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Yusuf Adam Hilman, S.I.P, M.Si
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ISSN : 23385162     EISSN : 25278444     DOI : 10.24269
Core Subject : Education, Social,
ARISTO is a Journal that is published biannually or twice a year, which is in January and July. It is published by Social and Political Science Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Journal ARISTO aims to share the scientific studies that are conducted by scientists from Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo and other institutions. Journal ARISTO receives manuscripts that depict the findings of the field study based research or literature review within the scope of social, politic and humanities.
Articles 259 Documents
Perayaan Grebeg Suro sebagai Potensi Pengembangan Sektor Wisata Budaya Ponorogo Khoirurrosyidin Khoirurrosyidin
ARISTO Vol 6, No 2 (2018): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.848 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v6i2.1027


The celebration of “Grebeg Suro” is an annual agenda organized by the Ponorogo Regency Government and is always present the attention and long-awaited of Ponorogo people (domiciled in the city of Ponorogo as well as in other cities) as well as various communities from other cities, including tourists from overseas. Ponorogo regency government has responded well by compiling various agenda of activities that can coloring the celebration of “Grebeg Suro”. Various events or competitions held in “Grebeg Suro”, starting various events or lombase not the opening ceremony of “Grebeg Suro of Grebeg Suro, Reyog Festival National Center of Peace in “Aloon-Aloon Ponorogo”, Kirap Pusaka, Closing of “Grebeg Suro”, “Larung Risalah”, and various other events, it was able to attract a large audience or visitors. The celebration of “Grebeg Suro”  is actually derived from the customs of the community taken over by the Regional Government as the Annual Agenda by involving the community as a whole with a decision on the Head of Regent of Ponorogo Second Level Region No. 63 Juncto 130 Year 1987 about the Tourism Team of Ponorogo Level II Region.
MEDIA, POLITIK dan KEKUASAAN (Analisis Framing Model Robert N. Entman tentang pemberitaan hasil pemilihan Presiden, 9 Juli 2014 di TV One dan Metro TV ) Ayub Dwi Anggoro
ARISTO Vol 2, No 2 (2014): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.768 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v2i2.16


Media pada era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi sekarang ini memiliki peranan penting dalam kesuksesan dan keberhasilan suatu tujuan politik yang ditetapkan. Sebagai saluran penyampai pesan, media khususnya televisi menjadi alat yang paling ampuh untuk mempengaruhi, meyakinkan bahkan membentuk suatu opini di publik terkait isi-isi berita yang disajikan secara audio dan visual. Kondisi pertarungan pilpres 2014 hari ini antara telah membelah kekuatan korporasi/ perusahaan media. Pertarungan Politik media yang paling mencolok adalah pertarungan antara Tv One berhadapan dengan Metro Tv. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Analisis Framing Robert N. Entman, identifikasi tentang penggunaan media televisi untuk kepentingan politik demi mencapai kekuasaan di klasifikasikan dengan melakukan analisis bingkai sebuah peristiwa yang diberitakan yakni berita soal Pilpres 2014 di kedua korporasi media tersebut melalui pembahasan Define problems (Pendefinisian masalah) berita hasil pemilihan Presiden pada tanggal 9 Juli 2014 oleh Tv One dan Metro Tv , Diagnose causes (memperkirakan masalah atau sumber masalah) berita hasil pemilihan Presiden pada tanggal 9 Juli 2014 oleh Tv One dan Metro Tv, Make moral judgement (Membuat keputusan moral) tentang berita hasil pemilihan Presiden pada tanggal 9 Juli 2014 oleh Tv One dan Metro Tv , Treatment recommendation (Menekankan penyelesaian) berita hasil pemilihan Presiden pada tanggal 9 Juli 2014 oleh Tv One dan Metro Tv. Dari analisis tersebut ditemukan keberpihakan media pada pasangan calon presiden dalam konten pemberitaan yang disiarkan. TV One membingkai program pemberitaan yang mencitrakan Prabowo dan Hatta Rajasa sebagai pemenang Pemilu 2014-2019 sedangkan Metro Tv Pasangan Joko Widodo dan Jusuf Kalla sebagai pemenang pemilu 2014-2019.
Analysis of Sidampak Service Innovation as Glocalization of E-government In Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency Hanantyo Sri Nugroho
ARISTO Vol 8, No 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.84 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v8i2.2458


The Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) in Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency is a population administration service program that has provided many benefits. The background lacks clear planning in developing services to the community and a low level of community participation in the administration of population documents which then becomes the basis for creating a population administration service system that can provide complete, accurate, fast, easy and integrated results. This then led to a commitment for the village government of Wukirsari in making public service innovations. This innovation is not only the value of fast, easy, inexpensive, but more on the value of services that can be adapted to the culture of the Wukirsari community. Related, this study found that there are public services that consist of the Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) program in Wukirsari Village which can then change service policies to better suit the social conditions of the community. Meanwhile, the research method used by researchers is a qualitative descriptive research method
Model Penguatan Kapasitas Pemerintah Desa dalam Menjalankan Fungsi Pemerintahan Berbasis Electronic Government (E-Government) menuju Pembangunan Desa Berdaya Saing Sulismadi Sulismadi; Wahyudi Wahyudi; Muslimin Muslimin
ARISTO Vol 5, No 2 (2017): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1063.03 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v5i2.487


One aspect that needs to be studied more deeply about the village administration in the era of village autonomy is the ability of the human resources in the management of village government in accordance village governance objectives and the demands of, “Undang – undang no 06 Tahun 2014 about the village. The capacity of the village government deemed not qualified to run the authority possessed by law the village. Weak capacity of rural government impact on law implementation failure that led to the poor rural village development. This study examines these issues. This study used qualitative research methods. The unit of analysis of this research that the village government Landungsari Dau District of Malang, East Java. This study was conducted over three years (2016, 2017, 2018). The findings of the research during the last four months in the first year of the study is Landungsari village administration showed a good performance in governance at the village of village autonomy era (the era of the Village Law. The village government is able to carry out rural development planning, village administrative governance, and the financial management of the village properly. Nevertheless, the village government also faces serious problems is the lack of human resource capacity of the village administration, village very less quantity, and village officials do not understand the duties of each. To address these issues, the village government seeks to organize village governance based on information technology (e-government), but the effort has not worked well because the village government does not have a human resources professional in the field of information technology and the village government does not have enough budget to develop the e-government program. Therefore, the research team conducting FGD on the development of e-government program. FGD village government resulted in an agreement in cooperation with governmental science labs and e-government program APBDes budgeted in fiscal year 2017. Step next phase is the research team conducting FGD Phase II to design e-government as a means of governance villages effective and efficient, to disseminate the e-government, and publishes scientific articles on the model of governance based rural e-government in the Journal of Politics and Government Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Our advice as a researcher is a village government should make regulations governing Internet-based mechanism of public services (e-government). The regulation is to encourage villagers Landungsari to get used to using services based on the Internet, the district government of Malang should provide support to the village government to make innovations in governance, and the central government should support the village government to strengthen rural government institutions such as the addition of the village
Profil Interaksi Verbal Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner dalam Berkomunikasi Amanah Rakhim Syahida
ARISTO Vol 7, No 2 (2019): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.727 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v7i2.1491


Coronary heart patients are very strong subjects in the research of verbal interaction profiles. Because a lot of verbal interactions must be understood by patients as communicators. Simple communication theory to find this interaction has several elements, namely Communicator, Message (Message), Channel, Communicative, and Feed back. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive methods including observations in the location of the safira panjen Malang Main clinic, in-depth interviews with coronary heart patients who were included in the informant's criteria as a sample, namely Mr. Suryadi who had long been treated as a coronary heart disease patient, as the primary informant , and supporting informants namely the closest person and specialist doctor and then data analysis. The results of this study can be concluded 1.) the profile of verbal interaction of coronary heart patients in communicating has Determinism the use of verbalization generally has conditions directed to meet the desired goals of coronary heart patients (communicators) in expressing messages in the form of language, symbols, chennel in the form of senses and HP in communicating, Feed Back with communicants, this leads to healing, and verbal interactions of a coronary heart patient (communicator) experience repeated conditions with the assumption that using Indonesian or Javanese language kromo inggil, Channel, Feed back given by communicant in this is like; family environment, workplace and physician at the same time) in Communicating Coronary Jatung Patients who finally get the full understanding and comfort and discomfort to influence their health condition, 2.) Obstacles are also experienced in interacting which lead to Polarization, Evaluation of Stasis in Coronary Heart Patients, Stereotypes Between Patients with Coronary Hearts (Communicators) with their communicants.
ARISTO Vol 4, No 1 (2016): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (875.475 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v4i1.181


