Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia
Vol 12 No 2 (2008): Juli

Pengaruh terapi Musik Terhadap Status Hemodinamika Pada Pasien Koma di Ruang ICU Sebuah Rumah Sakit di Lampung

Tori Rihiantoro (Unknown)
Elly Nurachmah (Unknown)
Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Jul 2008


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik terhadap status hemodinamika pasien koma. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen one group pre-post dan dengan teknik consecutive sampling didapatkan sampel 21 pasien di ruang ICU sebuah RS di Lampung. Analisis deskriptif menggambarkan bahwa sesudah terapi musik terjadi penurunan rerata MAP (6,80 mmHg), penurunan rerata frekuensi jantung (6,76 kali/menit), dan penurunan rerata frekuensi pernapasan (4,08 kali/menit). Hasil analisis bivariat dengan tes T dependen menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna terapi musik terhadap MAP (p value = 0,031), frekuensi jantung (p value = 0,015) dan frekuensi napas (p value = 0,000). Penurunan indikator status hemodinamika pada pasien koma dengan cidera kepala dan stroke akan membantu stabilisasi hemodinamika pasien sekaligus membantu proses pemulihan pasien. AbstractThis research attempted to identify the effect of music therapy on hemodynamic status of coma patients. The design used was a quasi experimental one group pre-post test design with a consecutive sampling method. Twenty one samples in the ICU of a hospital in Lampung were participated in the study. The descriptive analysis showed decreasing mean of MAP (6,80 mmHg), heart rate (6,76 bpm), and respiration rate (4,08 bpm) after music therapy. The bivariate analysis using the dependent t test showed a significant relationship of music therapy to MAP (p value = 0,031), heart rate (p value = 0,015) and respiration rate (p value = 0,000). Decreasing the hemodynamic indicators to coma patients with stroke and severe head injury could help to stabilize their hemodynamic balance and to promote faster recovery.

Copyrights © 2008

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Health Professions Nursing


Focus and Scope Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI, or Nursing Journal of Indonesia) contributes to the dissemination of information related to nursing research and evidence-based study on urban nursing issues in low-middle income countries. The scope of this journal is broadly multi-perspective in ...