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JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman)
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Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
JuSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) is published by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. The aim of this journal is to disseminate ideas on social and political issues at both national and global levels. JuSS covers a wide range of topics of social and political science, on the range of: Community Welfare, Civil society movements, Digital , society and disruption, Gender issues, family and marriages, Media, information & literacy, Tourism development, Sociocultural, anthropology, Politics & governance, International politics & security studies, radicalism and terrorism, Public policy and Citizenship & public management.
Articles 116 Documents
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (45.285 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2017.1.1.388


One of e-government services that were adopted by the Government District Banjarnegara is Procurement of Goods/Services in Electronics (LPSE) in order to fix some of the weaknesses of the procurement of government goods/ services are carried out manually. This study aims to assess and analyze the effectiveness of Electronic Procurement System (SPSE) in the Procurement of Goods/Services in the District Banjarnegara. The study was conducted at the office of the District LPSE Banjarnegara, this study uses the effectiveness of Electronic Procurement System (SPSE) in the Procurement of Goods/Services in the District Banjarnegara. Data were obtained through interviews with informants related to the implementation of the Electronic Procurement System (SPSE) In District Banjarnegara and conduct research on a data source in the form of archives, documents, statistical data, and other important texts related to the research. The analysis was performed in 3 (three) using the stages: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion Manufacture, Verification, and Reflection The results showed that the application of LPSE in the district. Banjarnegara has increased transparency in the procurement of government goods/services 5 (five) assessment indicators, namely Production, Efficiency, Satisfaction, excellence, and development to assess the extent of the effectiveness of the implementation of the SPSE in the district. Banjarnegara which already shows a fairly good category/ quite effective.
INDUSTRI KREATIF FILM Rahayu, Srie Mustika; Hariyadi, Hariyadi; Shodiq, Dalhar
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (61.247 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2017.1.1.392


This article is about how The Lingkar Biru Film Community maintains and develops its existence in Purwokerto. The article aims to provide information and discourse of the phenomena and the patterns of the creative economy in Purwokerto. The article also analyses the efforts by the community to enhance their existence. From the research leading to this article, it can be concluded that effort by LB in developing their existence is maintaining the quality by keep learning, creating and maintaining the quality. By maintaining the quality, one can assess the existence of something so the existence will come as a bonus for those who continue to learn and sharpen the creativity. Besides, LB also tries to avoid conflict among members and to utilize project result to purchase new tools, and the most important are widening the network by raising the link. The internal interaction done by LB in the production and marketing process is very friendly and flexible. The members of the community master in almost all required skills in many areas of production so they can rely on each other. The obstacles found during the process of LB found were more on the technical issues and time because the obstacles to the interaction can be overcome easily since the members have understood the characters and capacities each other. LB tries to keep the quality by always looking for new ideas that they want to create into a masterpiece. This is the most important point in the effort to sharpen the LB creativity in order to raise up the existence of creative economy.
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.292 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2017.1.1.385


Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mix method dengan strategi metode campuran konkruen/ sewaktu-waktu (concruent mixed methods) terutama strategi embedded konkruen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh masyarakat yang pernah mengurus IMB di BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas pada tahun 2015. Permohonan Pelayanan IMB pada BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2015 adalah sejumlah 256 permohonan. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 40% dari jumlah populasi, dengan perhitungan 40% x 256 = 102 sampel. Penelitian ini menilai kinerja organisasi BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas dengan mengacu pada lima dimensi kinerja yang meliputi produktivitas, kualitas layanan, responsivitas, responsibilitas dan akuntabilitas. Analisis data menggunakan analisis distribusi frekfuensi dalam bentuk nilai rata-rata dan dalam bentuk kategori rendah, sedang atau tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Produktivitas layanan IMB di BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas masih rendah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari persebaran jawaban responden terhadap dimensi produktivitas layanan IMB yang masuk kategori rendah; 2) Kualitas layanan IMB di BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas masih rendah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari persebaran jawaban responden terhadap dimensi kualitas layanan IMB yang masuk kategori rendah; 3) Responsivitas layanan IMB di BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas masih rendah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari persebaran jawaban responden terhadap dimensi responsivitas layanan IMB yang masuk kategori rendah; 4) Responsibilitas layanan IMB di BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas masih rendah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari persebaran jawaban responden terhadap dimensi responsibilitas layanan IMB yang masuk kategori rendah; 5) Akuntabilitas Layanan IMB di BPMPP Kabupaten Banyumas masih rendah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari persebaran jawaban responden terhadap dimensi akuntabilitas layanan IMB yang masuk kategori rendah
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.352 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2017.1.1.393


