Jurnal Ilmiah Sesebanua
Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Sesebanua


Dhito Dwi Pramardika (politeknik negeri nusa utara)
Meityn Disye Kasaluhe (Unknown)
Yana Sambeka (Unknown)
Wendy Alexander Tanod (Unknown)
Astri Juwita Mahihody (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
23 Nov 2022


Program perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di Indonesia sudah berlangsung 26 tahun namun hanya 39,1 persen keluarga di Indonesia yang menerapkan PHBS. Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe yang berada paling utara Indonesia dan mayoritas masyarakatnya bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan hidup di wilayah pesisir pantai. Sekitar 45,4 persen penduduknya berpendidikan sekolah dasar dan capaian keluarga ber-PHBS tahun 2021 sebesar 18,3 persen. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran permasalahan tidak tercapainya perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada masyarakat pesisir. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode survei yang dilaksanakan di Kampung Likuang Kecamatan Tabukan Utara, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe dengan sampel 124 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purpossive sampling. Instrumen berupa kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan realibilitasnya. Analisis data berupa analisis deskriptik dengan distribusi frekuensi.Hasil penelitian yaitu pengetahuan responden mengenai PHBS sebesar 57,3 persen tidak baik, sikap responden mengenai PHBS sebesar 58,1 persen tidak baik dan tindakan responden mengenai PHBS sebesar 51,6 persen baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa rendahnya pengetahuan PHBS pada indikator ASI Ekslusif, Air bersih, mencuci tangan, dan kebiasaan merokok. Rendahnya sikap PHBS pada indikator ASI ekslusif, makan sayur dan buah, aktivitas fisik, dan cuci tangan. Kemudian rendahnya tindakan PHBS pada indikator ASI ekslusif, cuci tangan, jamban sehat, dan pemantauan jentik nyamuk. Oleh karena itu, Kampung Likuang perlu dilakukan pembinaan PHBS. Hygiene and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (HHLB) coaching programs in Indonesia have been going on for 26 years, but only 39.1 percent of families in Indonesia have implemented HHLB (PHBS). The Sangihe Island Regency is located in the northernmost part of Indonesia, and most of it is people who live as fishermen in coastal areas 45.4 percent of the population has an elementary school education, and the achievement of families with HHLB in 2021 is 18.3 percent. Based on it this study aims to describe the problem of unachieved hygiene and healthy living behavior in coastal communities. This research used descriptive research with a survey method in Likuang Village, North Tabukan District, Sangihe Island Regency, with a sample of 124 respondents. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. The instrument is a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis is in the form of descriptive analysis with frequency distribution. The study's results showed that the respondent's knowledge about HHLB was 57.3 percent not good, the respondent's attitude about HHLB PHBS was 58.1 percent not good, and the respondent's actions regarding HHLB were 51.6 percent good. It can be concluded that the common knowledge of HHLB is on the indicators of exclusive breastfeeding, hygiene water, washing hands, and smoking habit. Low HHLB attitude on indicators of exclusive breastfeeding, eating vegetables and fruit, physical activity, and washing hands. Then the low HHLB measures indicators of exclusive breastfeeding, hand washing, healthy latrine, and monitoring of mosquito larvae. Therefore, Likuang Village needs to be fostered by HHLB.

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