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Mencakup Penulisan yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan penelitian yang dilakukan secara mandiri, atau kelompok, dan berdasarkan Ruang Lingkup Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir, Konservasi, Ekowisata, dan Keanekaragaman Hayati Perairan.
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Produksi Akuakultur dan Dampak Nutrifikasi Perairan Danau Tondano Meilona Priskila Rawung; Indra R. N. Salindeho; Sipriana Tumembouw
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): EDISI MEI - AGUSTUS 2014
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.2.2.2014.7149


This study was conducted to determine the level of aquaculture production Tondano and determine the impact of the production level of the waters of Lake Tondano nutrifikasi . The data collected in this study , consisting of primary data and secondary data . Production data obtained from the questionnaire and interviews to farmers fish there , as well as data obtained from the Department of Fisheries and Village Head Office . Water sampling to determine levels of phosphate in the waters of the lake . Water sampling conducted on six (6 ) locations: Village Ranomerut , Eris Village , Village Paslaten , Leleko Village , Village and Village Paleloan Toulour . Sampling was conducted at six (6 ) points to pay attention to the position of the inlet and outlet of the waters of Lake Tondano . Tondano aquaculture production in 2014 was estimated at 1222.12 tons / year . Number KJT operated as many as 978 units . There was a decrease in aquaculture production annually over a period of 2001 - 2014. Followed by the declining number of KJT on Lake Tondano . Phosphates were donated to the waters of fish farming activities from the rest of the feed pellets . The content of orthophosphate in the waters of Lake Tondano of 0.06 mg / l means the waters of the lake are in a safe condition Tondano not pass the specified limits ( PP RI No. 82 of 2001 ) . The decline in aquaculture production decline followed Tondano phosphorus content in Lake Tondano . Another factor that is expected to also affect the amount of water hyacinth around the lake so that the phosphorus content is also on the wane . keywords : Lake Tondano, Production, Nutrification
Biodiversity and Biomass of Macroalgae in Kotania Bay Waters, West Seram Hairati Arfah; Simon I Patty
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): EDISI MEI - AGUSTUS 2014
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.2.2.2014.7150


Research on biodiversity and biomass of macroalgae in Kotania Bay waters, West Seram, Mollucas was conducted on July and August 2010. There were 20 species of macroalgae collected, in which 8 species were green algae (Chlorophyceae), 6 species of brown algae (Phaeophyceae), and 6 species of red algae (Rhodophyceae). The highest biomass of algae were collected in Loupesi, as much as 127,01 g/m2, followed by Burung Island (119.42 g/m2), Wael (63.43 g/m2), and the lowest were found in Buntal Island (20.64 g/m2). The macroalgae found in sampling area were dominated by Halimeda, Padina and Sargassum. The highest biomass were found on Sargassum duplicatum (570.00 g/m2), Halimeda opuntia (271.33 g/m2), Gracillaria crassa (198.13 g/m2), and Sargassum crispivallum (178.00 g/m2).   Keywords: Macroalgae, biodiversity, biomass, Kotania Bay, West Seram. ABSTRAK Penelitian tentang keanekaragaman dan biomassa  makro algae di perairan Teluk Kotania, Seram Barat, Maluku telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli dan Agustus 2010.  Algae yang dikumpulkan sebanyak 20 jenis, terdiri dari 8 jenis algae hijau (Chlorophyceae), 6 jenis algae coklat (Phaeophyceae) dan 6 jenis algae merah (Rhodophyceae).  Biomassa algae tertinggi ditemukan di Loupesi yaitu 127,01 g/m2 dikuti Pulau Burung 119,42 g/m2, Wael 63,43 g/m2 dan terendah di Pulau Buntal 20,64 g/m2. Algae yang dominan adalah Halimeda, Padina dan Sargasum. Biomassa tertinggi diperoleh pada jenis Sargassum duplicatum (570,00 g/m2), Halimeda opuntia (271,33 g/m2), Gracilaria crassa (198,13 g/m2), dan Sargassum crispivallum (178,00 g/m2).   Kata kunci: Makro algae, keanekaragaman, biomassa, Teluk Kotania, Seram Barat.
Technology Applications Based Ecosystem Conservation in The Beach Basaan, Southeast Minahasa Regency , North Sulawesi Adnan S. Wantasen
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): EDISI MEI - AGUSTUS 2014
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.2.2.2014.7152


