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JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 2337621X     EISSN : 25810294     DOI : -
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research (JFMR) is dedicated to published highest quality of research papers on all aspects of : Aquatic Resources, Aquaculture, Fisheries Resources Technology and Management, Fish Technology and Processing, Fisheries and Marine Social Economic and Marine Science. This journal is jointly published by Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Brawijaya University Malang Indonesia and Ikatan Sarjana Perikanan Indonesia (Ispikani). JFMR is a new journal but related to the past journal of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science that is Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan (JPP) with ISSN: 2337-621X (print version) and website link of
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JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2017.001.02.3


The waters of Yapen Timur in Yapen Islands, Papua are semi-open waters with high potential natural resources. Recent research on chemical and biological parameters more specifically of nutrient concentration and phytoplankton abundance is still very limited. The study aimed to observe the concentration of nutrients (nitrates and phosphates), and their relation with the abundance of phytoplankton in Yapen Timur waters, was conducted on January 5Th to February 5th, 2016. Using explorative method and purposive sampling method, with 15 sampling points. Data analysis using Spectrophotometer at wavelength 545 nm for nitrate and 885 nm, whereas for phytoplankton abundance use APHA equation. Spatial distribution of nitrate, phosphate and phytoplankton abundance using kriging-method equation and Software Ermaper 7.0. Nitrate concentrations were found to be between 0.2 mg - 0.7 mg / l, phosphates ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 mg / l and the abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 49,682 to 139,490 ind / l. The correlation coefficient analysis indicates the relationship between nitrite and phytoplankton of 0.3947, phosphate and phytoplankton of. 0.0068. The concentration of nitrate and phosphate at the observation site indicated that the water quality belongs to the oligotrophic waters, the abundance of phytoplankton is high and there is no blooming in certain species, and the relationship between the nitrate and phosphate concentration is positively correlated with the abundance of phytoplankton at the observation site.
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2017.001.02.2


