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Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian
ISSN : 19789726     EISSN : 25410717     DOI : -
Al-Izzah receive article from academics, researchers, and students national and international in the field of Muslim community, education, culture, gender, and any social religious issues. The articles published in the journal Al-Izzah covers scientific research result as a priority research, scientific articles review, and responses or critics to the existing the prior researches. Journal Al Izzah published twice a year by Intitute of Research and Community Development (LP2M) IAIN Kendari and always places Islam and Muslim society in the central focus of academic inquiry. Article submitted in the form of original ideas, based on research result (both library as well as fieldwork), and not yet ever published in journal anywhere. The manuscript submitted to Al-Izzah is independently reviewed by at least two reviewers in the form of "double-blind review". Decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation. In certain cases, the editor may submit an article for review to another, third reviewer before making a decision, if necessary.
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Articles 6 Documents
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Vernakularisasi Al-Qur’an di Tanah Bugis: Tinjauan Metodologis Terjemahan Al-Qur’an Karya Anregurutta Muh. Yunus Maratan Mursalim Mursalim; Abbas Abbas
Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Vol 15, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/ai.v0i0.2179


This article aims to reveal the vernacular activities of the Koran in the South Sulawesi region through the work of Bugis scholars. The focus of this study is specifically on the work of Tafsir al-Qur'an Al-Karim bi al-Lugah al-Bugisiyah written by AG. Yunus Maratan by testing his methodology and dialectics within the framework of Bugis culture. By using a descriptive-analytic approach, this article shows the findings that this work is an attempt to bridge the al-Qur'an as an Arabic text with ordinary Bugis people who do not understand the original language of the Qur’an (Arabic), so that Al-Qur'an. Methodologically, the work is not a literary interpretation like mainstream tafsir literatures, but only as a translation work of the Koran that combines tarjamah lafziyah and tafsiriyah. This phenomenon also proves that the history of the spread of Islamic da'wah in the archipelago, especially in South Sulawesi, is very flexible by involving various local elements as a medium for preaching, including the vernacular of al-Qur'an. That is why the works of Bugis clerics and the cultural context of the community are intertwined in forming a local Islamic culture.
Manajemen Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Inklusi bagi Anak Disabilitas di Kota Makassar Rd. Zaky Miftahul Fasa
Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Vol 15, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/ai.v0i0.2177


Inclusive education, especially in the Islamic education (PAI) subject, is a guaranteed concept for citizens to get their right for education without exception. This study aims to determine how inclusion-based PAI learning management for children with disabilities in Makassar City uses qualitative methods and uses observation, interview and documentation study techniques. There are four findings in this study, namely: (1) learning planning has been prepared by Islamic Education teachers based on the curriculum of 2013 and adapted to the characteristics of the child and documented in the form of a syllabus and learning implementation plan, (2) the implementation of PAI teaching and learning activities are implemented with a strategy diverse learning; selecting and using varied learning methods; as well as the use of learning media, (3) evaluation of Islamic Education learning outcomes for children with disabilities is carried out by using test and non-test techniques, (4) there are obstacles in learning Islamic Education with children with disabilities, namely the competence of Islamic Education teachers in presenting the learning process, supporting facilities and the lack of handbooks (textbooks) for PAI for children with disabilities so that Islamic education learning is not optimal.
Eksistensi Dakwah Bil Hikmah sebagai Akselerasi Pengembangan Sosial Keagamaan di Kecamatan Sukadana Lampung Timur Anton Widodo; Nur Fauziah Fatawi; Andi Rahmad
Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Vol 15, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/ai.v0i0.2166


Da’i is agents of change who bring ideas and provide innovations for changes in people’s lives for the better. As agents of change, many abilities are needed to enable the role of preachers to successfully change society in terms of knowledge, attitudes and behavior, one of which is the ability to convey da’wah messages through tabligh and the ability to communicate. The focus of this research is how Da’is in Sukadana, East Lampung Regency carry out proselytization and carry out missions as agents of change. This research is a phenomenological study so that the interpretive paradigm uses a phenomenological approach. Research data collection was carried out by observation, documentation and interviews, involving five Da’i as research objects. The results showed that the Da’i experience in carrying out dakwah bil hikmah was claimed to have succeeded in bringing about positive changes in the Sukadana community. Da’is in Sukadana have outstanding abilities and are successful in their preaching by preaching bil hikmah. Their proselytization is carried out through religious, social guidance and proselytizing activities by providing information and ideas to change the Sukadana community into obedient and devout people to Allah and be accepted by other communities. Da’is in conveying da’wah messages through tabligh in Sukadana District are under informative and educational functions with proselytizing activities through Majlis Taklim, Friday sermons and other non-formal lectures. This finding confirms that the dakwah bil hikmah should continue to be used as an ideal missionary in Islamic society.
Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat di Jazirah Arab: Transformasi Kultural Ashabiyah dalam Menunjang Kekuasaan Nabi Muhammad Muhamad Yusrul Hana
Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Vol 15, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/ai.v0i0.2064


