Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering
Vol 6, No 2 (2015)


soetopo, widandi (Unknown)
Limantara, Lily Montarcih (Unknown)
Suhardjono, Suhardjono (Unknown)
Andawayanti, Ussy (Unknown)
Lufira, Rahmah Dara (Unknown)
Huda, Qomarul (Unknown)
Anwar, Syamsul (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Sep 2016


Abstrak : Penelitian ini untuk membandingkan an­ta­ra 2 alternatif aturan operasi waduk Pengga dalam mengatur debit lepasan guna memenuhi kebutuhan sepanjang tahun.  Waduk Pengga beroperasi dengan periode ½ bulanan.  Ada 2 alternatif yang disarankan untuk waduk Pengga, yaitu (1) aturan lepasan yang berdasarkan status tampungan waduk pada awal periode operasi, dan (2) rule curve sebagai batas bawah tampungan wa­duk pada setiap periode operasi.  A­tur­an operasi lepasan waduk dari masing-masing alternatif di­op­timasi untuk me­ning­kat­kan kinerjanya sampai mencapai batas maksimum, lalu dilakukan perbandingan antara kedua alternatif tersebut.  Sebelum dilakukan optimasi, dilakukan revisi terhadap struktur daripada ma­sing-masing aturan operasi untuk meningkatkan potensi perbaikan kinerja da­lam optimasi.  Pada aturan lepasan berdasarkan tampungan, revisi struktur di­pu­sat­kan pada peningkatan jumlah grid tampungan, sementara juga dicoba alternatif bentuk garis lepasan yang kontinyu disamping bentuk diskrit.  Sedangkan pada rule curve, re­vi­si struktur dipusatkan pada penambahan kurva-kurva sebagai batas bawah pelepasan bertingkat.  Untuk melakukan optimasi di­gu­nakan prosedur Evolutionary Solver yang ada pa­da perangkat Add-Ins Solver dari MS-Excel 2010.Kata kunci: aturan lepasan, status tampungan, rule curve. Abstract : This research is the comparison of two alternatives of operating rule of the Pengga Reservoir for regulating the releases to fulfill the annual water demand.  The Pengga Reservoir operate in half-month periods.  Two alternatives being proposed for the release operating rule of Pengga Reservoir, (1) the release rule based on the reservoir storage state at the beginning of operating period, and (2) the Rule Curve as the lower boundary of reservoir storage at every operating period.  The reservoir release operating rule of each alternative is optimized to improve its performance until attain the maximum limit, then the comparison is conducted between the two alternatives.  Before the optimization, structural revisions are done on each operating rule to enhance the potency of performance improvement in the optimization.  In the Release Rule based on storage, the revisions are focused on the expansion of number of storage grid, beside also the  trial shape of continuous release line instead of discrete.  As for the Rule Curve, the revisions are focused on the additional curves as the lower bounds of stepped release.  The undertaking of this optimization study will use the Evolutionary Solver procedure in Add-Ins Solver package of the MS-Excel 2010.Keywords: release rule, storage state, rule curve.

Copyrights © 2015

Journal Info







Jurnal Teknik Pengairan is a scientific journal published regularly twice per year by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya. The paper submitted in this journal covers the fields of Water Resources Information System, Water Resources Conservation, Water Resources Utilization and Efficiency, ...