AbstractPerairan Malang Selatan merupakan daerah yang potensial sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan. Keberadaan berbagai jenis ikan pelagis kecil terutama ikan planktivor secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh pertumbuhan fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Fitoplankton mempunyai peran penting sebagai dasar rantai makanan dalam ekosistem perairan, sedangkan zooplankton merupakan herbivor pemangsanya. Pertumbuhan fitoplankton dan zooplankton dipengaruhi oleh faktor oseanografinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi komunitas plankton dan hubungannya dengan parameter oseanografinya, serta distribusi spasial plankton di daerah penangkapan ikan di Perairan Malang Selatan, Jawa Timur. Metode purposive sampling dengan teknik zigzag pada 10 titik sampling digunakan dalam pengambilan data pada penelitian ini. Sedwicgk rafter counting cell digunakan dalam metode penghitungan plankton. Sampel plankton diambil secara horizontal dan vertikal pada kedalaman 1 dan 15 m dengan jaring plankton bermata jaring 20 µm, sedangkan parameter oseanografi secara in situ diukur menggunakan aqua quality sensor tipe AAQ 1183 C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan fitoplankton sebesar 49.764 sel/m3, didominasi oleh genus Chaetoceros. (Bacillariophyceae), dan kelimpahan zooplankton sebesar 894 ind/m3, didominasi oleh genus Nauplius. (Copepoda). Indeks keanekaragaman dan keseragaman fitoplankton dan zooplankton dapat dikategorikan sedang, berturut-turut sebesar 1,77–1,85 dan 1,70–1,77; 0,58–0,59 dan 0,77–0,79, sedangkan indeks dominansinya masuk dalam kategori rendah yaitu berturut-turut 0,27–0,28 dan 0,24–0,27. Analisis Principal Component Analysis (PCA) menunjukkan bahwa parameter oseanografi utama yang paling berpengaruh pada variasi komunitas plankton adalah turbiditas, klorofil-a, oksigen terlarut dan fosfat. Hasil uji T menunjukkan bahwa distribusi spasial kelimpahan fitoplankton dan zooplankton pada kedalaman 1 m dan 15 m berbeda nyata. Studi ini memberikan informasi penting tentang kelimpahan plankton dan faktor oseanografi yang berpengaruh di daerah penangkapan di Perairan Malang Selatan. Kata Kunci: komunitas plankton, parameter oseanografi, fishing ground, Perairan Malang Selatan AbstractThe South Malang water is a potential area as a fishing ground. The existence of various species of small pelagic fishes such as planktivores fishes are directly influenced by the growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton has an important role as the basis of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems, whereas zooplankton is its predator. The growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton is influenced by oceanography factors. This study aims to determine the variation of the plankton community and its relationship with oceanographic parameters, as well as the spatial distribution of plankton in the fishing ground at South Malang water. The purposive sampling method with zigzag technique at 10 sampling sites was used in data collection in this research. Sedwicgk rafter counting cells were used in plankton counting methods. The plankton samples were taken horizontally and vertically at depths of 1 and 15 m with a 20 μm planktonnet, while in situ oceanographic parameters were measured using aqua quality sensor AAQ type 1183 C. The results showed that phytoplankton abundance was 49.764 cells / m3, dominated by the genus Chaetoceros (Bacillariophyceae), and zooplankton abundance of 894 ind / m3, dominated by the genus Nauplius (Copepoda). The diversity index and uniformity index of phytoplankton and zooplankton could be categorized as the middle as 1.77-1.85 and 1.70-1.77; 0.58-0.59 and 0.77-0.79, respectively, while the dominance index was included in the low category that was 0.27-0.28 and 0.24-0,27, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) analysis showed that the most important major oceanographic parameters for plankton community variation were turbidity, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen and phosphate. T test results show that the spatial distribution of phytoplankton abundance and zooplankton at depth of 1 m and 15 m are significantly different. This study provides important information on the plankton abundance and oceanography factors affected at fishing ground of South Malang water. Keywords: Plankton community, oceanography parameters, fishing ground, South Malang Water
Pemutihan Karang Akibat Pemanasan Global Tahun 2016 Terhadap Ekosistem Terumbu Karang: Studi Kasus Di TWP Gili Matra (Gili Air, Gili Meno dan Gili Trawangan) Provinsi NTB Fakhrizal Setiawan; Azhar Muttaqin; S.A Tarigan; Mr. Muhidin; Mr. Hotmariyah; Abdus Sabi; Jessica Pingkan
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2017.001.02.1