AbstrakPemilu, secara umum adalah instrumen mewujudkan kedaulatan rakyat yang bermaksud membentuk pemerintahan yang absah serta sarana mengartikulasikan aspirasi dan juga kepentingan rakyat,  pemilu adalah syarat minimal bagi adanya demokrasi dan diselenggarakan dengan memilih wakil rakyat. Berdasar data hasil perolehan suara pemilu tahun 2014 di Kabupaten Gunungkidul maka prosentase partisipasi atau kehadiran pemilih Pemilu Legislatif 2014 sebesar 470.455 atau 78.53% dari 591.600 DPT (Pemilu dalam angka tahun 2014). Untuk masyarakat Gunungkidul dalam pelaksanaan Pemilihan Legislatif maupun Pemilihan Presiden periode 2014, tingkat partisipasi masyarakatnya  cukup tinggi yaitu antara 73% sampai dengan 84% di setiap kecamatan. Partisipasi dalam kehadiran pemilih pada pemilu legislatif yang paling tinggi sebesar 83% yaitu di Kecamatan Wonosari dan kehadiran pemilih pada pemilu legislatif yang terendah sebesar 73,04% yaitu di kecamatan Girisubo. Sedangkan ketidakhadiran paling rendah di Kecamatan Wonosari sebesar 16,89% dan ketidakhadiran paling tinggi di Kecamatan Girisubo yang mencapai 26,96%. Partisipasi politik masyarakat biasanya juga bersumber pada basis- basis sosial politik tertentu. Basis yang sama akan mendorong orang untuk berpartisipasi oleh karena itu bisa dilkelompokkan atas, Pertama, kelas, yaitu individu-individu yang terlibat dalam partisipasi politik karena memilki status sosial, income dan lapngan pekerjaan yang sama, Kedua, communal group, yaitu individu yang terlibat karena memiliki suku, agama, ras dan bahasa yang sama. Ketiga, neighborhood yaitu individu – individu yang terlibat karena memiliki tempat tinggal yang berdekatan satu sama lain, Keempat, faction, yaitu individu – individu yang terlibat dalam partisipasi karena mereka disatukan oleh inetraksi pribadi yang sangat tinggi satu sama lain yang.Literarasi Politik adalah, pemahaman praktis tentang konsep – konsep yang diambil dari kehidupan sehari – hari dan bahasa. Salah satu budaya politik termasuk budaya politik yang menonjol di Indonesia yaitu kecenderungan pembentukan pola hubungan patronase, baik di kalangan penguasa maupun masyarakat. Ada dua individu dalam budaya ini yaitu patron dan klien yang membuat interaksi timbale balik dengan tukar menukar sumber daya masing-masing pihak. Patron mempunyai sumber daya berupa kekuasaan,kedudukan, perlindungan, perhatian dan tidak jarang berupa materi, sedangkan klien mempunyai sumber daya berupa tenaga, dukungan, dan loyalitas. Kecenderungan patronase ini dapat ditentukan secara luas baik dalam lingkungan birokrasi maupun dalam kalangan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif  dengan pendekatan studi kasus yang biasa digunakan untuk mengungkap dan memahami sesuatu dibalik fenomena yang sedikit baru diketahui dan memberi rincian yang kompleks tentang fenomena yang sulit diungkapkan oleh metode kuantitatif. populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh masyarakat yang terdaftar dalam Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) di desa Jerukwudel dan Karangawen Kecamatan Girisubo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul.Kata kunci : Pemilu, Partisipasi, Melek Politik, Patronase.
Analisis Sikap Politik Warga Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Dalam Pilkada 2015 Jusuf Harsono
ARISTO Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.21 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v6i1.780


