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Al-Wijdan : Journal of Islamic Education Studies
ISSN : 25412051     EISSN : 25413961     DOI : 10.58788
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies is a scientific journal of Islamic education that contains the results of research by experts in the field of Islamic education from various perspectives, including: Islamic Education Management Islamic Education and Peace Character building Islamic Education Innovation Educational Technology and Islamic Education Curriculum Islamic Education for Elementary, Middle, and Higher Levels Islamic Education Literacy, and Other Islamic Studies
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 8 Documents
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الاختبار المقالي كأدوات التقويم لتعليم اللغة العربية Ilma Fahmi Aziza
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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الاختبار له الأنواع الكثيرة ومنها: اختبار موضوعي واختبار مقالي واختبار إنتاجي واختبار تعريفي واختبار التحصيل وغير ذلك. وكان الاختبار هو في شكل  مقال عموما، وهو من نوع الاختبار القديم.الاختبار المقالي على مفهوم عام هو الاختبار الذي اجابته مختلفة بين الطلاب، كل طالب سيكتب جوابا مختلفا خاصا به، ومع ذلك أنّ الدرجة قد تختلف بين المصححين. ومما قذ ذكر بيانه، تعرف الكاتبة أن الاختبار المقالي هو شيئ مهتم للبحث عنه.الاختبار المقالي هو أداة التقييم يتعلق بالتذكير والتفهيم والتنظيم بافتراض الفكرة على شكل المقالة بلغتهم. والخطوات لتطوير الاختبار المقالي هي تعيين أهداف الاختبار وجعل برامق الاختبار وكتابة بنود الأسئلة وتعيين معيار نتائج الاختبار الاختبار له الأنواع الكثيرة ومنها: اختبار موضوعي واختبار مقالي واختبار إنتاجي واختبار تعريفي واختبار التحصيل وغير ذلك. وكان الاختبار هو في شكل  مقال عموما، وهو من نوع الاختبار القديم.[1]الاختبار المقالي على مفهوم عام هو الاختبار الذي اجابته مختلفة بين الطلاب، كل طالب سيكتب جوابا مختلفا خاصا به، ومع ذلك أنّ الدرجة قد تختلف بين المصححين. ومما قذ ذكر بيانه، تعرف الكاتبة أن الاختبار المقالي هو شيئ مهتم للبحث عنه.الاختبار المقالي هو أداة التقييم يتعلق بالتذكير والتفهيم والتنظيم بافتراض الفكرة على شكل المقالة بلغتهم. والخطوات لتطوير الاختبار المقالي هي تعيين أهداف الاختبار وجعل برامق الاختبار وكتابة بنود الأسئلة وتعيين معيار نتائج الاختبار[1] Nana Sudjana, Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Bandung :PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 1999).h. 35
Pembentukan Karakter Religius dan Mandiri Melalui Model Pendidikan ala Pondok Pesantren Aan Fardhani Ubaidillah
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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This paper aims to describe the role of education which is conducted by Islamic boarding school in shaping the religious and independent characters. The research method used in this paper is library study by conducting content analysis from various books, research journals and conceptual journals about Islamic boarding school. The conclusion of the study is the education model in Islamic boarding school to shape the religious and independent characters is conducted through continuous education during theoretical and literary face-to-face activity as well as daily practice of the students in conducive-applicative environment. Other characters which are also developed in Islamic boarding school are: (1) Religious character in human’s relationship with God (hablun min Allah) with faith and devotion as the main values which are established through mandatory and Sunnah religious rituals; its practice goes along with the strengthening of humanity religious value (hablun min naas) which covers the characters of: (a) togetherness, caring, and affection, (b) simplicity, respect, and politeness, (c) responsibility, honesty, and sincerity, and (2) the independent character is shaped through the chance given to the students to self-organized the activities and organization in the Islamic boarding school as well as their daily activities in togetherness, simplicity, and teamwork. The establishment of religious and independent characters are based on these twelve principles: (1) reality-based activity, (2) good example from the teachers, (3) ‘Teacher, not Worker’, (4) affection-based learning method, (5) student as subject, (6) learning for work, (7) self-identity discovery, (8) the establishment of independence and togetherness, (9) life skill education, (10) never stop learning and working, (11) creating conducive and caring environment, and (12) soul-nurturing and riyadah.Keywords: character, independent, islamic boarding school
Analisis Kebijakan Menteri Pendidikan Tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan dan Standar Isi PAI Devi Rosanita
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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Curriculum is a set of lesson plans, the setting of objectives, content and learning materials which are developed as a guidance for the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational objectives. The curriculum which is implemented today is the Curriculum 2013. This curriculum is a refinement of the previous curriculum, School-based Curriculum. The implementation of Curriculum 2013 is aimed at improving the students’ competence to be more analytic and requiring the teachers to be more creative and innovative during the process of learning. This paper analyzed two main core of National Standards of Education which are Standards of Graduate Competency and Standards of Content in School-based Curriculum and Curriculum 2013. Currently, the implementation of Standards of Graduate Competency for School-based Curriculum is based on Permendiknas RI No. 23 of 2006 on Standards