Promotion through advertising is often done in an effort to develop the association, close relationship between brands with the consumers in order to create equity. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of Chips Ahoy! ad, Baking Show version towards brand equity to children. This study used the quantitative method to prove the hypothesis. The method which used to determine samples was done by Slovin’s formula and the sample was selected by proportional stratified random sampling. Respondents for this study were children from 1 to 6 elementary school grades with 214 people for the number population and 68 people were selected as sample respondents. Referring to the theory of Cognitive Development from Jean Piaget, respondents are researched by several age categories: pre-operational (2-7 years), concrete operations (8-11 years) and formal operation (12 years). The theory that used in this study was framed in Cognitive Response Models by Belch and Belch. The technique of data analysis used simple linear regression and the hypothesis testing used Pearson Product Moment Correlation test. Results showed that the effect was quite low but its still accordance with the theory that the process of thinking on children, in terms of the advertising perceive are changed along with the ages and the experiences. These results for this study was proven that showed the correlation coefficient R was 0.611 so it could be said that there were low effects but definite between the variables, and has a positive direction and significant of 0,001 < 0,05 which means Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. The results of the regression test showed that the effect of Television Ad Chips Ahoy! towards the brand equity to the children was 37.3%.
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.592 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2017.1.1.389


The performance of educational staff becomes an important element in the institution. Based on the previous research, it can be concluded that the level of user satisfaction either from students (external) or from employees within Unsoed (Internal) categorized at the level of quite satisfied. Therefore, more efforts need to be done in order to improve the performance of educational staff. The research model using analysis with the following hypotheses, H1: Financial compensation has positive effect on employee satisfaction, H2: Promotion has positive effect on employee satisfaction, H3: Financial compensation has positive effect on employee performance, H4: Promotion has positive effect on performance employees, and H5: job satisfaction has positive influence on employee performance. This research was conducted in Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed), using quantitative methods. The research target was all education personnel in all unit in Unsoed with a total sample of 256 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed using statistical analysis. The result from the statistical analysis showed that the financial compensation was in a good category. Financial compensation has a significant influence on job satisfaction that is equal to 0.578. The promotion has been perceived as a good thing by the employees, and promotion has a significant influence on job satisfaction statistically which is equal to 0.545. Financial compensation has a significant influence on employee performance that is equal to 0.845. The promotion has a significant influence on employee performance that is equal to 0.680, statistically. The employees experienced a good job satisfaction, which encourages them to work better. Statistically, job satisfaction has a significant influence on employee performance that is equal to 0.730. The influence of financial compensation to the employees performance was increased from 49.9 percent to 69.5 after job satisfaction variables included as mediating variable. The result of Sobel test confirmed that job satisfaction was capable to mediate the influence of financial compensation to the employee performance, significantly. The influence of promotion to employee performance was increased from 42 percent to 64.7 percent after included job satisfaction as mediating variable. Sobel test showed that that job satisfaction was capable to mediate the influence of promotion to employee performance, significantly.
INDUSTRI KREATIF FASHION Utami, Restu; Restuadhi, Hendri
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (60.985 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2017.1.1.390


The article deals with the phenomenon of creative industries in Purwokerto, particularly fashion. It focuses on the survival strategy and idealism of Kidal Kolektif, one of fashion outlets in Purwokerto. This article selects to analyze Kidal Kolektif as the outlet has uniqueness incomparable to other fashion outlets in Purwokerto. Kidal Kolektif is a social economic movement attempting to create independence through fashion business. It also has a specific feature as they attempt to nurture idealism in their distinctive product designs. In their efforts to develop their business, a part of their survival is undertaking partnerships with other organizations in form of profit sharing. The other part is being persistent with their esteem that every human being would be able to fulfill their need by working with their own interest, talent, and need, and maintain their economic independence.
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4438.419 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2017.1.1.391


