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Progressa: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction
ISSN : 25799665     EISSN : 25799673     DOI :
Progressa, a periodic scientific publication since 2017 published 2 (two) times a year using a peer-reviewed system in article selection. Scientific work on research results, surveys, and literature review closely related to the field of Islamic religious education viewed from various perspectives: Development of Education, Educational Psychology, Education, Sociology of Education, Religion, interreligious relations (Pluralism) or comparative studies of Islamic Education.
Articles 18 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari" : 18 Documents clear
Analisa Dominasi Konstruksi Epistemologi Pembelajaran Qur’an Hadits, Akidah Akhlak, Fiqih, dan SKI yang diajarkan di Madrasah Ahmad Mustofa Jalaluddin Al Mahalli
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (565.751 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.113.87-96


Talking about epistemology, can not be separated from the method. The method of Islamic education in this case discusses the nature of the ways of working in compiling the science of Islamic education. Among the methods used in compiling the science of Islamic education, by referring to the main source (al-Qur'an) including the hermeneutic methodology. This study aims to describe the dominance of the epistemological construction of the learning of the Hadith Qur'an, the Akidah of Morals, Fiqh, and the SKI taught in Madrasas. The results of the analysis are concluded: 1.) If Islamic Religious Education is broken down into four subjects, namely the Hadith Qur'an, Akhah Akhlak, Fiqh, and SKI, then it can be determined which epistemology dominates between the sub-subjects. 2.) The Hadith Qur'an emphasizes the bayani epistemology, because the discussion is centered on the interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith texts. While Akidah Akhlak will be more dominated by Irfani's knowledge, because it focuses on the experience of intuition in the form of psychological beliefs and experiences in the form of attitudes. 3.) The Fiqh will be balanced between the Bayani and Burhani epistemology, because in addition to the study of the text of the postulate which is the subject of the ushul fiqh, it also considers social knowledge concerning correspondence and coherence with the condition of social societies. Likewise, the History of Islamic Culture will be dominated by both epistemologies, because the history of Islam, besides being examined from naqli texts (asbabun nuzul / wurud), also requires conformity between sensory experience and historical texts (both in terms of chronology and periodization)
Pendidikan dan Konflik (Potret Konflik Sunni-Syiah dan Imbasnya Terhadap Pendidikan di Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan) Muhammad Andi Isya'
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.968 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.104.13-24


The conflict between Sunni and Shia has taken place from the very beginning of the two ideologies. The eternal conflict between the Sunni and the Shias enters into the strategic domains of the moral formation of children, namely education. Education is a strategic place in the formation and cadre of a child. Original education is expected to be the formation of a neutral personality, more often ridden with certain ideologies so that the child's personality is formed from Islamic education in accordance with the ideology of an educational institution. The purpose of this research is to know how far conflict sekmetian Sunni and Shia and its impact to education world especially in District of Bangil Pasuruan Regency. This research uses qualitative approach with fenomelogical perspective. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of this study obtained the conclusion that the conflict that stood for years can stick again when the trigger is punctured. As a result education is a disadvantaged element in this sectarian conflict. Education that should be neutral, polluted and polarized by the divisive elements. In addition, education contributes to polishing and beautifying the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. Conflicts that occurred have entered the realm of education. A deep understanding of the teachings of affection between fellow Muslims, supported by an unbalanced curriculum of Islamic education and an educator who is not blind fanaticism, will be the solution to the realization of peace for both sects.
Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Praktek Mengajar Melalui Observasi Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Standar Proses di Kota Mojokerto Eva Yulianti
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.289 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.118.127-132


PPL is the culmination or estuary of the program as well as an arena for forging teacher competencies for prospective teacher students. Through PPL students are given the opportunity to practice applying various theories and professional competencies, skills and insights, attitudes and values â??â??that have been mastered through various subjects, into the real situation. In order for PPL to be optimally useful, PPL is carried out through a conscious and planned, gradual, and systematic coaching process involving many parties, both supervisors, tutors and principals. The purpose of this study is to describe efforts to improve teaching practice skills through observation of planning and implementation of learning activities based on process standards in the City of Mojokerto. This study used action research for three cycles. Each cycle consists of one meeting, each of which consists of four stages: design, activity, and reflection and revision observation. The target of this study is students who practice field experiences in the city of Mojokerto as many as 15 people. Data is obtained in the form of results of filling in planning supervision instruments and teaching activities based on process standards. The conclusions of this study are: Teaching practice skills through observation planning and implementation of learning activities based on process standards in Mojokerto City has increased from the average increase in PPL program participants from 65.87% in the first cycle, to 76.67 & Cycle II and to 82, 86% in Cycle III.
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Adaptif dan Pembelajaran Demokratis terhadap Kinerja Mengajar Guru PNS se Kabupaten Mojokerto Happy Ikmal
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.94 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.109.57-62


