 2021 indicate that the runway was not able to serve the increasing aircraft movements and some efforts need to be done to increase the runway capacity.

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