Peristiwa semburan lumpur panas di Sidoarjo adalah tenggelamnya 4 desa, dengan sedikitnys 12.000 keluarga, yang dituduhkan dilakukan oleh PT Lapindo Brantas. Masyarakat pada awalnya membentuk asosiasi korban lumpur sebagai upaya untuk menggalang kekuatan untuk meminta ganti rugi, namun semakin lama gerakan ini semakin terpecah dan 4 tahun kemudian lenyap menjadi individu-individu. Padahal tujuan belum tercapai, masih banyak korban lumpur yang belum mendapat pelunasan pembayaran, padahal ketika terpecah mereka menjadi semakin lemah dalam memperjuangkan haknya. Pertanyaannya artikel ini adalah, bagaimana rasionalitas di balik perpecahan itu terjadi dan apa konstruksi nalar yang melatarbelakanginya? Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah model kualitatif dari rational choice dalam konteks pengambilan keputusan multi agen. Penjelasan ini terikat oleh batasan rasionaltas pembentuknya (bounded rationality), yaitu bencana dan kebijakan yang diambil. Temuannya bahwa mekanisme transaksi yang dipakai membuat ‘komunitas besar’ warga korban lumpur terpecah dari komunitas menjadi individu. Penyebabnya adalah karena struktur pasca Orde Baru yang melahirkan politik liberal, mengkondisikan pilihan rasional masyarakat kedalam pola transaksional, yang pada akhirnya menggeser relasi ‘intimitas’ masyarakat dari komunitas menjadi individual.
PENGUKURAN KEMISKINAN DI KABUPATEN BANYUMAS Rizqi Atika, Zaula; Rokhman, Ali; Faozanuddin, Muslih
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 2 No 1 (2018): LAYANAN MASYARAKAT DAN RUANG DIGITAL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.366 KB)


The problems that arise in this research is how the measurement of poverty used in Banyumas. This study aims to determine the accuracy of the measurement of poverty used in Banyumas Regency. Dutta and Kumar (2013: 496) consider that a poverty measure needs to be associated with the ownership of physical assets and human assets. Physical assets may include ownership of household facilities, types of houses, sources of drinking water, toilet facilities, cooking fuel, productive assets and natural assets. Human assets consist of educational history, existence, and health of pregnant/ breastfeeding and the health status of household members against chronic diseases. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Informant selection techniques used in the study was purposive. Location of the study conducted at BPS (Central Statistics Agency), Dinsosnakertrans (Social, Employment and Transmigration Services) and Bapermas-PKB (Agencies of Community Development, Women and Family Planning) of Banyumas Regency. The results showed that the measurement of poverty versions of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is considered the most appropriate and closer to the reality in Banyumas based aspects of the ownership of physical assets and human assets. The results of poverty measurement BPS micro covers almost entirely of six sub-aspects of physical assets including ownership of household facilities, types of houses that are owned, use drinking water source of household, type of toilet that is owned, cooking fuel used and the ownership of natural assets, except ownership productive assets, while three sub-aspects of human assets entirely covers education history owned by a household, the existence, and health of pregnant and lactating women, the health status of household members to complete the chronic disease have on the measurement of micro BPS poverty.
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 2 No 1 (2018): LAYANAN MASYARAKAT DAN RUANG DIGITAL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (159.796 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2018.2.1.1177


The development of science and technology gives the impact in the change of perspective and activities of citizens in communicating. Cyberspace phenomenon or called the virtual world would result in narrowing space, time, and distance so that they are connected to each other. Increasingly internet users in Indonesia need to be utilized as a container in expressing interests, critics and be a public discussion space. As citizens, Internet political activism needs to be positioned as demos for countervailing and supervising the state. In the democracy aspect, the utilization of internet technology becomes a solution for civil society movement. Penetration by social media users in the cyberspace is able to encourage the deliberation of democratic values such as voluntarism, egalitarianism, or networking in contemporary democratic conditions. This paper aims to deepen and add insight about the role of Cyberspace as the form of Internet Political Activism in Indonesia. The method of this research is library research by collecting some related references. Thus, it will improve the knowledge about the role of Cyberspace as the form of internet political activism in Indonesia.
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 2 No 1 (2018): LAYANAN MASYARAKAT DAN RUANG DIGITAL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.44 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2018.2.1.1178


Information globalization has placed Indonesia as part of the worlds information society, requiring the establishment of arrangements for the management of information and electronic transactions at the national level. In line with these developments, the internet has changed everything, from the way people think, communicate, connect, work, shop, to the pattern of people in making love. Sexual access can now be easily obtained, from contemporary pornographic content to online prostitution, produced and distributed massively and very quickly on the internet.The idea of sexuality that used to be taboo now obtains a space to discuss. Through the internet, sexuality is used as a recreational arena and a biological necessity as an essential outlet for desire and lust. As Foucault shows that sexuality is not merely a biological drive, but is a form of behavior and thoughts that are subordinated by power relations that are carried out for the purpose other objectives outside the interests of sexuality itself. It is this power that should be used as "social control", legal decisions, to government regulation of sexuality freedom on the internet. The purpose of this study is to find out how the reality of online prostitution is now growing and its relation to government arrangements. This study uses a virtual ethnographic method. The results showed that the Internet became a medium of online prostitution development that increases rapidly so that almost abandon the government power to regulate it.

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