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Al-Albab ISSN 0216-6143 (print) and ISSN: 2502-8340 (online) is an interdisciplinary journal published twice a year in print and online (e-journal) by the Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies, Pontianak. The journal was offline and started to be online in 2012. The e-ISSN was issued in 2016. Review processing started to be online in 2016 by using available tolls provided by the OJS. Reviewers may choose to use Review Form provided by the OJS or doing review process on the manuscript using Tracking Changes menu provided by Microsoft Word.
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Search results for , issue "Vol 10, No 1 (2021)" : 8 Documents clear
Religion, Science, And Culture Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic: Muhammadiyah’s Worship Guidance and Members’ Responses Ahmad Muttaqin
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.1904


How have religious organizations responded to the COVID-19 pandemic? Why have some religious organizations responded to this outbreak from a scientific perspective, but many others have not? This paper explores the Muhammadiyah's proactive role in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak through an integration-interconnection perspective of religion, science, and culture. Apart from establishing the Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC), Muhammadiyah have been actively providing religious guidance amidst the pandemic. Through a review of organizational documents and an auto-nethnography study of the responses of Muhammadiyah members and their community, this paper examines the content and process of disseminating religious guidance, as well as the responses of the organization members and society generally. The dynamics of the response of Muhammadiyah members and sympathizers to religious guidance issued by the Central Board of Muhammadiyah will be read from the perspective of the religious authority in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) era. This paper underlines that the Muhammadiyah have shown efforts to integrate religion, science, and culture through MCCC to deal with the outbreak. This confirms that the Muhammadiyah movement is both rational and pro-science and serves as a shred of evidence that religious organizations can be problem solvers, although authorities are potentially challenged in the VUCA era.
Ahlus Sunnah Views of COVID-19 in Social Media: The Islamic Preaching by Gus Baha and Abdus Somad Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy; Achmad Fawaid; Althaf Husein Muzakky
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.1921


The Covid-19 pandemic, which occurred in line with the massive transformation of digital media, was a significant moment that enabled diverse Islamic preachers to use media to advance their own interests. However, little has been discussed regarding the religious responses to the COVID-19 performed by Ahlus Sunnah community members or those who are not inclined to participate in radical activities. By analyzing two important Ahlus Sunnah figures, Gus Baha and Abdus Somad, this article focuses on the group’s COVID-19 views on social media, which represents their motives, perspectives, strategies, and theological views to encourage Muslims to have certain mindsets on the virus. Given that Abdul Somad Official account around $1400- 21,700 per month with 950 thousand subscribers and Gus Baha Official account around $5-75 with 500 thousand subscribers, this article investigates their religious/ theological perspectives on COVID-19 and the extent to which they represent religious moderate viewpoints as the solution of the COVID-19. It argues that their YouTube or Facebook channels have enabled the birth of religious moderate arguments on COVID-19 rooted in the Ahlus Sunnah movement. Unlike well-established scientific perspectives on Covid-19 that spread out through official government channels or television, Gus Baha and Abdus Somad’s viewpoints have been relatively independent from medical networks, but highly dependent on Ahlus Sunnah movements. With a high number of offline and online followers, it demonstrates the potential of their status as religious influencers on COVID-19 based on Ahlus Sunnah viewpoints in Indonesia.
Response of Millennial Muslims to Religious Minority Groups in Indonesia Hasse Jubba; Ahmad Sunawari Long; Ririt Yuniar
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.1982


Religious minority groups have historically been positioned as the trigger for religious and social disharmony. This paper aims to explore the millennial Muslims’ basis for their positioning towards minority groups in Indonesia. The data collected through questionnaires, interviews, and document studies were analyzed and then converted into narrative form, tables, diagrams, and charts. The findings show that there are two millennial Muslim responses towards religious minority groups. First, some are responding with acceptance of non-Islamic affiliated minority groups. Of the 412 surveyed respondents, 280 or 67, 96% stated their acceptance based on the juridical-constitutional reason that every citizen has the same rights and obligations, including the rights to live and obey the law. Representing the second millennial response, most respondents also rejected Islamic-affiliated minority groups. 383 respondents (93%) stated this rejection noting that they believe in the existence of these groups damaging Islam’s image. The different forms of response are based on theological, juridical, and cultural reasons that can be found in religious arguments, legislation, and values of the local wisdom of the Indonesians. This study proposes the need of building better understanding among millennial Muslims regarding social diversity in Indonesia, and finding common ground for these differences that can be applied to avoid religious conflicts in the future.
False Consciousness: The Cultural Identity Construction of Cele And Batik Within Moluccan Scholars in Ambon Elka Anakotta; Flavius Floris Andries
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.1977


Identity is a social construction. The Moluccan people are evident of this structure, especially regarding the policy of the obligation to wear cele (Moluccan traditional garment). This has become a process of identity construction involving culture and ethnicity for Moluccans. This paper discusses how Moluccan scholars who studied in Java understand their position wearing cele in the local context in Maluku. In addition, this paper also discusses the scholars’ views on how the process of identity negotiation between localism and nationalism is represented through cele and batik. Information for this study was gathered using a qualitative method with a cultural studies approach. The data were collected using several techniques including interviews, observation, and literature studies to answer research questions and problems. This paper shows that in response to the Moluccan government policy which requires the people to wear cele once a week, most scholars prefer to wear batik instead. One justification is related to cultural and religious aspects, noting cele is more familiar and originates from within the Christian community, while the Islamic community does not recognize cele in their culture. They consider that such policy leads to the construction of cultural identity based on false consciousness.
The Concept of Mysticism in Islam and Christianity Sahri Sahri
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.1804