Adaptive challenges require re-orientation of thinking and operation, the gap between aspiration and reality is closed when they learn new ways, in addition to adaptive teaching, there is also democratic teaching, democratic teachers must respect the rights of students, including the right to be guided, to be humanized. The purpose of this research are: 1) To know whether Adaptive learning and democratic learning have an effect simultaneously on teaching performance of teacher 2) To know whether adaptive learning and democratic learning have partial influence on teachers' teaching performance 3) To know which of them is most dominant influence among adaptive learning organizations. And democratic learning on teacher teaching performance. This research uses quantitative description analysis with explanatory research, Number of subjects in population 385 people. Sampling method using saturated sampling. In this study the authors use multiple linier regression analysis techniques. The technique, described briefly among variables. From the research results can be summarized as follows: 1) Adaptive learning and democratic learning effect simultaneously on teacher teaching performance. 2) Adaptive learning and parochial learning partially affect teacher teaching performance. 3) Democratic learning has the most dominant influence on teachers' teaching performance.
Ath-thoriqah ahammu minal madah dalam Perspektif KH. Hasyim Asy’ari dan Operasionalisasi dalam Pembelajaran di STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto Achmad Padi
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.647 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.114.97-102


The problem of education in this country, in addition to the curriculum, methods are also in the spotlight. This can be understood because the method is indeed more important than the curriculum, you know that your knowledge is good. But the method also depends on the implementation of the teacher, because the teacher is more important than the method itself, al-mudarris ahammu min ath thariqah. However, the spirit of a teacher is more meaningful than his own body, wa ruhul mudarris ahammu min mudarris nafsuhu. Because of any sophisticated method, if you are in a teacher who is not eager to have nothing. The principle of the interrelationship between curriculum, methods, and teachers, has been recognized by the importance of Hasyim Asy'ari and the muktabar scholars who are directly involved in the care of educational institutions. The purpose of this study is to describe Ath-thoriqah your understanding is in the perspective of KH. Hasyim Asy'ari and Operationalization in Learning at STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. 1) Education offered by KH. Hasyim Asy'ari is a character-based education that is being heralded by the current Minister of Education to be used as a reference in the formation of character of students. 2) In the process of improving teaching, Ath-thoriqah will understand. Or At-thorikotu ahammu minal maddah wal mudarisu ahammu interest in tharikoh wa ruhul mudaris ahammu minal mudarris as conveyed by Kyai Dr. H. Syukri Zarkasyi, MA, needs to be sustained by the Soul of a Teacher and not limited to the capacity of his own teacher who is still reluctant in his heart "wallahu a'lam
Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti Melalui Psikodrama Materi Kisah Teladan Luqman Untuk Meningkatkan Rasa Bersyukur Siswa Syu'aib Nawawi
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.779 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.105.25-30


Imbalances in education indirectly split the personality of children from kindergarten to college. The preferred objectives are the mastery of the material / information, along with the teaching approach being pursued by the target and achievement of the standard. The evaluation system dictates the process, so the accumulative impact that is felt after a person attending many years of education until graduation from the PT for example is, someone who became a scholar, but not a full scholar who is able to think holistically in overcoming real life problems facing him, let alone participate in solving social problems. This study aims to describe the Islamic Religious Education and Character through Psychodrama Luqman role model to Improve the sense of grateful students. This research includes field research and uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this study are SDN Mojosari 1 and 2. The time of this study is even semester of academic year 2017/2018. Data collection method in this research is observation. Data analysis of secondary data, searching and organizing systematically transcripts / records of observations and other materials to improve the author's understanding of the case studied and review it as a finding for others. The results of this study are: that different from other techniques, in psychodrama emotional weight is more highlighted than the intellectual weight. The cultivation of gratitude, especially gratitude requires a long process, in the first phase the teacher starts PBM by praying to instill awareness and gratitude for God's greatness, the teacher motivates the students with the initial activities related to the material. students who are motivated to learn something will use a higher cognitive process in learning the material so that the student will better absorb and listen to the material.
engaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Literasi Digital Terhadap Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif di MTs N Mojosari dan MTs N Sooko Mojokerto Sudar Kajin
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (938.825 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.119.133-142


