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Analisis Intensi Muzakki dalam Membayar Zakat Profesi Huda, Nurul; Gofur, Abdul
Al-Iqtishad: Journal of Islamic Economics Vol 4, No 2: July 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v4i2.2098


The aims of this research is to determine the influence of attitude, subjective norm, behavioral control, muzakki incomen, muzakki education, and muzakki knowledge to the muzakki intention of paying profession zakah. The method of the research is a quantitative method while data analysis techniques use multiple regression analysis. Number of samples analyze are 150 respondents drawn at random from all areas of Jakarta. Based on multiple regression analysis, it can be seen that the variables together attitudes, subjective norms, behavior control, income, education, and knowledge has significant influence on the variable of muzakki intentionDOI: 10.15408/aiq.v4i2.2098
Bioedukasi Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Nopember 2013

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This study aims to improve the quality of learning by developing character-based teaching materials research animal physiology courses. This research method is the development of module manufacturing as a source of learning based on the research that has been done, including a description, picture research and implementation process that include sites expected character, whether written or unwritten is adapted from Dick and Carey learning system to make some adjustments. The results obtained are based on the calculation and conversion of valuation module by module expert instructional materialsby 71, 66%. Based on the results of the conversion, the preparation of the module other wise well qualified and do not need to be revised. The results of the assessment calculation and conversion modules by physiologists by 85%. Based on the results of  the conversion, the module qualification other wise excellent preparation and do not need to be revised. Conclusion are obtained the results by the developing of characterized teaching materials based on the results of experiment is feasible and can be used to support lectures to enhance the quality of teaching Animal Physiology courses in college.Kata kunci: Kualitas pembelajaran fisiologi hewan, bahan ajar berkarakter 
eISSN: 2502-471X
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (48.547 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/jp.v1i8.6636


The material is considered to be still difficult mostly related to the mechanism of action of the organ. SMP 18 Malang used as a place to study because there are elements of inquiry has actually been used by teachers, but still fragmentary, syntactic inquiry has not been implemented in full. Learning science most are still using the conventional method of the lectures. The medium used there only rely on manual print books, there module be accompanied inquiry interactive multimedia no one has made. Inquiry-based modules with interactive multimedia expected to be used to support student learning. This type of research is the development of research. The research model development using Thiagarajan. Stages Thiagarajan models include define, design, develop, and desseminate. However on hold at the stage of development research desseminate. Analysis of data using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed 82.14% of matter expert validation, validation media experts 83.33%, teachers validation 98.88%, validation students 94.19%. Based on the achievement of product development validation results are valid and fit for use. Suggestions that more needs to be done should be printed and manufactured product development.Materi yang dianggap masih sulit kebanyakan yang terkait dengan mekanisme kerja organ. SMP 18 Malang dijadikan untuk tempat penelitian karena disana unsur-unsur inkuiri sebenarnya sudah digunakan oleh guru, namun masih terpisah-pisah, sintak inkuiri belum dilaksanakan secara utuh. Pembelajaran IPA kebanyakan masih dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional yaitu dengan ceramah. Media yang digunakan di sana hanya mengandalkan buku cetak panduan, di sana modul berbasis inkuiri disertai multimedia interaktif belum ada yang membuat. Modul berbasis inkuiri disertai multimedia interaktif diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai penunjang belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Model penelitian pengembangan menggunakan Thiagarajan. Tahapan model pengembangan Thiagarajan meliputi define, design, develop, dan desseminate. Namun pada tahan penelitian pengembangan hanya pada tahapan desseminate. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan validasi ahli materi 82,14%, validasi ahli media 83,33%, validasi guru 98,88%, validasi siswa 94,19%. Berdasarkan pencapaian hasil validasi produk pengembangan telah valid dan layak digunakan. Saran yang perlu dilakukan lebih lanjut sebaiknya produk pengembangan dicetak dan diproduksi.
The Effect of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Seeds Flour as Supplementary Feed to the Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Strain Cobb Kharisma, Anastya Eka; Gofur, Abdul; Witjoro, Agung
Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation Vol 4, No 1: Proceeding of 4th ICGRC 2013
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation

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Broiler chickens are one of animal protein source which attracted people. So far, farmers have a constraint about the expensive price of feed, so farmers should be able to find an alternative way to reduce the feed costs. Seeds of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is an agricultural waste that has a high nutrient content. The aim of the research to know the effect of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seeds flour as a supplementary feed to the meat quality of broiler chickens Cobb strain. This research is an experimental using Complete Randomized Design with five treatment and five replications each. Chickens are treated using jackfruit seed flour for 20 days, and then the meat was analized using proximate test. Data obtains from proximate test and analyze using one way ANOVA with LSD 5% perform if the result is significant. The results shows that jackfruit seeds flour as supplementary feed significantly affect the meat quality of broiler chickens on crude protein at treatment of 10% and crude fat at treatment of 30% but the treatments has no effect on water content, ash content, organic matter, carbohydrates, metabolism energy (ME).Keywords: Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Seeds Flour, Meat Quality, Supplementary Feed 
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2016): JULY
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.769 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jpbi.v2i2.3447


