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Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education (JMME)
ISSN : 20898878     EISSN : 27158276     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Journal Mathematics and Mathematics Education (JMME) is a peer-refereed open-access journal which has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of mathematics and mathematics education. This journal was founded by the Magister of Mathematics Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret. It is published twice in a year (June and December). The JMME welcomes high-quality manuscripts resulted by researchers, scholars, teachers, and professionals from a research project in the scope of Pure Mathematics, Computing Mathematics, Statistics, Mathematics Learning, Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Learning, STEAM, Ethnomathematics, ICT in Mathematics Education, Design / Development Research in Mathematics Education
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Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jmme.v2i1.9948


 ABSTRAK This study aim to describe the students’ thinking process of 9th grade of Junior High School has a high mathematics capability in solving the mathematics problem based on Polya rule.This study is qualitative descriptive research. The criteria of subject selection included the students’ has a high mathematics capability and communication fluency both spoken and written. The data collection was done using written test and task-based interview techniques. Data analysis done based on written test data and task-based interview techniques data. And then it has been done the method triangulation to get valid subject data. Finally, the result of description thinking process as follows: students with high mathematics capability, in understanding problem using assimilation thinking process, make a plan using assimilation and accommodation thinking process. Assimilation thinking process can be identified when the students can mention the prerequisite material, can directly relate the sides kite (BF = FG) and can directly develop problem solving plan. Meanwhile, accommodation thinking process can be seen when the students drew an auxiliary line from E to the right thereby intersecting with CD line (the intersection was labeled H point), so devided trapezoid AEDG become right triangle EHG and rectangle AEHD. In carrying out a plan and in looking back at the completed solution, the students used assimilation thinking process. Keywords: thinking process, mathematics problem, and problem solving.
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jmme.v2i1.9950


Abstract This study aims :1)to describe process of learning mathematics in vocational RSBI Surakarta.2) to know whether the process of learning mathematics in vocational RSBI Surakarta whether it is in accordance with quality assurance system RSBI.This study used a qualitative approach. The subject of this study was a mathematics teacher in class XI program of tourism expertise. The data was taken by RPP and learning activities in the transformation geometry subject. Instruments used observation and interview guide sheet. Techniques of data collection by interview, observation and documentation. The validity of the data used the triangulation  methods and data sources. Data analysis techniques included data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.These results indicated that: 1) The process of learning mathematics at SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta were as follows (a) The planning was not appropriate  with the standards process because there are some errors in the writing of the identity,  programming skills are not included the amount of meetings and the planning has not been made  (b) The implementation of  mathematics learning  in the transformation geometry subject in early learning activities, the teacher of grade XI mathematics SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta apperception conducted a glimpse for repeating previous material. The main activities of learning, classroom math teacher of SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta XI UPW has implemented major exploration by encouraging students to do the experiment in determining the reflection point and the point of rotation with Geogebra software media, teachers conducted elaboration by discussion and taking conclusion after demonstration done without giving opportunities for students to analyzit. The teacher conducted confirmation by giving positive feedback and reinforcement in verbal to the success of students, gave the confirmation to the result of exploration and elaboration and got correction to the student mistakes. (c) The use of information technology-based media on the powerpoint application program, animation or presentation media in the mathematics learning process was optimally supported by Geogebra media software as supported transformation geometry media. (d) Use the usual methods of teaching applied mathematics teacher SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta was demonstration because it considered suitable for the material submitted with the help of the above media. (e) The use of English in learning mathematics restricted for the opening only, the slides that used in the learning was also not in English. (F) In the end of the lesson the teacher give students chance to ask which part of the material that still not understand, Taking conclusion from the material together with the students, giving exercises, and post test. (g) In the assessment step, grade XI mathematics teacher of SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta correcting students' test results, give feedbacks and comments, restore the work to the students.The results of the research also showed that; 2) The process of mathematics learning at SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta if it has been related with quality assurance system are (a) The process of mathematics learning is good but not meet the standards process and has not been riched by learning process from one of developed OECD country or other developing country. (b) The process of learning in mathematic have developing a noble character, manners, noble, excellent personality, leadership, life enterpreneural, patriot and soul. (c) The use of English in mathematics teaching was too minimal only at the opening, the delivering materials also have not to use English. (d) The use of ICT have good proved by the learning process using the LCD and Geogebra software.Keywords: Mathematics Learning Process, Vocational RSBI,  Quality Assurance  System
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jmme.v2i1.9952


