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Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing (JAIC) Volume 2, Nomor 1, Juli 2018. Berisi tulisan yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian di bidang Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer Terapan dengan e-ISSN: 2548-9828. Terdapat 3 artikel yang telah ditelaah secara substansial oleh tim editorial dan reviewer.
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Articles 173 Documents
Penerapan Replikasi Data pada Aplikasi Ticketing Menggunakan Slony PostgreSQL Defriyanuar Dhining; Yeni Rokhayati; Dwi Ely Kurniawan
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (964.866 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v1i2.472


Nowadays, almost every company use web aplication to do their business activity. Besides multi-platform it also easier for installation and maintenance. Other that web application need a fast and reliable internet connection. It is necessity to make a server in local area network with syncronize database from one server to another server. Syncronize database will run using replication server database. Database replication can use many tool, one of them is Slony that is specially create for PostgreSQL. Replication database can also to pretend stopping application when there is bad internet connection. Replication database is one of stanby server tecknic because down server. Database synchronize will be buid using PHP programming language and PostgreSQL database with Slony which is open source at all, so it will reduce the cost of installation and maintenance.
Prediksi Kelayakan Operasional Mesin Rivet Menggunakan Regresi Linear Berganda Yeni Rokhayati; Nur Setyo Utomo; Sartikha Sartikha
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.497 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v1i2.473


Mesin rivet merupakan suatu mesin yang digunakan dalam penyambungan plat berbahan aluminium. Upaya untuk mengetahui kelayakan mesin rivet di PT. XYZ selama ini dilakukan dengan melihat hasil yang dikeluarkan oleh mesin tersebut. Seringkali terjadi ketika mesin sudah menghasilkan banyak barang, namun hasilnya tidak memenuhi standar kualitas yang baik. Ini disebabkan oleh tidak diketahuinya kelayakan kondisi pengoperasian mesin rivetnya. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui kelayakan operasi mesin rivet tanpa harus menunggu hasil penyambungan adalah dengan memprediksinya dari faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh besar, yaitu kesesuaian tekanan hidrolik, waktu penyambungan, dan diameter punch dari mesin rivetnya. Oleh karena melibatkan variabel lebih dari satu, maka metode regresi linier berganda digunakan dalam membuat model prediksi kelayakan mesin rivet ini. Pengujian hipotesis, penghitungan koefisien determinasi dan korelasi dilakukan untuk menguji kelayakan model prediksinya. Selain itu, guna mempermudah dalam mengetahui hasil prediksi kelayakan mesin rivetnya, sebuah aplikasi berbasis desktop dirancang menggunakan pemodelan Unified Modelling Languag (UML) dan dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java.
Identifikasi Fitur Laptop beserta Orientasinya dengan Metode Apriori dan Lexicon-Based Try Satria Amanattullah; Hilda Widyastuti; Festy Winda Sari
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (888.631 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v1i2.508


Perkembangan laptop saat ini sangat pesat. Para produsen menggunakan media sosial misalnya fan page di Facebook untuk mempromosikan produknya. Semakin banyaknya pilihan membuat seseorang kesulitan dalam menentukan suatu laptop bagus atau tidak, direkomendasikan atau tidak. Review-review dan komentar-komentar yang ada di fan page tentang merek-merek laptop baru bisa dijadikan sebagai pengetahuan untuk menentukan apakah laptop baru tersebut bagus atau tidak. Jumlah review dan komentar yang ada di fan page sangat banyak sehingga diperlukan proses otomatisasi. Untuk keperluan tersebut digunakan opinion mining mencakup identifikasi target opini dan penentuan orientasinya. Identifikasi target opini digunakan untuk mengetahui fitur-fitur laptop yang dibicarakan dalam sebuah komentar sedangkan penentuan orientasi digunakan untuk menentukan apakah komentar bersifat positif atau negatif. Data yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini diambil dari data fans page Facebook yang kemudian dianalis menggunakan metode Apriori untuk menghasilkan fitur laptop sebagai target opini dan metode Lexicon-based untuk menentukan orientasi fitur laptop, apakah berorientasi positif atau negatif. Penelitian juga menghasilkan kesimpulan dari data review dan komentar yang telah diproses.
Analisis Koefisien Cepstral Emosi Berdasarkan Suara Ismail Mohidin; Frangky Tupamahu
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1024.129 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v1i2.523