In fact the use or the use of resources and territory or coastal area showed a significant rate. Yet on the other hand the availability of space and resources are in a dilemma because the rate is followed by the use of more that do not consider the sustainability of the resource. It is crucial to increase with increasing population. One of the consequences or impact most noticeably is the damage to the environment, both natural environment in general and specifically the environment of coastal areas. From various studies and concern, for while the environmental damage that occurs in the context of use (exploitation) of natural resources because of: 1) Lack of or perhaps the lack of an integrated approach to the planning and management of resources that are in the coastal region; 2) Lack of adequate information and data to be used as a reference in the management; 3) Lack of community involvement in the management of local government may hoarse coastal power. Management of small -scale coastal resources is an activity in the village / urban neighborhoods implemented as an effort of institutional capacity building and community, improving the quality of the environment, as well as socio-economic improvement of the quality of society by using technology appropriate management of coastal areas for the community. These activities are grouped into 3 categories: 1. Capacity building society in the management of coastal and marine resources through training and mentoring, 2. Environmental improvement activities that influence the activities in improving welfare, 3. The development of alternative employment Keywords : Coastal resources , utilization strategy and management activities ABSTRAK Pada kenyataannya pemanfaatan atau penggunaan sumberdaya dan wilayah atau ruang pesisir menunjukkan laju yang signifikan. Padahal di sisi lain ketersediaan ruang dan sumber daya tersebut berada dalam laju yang dilematis karena diikuti toleh pemanfaatan lebih yang tidak mempertimbangkan keberlanjutan dan kelestarian sumber tersebut. Hal ini bertambah krusial dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Salah satu akibat atau dampak yang paling terasa adalah kerusakan lingkungan, baik lingkungan alam secara umum maupun lingkungan wilayah pesisir secara khusus. Dari berbagai kajian dan kepedulian, untuk sementara kerusakan lingkungan yang terjadi dalam konteks pemanfaatan (eksploitasi) sumber daya alam oleh karena : 1)Kurangnya atau mungkin tidak adanya suatu pendekatan yang terpadu dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan sumber daya yang berada dalam kawasan pesisir; 2)Kurangnya informasi dan data yang layak untuk dijadikan acuan dalam pengelolaan; 3)Kurangnya keterlibatan masyarakat dan mungkin pemerintah daerah dalam pengelolaan sember daya pesisir. Untuk berbagai alasan dan pertimbangan tersebut di atas, maka perlu diterapkan strategi pemanfaatan dalam batas-batas ramah lingkungan, melindungi dan mengkonservasi wilayah tertentu, merehabilitasi wilayah yang rusak, serta  meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat pesisir untuk melestarikan ekosistem pesisir,  yang terintegrasi dalam strategi pengelolaan wilayah pesisir terpadu. Pengelolaan sumberdaya wilayah pesisir skala kecil adalah suatu kegiatan pada tingkat desa/kelurahan yang dilaksanakan sebagai upaya dari kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan dan masyarakat, peningkatan kualitas lingkungan, serta peningkatan kualitas sosial ekonomi masyarakat dengan menggunakan teknologi pengelolaan wilayah pesisir tepat guna bagi masyarakat.  Kegiatan ini dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kategori yaitu: 1.Kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan, 2.Kegiatan perbaikan lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kegiatan dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan, 3.Kegiatan pengembangan mata pencaharian alternatif.   Kata kunci : Sumberdaya pesisir, strategi pemanfaatan dan kegiatan pengelolaan 1Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): EDISI MEI - AGUSTUS 2014
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.2.2.2014.7148


This study was conducted to determine morphometric kijing taiwan at several locations in Minahasa District and North Minahasa regency and its association with the abundance of plankton and water quality. Sampling gravestone taiwan and water quality obtained from the four (4 ) locations: Rap Rap Village, BBAT Tatelu North Minahasa Regency, Paleloan and Tataaran II Village, Minahasa regency. Morphometric measurements kijingg taiwan include dimensional measurements and weighing of the shell. Measurement of shell dimensions include length , width , and thickness. Include the weighing of the weighing of the total, shell weight and wet weight of meat. Water quality measurements carried out directly at the sites include measurement of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and water base texture, while the identification of plankton carried in Pathology and Clinical Laboratory of Fish Diseases, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Sam Ratulangi. Morphometric measurements will be taken in any of 50 individual kijing taiwan each location. The results of morphometric measurements in multiple locations showed uniform size Tataaran II contained in the Village, the Village and Village Paleloan Rap Rap while in BBAT Tatelu uniformity of size only in size from 7-18 to 9-74 cm was caused by Taiwan in the pool because kijing BBAT Tatelu regarded as pest extermination so regularly done. Relationships shell length and total weight kijing taiwan to change at any time is influenced by several factors such as the condition of gonadal maturation , water quality and availability of food in the waters.
Characteristics of Phosphate, Nitrate and Dissolved Oxygen in Gangga and Siladen Island Waters, North Sulawesi Simon I. Patty
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): EDISI MEI - AGUSTUS 2014
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.2.2.2014.7151