Formalin is a dangerous food preservative which has been banned to be used. Formalin is often used because it is relatively cheap and simple to use. This study aimed to analyze the effect of formalin to damage liver histology of male mice. Mice used were male mice Balb/C strain aged 4 weeks and weighted 20 to 22 grams. The extract of formalin-added-tofu, which were the concentration of: 0.1%, 1.68%, and 3.35%, 5.1%, 6.7%, were given orally per day for 12 weeks. At the end of 12th week, the mice were dissected and the liver were taken which then made preparations. The liver histological preparations were observed under a dino lite microscope in five different visual field, with a magnification of 800 times. For each of field of views, 20 cells were randomly counted. The average of weighted score of histopathological liver of five field of views then were randomly calculated for each mice. The scoring model used was Histopathology Manja Roenigk. The total of damage percentage occurred was recorded and calculated. The results showed that oral exposure to formaldehyde increases the amount of damage significantly in male mice strain Balb/C. The research results were presented in the form of booklets as a means of communication to the public media to broaden the danger of formalin-added-tofu. The booklet was made in order to perform the role of education as an agent of society renewal insight and knowledge. In addition, it also creating a continuous learning.Keywords: Booklet, Formalin, Hepar Histology, Male Mice, Tofu
Developing the immunologybook for animal and human physiology subject Mitasari, Zuni; Gofur, Abdul
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2017): JULY
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (955.12 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jpbi.v3i2.4325


The objective of the study was to develop an immunology book for Animal and Human Physiology subject. This book was developed based on the Thiagarajan development model which was modified of: Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate (4D). The data expert validation instrument was questionnaire using Likert scales, comments, and recommendation sheets. Expert appraisal was done by  material expert and media and design learning expert. The developmental testing was conducted using questionnaire to test the readibility.  The  expert validation was conducted by material expert as well as design and media learning expert validator; meanwhile, the field test was done to measure the  readability. The validity test results were: the material expert state that the material is valid (97.14%), as well as the design and learning media expert (84.88%) and field test by students (88.17%).
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matakuliah Biologi Sel Pada Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi di Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri SAFITRI, DINI; ZUBAIDAH, SITI; GOFUR, ABDUL
Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2014): BIOEDUKASI: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Department of Biology Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret Un

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/bioedukasi-uns.v7i2.2942


This research and development aims to produce teaching materials such as textbooks which are viable and validated by experts materials, media, and language, as well as validated by the student of biology education. The model used in this research and development is the 4D model proposed by Thiagarajan which consists of phases define, design, develop, and disseminate, but the stage of development carried out to develop stage. The trials were carried out, among others, by three expert lecturers and 31 students of fourth semester of biology education program. Expert lecturers consists matter experts, media specialists, and linguists. The test is done in two stages, the individual tests and test a small group of trial results and revised measures showed that the textbooks have categorized and ready for use in real learning. The result  of the test is some recommendations for developing the books, include language, matter, picture, illustration, and layout.
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 2 No 1 (2018): LAYANAN MASYARAKAT DAN RUANG DIGITAL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (159.796 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2018.2.1.1177


The development of science and technology gives the impact in the change of perspective and activities of citizens in communicating. Cyberspace phenomenon or called the virtual world would result in narrowing space, time, and distance so that they are connected to each other. Increasingly internet users in Indonesia need to be utilized as a container in expressing interests, critics and be a public discussion space. As citizens, Internet political activism needs to be positioned as demos for countervailing and supervising the state. In the democracy aspect, the utilization of internet technology becomes a solution for civil society movement. Penetration by social media users in the cyberspace is able to encourage the deliberation of democratic values such as voluntarism, egalitarianism, or networking in contemporary democratic conditions. This paper aims to deepen and add insight about the role of Cyberspace as the form of Internet Political Activism in Indonesia. The method of this research is library research by collecting some related references. Thus, it will improve the knowledge about the role of Cyberspace as the form of internet political activism in Indonesia.
Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis (JRMB) Fakultas Ekonomi UNIAT Vol 3 (2018): Special Issue Manajemen Strategi Bisnis, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Economic Faculty, Attahiriyah Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.021 KB) | DOI: 10.36226/jrmb.v3iS1.147


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work stress on employee job satisfaction in one of the Directorate in the State Ministry. In this study used associative research methods using a quantitative approach. The population in this study were employees in one of the Directorate in the State Ministry, with a sample of 30 people with data collection techniques through questionnaires and literature study. Data analysis techniques using simple regression through SPSS version 23. The findings of this study that there is a significant influence between work stress on job satisfaction, where both variables have a strong and positive correlation. The magnitude of the effect of work stress on job satisfaction is 86.2%. Keywords: Job Stress, Job Satisfaction
PROSES REGENERASI SIRIP EKOR PADA IKAN ZEBRA Sari, Nila Kartika; Listyorini, Dwi; Gofur, Abdul
Edubiotik : Jurnal Pendidikan, Biologi dan Terapan Vol 1 No 01 (2016): Edubiotik
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.385 KB)


The caudal fin of Zebra fish as a model for studies regeneration both in terms of process and study of molecular analysis. This research is a descriptive exploratory. A sample of zebra fish (Danio rerio) 4-6 months of age as much as 30 individuals. The regeneration caudal fin of zebrafish observed by microscope with cutting vertically. The parameters observed were: 1) the time required for the regeneration process, 2) The regeneration process in details covering and, 3) Type of regeneration. Data in the form of the regeneration process ranging from wound healing to the original length obtained are collected in the form of digital photos. The results showed that the time required to regenerate the caudal fin to recover to normal at a temperature of 22-31° C was 22.25 ± 1.63 days for a model of vertical cuts. The regeneration process begins with the events of wound healing (H1) followed by the formation of blastema and will radius (H2) and continued differentiation characterized by the process of angiogenesis (H2). Regenerative development begins with the formation of the fingers and the growth of the peripheral areas tail fins faster than the medial region (H3-H8). End process regeneration in caudal fin of zebrafish are included in the development is the formation of regenerative segment radius starting from the proximal to the distal portion regenerat regenerat (H9 - ± H21). From the results of this research note that caudal fin of zebrafish to regenerate in epimorphosis.