AbstractIncreased sea surface temperatures due to global warming that occurred from the early to mid 2016 caused of coral bleaching in several locations in TWP Gili Matra. Observations of coral bleaching  obtained from coral colonies compotition affected by bleaching (50%), white (18%), death (1%) and was not affected (31%). These implications resulting decline in coral cover but not significant (F (1,013) = 0.333, p > 0.05) from 23,43% ± 2,61 SE in 2012 to 18,48% ± 4,14 SE in 2016 and a significant decrease (P (58,06) = 3,8e-06) recruitment of coral (coral Juvenil) from 6,66 ind.m-1 ± 1,04 SE in 2012 to 1,41 ind.m-1 ± 0,16 SE in 2016. the other impact is a significant reduction (P(20.84) = 0,00053, p <0,001) the abundance of reef fish from 28.733,26 ind.ha-1 ± 3.757,89 SE in 2012 to 11.431,18 ind.ha-1 ± 702,53 SE in 2016 and a decline in the biomass of reef fish but not significant (F (0,58) = 0,46, P> 0.05) from 506,56 kg.ha-1 ± 99,05 SE in 2012 to 438,41 kg.ha-1 ± 45,69 SE in 2016. The decline of coral recruitment resulted in the recovery of the affected areas bleaching becomes slow because of the juvenile new coral mostly dead. The second impact of bleaching is an abundance of fish decrease, indicating that is available only fish big size (adult) and very less of small fishes, including juvenile. Keywords: global warming, coral bleaching, coral cover, reef fishes AbstrakPeningkatan suhu permukaan laut akibat pemanasan global yang terjadi dari awal hingga pertengahan tahun 2016 memberikan dampak pemutihan karang di beberapa lokasi di TWP Gili Matra. Hasil pengamatan pemutihan karang didapatkan komposisi dari koloni karang yang terkena pemutihan (50%), pucat (18%), mati (1%) dan tidak terdampak 31%.  Implikasi ini mengakibatkan turunnya tutupan karang namun tidak signifikan (P(1.013)=0.333,p> 0,05) dari 23,43% ± 2,61 SE di tahun 2012 menjadi 18,48 % ± 4,14 SE di tahun 2016 serta penurunan signifikan (P(58,06) = 3,8e-06)rekruitmen karang (Juvenil karang) dari 6,66 ind.m-1 ± 1,04 SE di tahun 2012 menjadi 1,41 ind.m-1 ± 0,16 SE di tahun 2016. Dampak lainnya yaitu penurunan signifikan (P(20,84)=0,00053,p<0,001) kelimpahan ikan karang  dari 28.733,26 ind.ha-1 ± 3.757,89 SE di tahun 2012 menjadi 11.431,18 ind.ha-1 ± 702,53 SE di tahun 2016  serta penurunan biomassa ikan karang namun tidak signifikan (P(0,58)=0,46 ,P> 0,05) dari 506,56 kg.ha-1 ± 99,05 SE di tahun 2012 menjadi 438,41 kg.ha-1  ± 45,69 SE di tahun 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dampak bleaching menyebabkan sedikitnya rekrutmen karang yang mengakibatkan proses recovery area terdampak menjadi lambat dikarenakan juvenil karang baru sebagian besar mati. Dampak kedua dari bleaching ini yaitu kelimpahan ikan yang turun signifikan, hal ini mengindikasikan yang tersedia hanya ikan-ikan ukuran besar (dewasa) dan sedikitnya ikan-ikan kecil termasuk juvenile yang ditemukan.Kata kunci: pemanasan global, pemutihan karang, tutupan karang, ikan karang
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2017.001.02.4


The objective of this study was to find out the antioxidant activities along with phytochemical screening of R. mucronata leaf extracts. R. mucronata leaves were collected from Pilang, Probolinggo. The extraction use three different solvents with different polarity (Methanol, Ethyl acetate, and Hexane). The antioxidant activities were determinted by the Diphenyl picryhydrazil (DPPH) metode used four different concentrations (31,25; 62,25; 125; and 250 ppm). The antioxidant analysis of mangrove R. mucronata showed that the ethyl acetate extract has the highest antioxidant activity (160,417 µg/ml) than the methanol (-117,498 µg/ml) and the hexane (327,611 µg/ml) extracts. The phytochemical screening results that the methanol extract contains 1195 µg/ml flavonoid compounds, 124,44 µg/ml alkaloid compounds and 576,64 µg/ml of tannin compounds. Meanwhile the ethyl and the hexane extract contains  alkaloid compounds (44,91 µg/ml and 41,49 µg/ml ) and tannin compounds (84,84 µg/ml and 67,30 µg/ml).
Tingkat Kesuburan Perairan Di Waduk Wonorejo Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Potensi Ikan setya widi ayuning permanasari; Ms. Kusriani; Putut Widjarnako
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2017.001.02.6