Plurality of political attitudes of citizens Muhammadiyah Ponorogo in the elections in 2015 is an interesting phenomenon because almost all citizens and sympathizers of this organization gives full support to the partner Regent and Vice Regent promoted by the National Mandate Party. This study to find out more about political attitudes of citizens muhammadiyah shown in local elections (Election) Ponorogo. Moreover, the research also seek out further orientations are used as a handle by Muhammadiyah cadres and elite that are part of a successful team. Informants in this study is regular and elite members or directors of the Muhammadiyah organization spread over several districts. Data collection in studies using interviews and documentation. The final goal of this study was to determine the political direction of Muhammadiyah then it could be a foundation in nominating candidates for the next general election
New Media 3.0: Merancang Model Pemberdayaan Komunikasi Politik yang Interaktif Anang Sujoko
ARISTO Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.615 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v8i1.2261


The use of new media in Indonesia significanty grows, especially among the youth generation. Unfortunately, it does not happen in the youth community organization. This study aims to determine the factors that become obstacles for youth community organizations in managing new media for the benefit of the organization. This research is a mixed method by using survey data collection techniques to identify the level of use of new media in each organization and focus group discussion (FGD) to obtain more in-depth data about the problems that become obstacles in its management. This study succeeded in digging data from 15 youth community organizations in the City of Kediri. This research succeeded in mapping the problems experienced by CSOs in utilizing the internet and its interactive platforms. Based on a survey conducted on 15 CSOs, it was found that the main problem faced was the unavailability of qualified human resources in CSOs that were specifically tasked with managing CSO social media accounts. This is also due to the low awareness of CSOs about the potential of the internet and new media 3.0 to treat their political audience. Furthermore, another obstacle faced is the difficulty in producing content. Based on the focus group discussion conducted to follow up on the results, the researcher concluded the two conditions above because CSOs do not have sufficient awareness and knowledge of the potential of the use of the internet and all its interactive platforms for political communication. The conclusion of this study is that the management of new media for organizations has not been taken seriously because of the low level of awareness of the importance of new media for organizational development. However, the design of the digital storytelling concept in order to create a sanse of belongings for the political audience of each community organization is seen as an alternative management solution after the appointment of manager responsibility.
ARISTO Vol 1, No 1 (2013): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (718.729 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v1i1.259


OPINI PUBLIK TERHADAP PERAN MEDIA DALAM MELESTARIKAN BUDAYA (Studi pada Program Acara Budaya di Radio Gema Surya Dan Radio Duta Nusantara Ponorogo) Eli Purwati
ARISTO Vol 3, No 1 (2015): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (503.899 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v3i1.10


Radio siaran diberi julukanThe Fifth Estate disebabkan daya kekuatan nya dalam mempengaruhi masa khalayak. Ini disebabkan beberapa factor, yakni: Daya langsung adalahuntuk mencapai sasarannya pendengar, isi program yang akan disampaikan tidaklahmengalami proses yang komplek. Daya tembus factor lain yang menyebabkan radio dianggapmemiliki kekuatan kelima ialah daya tembus radio siaran, dalam arti kata tidak mengenaljarak dan rintangan.Radio Gema Surya dan Radio Duta Nusantara merupakan radio yangsudah terdaftar di PRSSNI (Persatuan Radio Siaran Swasta Nasional Indonesai) memilikitanggung jawab yang besar terhadap masyarakat dengan program yang disajikan. Opinipendengar merupakan kekuatan pada diri pendengar untuk memberikan perhatian pada suatuobjek dan suatu aktifitas yang di munculkan dalam siaran (Dan Nimmo, 1998: 12). Dan yangmenjadi pengaruh cukup besar terhadap opini pendengar pada siaran radio adalah kesukaanpendengar.Dari pemaparan diatas maka peneliti mengambil judul OPINI PUBLIKTERHADAP PERAN MEDIA DALAM MELESTARIKAN BUDAYA (Studi Pada ProgramAcara Budaya di Radio Gema Surya Dan Radio Duta Nusantara Ponorogo) denganmenggunakan metode Deskriptif Kualitatif. Menggunakan rumus nya Yamane dalammenggali Data. Opini pendengar merupakan kekuatan pada diri pendengar untuk memberikan perhatian pada suatu objek dan suatu aktifitas yang di munculkan dalam siaran (Dan Nimmo, 1998: 12). Dan yang menjadi pengaruh cukup besar terhadap opini pendengar pada siaran radio adalah kesukaan pendengar. Kesukaan dapat berupa dari kepercayaan, perasaan maupun tindakan terhadap program acara Budaya.

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