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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship
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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship is intended to be an effective channel of communications and knowledge sharing among various types of stakeholder interested in the study of innovation, business and entrepreneurship, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. While theoretical aspects are considered as important, the journal however tends to be focussed more on practical aspects of innovation, business and entrepreneurship.
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Product Development Strategy of Duftende Indonesia Hogiana, Della Yunia; Dellyana, Dina
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Running a business certainly is not that easy, there are many obstacles and challenges that exist, one of which is to improve the performance of the company itself by constantly innovating and delivering the best products to customers. And this study aims to find what are the idea of perfume product which is desirable by customer. To reach this objective, Buyers Persona and also Pearson’s New Product Development Process used in this study as the basic knowledge of research and used as the main construct in predicting what kind of perfume product that desired by the customer. This research uses qualitative research method by semi-structured interview with twenty respondents to asking for their opinion on product development based on Pearson's New Product Development Process. The results of this data will determine what are the idea of perfume product which is desirable by customer, what hat are the suitable buyer persona for the product, also what are the suitable business strategy for the product, and what are the acceptance of the new product which is developed.Keyword : New Product Development Strategy; Beauty Product; Perfume
An Analysis of Appreciative Intelligence to Time Management on Successful Millennials as The Culinary Business Owner in Bandung Pratiwi, Risa; Wisesa, Anggara
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. The data of the Ministry of Cooperatives & SME at the end of 2015 showed that culinary business has the largest contribution to GDP. The owner of successful culinary business are mostly millennials. There must be some factors which influence those people to be success in business. This research is qualitative research conducted to explore objective of the study. Qualitative method was chosen since this research objective is to explore how AQ playing role in time management especially in Millennial generation as culinary business owner in Bandung. The research found that the more productive they are, the higher their ability to reframe, appreciate the positive, and see the future unfold from present. The research findings toward those with high productivity is a result of how long they have been attached to their commitment to be an entrepreneur so it leads them to get used to self-discipline and it demands them to have a good time management by planning, organizing, and prioritizing their activity.
Servqual Analysis of PT Dago Wisata Umroh Service Yuska, Novrisky; Chaldun, Evy Rachmawati
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Nowadays, intention of Muslim in Indonesia to perform umrah is increased. This opportunity captured by umrah travel agency in Indonesia, especially Dago Wisata. Dago Wisata provide umrah service for Muslim. It is needed to know customer opinion about Dago Wisata umrah service. The main objective of this research is to know Dago Wisata umrah service quality. This research result also will be applied in Smeva Holiday, company which also focuses in umrah service. This research was using questionnaire and conducted in Bandung with 100 respondents. The SERVQUAL dimensions with the five points of likert scale used in the questionnaire.  Data will be analyze by using Microsoft excel and SPSS. Importance performance analysis will use in assessing existing service of Dago Wisata and analyzing improvement that need to do by Dago wisata Management to create customer satisfaction.The result show that there three kind of service attribute should improve by Dago Wisata. There is distance between hotel and mosque in Mecca and Medina, closer is better. Dago Wisata should improve employee careness to customer complaints. Keywords: Umrah business, SERVQUAL, Importance Performance Analysis
New Product Development Strategy of HEIMA Supply Praditya, Patricius; Dellyana, Dina
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. In order to survive in a fast-paced fashion industry, a company must be able to listen to what their customers desired. Customers’ demand for a desirable will always changing, and thus a company must be able to keep up with the ever-changing demands. HEIMA is a fashion industry, which focuses on bags. Established in 2016, HEIMA aims to become a leader in Indonesia’s bag-maker industry. Quality and consistency is what they are holding high. But after launching its first product, HEIMA realize that the plan they had built at the beginning did not go as planned. The sales was low because the product did not meet the targeted markets’ expectation. Buyer persona analysis and Pearson’s New Product Development Process are the methods believed to be the answer to find the right product for the suitable customers. This research uses a qualitative research. By interviewing 20 people, which are chosen by using a purposive sampling, the researcher will then ask the respondents about the product they desired. The outcome of this research will be the researcher find the product that is desired by the customers, what personas suit the product, the marketing strategy, business analysis, and the acceptance of the newly developed product.­Keyword: New Product Development Strategy; Buyer Persona Analysis; Fashion Industry 
Child's Style Influence on Parents Buying Decision Process at Nata De Coco Beverages Product in Bandung City Darmawan, Iden; Chaerudin, Rendra
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. The coconut industry which utilized as nata de coco's business opportunity becomes one of the buffer of economic growth in Indonesia especially in Bandung. To further support so the benefits of nata de coco products can be perceived by every connoisseur needed a marketing process as a tool for the dealer between producers and consumers. This refers to children as the biggest target market for the nata de coco drink business. This study aims to determine the style of children who can influence the purchase decision of parents to drink nata de coco in Bandung. To achieve this goal secondary data is collected through rigorous literature studies ranging from marketing, child style as an influence, parental purchasing decisions until factors that can influence parental purchasing decisions. Followed by primary data collection through consumer survey is distributed through sampling method in Bandung. This study provides new empirical evidence of child style as an influence consisting of (peading style, persistent style, forceful style, demonstrative style, sugar-coated style, threatening style, and pitty style) influencing parents purchasing decision in Bandung City. Data are collected through online and offline questionnaires and distributed through simple linear methods. Total of 100 questionnaires have been collected and used for the analysis of this research. Analyze simple linear regression which applied to determine the interrelations of different variables in parental purchasing decisions. Empirical results indicate that there is a significant relationship between independent variables (child style as an influence) to the dependent variable (parental purchasing decisions). This research is important for marketers in understanding the effect of child's style on parental purchasing decisions. Keywords: child style, parental purchasing decisions, nata de coco, marketers, producers, consumers, Bandung.
