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Warta Ardhia : Jurnal Perhubungan Udara
ISSN : 02159066     EISSN : 25284045     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
Warta Ardhia is an Air Transport Journal containing research, review related to evaluation policy and technological development with the scope of air transport, airport, aircraft, flight navigation, aviation human resources, flight safety and security. Warta Ardhia is managed by Civil Aviation Research and Development Center of Ministry of Transportation of The Republic Indonesia and published 2 (two) times a year, June and December.
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Articles 6 Documents
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Potensi Pengembangan Rute di Bandar Udara Mutiara SIS Al Jufri-Palu Lita Yarlina; Evy Lindasari
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 44, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1125.213 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v44i1.308.45-56


The Development Potential of Air Transportation Routes at Mutiara SIS Al Jufri Airport Palu: The government policy in regulating the air transportation routes on a macro basis aims to open up regional isolation and develop the potential of those regions. Mutiara SIS Al Jufri Airport is one of the entrances to the movement of people and goods through air transport to Central Sulawesi Province. Along with the increasingly socio-economic development of Palu City and Central Sulawesi Province in general, the demand for movement of people and goods also increased, and with the economic improvement of society of Central Sulawesi Province, air transportation becomes the main choice. This study is intended to measure the potential for the development of aviation routes at Mutiara SIS Al Jufri Airport, based on the opinion of current users of air transport and air carrier services, and adapted to the Master Plan of the Airport and the Spatial Planning Document of Central Sulawesi Province, using multiple linier regression analysis method. The results of the survey to the airlines provide the information about the plan to open the Palu-Morowali flight route due to its potential demand for transportation of goods between those cities using ATR-72 type aircraft, where there are many production of mining and palm oil products in Morowali. However, from the analysis, if ATR-72 aircraftshould be operated then the runway capacity at Morowali Airport have to be developed since the current condition with runway length of 1,050 m is not sufficient to be landed by ATR-72 in which require a runway with minimum length of 1,600 m. Kebijakan pemerintah tentang pengaturan rute penerbangan secara makro bertujuan untuk membuka isolasi daerah dan mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki masing-masing daerah tersebut.Bandar Udara Mutiara SIS Al-Jufri adalah salah satu pintu masuk pergerakan orang dan barang melalui angkutan udara ke Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah.Seiring dengan semakin berkembangnya sosio-ekonomi Kota Palu dan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah pada umumnya, maka demand pergerakan orang dan barang pun turutmeningkat, dan dengan kemajuan perekonomian masyarakat di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah maka transportasi udara menjadi pilihan utama. Pengkajian ini ingin melihat bagaimana potensi pengembangan rute penerbangan di Bandar Udara Mutiara SIS AlJufri, berdasarkan opini pengguna jasa angkutan udara dan maskapai penerbangan yang saat ini beroperasi, serta disesuaikan dengan rencana induk bandar udara dan dokumen Tata Ruang Wilayah Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil survei kepada maskapai penerbangan diperoleh informasi adanya rencana pembukaan rute penerbangan Palu-Morowali yang sangat berpotensi adanya permintaan kebutuhan angkutan dari Morowali menuju kota Palu untuk angkutan barang dengan menggunakan pesawat udara jenis ATR-72, dikarenakan daerah Morowali banyak terdapat produksi hasil tambang dan kelapa sawit. Namun dari hasil analisis jika ingin menggunakan pesawat ATR-72, maka kapasitas landas Pacu (runway) di Bandar Udara Morowali harus dikembangkan karena kondisi saat ini dengan panjang 1.050 m masih belum memungkinkan untuk didarati oleh pesawat ATR72 yang membutuhkan minimal panjang runway 1.600 m.
Pengaruh Pola Jaringan Penerbangan di Kalimantan Selatan Terhadap Waktu dan Biaya Perjalanan Eriza Islakul Ulmi; Ervina Ahyudanari
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 44, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2072.802 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v44i1.322.65-80


