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Membandingkan Empat Paradigma Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Rusli, Muhammad; Ziveria, Mira
I-STATEMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2016): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This study aimed to compare the four paradigms of software engineering. Software became the machine that controls decision-making in the business world, serves as the basis of all forms of services and modern scientific research. The software is attached to any kind of system: transportation, medical, telecommunications, military, industrial processes, entertainment, office products and others. The method used to compare four software paradigm that Waterfall Model, Prototyping, Spiral Model, and Fourth-Generation. The software really can not escape from modern life. Therefore, it needs the technology to be used by people who build computer software and we also have to be able to develop it in a proper way. Technology includes a process, a series of methods and a series of tools called software engineering.
Sistem Pengolahan Data Prestasi Mahasiswa di Program Studi Sistem Informasi Kampus XYZ Samosir, Ridha Sefina
I-STATEMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2016): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This study aims to develop a computer-based information system to processing student achievement data both in academic and non-academic courses. Results of the study provide benefits in assisting the study program to simplify and accelerate the management of student achievement data. Research method taken was qualitative through several means, namely literature review, observation and interviews. The literature review was conducted to study the concept and theoretical research support, while observation and interviews conducted directly into existing courses to obtain supporting data such as student achievement data and data students. Student achievement data processing system developed by the waterfall approach. The tools that used was VB.Net programming language and MySQL database.
Efektifitas Penggunaan E-Learning Moodle, Google Classroom Dan Edmodo Hakim, Abdul Barir
I-STATEMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2016): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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STIMIK ESQ use e-learning system to support teaching and learning process. But the e- learning system used is not utilized optimally, so that it can be concluded that the use of e-learning system has not generate interest and motivation of students and collaborative learning has not yet materialized. Therefore, comparison is done on most features in the e-learning system that has been used by STIMIK ESQ, namely Moodle, Edmodo and Google Classroom.
Penggunaan Pendekatan CMMI dalam Metodologi Agile Development Riskinanto, Anggar
I-STATEMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2016): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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Konsep Sistem OLTP pada Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal untuk Minimum Standar Nasional Pendidikan Pertiwi, Asri
I-STATEMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2016): I-STATEMENT: Information System and Technology Management
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This research is aimed to represent 8 standards of Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) for Higher Education out of 24 standards in accordance with government regulation to Online Transactional Processing Systems (OLTP). This study uses a conceptual approach and through observation of daily activities in the case of ESQ Business School. The result will be as a solution for the software developer to develop OLTP systems of Quality Assurance in higher education so that the existence of SPMI is not only because of the necessity requirement on higher education but can provide real, actual and appropriate information.

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