Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Juni)

Penyuluhan Penyakit Tidak Menular (Hipertensi) Pada Ibu Hamil Di Kelurahan Bonto Kio Kecamatan Minasatene

Surya Prihatini (STIKES Amanah Makassar)
Samila Samila (STIKES Amanah Makassar)
Nur Febrianti (Akademi Keperawatan Justitia)
Masdarwati Masdarwati (Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia)
Albertus Ata Maran (Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang)
Muhammad Qasim (STIKES Amanah Makassar)
Andi Alim (Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia)
Sitti Herliyanti Rambu (STIKES Amanah Makassar)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Jun 2023


Hypertension in pregnancy can be classified into pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, chronic hypertension in pregnancy, chronic hypertension with preeclampsia and gestational hypertension. The purpose of holding PkM is to increase public awareness of hypertension in order to prevent further complications and prevent an increase in the incidence of hypertension sufferers, especially in pregnant women in Bonto Kio Village, Minasatene District. The method used is the Socialization of Non-Communicable Diseases and Early Detection of Hypertension through the Community Service Team through Socialization Non-communicable diseases are diseases that cannot be transmitted from person to person, whose development progresses slowly over a long period of time (chronic) and health screening is carried out. including blood pressure, blood sugar check, cholesterol check, uric acid check, height, abdominal circumference and weight. If the screening is complete, counseling is given one by one regarding the results of the screening. Therefore it can be concluded that a significant increase is related to knowledge of pregnant women about hypertension and behavior to control blood pressure before and after community service activities in Bonto Kio Village, Minasatene District.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Humanities Education Engineering Health Professions Nursing


Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, tidak memiliki ruang lingkup yang spesifik, Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal nasional yang berisi hasil-hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penerapan berbagai bidang ilmu diantaranya pendidikan, teknik, pertanian, sosial humaniora, komputer dan ...