Vol 6, No 3: November 2020

Evaluasi Perencanaan Jembatan Kereta Api Rangka Baja Double Track Tipe Welded Through Truss Bentang 50 meter

Badriana Nuranita (Unknown)
Erma Desmaliana (Unknown)
Kenny Gesa (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Feb 2021


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menganalisis perencanaan struktur atas jembatan kereta api rangka baja double track tipe Welded Through Truss (WTT) dengan bentang jembatan 50 m melalui Gambar Standar Tipikal Jembatan yang ada di lapangan. Analisis dan pembebanan jembatan sesuai kriteria teknis yang mengacu pada Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 60 Tahun 2012 tentang Persyaratan Teknis Jalur Kereta Api. Hasilnya dievaluasi dalam nilai tegangan dan defleksi. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa batang diagonal yang menghasilkan angka rasio tegangan > 1, sehingga perlu dilakukan penambahan tebal profil penampang atau juga menambahkan stiffener pada elemen-elemen jembatan yang kritis. Namun demikian nilai lendutan aktual di tengah bentang sebesar 46,651 mm masih memenuhi syarat karena kurang dari lendutan ijin 50 mm.Kata kunci: jembatan kereta api, welded through truss, PM 60 Tahun 2012, rasio tegangan dan defleksi ABSTRACTThis study analyzed the performance design about the uper structure of typical railway bridge for the 50 m WTT (Welded Through Truss) steel frame railway bridge with double track. Planning criteria refer to Attachment to the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 60 of 2012 for Technical Requirements for Railroad. The results are evaluated in terms of stress ratio and deflection. The analysis result show that the 50 m WTT (Welded Through Truss) steel frame railway bridge has several diagonal bars that produce a stress ratio > 1, so it is necessary to add the thickness of the cross sectional profile or also to add a stiffener to the bridge structure. However the actual deflection value in the middle of the span of 46.651 mm still meets the requirements because it is less than the allowable deflection of 50 mm.Keywords: railway bridge, welded through truss, PM 60 of 2012, stress ratio and deflection

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