Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Bali Undiksha
Vol 3, No 1 (2016):


., Ni Putu Melda Andini (Unknown)
., Ida Ayu Putu Purnami, S.S., M.Pd (Unknown)
., Ida Bagus Made Ludy Paryatna, S.S. (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
21 Jun 2016


KUUB Tetilik puniki matetujon anggen nelatarang indik (1) wangun intrinsik, lan (2) guna sarat sosial sane wenten ring novel Ki Baru Gajah. Jejering ring tetilik puniki inggih punika novel Ki Baru Gajah. Panandang tetilikannyane inggih punika wangun intrinsik lan guna sarat sosial sane wenten ring novel Ki Baru Gajah. Tetilikan puniki nganggen palihan deskriptif kualitatif lan nganggen metode kramaning studi pustaka miwah kramaning dokumentasi. Data tureksa sane kaanggen inggih punika deskriptif kualitatif, pah-pahannyane (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, (3) tetingkesan. Kawentenan wangun intrinsik punika wenten pitu inggih punika (1) unteng, (2) lelintihan, (3) rerawatan, (4) pragina lan pawatekannyane, (5) paribasa, (6) genah sang pangawi miwah (7) piteket. Samian wangun intrinsik puniki prasida kapanggihin ring novel Ki Baru Gajah. Guna sarat sosial sane prasida kapanggihin ring novel Ki Baru Gajah inggih punika tresna wenten bhakti, tatwam asi, rasa kumanyama, satya, urati ring krama, eling ring swadharma wenten rasa pada gelahang, anut ring laksana, rasa mabesikan, anut ring kahuripan wenten sukerta, awiwahara, tulung-tinulung miwah swadharma sane pateh. Cutetnyane novel Ki Baru Gajah puniki sampun kawangun olih wangun sane jangkep tur guna sarat sosial sane kapanggihin ring novel Ki Baru Gajah mangda prasida kaanggen sasuluh ring kahuripan. Dumogi pikolih tetilikan puniki prasida mawiguna majeng ring pembina basa Bali pamekasnyane ring sajeroning novel. Kata Kunci : wangun Intrinsik, guna sarat sosial, novel ABSTRACT This study was aimed at describing (1) intrinsic elements, (2) social value in the novel entitled Ki Baru Gajah. The subject of this research was the novel Ki Baru Gajah. Meanwhile, the objects of this research were the intrinsic elements and social value of the novel. In order to achieve those goals, this research used descriptive qualitative design. The methods used in this research were literature review and documentation method. The obtained data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative technique with the phases of: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion formulation. There are seven intrinsic elements, namely (1) theme, (2) plot, (3) background, (4) characters and characterization, (5) diction, (6) point of view, and (7) message. There are twelve social values, namely devotion, helping each other, kinship, loyalty, care, sense of belonging, discipline, emphaty, fairness, tolerance, cooperation, and democracy. It was concluded that the elements of the novel Ki Baru Gajah is well-contained with the constructive elements of novel and its social values can be used as a reference in social conduct. It is expected that the result of this research can be valuable and useful for Balinese language development especially in terms of novel. keyword : intrinsic elements, social value, novel

Copyrights © 2016

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Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


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