The Effect Of Flight Network Pattern in South Kalimantan on Travel Time And Travel Cost: According to the data of the Statistics Central Agency of South Kalimantan, air transport passengers departing from the airports in South Kalimantan during December 2016 were 163,715 passengers. On the other hand, the number of passengers traveling from Trisakti Banjarmasin Port in December 2016 were 1,833 passengers. These data indicate that air transport is preferable as a mode of transportation in South Kalimantan. The change of airport class according to the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 69 Year 2013 makes possible changes in travel patterns that is an addition to a new route of TanjungKotabaru which has a distance of 82.2 km with a travel time of 11 minutes and the estimated tariff for this route of Rp. 863.900. Menurut data Badan Pusat Statistik Kalimantan Selatan, jumlahpenumpang angkutan udara yang berangkat melalui bandara di Kalimantan Selatan selama bulan Desember 2016 sebanyak 163.715 orang. Sedangkan jumlah penumpang angkutan laut yang berangkat melalui pelabuhan Trisakti Banjarmasin pada bulan Desember 2016 sebanyak 1.833 orang. Dari data tersebut dapat diindikasi bahwa penduduk Kalimantan Selatan lebih banyak menggunakan pesawat sebagai moda transportasi. Perubahan kelas bandara menurut Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 69 Tahun 2013 menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan pola perjalanan yaitu penambahan rute baru TanjungKotabaru yang memiliki jarak 82,2 km dengan waktu tempuh 11 menit dan perkiraan tarif untuk rute ini sebesar Rp. 863.900.
Karakterisktik Hidrodinamika dan Aerodinamika Pesawat WISE L8 Pada Saat Hydro Planing dan Mengudara Berdasarkan Perhitungan CFD Sayuti Syamsuar
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 44, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (949.677 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v44i1.329.57-64


The Hydrodynamic and Aerodynamic Characteristics of WISE L8 During Hydro Planing and Airborne Base On CFD: This paper explains why the computational fluid dynamics is used on the model 3-D CATIA of Wing in Surface Effect craft WISE Lippisch configuration 8 seaters capacity for medium and high-speed conditions during hydro planing and airborne. The analysis stage on the calculation used the k-ε model turbulence with 1,690,862 mesh consists of 4 stages procedures that are ICEM, preprocessor, solver and convergence. On each programming stage that are gave the nominal value results. On this paper, there are showed the results of even keel and trimmed condition by using Savitsky method where the changes of trim angle τ (t) are being influence the hydrodynamic drag and total hydrodynamic force versus airspeed results. Based on this research, that propose for the Pilot using trim angle variation during takeoff procedure. Paper ini menjelaskan mengapa diperlukan penggunaan programkomputasional dinamika fluida CFD terhadap model 3-D CATIA dari pesawat WISE L8 untuk kondisi kecepatan medium dan tinggi saat hydro planing dan mengudara. Pada proses perhitungan yang terdiri dari 4 tahap menggunakan model turbulensi k-ε dengan jumlah meshing sekitar 1,690,862, seperti ICEM, preprocessor, solver dan convergence. Pada setiap pemograman, diperoleh hasil konvergensi yang lebih baik. Pada paper ini diperlihatkan hasil perhitungan dengan dan tanpa menggunakan metoda Savitsky, di mana perubahan sudut trim (τ) mempengaruhi hasil pada gaya gaya hidrodinamika versus kecepatan. Hasil penelitian ini, menjadikan pegangan Pilot untuk menggunakan perubahan sudut trim saat melakukan prosedur take off
Jam Terbang Dalam Tujuh Hari, Jenis Penerbangan dan Risiko Acute Fatigue Syndrome Nida Fakhriyyah Rahmah; Pritha Maya Savitri; Agneta Irmarahayu; Suzy Yusna Dewi
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 44, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.554 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v44i1.327.17-30