Abstract - The speech signal carries some sort of information, which consists of the intent to be conveyed, who speaks the information, and the emotional information that shows the emotional state of the utterance. One of the characteristics of human voice is the fundamental frequency. In this study the selection of features and methods of classification and recognition is important to recognize the emotional level (anger, sadness, fear, pleasure and neutral) contained in the dataset, this research proposes design through two main processes of training and introduction recognition). Experiments conducted using the Indonesian emotion voice dataset and the Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) algorithm were used to extract features from sound emotion. MFCC produces 13 cepstral coefficients of each of the sound emotion signals. This coefficient is used as an input of classification of emotional data from 250 data sampling.
Modeling Infant Mortality Rate with Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline Approach Hendra H Dukalang
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (728.268 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v1i2.524


The most important thing in human life is health, because of it is the rights of national foundation that should be fullfiled. This contains on Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) which had elapsed on December 2015, and was replaced by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs in the aspect of Mother and Child’s Health mentioned in its third purpose namely: ensuring the health life and supporting welfare for all ages. Kota Gorontalo is the capital of Gorontalo Province which has become the center ofactivities either in the part of economics or all sectors including health development, as one of them is to reduce the Infant Mortality Rate. The Infant Mortality Rate can be defined as the number of babies who died since the birth phase until the approximately age of one year of babies in the area at a certain period, then divided with the total per 1000 successful birth in that year. This research is aimed to analyze the relationship between infant mortality and its affecting factors by using MARS Method. The result of this research showed that the best MARS MODEL is a combination of BF = 16, MI = 3, MO = 3, with with a GVC value of 0,732. Therefore, the variable that have significant effect towards infant mortality in Gorontalo City is the percentage of childbirth which was helped by the healthcare provider (X1), the percentage of giving Vitamin A to the babies (X5), the percentage of pregnant mother who received TT2(X7), the percentage of basic inclusive imunitation on babies (X4) and the percentage of babies which was given breast milk exclusively at the age of 0-5 months (X2).
Pengenalan Aktivitas Berkendara Berbasis Sensor Accelerometer Pada Smartphone Dengan Fitur Auto Feedback Menggunakan Algoritma k-Nearest Neighbour Tri Ramadani Arjo; Reipki Anbeni
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.524 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v2i1.735


Penggunaan handphone merupakan salah satu penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas. Hal ini sangat memprihatinkan mengingat penggunaan handphone merupakan salah satu aktivitas manusia yang saat ini sering dilakukan. Penelitian ini berusaha memberikan solusi untuk mengurangi penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas yang disebabkan penggunaan handphone saat sedang berkendara dengan cara memanfaatkan sensor accelerometer yang terdapat pada smartphone. Data pada sensor accelerometer diklasifikasikan dengan menggunakan algoritma K-Nearest Neighboar untuk mengetahui apakah pengguna handphone sedang berkendara atau sedang tidak berkendara. Penelitian ini juga membuat aplikasi auto feedback yang dapat membalas pesan secara otomatis apabila pengguna smartphone sedang berkendara sehingga diharapkan dapat menciptakan kondisi berkendara yang aman. Dalam rangka mengetahui ketepatan algoritma dalam mengklasifikasikan aktivitas berkendara, maka dilakukan pengujian pada aplikasi auto feedback dengan cara mengirimkan beberapa pesan saat pengguna handphone sedang berkendara dan saat sedang tidak berkendara.
Simulation Strategic Positioning for Mobile Robot Roccer Wheels Mochamad Mobed Bachtiar; Iwan Kurnianto Wibowo; Rakhmat Faizal Ajie
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.724 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v2i1.736