Learning based on Digital Literacy is learning that applies functional skills to digital media so as to be able to find and select relevant information, evaluate critically, be creative, collaborate with others, communicate effectively, and pay attention to aspects of electronic security and socio-cultural contexts that are increasingly developing in the luast community. The objectives of this study were: 1) To find out the differences in learning motivation of MTs N Mojosari students and Sooko Mojokerto MTs N by using Digital Literacy-based learning. 2) To determine the differences in cognitive learning outcomes of MTs N Mojosari students and Sooko Mojokerto MTs N by using Digital Literacy-based learning. 3) To determine the interaction of learning using Digital Literacy based on motivation and cognitive learning outcomes in MTs N Mojosari and MTs N Sooko Mojokerto. The results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: 1) From the results of the analysis it is known that Digital Literacy-based learning influences motivation in MTs N Mojosari Mojokerto gets a Fcount of 616,286 (significance F = 0,000). And in Sooko MTs N Mojokerto got Fcount 655,544 (significance F = 0,000), then the Zero Hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the Working Hypothesis (H1) was accepted. 2) From the results of the analysis it is known that the vision of Digital Literacy-based learning has an effect on cognitive learning outcomes in MTs N Mojosari Mojokerto obtained Fcount 6.398 (significance F = 0.013). And in Sooko Mojokerto MTs N, the value of Fcount is 8.041 (significance F = 0.007), then the Zero Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Working Hypothesis (H1) is accepted, 3) There is an interaction of Digital Literacy based learning on motivation and cognitive learning outcomes in MTs N Mojosari and Sooko Mojokerto MTs N Digital Literacy-based learning interactions on motivation in MTs N Mojosari amounted to 0.593 (59.3%), Dlanggu Mojokerto 1 Junior High at 0.217 (21.7%). While the cognitive learning outcomes at MTs N Mojosari were 0.869 (86.9%), in MTs N Sooko Mojokerto was 0.334 (33.4%)
Wakaf Esensi Solutif Perbaikan Pendidikan: Jawabah Dilema Lulusan Pendidikan Islam Antara Output, Outcome dan Produk Hasan H A Buro
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (638.141 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.110.63-72


Failure and deterioration of Islamic education can be seen from the reflection of infrastructure, funds, quality educators who are far from expectations should, resulting in to create output. wakaf has a positive outlook, if it is well managed to improve the quality and progress of Islamic education in the future. This study aims to describe: how wakaf as the essence of solutive improvement of education which is an answer to the dilemma of education graduates between output, outcome and product. This study uses "Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used are documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. Data analysis in this research is done during and after data collection by using descriptive-critical-comparative method, and content analysis method. From the results of the discussion can be summarized as follows: 1) The future success of each learner should be viewed as a product success (education), not just the success of output or outcome. When the learner is graduated, it is the output of the educational institution in which he or she is studying, but the outcome can immediately overcome his or her life to work (not just get a job). And working, developing a career in the field of work that ditekuninya, in relatively quickly he will appear successful as an educational product. 2) To realize this need to change the public perception of the importance of wakaf as a supporter of Islamic education, as in Egypt with its A-Azhar University, and within its own country, Wakaf Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo, Wakaf Pesantren Tebuireng in Jombang and Waqf Islamic University Indonesia in Yogyakarta.
Mempersiapkan Warga Belajar STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto dalam Era Disruptions dengan Motto Toward Excellence As Integrated Education untuk Mengatasi Isu Kebangkrutan Perguruan Tinggi Secara Umum Mohammad Badru Tamam
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1215.616 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.115.103-112


The internet and its ability to provide faster and more extensive ways to access content are the main drivers of disruption in this story. This allows the aggregation and sorting of content and the dissemination of content to groups of people larger than is possible through previous forms of distribution. The researcher formulated a study on how to prepare the learning citizens of STIT Raden Wijaya Mojokerto in the era of disruptions with the motto toward excellence as integrated education ?. This research is "Online Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used by the authors in this study are documentation aimed at the subject of research, but study the available documents. From the results of the discussion it can be concluded that by holding the two main streams of higher education (discovery and assembly), in this case it is more appropriate to integrate the STIT Raden Wijaya motto toward excellence as integrated education, so that concerns over the possibility of STIT RAden Wijaya's bankruptcy are not reasoned again. In addition to the existence of STIT RAden Wijaya, it can still be maintained, so that its higher education has been restored to its role as a guide or guide to human civilization, rather than as an impostor of what has been done by the industrial world
Studi Empiris tentang Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Gaya kepemimpinan, Motivasi Belajar dan Manajemen Pembelajaran terhadap Kinerja Akademik Mahasiswa pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto Vialinda Siswati
PROGRESSA: Journal of Islamic Religious Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.744 KB) | DOI: 10.32616/pgr.v2.1.106.31-38


Departing from the analysis of academic social symptoms, the background lack of interest or become a big burden for students to be active in learning due to various orientations including many tasks that are too difficult in quantity and quality. This problem has an impact on student achievement. The low level of student achievement can be seen from the students' achievement and the worse the students postponed the obligation to apply or complete other academic tasks as a whole. This study aims to determine the influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Motivation learning, And Satisfaction academic service Against Student Academic Performance. This research was conducted at Tarbiyah High School of Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. The number of samples taken 48 students. This study used a saturated sample. Data were collected by survey method. Data analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study indicate that organizational culture, leadership style, learning motivation does not affect student academic performance. While learning management have an effect on to student academic performance.

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