Omni-Akuatika Special Issue 2nd Kripik SCiFiMaS

The Osmotic Response and Hydromineral Status of Transported Anguilla bicolor bicolor Glass Eels with Various Ratios of Biomass and Water Volume

Ferdinand Hukama Taqwa (Aquaculture Program Study, Agriculture Faculty, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia)
Eddy Supriyono (Aquaculture Department, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia)
Tatag Budiardi (Aquaculture Department, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia)
Mia Setiawati (Aquaculture Department, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia)
Bambang Priyo Utomo (Aquaculture Department, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia)
Ridwan Affandi (Aquatic Resources Management Department, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University, West Java, Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
23 Jul 2018


This research was conducted to determine the closed transportation system with biomass and water volume ratio that can support the osmoregulation ability of glass eel significantly. Glass eel was obtained from catching activities in the Cimandiri River, Pelabuhan Ratu (mean length 52.40+0.84 mm and weight 0.10+0.01 g) and acclimatized for 24 hours at salinity 6 mg L-1 and temperature 20°C gradually.The research design was a completely randomized design. The applied treatment was glass eel closed transportation system with various ratio of glass eel biomass (kg): water volume (L), i.e. 1:11; 1:12; 1:13; and 1:14 during 24 hours of land transportation and continued with a 3-day recovery period.The water was used refer to the above acclimatization method, with ratio the water part of pure oxygen in a plastic bag was 1:3. The measured parameters include survival rate, osmotic gradient, body hydromineral, and water quality in transport packaging and recovery medium. Survival rates were generated in the high range until recovery period (P<0.05), but the transportation method caused differences significantly (P<0.05) in osmotic response and hydromineral status (sodium, chloride, potassium, and water content), so that it will affect production performance in the next stage of culture. Ratio of glass eel biomass: water volume of 1:13 has been able to support the ability of osmoregulation glass eel to maintain homeostatic condition during the transportation until 3 days of recovery period. There was no drastic decline in physical and chemical value of water in the transport bag so it could reduce the mortality rate for 24 hours.

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Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Environmental Science


OmniAquatika is a scholarly refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice, innovation, engineering and management as well as social-economic relevant in fisheries and marine sciences fields. The main aspects of research areas include, but are not exclusive to the current ...