of Graduate Competency for primary and secondary schools. Meanwhile, Curriculum 2013 refers to Permendiknas RI No. 54 of 2013 on Standards of Graduate Competency for primary and secondary schools. Besides, the implementation of Standards of Content for School-based Curriculum is based on Permendiknas RI No. 22 of 2006 on the Standards of Content for primary and secondary education. On the other hand, Curriculum 2013 refers to Permendikbud RI No. 64 of 2013 the Standards of Content for primary and secondary education. However, the complex problems lie under the Standards of Graduate Competency and Standards of Content, both in substantive and procedural factors, so that these problems affect the technical implementation in the field as well. Therefore, the education’s quality in Indonesia must be enhanced by defining a clear and definite objective without disregarding the potential, geographical situation, demographic situation, as well as the diverse socio-economic condition of the people.Keywords: Standards of Graduate Competency, Standards of Content for Islamic Education, Analysis of Policy
Studi Kasus Pendidikan Nilai Di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Al-Amanah, Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat Ina Nuryana
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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Values education is a process to establish the social values to the learners. It aims to direct and guide the learners to comprehend, perceive, and internalize the values which are implemented in the society so that they are able to behave based on those values. This research was intended to discover and explore: (1) the values which were taught by the teachers during the implementation of values education in Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School, (2) the approach used in values education in Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School, (3) the culture which was developed in Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School, (4) the constrains faced by the teachers of Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School, (5) the efforts of the teachers to overcome the obstacles, and (6) the values education’s study result in Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School. This research used explorative qualitative approach to explore the data source comprehensively. The type of research used was case study, by focusing on the values education in Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School. The source of data included the principal, teachers, learners, and parents. The research’s results show that: (1) Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School teaches religious and moral value such as devotion, patience, sincerity, honesty, discipline, diligence, obedience, exemplary, and affection, (2) the approaches used in Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School include the use of role model, habituation, and reinforcement (reward and punishment), (3) Al-Amanah Integrated Islamic Elementary School develops Islamic and democratic culture, (4) the constrains faced by the teachers are: the difference between the environment’s condition with the education objectives of the school, teachers’ limited knowledge in values education, the lack of parents’ supervision, the influence from outside, and the differences in vision and mission with the parents, (5) the teachers’ effort to overcome the problems are: creating liaison book between teachers and parents, making consultation schedule for the parents with the teachers or school, developing good communication and cooperation with various parties, especially parents, as well as involving the parents in decision-making, and (6) there is a positive change of behavior and attitude of the learners after studying in SD IT Al-Amanah.Keywords: education, values, values education
Pengembangan Madrasah Unggulan Di Madrasah Diniyah Miftahul Huda Sumurpanggang Margadana Tegal Jawa Tengah akhmad syahri
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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Pengembangan madrasah unggulan tidak dapat ditangani secara persial atau setengah-setengah, tetapi memerlukan pemikiran pengembangan yang utuh dan komprehensif serta langkah dan upaya yang visibel, fleksibel dan kredibel., terutama ketika dihadapkan pada kebijakan pembangunan nasional bidang pendidikan yang mempunyai visi terwujudnya sistem pendidikan sebagai pranata sosial yang kuat dan berwibawa untuk memberdayakan semua warga Negara Indonesia berkembang menjadi manusia yang berkualitas, sehingga mampu dan pro aktif menjawab tantangan zaman yang selalu berubah (baca penjelasan UU No. 20/2003 tentang Sisdiknas). Ditambah Era globalisasi telah memberi dampak yang cukup luas dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk tuntutan mutu dalam penyelengaraan pendidikan. Pada era ini setiap bidang menuntut Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) bermutu yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi dan handal, sehingga persaingan terutama yang menyangkut SDM sangat ketat. untuk memenuhi tuntutan ini, perbaikan dan pengembangan sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan disetiap madrasah secara berkesinambungan perlu dilakukan sejalan dengan dinamika perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) serta dinamika perubahan masyarakat itu sendiri. Penguatan keunggulan lembaga tersebut melalui cara membangun cita-cita dan kultur akademik yang kokoh hingga memunculkan output yang unggul dan baik sesuai harapan madrasah di zaman globalisasi ini.