Ashabiyah has become one of the important social systems for people in the Arabian Peninsula before the Prophet Muhammad introducing Islam to Mecca. Ashabiyah brought the tribes into one strong unity in Arab, though it turned out this system often leads to egoism and aggression of each group, which caused dispute and war. The Prophet Muhammad then used this system to unify the people of the desert and the people within the country once again with a new purpose, which is Islam, after Islam came into Arabic. The primary purpose of the ashabiyah system was unification and sovereignty for all the people, and it costs the system to have a guideline of religious values. So, based on the values every act made by the tribe will lead to right action as well. This research wants to explain how did Ashabiyah take a role in all peoples of Arabia and be a succession of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the spread of Islam. The method that is used in this study is that historical research contains heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the study showed that the ashabiyah based on Islam became a strong system in building the progress of the ummah because, without social solidarity, unity, and help, the ideals of sovereignty could not be realized.
Keadilan Berpoligami: Tinjauan Kritis Penafsiran M. Quraish Shihab terhadap QS. Al-Nisā/4: 3 Nawir HK; Muhammad Alwi HS; Aan Parhani; Fahruddin Fahruddin
Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Vol 15, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/ai.v0i0.2131


Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskrispikan sekaligus menganalisis pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab tentang keadilan pada poligami dalam QS. Al-Nisa/4:3, yang kemudian akan ditelusuri posisi pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab tersebut dalam konteks perdebatan oleh para pemikir dan ulama Islam. Pengungkapan pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab ini penting diutarakan, karena M. Quraish Shihab dikenal sebagai ulama moderat serta menjadi rujukan penting pemikiran Islam di Indonesia. Setelah dianalisis, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa poligami dinilai oleh M. Quraish Shihab sebagai pintu darurat, yang hanya dilewati jika berada dalam keadaan terpaksa, di mana pandangannya tersebut menekankan pada aspek keadilan yang harus terpenuhi dalam berpoligami. Adapun keadilan yang dimaksud oleh M. Quraish Shihab adalah keadilan dalam hal material. Dari sini, pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab tersebut merupakan bagian pemikiran kelompok yang menerima praktik poligami dengan syarat-syarat yang ketat. Pandangan M. Quraish Shihab termasuk tergolong moderat dalam menyelesaikan problem praktik poligami di Indonesia, di mana M. Quraish Shihab berhasil bersikap tengah atas pandangan yang menolak secara ketat dan pandangan yang menerimanya secara ketat. Dengan demikian, artikel ini membuktikan bahwa pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab dapat menjadi pilihan yang tepat dalam mengamalkan QS. Al-Nisa/4:3 bagi umat Islam di Indonesia.
Islam as Discursive Tradition: The Reception of the Qur’an and Hadith as Pattula’ Bala’ in Bugis Society Amir, Abdul Muiz
Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Vol 15, No. 2, November 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/ai.v0i0.3749


This article examines the reception of the pattula’ bala’ in the tradition of the Bugis Muslim community. The tradition is important to study because it is still trapped in a theological debate regarding its position as part of acculturation. This study uses field data sources collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Besides, literature data sources are also used to trace the history of hadith and the history of Islamic civilization. The data is processed and analyzed using reception and genealogy to find the historical connection between Islamic teachings and local traditions. It argues that the tradition of the pattula’ bala’ perceived by the Bugis Muslim community was discursive tradition, because they believed it based on transmitted from the Hadith, the practice of Sahaba, and other works of literature from the scholars. Besides, the tradition is not only as a tabarruk but also functions as a panoptic that motivates its users to be more active in practicing worship and avoiding all immoral acts.

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