Vol 9, No 1 (2023): April 2023


Muhammad Faisal (Unknown)
Desita Ria Yusian TB (Unknown)
Periskila Dina Kali Kulla (Unknown)
Mutiawati Mutiawati (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Apr 2023


Abstrak— Pandemi COVID-19 telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kesehatan masyarakat, terutama pada kelompok lansia yang rentan terhadap penyakit dan komplikasi yang serius. Pemantauan kesehatan lansia menjadi sangat penting dalam memastikan mereka tetap aman dan mendapatkan perawatan yang diperlukan. Namun, dalam situasi pandemi ini, di mana interaksi fisik harus dibatasi, diperlukan solusi teknologi yang efektif untuk melakukan pemantauan kesehatan lansia secara berkala. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menggunakan metode pengembangan aplikasi cepat (Rapid Application Development) untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem pemantauan kesehatan lansia yang responsif dan mudah digunakan. Pendekatan ini memungkinkan pengembangan aplikasi yang cepat dan fleksibel, yang sangat diperlukan dalam situasi darurat seperti pandemi. Sistem pemantauan kesehatan lansia yang dihasilkan melibatkan penggunaan perangkat mobile dan platform berbasis web. Lansia dapat mengunduh aplikasi mobile yang dirancang khusus untuk mereka, yang memungkinkan mereka memantau gejala kesehatan mereka sendiri, seperti suhu tubuh, tekanan darah, dan denyut nadi, serta memasukkan informasi penting seperti riwayat perjalanan dan kontak dengan orang yang terinfeksi COVID-19. Data yang dikumpulkan oleh aplikasi mobile dikirim secara real-time ke platform web, di mana petugas kesehatan atau dokter dapat memantau kondisi kesehatan lansia. Jika ada perubahan signifikan dalam data kesehatan atau kemungkinan adanya gejala COVID-19, petugas kesehatan dapat memberikan rekomendasi atau intervensi yang sesuai, seperti melakukan tes diagnostik lebih lanjut atau memberikan saran perawatan. Melalui pendekatan Rapid Application Development, kami berhasil mengembangkan sistem pemantauan kesehatan lansia yang dapat digunakan secara efektif di masa pandemi COVID-19. Sistem ini memungkinkan pemantauan kesehatan yang terus-menerus, memberikan perawatan yang lebih baik dan lebih responsif kepada lansia, serta membantu mengurangi risiko penyebaran virus.Kata kunci: Pemantauan kesehatan lansia, COVID-19, Rapid Application Development, Aplikasi mobile, Platform web.Abstract—The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on public health, especially the elderly who are vulnerable to serious illnesses and complications. Monitoring the health of the elderly is very important in ensuring they stay safe and get the care they need. However, in this pandemic situation, where physical interaction must be limited, an effective technological solution is needed to regularly monitor the health of the elderly. In this study, we used the Rapid Application Development method to design and implement a responsive and easy-to-use elderly health monitoring system. This approach allows for fast and flexible application development, which is indispensable in emergency situations such as a pandemic. The resulting elderly health monitoring system involves the use of mobile devices and web-based platforms. Seniors can download a mobile application specially designed for them, which allows them to monitor their own health symptoms, such as body temperature, blood pressure and pulse, as well as enter important information such as travel history and contact with people infected with COVID-19. The data collected by the mobile application is sent in real-time to a web platform, where health workers or doctors can monitor the health conditions of the elderly. If there is a significant change in health data or there is a possibility of symptoms of COVID-19, the health worker can provide appropriate recommendations or interventions, such as conducting further diagnostic tests or providing treatment advice. Through the Rapid Application Development approach, we have succeeded in developing an elderly health monitoring system that can be used effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic. This system enables continuous health monitoring, provides better and more responsive care to the elderly, and helps reduce the risk of spreading the virus.Keyword: Elderly health monitoring, COVID-19, Rapid Application Development, Mobile applications, Web platforms

Copyrights © 2023

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Computer Science & IT


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