Desain Pembelajaran PAI Kontekstual Multikultural Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Berbasis ICT Siti Rofiah
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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Multicultural education as a sub education has a strategic role in the formation of personal children as early as possible. Multicultural education in Islam in general can be understood as an effort to increase faith, understanding, appreciation and practice of children about Islam so that it becomes a pious Muslim personal and uphold morality in personal life, society, nation and state. The context of the society, nation and state indirectly require an educational format that the form-implementable method that is ready practiced in the school / madrasah. In this respect the development-based research needed to find a format that is ideal in the implementation of the concept of multicultural education in general. The method used in this research is the development (Research Development) 4-D model namely, the definition, the design, Development, and Dissemination. Becomes interesting when it is able to find a development study format multicultural education for children, so that education becomes optimal touch. Optimaly education in the perspective of Islamic education is touching the two main elements of education are elements of the world and the akhirat elements. Urgency in finding implementable concepts that will require an accurate and in depth analysis. A multicultural perspective into urgent bid as an educational concept that can be implemented into guidelines and methods of education of children in the present era. The results of this study may indicate that PPKM models can stimulate and improve students' understanding of concepts as well as to foster a love of students towards subjects PAI. Learning implementation went smoothly, the response of students and teachers was also good. Keywords: Multicultural education, the concept of education, children's education
Pendidikan Spiritual Santri Lansia Meraih Khusnul khotimah di Pondok Pesantren Lansia al Hidayah Doromukti Kec. Tuban Kab. Tuban M. Mundzar Fahman; Muhammad Romadlon Habibullah; Hamidatun Nihayah
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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Kebutuhan utama lansia selain kesehatan adalah kesiapan mental untuk menghadapi akhir hayatnya. Upaya untuk meraih itu adalah melalui pendidikan spiritual. Pendidikan spiritual lansia adalah sebuah progam pendidikan yang diselenggarakan khusus untuk orang-orang yang berumur di atas lima puluh tahun. Penyelenggaraan progam ini bertujuan untuk menghadapi dan meraih kematian yang baik atau khusnul khatimah.Salah satu penyelenggara progam pendidikan spiritual lansia adalah pondok pesantren lansia al Hidayah Tuban. Progam yang berjalan dengan segala pendukung dan hambatannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dan interaksi simbolik. Hal yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah program pendidikan spiritual lansia dilaksanakan dengan shalat berjama`ah baik wajib maupun sunnah, pengajian atau motivasi, takziyah, ziarah, tilawatil Qur`an, dhikir dan qiyamul lail. Faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat pendidikan lansia di pondok pesantren lansia al Hidayah Tuban dibedakan menjadi dua; internal dan eksternal. Faktor pendukung internal yaitu etos kerja pengasuh pondok dan motivasi atau semangat para santri untuk mengikuti program pendidikan. Faktor pendukung eksternal yaitu dukungan dinas sosial dengan membantu memotivasi santri dan bantuan kesehatan. Adapun faktor penghambat internal yaitu dari santri lansia sendiri yang kesehatannya labil dan daya ingat yang berkurang. Serta faktor penghambat eksternal yaitu kurangnya dukungan dari keluarga karena kehawatiran terhadap mereka. Keyword: pendidikan, spiritual, lansia dan khusnul khatimah.
Analisis Faktor Kecerdasan Mahasiswa PGMI STAI Raden Rahmat Ditinjau Dari Teori Multiple Intelligence Isna Nurul Inayati
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): November 2016

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Salah satu deskripsi profil lulusan Program Studi PGMI STAI Raden Rahmat Malang adalah sebagai Guru kelas di jenjang MI/SD dan sederajat yang memiliki 4 kompetensi, yaitu kompetensi pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional. Ditetapkannya Guru Kelas sebagai salah satu profil lulusan PGMI ini tentunya berdampak pada kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh para calon lulusannya. Selain dituntut untuk memiliki pemahaman lebih terkait tipe kecerdasan peserta didik, mahasiswa PGMI dituntut untuk menguasai semua mata pelajaran dijenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah yang notabene memiliki tingkat kompleksitas tinggi. Bersadarkan paparan tersebut, maka penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kecerdasan yang dimiliki mahasiswa PGMI STAI Raden Rahmat Malang ditinjau dari teori Multiple Intelligence, kemudian menentukan tipe kecerdasan dominan yang mereka miliki. Analisis hasil penelitian ini diharapkan berguna untuk perbaikan kurikulum dan pelaksanaan perkuliahan di Program Studi PGMI STAI Raden Rahmat Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis observasional. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dengan jumlah responden 30 mahasiswa PGMI STAI Raden Rahmat Malang. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan Analisis Faktor. Berdasarkan alat analisis yang digunakan diketahui bahwa faktor kecerdasan musikal tidak bisa digunakan untuk menganalisis kecerdasan mahasiswa PGMI dan secara umum tipe kecerdasan mahasiswa PGMI STAI Raden Rahmat Malang termasuk dalam kategori kecerdasan sosial yang terdiri kecerdasan kinestetik, interpersonal, intrapersonal dan kecerdasan naturalis. Key World: Kecerdasan, Mahasiswa PGMI, Multiple Intelligence

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