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AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This paper attempts to understand and analyze issues of gender relations between men and women according to the Qur’an with the two sub-points. First, how is gender identity used in the Quran. Second, how does the Qur’an speaks of gender equality? The position of women from history has influenced the understanding of most Islamic scholars. Even some of what is considered religion, in fact it is derived from culture and those views. This precisely caused the difference opinion about partnership of men and women. Understanding religious texts even any text is influenced by many factors. It is not only knowledge but also the level of educational background, culture and social condition of society. Meanwhile, it is also misunderstanding the text and the background to understand the nature of language.
PER-SATU-TUBUH-AN SEBAGAI SIMBOL POLA RELASI LAKI-LAKI DAN PEREMPUAN (Sebuah Konsep Kesetaraan Gender dalam Al-Quran) Widodo, Aris
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Since the last decades of twentieth century, gender discourse has become a hot issue among Indonesian Muslim intellectuals. This phenomenon cannot be detached from international socio-intellectual constellation. In 1970’s, gender issue became a significant discourse in England. From then on, the discourse spread to many countries, including Indonesia. The result is that many Western perspectives on the issue inspired Muslim intellectuals. One of the influences is the using of terms such as “domination”, “sub-ordination”, and “equality”. This article tries to describe how the perceptions of domination, sub-ordination, and equality emerged in Western culture. This is followed by examples of Muslim intellectuals’ thoughts inspired by the perspective. Finally, the writer will provide a concept of relationship of man and woman based on an understanding on Qur’anic verses. It is argued that man and woman are equal in terms of quality. Yet, man and woman may differ if quantity is concerned.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This article deals with wali nikah (relative legally responsible for a bride) as a requirement in a wedding process. Majority of Islamic scholars (fuqaha), and also Indonesian Islamic law, always refers to male relative when they talk about wali nikah. On the other hand, contemporary Islamic scholars even give a bride a freedom to get married without a wali nikah. While the first opinion may lead to gender inequality and injustice, the latter opinion is very dangerous. From historical approach, the opinion that wali nikah always refers to male relative can be traced from Islamic legislation prescribed in the Qur’an and hadits. Referring to some contemporary Islamic scholars and muhadditsin, the writer contends that wali nikah is not an obligatory rule (rukun) of a marriage, but only serves as a monitoring apparatus. Suppose wali nikah must exist, it does not necessarily come from a bride side, but may come from a bridegroom side. Moreover, the order of wali nikah may differ from what is compiled in Islamic legal thought (fiqh).
FIQH PEREMPUAN, KEKINIAN DAN KEINDONESIAAN (Telaah Kritis Membangun Fiqh Berkeadilan Gender) Ipandang, Ipandang
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Fiqh is a product of the dialectic between text, context and objectivity-subjectivity of a faqih. One of fiqh’s product is legal rules of women’s live. Most of the scholars who produce ijtihad in fiqh are men. Jurisprudence which is set out by men as dominant society such in the Middle East region, of course will produce patriarchy fiqh. Now it is a time to renew and to reconstruct Islamic concepts that give women more opportunity to be present as a highly dynamic person, courteous and helpful person to the religion and society. Women are not as human who are confined to four walls of house, every day just walking to the room, kitchen, and well.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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The basic problem which is closely related to the women’s problems is the staying of patriarchal culture in contemporary society, which in a certain degree, it is in line with most of the cultural background of classical fiqh books. Meanwhile, the modernization has given the same opportunities for education between men and women, then gave a new awareness about their rights and obligations as a human being. When they tried to dismantle the shackles of bondage-cultural implications for women, in the same way, the gender biases in fiqh books will unfold. This paper attempts to uncover the contemporary womens issues in the perspective of jurisprudence, by opening the walls of womens fiqh which are gender biases.
MENELISIK PESAN MORAL DI BALIK POLIGAMI (Deskripsi Historis Kehidupan Muhammad SAW. dan Implikasinya dalam Islam) Ambar, Iriani
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Polygamy is a controversial issue up to now. Many argued ideas are explored both by those who oppose to it and those agree with it. The arguments usually center around the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy. Some practices of polygamy provoke conflicts in family. Yet, it cannot be denied that some other practices remain place families in harmonious life. Therefore, it must be well comprehended how polygamy should be practiced.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Education is a unique human activity in a community aims to humanize human, as an important instrument for the empowerment of communities, especially for marginalized communities. In addition, education is also an effort to get gender justice in society. Thus, formal education is a means to socialize as well as to transfer values and norms that prevail in society, including values and norms of gender and cultural diversity. All norms and values are transferred through the text books used as well as the atmosphere developed in learning process.
URGENSI BAHASA ARAB DALAM MENGATASI TERJADINYA BIAS GENDER (Penafsiran Teks dan Konteks Bahasa dalam Wacana Keagamaan) Muhammadun, Muzdalifah
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 8 No 1 (2015): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Arabic language is considered a tool of communication playing an exceedingly role in uttering divine messages. Nonetheless, this language must be analyzed properly so that some verses that seem containing gender bias as the result of characters and symbols in this language can be avoided. In this way, discrimination to women on behalf of religious (Islamic) teaching will not occur. The point is that even though messages of the Qur’ān are universal and permanent, the verbalization of the messages is closely related to the situation of the Arabic community at the time Qur’ān was revealed. Therefore, we must carefully study in identifying these two dimensions of the messages.

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