Satwika : Kajian Ilmu Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Oktober

Akseptasi modernitas beragama Orang Dayak di Kampung Nyarumkop

Donatianus BSE Praptantya (Universitas Tanjungpura)
Diaz Restu Darmawan (Universitas Tanjungpura)
Jagad Aditya Dewantara (Universitas Tanjungpura)
Efriani Efriani (Universitas Tangjungpura)
Agus Yuliono (Universitas Tanjungpura)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Oct 2022


Kampung Nyarumkop sebagai pusat persekolahan misi Gereja Katolik, telah merepresentasikan modernitas dalam kehidupan orang Dayak. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aspek akseptasi, bentuk, dan pola akseptasi orang dayak terhadap agama mondial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan antropologi budaya dengan prosedur etnografis. Selama 6 bulan kami melakukan observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi literatur, terhadap fenomena akseptasi agama mondial yakni Agama Katolik di tengah orang Dayak. Penelitian ini mengungkap akseptasi terhadap Agama Katolik oleh orang Dayak, terjadi karena terdapatnya domain psikologi, domain sosial dan domain budaya yang memiliki aspek keterbukaan terhadap hal-hal baru di luar diri mereka. Keterbukaan tiga domain ini mendorong orang Dayak di Kampung pada modernitas yang tampak dalam gejala global village dan Detradisionalisasi.   Nyarumkop village as the center of the Catholic Church's mission schooling has represented modernity in the life of the Dayak people. Thus, this study aimed to describe the aspects of the acceptance, form, and pattern of acceptance of the Dayak people towards the mondial religion. This research has used a cultural anthropological approach with ethnographic procedures. For six months we have conducted observations, in-depth interviews, and literature studies, on the phenomenon of acceptance of the mondial religion, namely Catholicism among the Dayak people. This research has revealed that the acceptance of Catholicism by the Dayak people occurs because of the psychological domain, social domain and cultural domain which have an aspect of openness to new things outside of themselves. The openness of these three domains has pushed the Dayak people in Kampung to modernity which can be seen in the symptoms of global village and detraditionalization.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Arts Humanities


Satwika (Kajian Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial) publishes scientific papers on the results of studies/research and reviews of the literature in the fields of cultural studies and social change. The journal is oriented towards research on cultural phenomena and the current social changes. With the aim ...