 ABSTRACTDeaf children are those who lose their auditory capability, both, partly or completely causing their auditory sense has no functional value in daily life. Accordingly, with this condition, they will experience difficulty in a learning process. Therefore, special learning strategy is needed to teach mathematics to deaf children and scaffolding can be used to help students who have difficulties. A learning strategy is a way that will be selected and used by a teacher to deliver learning material so that it will facilitate learner in achieving an expected learning goal. A learning strategy covers method, technique, and tactic in a process of learning. Whereas, scaffolding is supports provided in each stage of learning and problem solving. Purpose of the research is to describe a teacher’s ways of teaching learning material of flat structure and how does a teacher provide scaffolding to deaf students of class V of SLB-B YRTRW of Surakarta who have difficulty in working on exercise problems.The research is a descriptive-qualitative research with case study approach. Sample is taken by using purposive random sampling technique. The subject  research of this study is a fifth grade mathematics teacher SLB-B YRTRW of Surakarta. Data is collected by using observation and interview. Data of the research’s result is analyzed by using Miles and Huberman model.The results showed that the strategy used teacher in mathematics learning of the subject sub properties built flat which includes the use of methods and techniques look the same as learning in school in general, but in terms of tactics look very different. Teachers use a variety of tactics such as opening the lesson teacher led prayer gestured with hands clapped over and over again. Having students collect homework by standing in front of students and to repeat what he's talking about. Roll students by asking the other students by appointing a bench of students who do not belong to clarify the expression on her speech. Appoint students who have not focused attention on the lesson with the student approached and patted him then give the question. Train students to speak by pointing and other students to give examples if still can’t approach the teacher and students are trained to speak directly with speech and expression made it clear repeatedly. Asking questions about the last lesson by holding up a flat image was then shown to the students with a straight face talking all that clarified and the question was asked repeatedly followed gesture. Deliver the learning objectives in a way it slowly with expression speak to clarify and say it repeatedly. When the core lessons teachers deliver the material to write the title and the drawing up on the board by providing a detailed description of the image. Introduce a flat up by showing a picture and then pointed to the writing on the blackboard. Images shown in the direction of all students by holding the picture. Conduct debriefing with the students by providing questions to the students by using a flat image and up to students who can’t speak with the teacher asking questions and the question was asked how to deal repeatedly with clear expression and speech writing problem on the board. Introduce the opposite side and a flat pair up with examples in actual practice in daily life by having four students come forward and form a position opposite and pair up with to explain to students that is opposite and in pairs they practice it as such. When closing the lesson the teacher to make conclusions lesson by guiding students to repeat the lesson by standing next to the blackboard and pointing fingers properties that have been written. Give homework to students, the given problem is a problem that already exists at student worksheets but the teacher wrote the book back on the board and page numbers matter. While the teacher in providing scaffolding for students who have difficulty in doing the practice questions by writing them back problem on the board and having students read back the question by pointing to questions over and over again. For students who do not understand about the teacher highlights the core problem that has been written in the book and give examples of students. Guiding students individually to check students' work by giving you step-by-step work coherently to give an example to measure, draw and annotate a complete picture. When finished working on the teacher invites students to discuss the matter with one of the students pointed forward or just by reading about the matter by pointing at the book and then the students respond orally.Key words: learning strategies, scaffolding, learning mathematics, the properties of a flat wake, hearing impairment.
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jmme.v2i1.9942