Waters of Gangga and Siladen island, North Sulawesi is very important due to their terrestrial-influenced  oceanographic conditions of the Celebes Sea and the Indian Ocean that is rich in marine resources.  Research on the characteristics of the water mass in relation with nutrients, phosphate, nitrate and dissolved oxygen were carried out in the waters Gangga island (May 2011) and Siladen island (July 2011). Phosphate and nitrate levels were analyzed using spectrophotometric method using Nicolet Evolution 100 spectrophotometer, while dissolved oxygen was determined by electrochemical methods. Statistical analysis showed that the nitrate levels in the waters of the Gangga island to the Siladen island is significantly different, while the phosphate and dissolved oxygen levels were not significantly different. The fluctuative concentration of phosphate, nitrate and dissolved oxygen in the Gangga  and Siladen  island waters were influenced by current, the mmovement of water mass, plankton activity and input from the surrounding mainland. Keywords: Phosphate, nitrate, dissolved oxygen, gangga, siladen, north sulawesi. ABSTRAK Perairan pulau Gangga dan pulau Siladen, Sulawesi Utara merupakan perairan yang sangat penting karena kondisi oseanografinya di pengaruhi daratan, Laut Sulawesi dan Samudera Hindia sehingga kaya akan sumber daya laut. Penelitian tentang karakteristik massa air kaitannya dengan zat hara fosfat, nitrat dan oksigen terlarut telah dilakukan di perairan pulau Gangga (Mei 2011) dan pulau Siladen (Juli 2011). Kadar fosfat dan nitrat dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri dengan menggunakan alat spektrofotometer Nicolet Evolution 100, sedangkan oksigen terlarut ditentukan dengan metoda elektrokimia. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa kadar nitrat di perairan pulau Gangga dengan pulau Siladen adalah berbeda sangat nyata, sedangkan kadar fosfat dan oksigen terlarut tidak berbeda nyata. Tinggi rendahnya kosentrasi fosfat, nitrat dan oksigen terlarut di perairan pulau Gangga dan pulau Siladen dipengaruhi oleh arus, pergerakan massa air, aktifitas plankton dan masukan dari daratan.   Kata kunci: Fosfat, nitrat, oksigen terlarut, Gangga, Siladen, Sulawesi Utara.
The Inhibitory Power Extract Of Balsamica Plant (Impatiens balsamica L) on Aeromonas hydrophila Bacteria Growth Galih Arif Kusuma; Sammy N. J. Longdong; Reiny A. Tumbol
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): EDISI MEI - AGUSTUS 2014
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.2.2.2014.7147


This research aimed to assess the potential use of extracts of leaves, flowers, and stems of the balsamica plant increase inhibitory effect on the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila. The content of the plant contains a compound balsamica naphthoquinone, coumarin derivatives, tannins, flavonoids, and steroids. The active compounds have the ability as an antimicrobial. A hidrophyla bacteria, including opportunistic pathogens are almost always found in water and often cause disease when the fish in adverse conditions. Antibacterial activity test in this research using the spread plate method. Data obtained in the form of the extract, the results of bacterial inoculation, and the inhibition test results, will be analyzed, displayed with pictures and described descriptively. The result of the process of maceration extraction using ethanol 70% was obtained three extracts are concentrated leaf extract: 28.75 g, flower: 12.82 g, and rods: 29.48 g. The result of antibacterial extracts of leaves, stems, and flowers balsamica plant showed inhibitory activity on the A hydrophila bacteria that seems to be indicated by a clear zone around the paper disc. Based on the classification of leaf extract and extract of the stem can be classified in the class of strong, because the inhibition zone formed by the leaf extract is equal to 11.2 mm, and extract stem with 13.7 mm inhibition zone. Ability flower extract in inhibiting the growth of A hidrophila bacteria with 21.4 mm inhibition zone showed that the extract was included in a very strong class. Keywords: The ethanol extract balsamica, Impatiens balsamica L, Aeromonas hydrophila, antibacterial activity test.

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