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Articles 47 Documents
Development of Android Web KNRP.Org Applications Using Restful API And Framework Ionic (Node JS) Permana, Angga; Sofian, Erza
I-STATEMENT Vol 4 No 1 (2018): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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Developing sites android application is based by the use of smartphones and tablets are starting to become a necessity in todays society are also with the many who visit the site using mobile devices. Applications are made to information about KNRP (National Committee for Palestinian People) can be accessed anywhere and anytime as long as the Internet connection allows. During this time Information contained in the form of websites, social media, and print media. The purpose to develop site to maximize KNRP publication, then in this thesis proposal created an android app that KNRP humanitarian agencies can better reach readers. Android app there are several features that can facilitate the reader KNRP in getting the best reading comfort. KNRP android app provides information about the PIC and Palestina and can be accessed in a variety of sizes of smartphones and tablets. The method application created by using Ionic Framework with a basic JavaScript Framework AngularJS, and Node.js. After going through the process of testing has been done, the application made to show information such as news-gathering KNRP and Opera-related donations.
Pengaruh Customer Knowledge, Faktor Organisasi Dan Infrastruktur Knowledge Management Terhadap Implementasi Customer Relation Management Pertiwi, Asri
I-STATEMENT Vol 1 No 1 (2015): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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In the 21st century, the awareness that customers have a value and that customers prefer quality rather than price, began increasing. The impact is, company started to focus on customer relationships to retain customers and create a loyal customer. In building relationship with customers, some companies use CRM tools to combine customer data with managers. But the conversion process of customer data into customer knowledge is not easy. One of approach to solve the problems of implementation of CRM is to apply knowledge management into the customer relation management in order to not only for maximizing operational area but also streamline the strategic areas through CRM to gain and share knowledge about customer. Successful implementation of CRM is not only supported by the integration of customer knowledge and knowledge management but also need supporting from the organization.
Identifikasi Knowledge Transfer Menggunakan Pendekatan Siemens Maturity Level Widiatuti, Mariska Aprisciliana; Pertiwi, Asri
I-STATEMENT Vol 3 No 2 (2017): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This study aims to understand and identify the process of new knowledge creation in Information Systems Program at STIMIK ESQ. Identification is conducted by approach of Siemens Maturity Level through observation and interview to 21 informants at STIMIK ESQ. The result of this research is the model of new knowledge creation at program study of Information Systems which is explained in Siemens Maturity Level at repeated level. Although creation of new knowledge is inhibited, but there is knowledge creation in the subject of technopreneurship, which is occurred through experience learning and exploring.
Algoritma K-Means Dalam Mengidentifikasikan Perkerjaan Berdasarkan Latar Belakang Pendidikan di Tingkat Rukun Warga Sofian, Erza
I-STATEMENT Vol 2 No 2 (2016): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This research is meant to identify level of unemployment based on education background that is hold each community that has graduated from university or college. The total number of graduates that graduated in each university is significant compare to available work fields, that resulted in high level of competition which made companies also set high standard in recruitment. Algorithm K-means with clustering technique can identify total population for graduates according to their root of education, age, job and available work fields. This data is produced qualitative gradually to fulfill data research needs. Therefore, it is expected that from this research can come as recommendation to each candidate or potential students in taking steps for the future and give training in accordance with their study field that graduate student or potential graduate student holds.
I-STATEMENT Vol. 3 No.2 2017 Cover Page Riskinanto, Anggar
I-STATEMENT Vol 3 No 2 (2017): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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Back Matter Riskinanto, Anggar
I-STATEMENT Vol 4 No 1 (2018): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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Pengaruh Intensitas Moral Terhadap Etika Pengambilan Keputusan Pengguna Sistem Informasi Prakosa, Fajar
I-STATEMENT Vol 3 No 1 (2017): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This research is aimed to analyze the influence of the moral intensity and personality toward to ethical decision-making of information systems users. Ethical decision-making variables measured by perceived ethical problem and behavioral intentions. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between moral intensity with ethical decision making that consists of perceived ethical problems and behavioral intention. The decision process is influenced by perceptions of individual circumstances, so as to provide evidence that supports the importance of the relationship between the intensity of moral and ethical decision making.
Satellite Image Transaction Service Improvement System Development and Implementation Riyadi, Linggo Gagat; Riyanto, Indra; Susilo, Andi; Yasmiati, Yasmiati
I-STATEMENT Vol 4 No 1 (2018): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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PT Petacitra is a company that provides satellite data commercially. At present, the process is still done manually by email. To improve the satellite image transaction service, a web-based application is developed. The web-based process gives the marketing unit easier and more efficient transaction process. The method used in this research is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with waterfall modelling. The resulting system automates imagery ordering, preview upload, formulating the ofering proposal and generates the proposal template.
Aplikasi Perhitungan Indeks Prestasi Mahasiswa Menggunakan Excel dan Macro Visual Basic for Application Rusli, Muhammad; S, Ardiana
I-STATEMENT Vol 1 No 1 (2015): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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GPA is the average value obtained by the student after completing a stage or a combination of more than one stage of learning outcomes assessment. GPA consists of a semester GPA, grade point average, and the Final Grade. Perstasi index can be calculated for each student in person before the actual results issued by the Campus. GPA calculation is very important to know the approximate value derived from each stage of learning outcomes assessment, so that students can take into account the value that should be obtained to obtain the IP had hoped. Microsoft Excel is a software that one of its functions is as a database. Contained in the Microsoft Excel Macro that can automate existing operator or function in Microsoft Excel. Moreover, in the Microsoft Excel also contained Excel Visual Basic for Application (VBA) that can be used to create application programs. This study examines the stages in the creation of index calculation application perstasi (IP) using Macros and VBA to assist students in performing simulation calculations perstasi index (IP) them.
Membandingkan Empat Paradigma Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Rusli, Muhammad; Ziveria, Mira
I-STATEMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2016): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This study aimed to compare the four paradigms of software engineering. Software became the machine that controls decision-making in the business world, serves as the basis of all forms of services and modern scientific research. The software is attached to any kind of system: transportation, medical, telecommunications, military, industrial processes, entertainment, office products and others. The method used to compare four software paradigm that Waterfall Model, Prototyping, Spiral Model, and Fourth-Generation. The software really can not escape from modern life. Therefore, it needs the technology to be used by people who build computer software and we also have to be able to develop it in a proper way. Technology includes a process, a series of methods and a series of tools called software engineering.