Abstrak :Miskonsepsi adalah gagasan yang tidak sesuai dengan pengertian ilmiah atau pengertian yang dicetuskan oleh para pakar dalam suatu bidang serta bisa berupa pengertian yang tidak akurat terhadap konsep, penggunaan konsep yang salah, klasifikasi contoh-contoh yang salah, kekacauan konsep-konsep yang berbeda dan hubungan hierarkis konsep-konsep yang tidak benar. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan informasi mengenai miskonsepsi untuk menghindari terjadinya miskonsepsi yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penguasaan konsep seseorang adalah gaya kognitif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan terjadinya miskonsepsi pada mata kuliah pengantar dasar matematika pokok bahasan logika, ditinjau dari gaya kognitif mahasiswa. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester satu Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI Pacitan, tahun 2011. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan subjek adalah purposive sampling. Identifikasi terjadinya miskonsepsi dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Certainly of Response Index(CRI) yang dikembangkan oleh Saleem Hasan. Sedangkan identifikasi gaya kognitif mahasiswa dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen Group Embedded Figures Test(GEFT) yang dikembangkan oleh Witkin. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi miskonsepsi pada mahasiswa dengan gaya kognitif Field dependent(FD) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan miskonsepsi pada mahasiswa dengan gaya kognitif Field independent(FI). Mahasiswa FD lebih banyak mengalami miskonsepsi pada konsep invers, konvers, dan kontraposisi (38 %) sedangkan pada mahasiswa FI lebih banyak mengalami miskonsepsi pada konsep negasi pernyataan majemuk dan pernyataan berkuantor (32 %). Miskonsepsi pada mahasiswa FD lebih banyak disebabkan oleh prakonsepsi yang salah dan rendahnya kemampuan mahasiswa. Sedangkan miskonsepsi pada mahasiswa FI lebih banyak disebabkan oleh Simplifikasi dan intuisi yang salah dari mahasiswa.Kata kunci: miskonsepsi, gaya kognitif, CRI, GEFT.
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jmme.v2i1.9944


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Manakah model pembelajaran yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika yang lebih baik, model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBM), inkuiri atau konvensional, (2) Manakah yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika yang lebih baik, kemandirian belajar tinggi, kemandirian belajar sedang, atau kemandirian belajar rendah, (3) Pada masingmasing model pembelajaran, manakah yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika yang lebih baik, kemandirian belajar tinggi, kemandirian belajar sedang, atau kemandirian belajar rendah. (4) Pada masingmasing klasifikasi kemandirian belajar siswa, manakah model pembelajaran yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika yang lebih baik, model PBM, inkuiri atau konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri Kabupaten Blora Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun pelajaran 2011/2012.Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan stratified cluster random sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 287 siswa, dengan rincian 92 siswa pada kelas eksperimen satu, 96 siswa pada kelas eksperimen dua, dan 99 siswa pada kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah tes kemampuan awal, angket kemandirian, dan tes prestasi belajar. Uji coba instrumen tes meliputi validitas isi, tingkat kesukaran, daya pembeda, dan reliabilitas. Uji coba instrumen angket meliputi validitas isi, konsistensi internal, dan reliabilitas. Uji prasyarat meliputi uji normalitasmenggunakan metode Lilliefors dan uji homogenitas variansi menggunakan metode Bartlett. Dengan a = 0,05, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa sampel berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal dan mempunyai  variansi yang homogen. Uji keseimbangan terhadap data kemampuan awal menggunakan analisis variansi satu jalan dengan sel tak sama diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ketiga kelas mempunyai kemampuan awal yang seimbang. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis variansi dua jalan dengan sel tak sama. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa (1) Model pembelajaran inkuiri menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik dibandingkan model PBM, model PBM menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik dibandingkan model pembelajaran konvensional, dan model pembelajaran Inkuiri menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik dibandingkan model pembelajaran konvensional, (2) Siswa dengan kemandirian belajar tinggi memiliki prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik dibandingkan siswa berkemandirian belajar sedang, siswa dengan kemandirian belajar sedang memiliki prestasi yang sama baiknya dengan siswa berkemandirian belajar rendah, dan siswa dengan kemandirian belajar tinggi memiliki prestasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan siswa dengan kemandirian belajar rendah, (3) Pada model pembelajaran inkuiri, siswa dengan kemandirian belajar tinggi memiliki prestasi belajar matematika sama baiknya dengan siswa berkemandirian belajar sedang, siswa dengan kemandirian belajar tinggi memiliki prestasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan siswa berkemandirian belajar rendah, dan siswa dengan kemandirian belajar sedang memiliki prestasi yang sama baiknya dengan siswa dengan kemandirian belajar rendah. Pada model PBM dan konvensional, ketiga klasifikasi kemandirian belajar siswa memberikan prestasi belajar yang sama baiknya, (4) Pada siswa dengan kemandirian belajar tinggi, model pembelajaran inkuiri menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik dibandingkan model PBM, model PBM menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika sama baiknya dengan model pembelajaran konvensional, dan model pembelajaran inkuiri menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik dibandingkan model pembelajaran konvensional. Pada siswa dengan kemandirian belajar sedang dan rendah, ketiga model pembelajaran menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika yang sama baiknya.Kata kunci: Inkuiri, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM), Konvensional, Kemandirian Belajar Siswa
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jmme.v2i1.9946