Flight Hours Within Seven Days, Flight Type and Risk of Acute Fatigue Syndrome: Fatigue on pilots is a serious problem in aviation safety. Flight hours and flight types may affect the occurrence of acute fatigue complaints on pilots. This study aims to determine the correlation of total flight hours within 7 days and the type of flight with the Acute Fatigue Syndrome risk on civil pilots in Indonesia. The design of this study used cross sectional method on civil pilots at Civil Aviation Medical Center in December 2017 with consecutive sampling as the sample determination technique. Data were collected by interview and questionnaire methods. Respondents were 112 civil pilots of fixed wing aircraft. The study population was all the pilots who conducted medical examination at Civil Aviation Medical Center in December 2017. The results showed that as many as 65 (58%) respondents experienced Acute Fatigue Syndrome, 110 (98.2%) respondents had flight hours ≤ 30 hours within 7 days, 76 (67.9%) respondents have short haul flight type. The result of bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test showed that there was no significant relationship between flying hours within 7 days (p = 0,509) and acute fatigue syndrome and there was significant relationship between flight type (p = 0,018) and acute fatigue syndrome. Fatigue pada penerbang merupakan masalah serius dalam keselamatan penerbangan. Jam terbang dan jenis penerbangan dapat mempengaruhi timbulnya keluhan kelelahan akut pada penerbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan jumlah jam terbang dalam 7 hari dan jenis penerbangan dengan risiko Acute Fatigue Syndrome pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional pada penerbang sipil di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan bulan Desember 2017 dengan teknik penentuan sample yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner. Responden sejumlah 112 penerbang pesawat sayap tetap. Populasi penelitian adalah semua penerbang yang melakukan medical examination di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan pada bulan Desember 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 65 responden atau 58% mengalami Acute Fatigue Syndrome, 110 responden atau 98,2% memiliki jam terbang ≤ 30 jam dalam 7 hari, 76 responden atau 67,9% melakukan penerbangan jenis Short Haul. Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakan / signifikan antara jam terbang dalam 7 hari (p = 0,509) dengan acute fatigue syndrome serta terdapat hubungan yang bermakna / signifikan antara jenis penerbangan (p = 0,018) dengan acute fatigue syndrome.
Analisis Pengaruh Asal Perjalanan Penumpang Bandara Terhadap Akses Menuju Bandara (Studi Kasus: Semarang, Yogyakarta dan Surabaya) Nafilah el Hafizah; Ervina Ahyudanari; Karmini Karmini
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 44, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1567.91 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v44i1.317.1-16


Analysis of Airport Passangers Trip Origin Towards The Access To The Airport (Case Study: Semarang, Yogyakarta and Surabaya): The economic development of a city will be accompanied by an increase in the number of population, which means it will generate more mobility as well as the need of transportation. Changes in travel time due to congestion will also affect travel cost. From the relationship between the growth of the number of vehicles in a city and the accessibility to the airport, it is necessary to research the significance of that relationship. Three airports namely Ahmad Yani Airport, Adisucipto Airport and Juanda Airport with the correspondent cities they served used as the case study. The data of travel time and travel distance of the respondents processed using the relation analysis. The problem solving method exercised the distribution of modal choice, the difference of travel time to theairport and to forecast the number of passengers if mass transport is utilized. The result of the study indicates that the growth of air transport demand correlate positively with the population growth. Respondents indicates mass rail transport is required if the possibility of loss of flight can occur in cities with varying fluctuations in travel time. Berkembangnya ekonomi kota akan diiringi dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan meningkatkan tingkat bermobilitas yang menyebabkan kebutuhan transportasi bertambah. Perubahan waktu perjalanan juga akan mempengaruhi biaya perjalanan yang diakibatkan kemacetan. Dari hubungan antara pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan disuatu kota dan aksesibilitas menuju bandara, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian signifikansi hubungan tersebut. Sebagai studi kasus digunakan data 3 bandara yaitu Bandara Ahmad Yani, Bandara Adisucipto dan Bandara Juanda. Data waktu tempuh dan jarak perjalanan responden diolah dalam analisis hubungan waktu tempuh dan jarak perjalanan. Metode penyelesaian permasalahan yang ada adalah mengidentifikasi distribusi penggunaan moda, menghitung perbedaan waktu tempuh perjalanan menuju bandara dan dilakukan peramalan jumlah penumpang apabila diadakan transportasi massal. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan adanya kesesuaian bahwa pertumbuhan demand transportasi udara seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk. Responden menunjukkan transportasi massal rel dibutuhkan jika kemungkinan terjadinya kehilangan penerbangan dapat terjadi pada kota dengan fluktuasi perubahan waktu tempuh yang sangat bervariasi.
Pengembangan Bandar Udara Fatmawati Dalam Mendukung Visit Wonderful Bengkulu 2020 Sitti Subekti
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 44, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency of The Ministry of Transportation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1601.381 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v44i1.328.31-44