AbstrakWaduk Wonorejo mendapatkan masukan air secara terus menerus dari Kali Wangi dengan membawa beban limbah dari aktivitas manusia, pertanian, pemukiman dan peternakan. Sehingga dapat memicu kesuburan perairan pada waduk. Kesuburan perairan dapat digambarkan dari nilai Produktivitas Primer yang selanjutnya berguna untuk mengestimasi produksi ikan yang berada di perairan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian tersebut adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh produktivitas primer perairan dan potensi ikan yang tertangkap di Waduk Wonorejo. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode observatorial dan penentuan kesuburan perairan menggunakan metode Tropic State Indeks. Kualitas air pada waduk didapatkan bahwa suhu berkisar 29-31oC, kecerahan berkisar 57,5-98,5 cm. Parameter kimia didapatkan pH berkisar 5-7, DO berkisar 6,21-10,03 mg/l, CO2  berkisar 3,9-18,97 mg/l, nitrat berkisar 0,54-1,6mg/l dan ortofosfat berkisar 0,005-0,168 mg/l. Nilai klorofil-a berkisar 2,76-16,1 mg/m3. Produktivitas primer 1,63-4,55 g C/m3/hari Nilai TSI berkisar 51,282-61,080. Kesimpulan bahwa kesuburan perairan di Waduk Wonorejo tergolong dalam perairan eutrofik berat dan potensi perikanan sebesar 3963,252 ton ikan/tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran untuk acuan pengelolaan pemerintah setempat dan pengelola Waduk Wonorejo dalam mengelola Waduk Wonorejo agar berjalan secara tepat, berkesinambungan serta berkelanjutan.Keywords: Estimasi Potensi Ikan, Hipereutrofik, Kualitas Air, TSI AbstractWonorejo Reservoirs gets input water is constantly being from Kali Wangi with carrying burdens waste of human activities, agriculture, settlement and animal husbandry. So, that it can trigger fertility on reservoir waters. Water trophic levels can be described from the primary productivity and useful to estimate production of fish in these waters. The purpose of the research was to identify the influence of productivity primary waters and the potential fish are caught in Wonorejo Reservoirs. The methodology used observatorial methods and for water trophic level used Tropic State Index Method. Water quality in reservoir got the temperature ranges 29-31oC, Secchi disk range 57,5-98,5 cm. Chemical parameter obtained pH range, DO range 6,21-10,03 mg/l, CO2  range 3,9-18,97 mg/l, nitrat range 0,54-1,6mg/l and ortophospate range 0,005-0,168 mg/l. Chlorophyll-a values range 2,76-16,1 mg/m3. Primary Productivity 1,63-4,55 g C/m3/hari. TSI values range 51,282-61,080. The conclusion that water trophic level in Wonorejo Reservoirs are classified eutrofic heavy waters and fisheries potensial as much as 3963,252 ton fish/year. The results of the studied is expected to provide a reference to local government management and management Wonorejo Reservoirs in managing to appropriately , continuous and sustainable.Keywords: Hipereutrofic, Estimate of Potensial Fish, Water Quality, TSI
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2017.001.02.5


Marine yeast is uniceluller microorganism from group of fungi. Marine yeast was isolated from East Java Beach have potention of biotechnology in food section. Marine yeast as an agent in hydrolyzing trash fish protein to be able to increase nutrition value of amino acid. The researches of protease characteristic from marine yeast and its activity in hydrolizing protein are poorly demonstrated. Therefore, study on characteristic of protease from  marine yeast and its activity is important to overcome abundance of trash fish. The aim of this research  was to know protease characteristic of marine yeast and characteristic of trash fish protein hydrolysate. This study used exploration method. The result of this study were the protease characteristic from crude extraction of marine yeast showed that protein concentration value is 22.17 mg/L, protease activity is 21.50 mU/min/mL, Vmaks is 37.25 mmol/L/min and KM value is 2.3 × 103 mM. While the characterstic of trash fish protein hydrolysate is 22.35%, the total of amino acids is 1.32% and the molecular mass is 14.39 kDa. In addition, this study showed that protease activity from marine yeast extraction had low activity because protease extracted from marine yeast is crude extract. Keywords: marine yeast, protease, hydrolysis, trash fish protein

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