ABSTRAK             Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Apakah pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw yang dimodifikasi memberikan prestasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw, dan keduanya lebih baik daripada pembelajaran konvensional. (2) Apakah siswa dengan gaya kognitif field independent mempunyai prestasi belajar matematika yang lebih baik daripada siswa dengan gaya kognitif field dependent. (3) Apakah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw yang dimodifikasi memberikan prestasi yang lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan pembelajaran konvensional pada siswa dengan gaya kognitif field dependent maupun field independent.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental semu dengan desain eksperimen 32. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII (delapan) SMP Negeri di Grobogan semester dua tahun pelajaran 2010/2011. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan stratified cluster random sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berasal dari SMP Negeri 1 Purwodadi, SMP Negeri 2 Grobogan, dan SMP Negeri 6 Purwodadi yang berjumlah 307 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah tes prestasi belajar matematika dan tes gaya kognitif siswa. Uji instrumen meliputi validitas isi instrumen tes dilakukan oleh validator dan uji reliabilitas instrumen tes menggunakan rumus KR-20. Uji keseimbangan menggunakan uji anava satu jalan dengan sel tak sama. Uji prasyarat meliputi uji normalitas dengan menggunakan metode uji Lilliefors dan uji homogenitas menggunakan metode Bartlett dengan statistik uji Chi Kuadrat. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji anava 2 jalan dengan sel tak sama.Hasil analisis data dengan anava dua jalan sel tak sama menunjukkan (1) Terdapat perbedaan rataan antara model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw  yang dimodifikasi, tipe Jigsaw dan konvensional  terhadap prestasi belajar matematika (Fa = 26,749  > F0,05;2;301 = 3,026). (2) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan gaya kognitif siswa terhadap prestasi belajar matematika (Fb = 22,652 > F0,05;1;301 = 3,026). (3) Tidak terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan gaya kognitif terhadap prestasi belajar matematika (Fab = 1,618 < F0,05;2;301 = 3,026).Berdasarkan uji hipotesis dan uji pasca anava diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1) Pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw yang dimodifikasi menghasilkan prestasi belajar yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw, dan keduanya menghasilkan prestasi belajar yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. (2) Siswa dengan gaya kognitif field independent mempunyai prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada siswa dengan gaya kognitif field dependent. (3) Pada siswa dengan gaya kognitif field independent maupun field dependent yang diberikan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw yang dimodifikasi mempunyai prestasi belajar lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan keduanya lebih baik daripada pembelajaran konvensional. Kata kunci:  Jigsaw yang dimodifikasi, Jigsaw, Gaya Kognitif, Field Independent, Field Dependent.

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