Soccer robot is a combination of sports, robotics technology and multi agent system. The achieve goals in playing the ball, requires individual intelligence, and the ability of cooperation for individual skills. The success of a soccer robot team is influenced by the success of the robot player to enter the ball into the opponent's goal. In entering the ball into the opponent's goal needed an appropriate position and strategic. This research makes the design in finding a strategic position at the time of attack. The design divides the field into several small areas or the main grid, where each region gives different action. The position is said to be strategic if the robot passing success and has a fairly wide perspective against the goal. The strategic position is gained from the greatest opportunity of some of the decisive conditions. The calculation used is to use the Probability Naïve Bayes Classifier by taking the maximum value that serve as a strategic position. So this research resulted in a design in finding strategic position.
Rancang Bangun Lab Komputer Virtual Berbasis Cloud Computing Menggunakan Openstack Pada Jaringan Terpusat Nelmiawati Nelmiawati; Nur Cahyono Kushardianto; Ahmad Hamim Tohari; Yan Prada Hasibuan; Dwi Ely Kurniawan
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (922.577 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v2i1.821


Politeknik Negeri Batam is one college that gives higher priority to practicum activity. Students are therefore faced with a larger practical task than theory, making it more laboratory than practicum sessions. While access to the lab is quite limited. Virtual computer labs using Cloud Computing technology can be a solution to overcome this limitation. The author has been doing research on the design of Cloud Computing's virtual computer lab using OpenStack on a centralized network and has got some results. Tests are performed with specific server specifications and use the OpenStack platform. And the results of testing of the virtual computer lab with case studies of object-based programming courses show the server used during testing can run virtual computer lab with 9 computers well. While in the case study there are 30 computers per lab. This is due to hardware resources that are not good enough.
Clustering Profil Pengunjung Perpustakaan Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Fauziah Mahmuda; Maya Armys Roma Sitorus; Hilda Widyastuti; Dwi Ely Kurniawan
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.435 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v1i1.476


Business Entity library Batam (BP Batam) is a public library located in Batam city with thw number of visitors. Every visitor who comes to do the charging guest book manually by writing system. It causes a buildup of data which are not organized. Data mining is one of the analytical tools that can be used to address the backlog of data. The method of Clustering with the K-Means Algorithm used in analyzing the data library visitors BP Batam. Library visitors using the data processing method of Elbow to get the best number of clusters K i.e., K = 3, and by using the center point (centroid) initial i,e, P1 = (4,1), P2 = (2,4), P3 = (4,2). The purpose of this research is to apply the algorithm for K-Means clustering in the data library visitors (case study library BP Batam). K-Means clustering results obtained from 1556 dataset data library visitors are grouped into three clusters, Clusters 1 is dominated by a college student and visitor located at Batam Center, Cluster 2 is dominated by a college student and visitor located at Bengkong, Cluster 3 is dominated by public and visitor status in Batam Center.
The Android Based Computer Network Monitoring Application Muhammad Nashrullah; Muhammad Alif Raher
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.792 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v2i1.879


Utilization of information technology and computer network as data communication media has been increased. The requirement for shared use of existing resources in the network both software and hardware has resulted in the development of various technologies of the network itself. Information technology and communications are widely used today using computer network system as a medium of information and data transformation, the greater the company or agency that uses the network computer the more complex the network system in the company or agency, and required a good handling for the system can run optimally. One of them that uses computer network system is Banyan Tree Bintan. Network monitoring activities in Banyan Tree Bintan are important to do by network administrator to ensure the network is always in good condition. Given the limitations of network administrators who can not always be in the workplace, it is necessary for a system that can monitor the computer network remotely. So that the network administrator can know the state of the computer network at any time and can perform actions that need to be done quickly.This application is based on android using an Internet connection for network administrators can monitor network anytime and anywhere. Desktop-based applications need to be installed on the computer so that computer system data can be retrieved and displayed on android devices.

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