The Development of Fatmawati Airport in Supporting Visit Wonderful Bengkulu 2020: This research is conducted with regard to the strategy of Fatmawati Airport Bengkulu development in supporting Visit Bengkulu 2020. The purpose of this research is not only related to the development strategy of Fatmawati Airport Bengkulu in supporting Visit Bengkulu 2020 but also to determine the accessibility of the airport to the tourism sites. Primary and secondary data was used in this study. Data analysis was exercised using SWOT method and qualitative descriptive. The results of research indicate four Strength Opportunity (SO) strategies for the development of Fatmawati Airport Bengkulu, namely the need for increased investment cooperation and partnership with other agencies as the impact of the establishment of Fatmawati Airport Bengkulu as a BLU, airport development to serve the increase of air transport through the operation of wide body aircraft, increased commitment of excellent service by Fatmawati Airport Bengkulu with the support from the Ministry of Transportation and Local Government in the construction of airport facilities and increased accessibility from and to the tourist attraction sites due to its strategic location in the city center while has also become the main node of transportation, and availability of connecting transportation modes to support the accessibility to and from the airport among others two BRT corridors of “Trans Rafflesia” which is planned to cross the tourism sites in Bengkulu City where corridor 1 will getting passengers to Panjang Beach and Marlborought Port and corridor 2 to Dendam Lake. Penelitian ini dilakukan terkait dengan strategi pengembangan Bandar Udara Fatmawati Bengkulu dalam mendukung program Visit Wonderful Bengkulu 2020. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan Bandar Udara Fatmawati Bengkulu dalam mendukungan visit Bengkulu 2020, dan untuk mengetahui ketersediaan aksesibilitas (moda lanjutan) dari bandar udara Fatmawati Bengkulu ke obyek wisata dan sebaliknya. Penelitian menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data dengan metode analisis SWOT dan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 4 (empat) Strength Opportunity (SO) strategi dalam pengembangan Bandar Udara Fatmawati Bengkulu, yaitu perlunya peningkatan kerjasama investasi dan kemitraan dengan instansi lain sebagai dampak dari penetapan Bandar udara Fatmawati sebagai BLU, pengembangan bandar udara untuk dapat melayani peningkatan angkutan udara melalui pengoperasian pesawat berbadan besar (wide body), peningkatankomitmen pelayanan prima bandar udara Fatmawati dengan dukungan Kementerian Perhubungan dan Pemerintah Daerah dalam pembangunan fasilitas bandar udara dan peningkatan aksesibilitas dari dan ke objek wisata karena letak bandar udara yang strategis di pusat kota dan menjadi simpul utama transportasi. Ketersedian moda lanjutan untuk mendukung aksesibilitas dari dan ke bandar udara antara lain 2 (dua) koridor BRT “Trans Rafflesia” yang direncanakan akan melintasi obyek wisata di Kota Bengkulu yaitu koridor 1 melewati pantai Panjang dan benteng Marlborough serta koridor 2 yang melewati obyek wisata danau Dendam.

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