Judging from its origin, there is an opinion that Sufism originates from Islam. Some say that Sufism is influenced by the practices of other religions, such as the practices of Christian priesthood and of other religions. This article aims to examine the comparison between the concepts of zuhud (asceticism / detachment) and wahdat al-wujud (the unity of existence) in Islam and the concepts of asceticism and hypostatic union in Christianity. In Christianity there is a clerical structure, but Islam does not recognize or implement it. Islamic Sufis did not transform Sufism from Christianity or other religions because Sufism is related to human instincts. Additionally, the human soul is the same despite different societies and nations. The similarities of the practice of asceticism cannot be sufficiently used as the reason that it stems from Christian asceticism. There are in fact similarities between the concept of wahdat al-wujud and hypostatic union in Christianity. The differences between the two lies in the esoteric and exoteric dimensions. However, according to al-Junaid and al-Ghazali, mahabbat and ma'rifat are the limitations of the maqam of Sufism, a level of maqam where man is still in a state of understanding of his own existence. So, between man and God, there is still distance. In this modern era, there is a need for a re-interpretation of Sufism in which Sufism is not only oriented to be purely transient to be in union with God, but it is a form of fulfilling our obligations as God's caliphs who should improve things for fellow humans and other living beings. In other words, Sufism not only contains a theophanic dimension of transience, but also a profane dimension in which there are of fellow human interests worldwide.
Islamic Manuscripts of Meranaw Muslims In Mindanao: An Inquiry of The Richness of The Intellectual Heritage Labi Hadji Sarip Riwarung
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.2010


This inquiry on the Islamic manuscripts intends to illuminate the rich artistic and intellectual writing traditions of the Meranaw Muslims in the Philippines. These Meranaw manuscripts play an important role in guiding people’s lives as a source of religious knowledge that reflects people’s thoughts and aspirations. Moreover, these manuscripts are additionally an important source of knowledge in understanding people’s culture, history, and relationships with other nations, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and more. These manuscripts are handwritten in Arabic script called batang a Arab or in Jawi or kirim. Some of these manuscripts are the handwritten Qur’an, kisas (Islamic stories), prayer scrolls, medicinal manuscripts or mga bolongs, book of kakasi (book of charms), and the ilmo extreme unction and other Islamic manuscripts of importance to the Meranaw. There are also Islamic manuscripts that are written in stencil and printed like the Parokonan, the introductory guide to prayer, Alipalipan ( a book for beginners of the Arabic alphabet), Mawlid/ Barsindi (the devotional song about Prophet Muhammad (P.U.H)), Taabir Mimpi (the book of prophecy), qira’a, Sarf, and Tajwid. To the Meranaws, manuscripts are family belongings with great personal value. They are a family treasure handed down from generation to generation and strictly guarded with great care. Families cover the manuscripts with cloth or skin of an animal for protection and lock them in a chest so that they will be accessed only by their family. This research paper presents the Islamic Manuscript of the Meranaw, describes its characteristics and contents to explain the tremendous value to the Meranaw Society, hence the richness of the archival libraries mentioned.
The Roles of Parents for Children's Faith Education: A Catechization Review Lukas Ahen; cenderato cenderato; Arius Arifman Halawa
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.1953


This study aims to determine the extent to which parents at Stasi Santo Andreas Binjai, Parish of Santo Mikael Tanjung Baung, Sintang Diocese have played their role as educators of the faith of their children in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. This paper explores the obstacles faced by parents and how to overcome these obstacles to carry out their roles as faith educators for their children. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that describes all the symptoms or conditions that exist. The data collection was conducted using three techniques: direct observation with observation guidance, direct communication through dialogue, and/or direct communication with participants to collect research data using tools (interview guides and documentary studies with visuals) during the study as evidence that researchers took to the field to conduct research. Based on the results, it is known that parents are not yet fully aware of their duties and responsibilities as the first and foremost faith educators for their children. Instead, the responsibility of fostering children's faith is mostly left to schools and churches as institutions (administrators of Stasi and Parish Churches). Lack of time for parents to be with their children and lack of understanding and awareness of parents about their duties and responsibilities in their children's faith education are inhibiting factors. The question exists, how to overcome the obstacles parents face as faith educators for their children. Many parents try to take advantage of family time (although it is limited) to give advice and practical teachings as a form of practical family catechesis, monitor children's activities, and encourage their children to take part in church activities.
Women in Public Sphere after The Implementation of Islamic Sharia in Aceh Sri Roviana; Wening Udasmoro; Euis Nurlaelawati
Al-Albab Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Graduate Program of Pontianak Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/alalbab.v10i1.1970


This article discusses several activities intended for Acehnese women after the implementation of Islamic sharia. Activities aimed at women in public spaces have an impact on the marginalization and narrowing of women's public spaces. This article also explicitly provides an overview and analysis of what actually happened to Acehnese women so that it appears that there is a problem of the domination of male power over women based on religious, cultural, and political arguments. The purpose of this article is for the public to understand that the Aceh government has made policies aimed at women in the public sphere with the support of Wilayatul Hisbah, which has an impact on the marginalization of women. It is found that after the implementation of Islamic law in 2001 until now, in Aceh, there have been domestication of women with various regulations (qonuns) as well as text interpretations which are used as legitimacy by the power of conservative ideology on progressive understanding. This article makes Aceh a focus area. This article is based on the literature as a secondary source as well as interviews with experts.

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