Proposed the New Product Concept Development in GRAN Company Sekaryani, Nanda Nyayu; Ratnaningtyas, Sudrajati
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Indonesia has the greatest number of UMKM amongst any other countries in the world, and still growing. The creative industry in its own or it self have the greatest potential compared to other business industry in Indonesia. Among all of 14 sectors in creative industry, fashion industry has contributed to the economy the most. GRAN. is a fashion company that creates bag for woman students for their daily activities. To survive in fashion industry that has grew rapidly in Indonesia, GRAN. company must to find the right new product development to find right product that suitable with the willingness of the customer. For that, GRAN. company will do New Product Development Process by Pearson. So the company can meet customer’s expectation from products that GRAN. company make. This research do New Product Development Process by Pearson, only done until step 3, which Concept Development and Testing. For the next step until done will be presented in the implementation plan. The research will take place in Bandung with giving the respondents questionnaire with semi-close question to woman students in Bandung with age 18 until 23 years old. The questionnaire spread only to the customers who have bought GRAN.’s product to know what aspect to be improve in the products. And from the research know the attributes that must be fulfilled by GRAN, company to meet their customer’s expectation. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative in order to obtain good research results.Keywords: Fashion Industry, New Product Development, Customer Buying Decision, Concept Development and Testing, GRAN.
Business Model of Established Publisher Analysis to Conduct New Business Model for Ataru Publisher Suadiani, Risa; Ratnaningtyas, Sudrajati
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Publishing business is one of creative industry which grow rapidly, especially in Bandung city. As we know, Bandung is famous as a “creative city”. That is why there are so many creative and innovative business in Bandung such as fashion and culinary. Include publishing business. Despite being hit with technological developments bit much harm business book publishers, but publishers still businesses can adapt to the technology even use technological advances and information to run their business. Ataru as a new player in this business quite stumbled in running the business. Ataru main problems facing today is a business model that is less feasible. In this final project will be presented shortage of Ataru of the business model was not relevant applied this current publishing business condition. The aim of this research is to conduct new business model for Ataru. Kaifa Publisher is a book publishing company that was founded in 2012 and be a role model for Ataru to improve its business model. The results of the identification of this business model will then be compared with the business model of Ataru to see where the weak parts of the business owned Ataru. After obtained the results of the analysis of the gap between Kaifa and Ataru, researchers will adapt the business model of Kaifa Publisher with Ataru as a new business model. Researchers will not implement the whole business model of Kaifa on Ataru without adjustment, but adjust Ataru capabilities in terms of capital and resources. After that, it is expected to be able to run back Ataru business book publisher with a new business model that is better than the previous model. From this new business model, the researchers derive each business aspect into the implementation plan. This implementation plan will be used to run a new business model Ataru. Keywords: business model, book publisher, role models, Bandung, creative industries
An Exploration of Fitting Start-Up Incubator for University Students in Bandung Akbar, Muhammad Fikri; Aldianto, Leo
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract- One of the issue that correlate with better better economy in a country is how they could develop startup founder from university students. In United States, one of the most developed startup country in the world, the push to create more and more high-tech startup from the youth has been rising. With the research that showded how high-tech startup could increace employment rate,  new high-tech startup are expected to be produced from university students as the youth who have many potential. Apparently in India, the country with similar demographic to Indonesia, who will have mass population of young people, already in the move to follow the footstep of United States. They already implement student startup policy, a policy with ambitious vision of producing 100,000 tech startup from 10,000 university across the country by providing program such as incubator for students. This research try to explore how is the current condition in Indonesia, spesifically in the case of Bandung, which have more than 100 university in the cities. This research wanted to explore from the existing startup incubator in Bandung and how are the university students who are interested on becoming startup founder see them. By getting the insight on how is the perspective, challenges, and suggestion from both side, this research try to find a recommendation on creating fitting startup incubator for university students that could help development of future potential of university student founder just like othe countries. The findings of this reseach found out that currently it is unlikely to provide a startup incubator program that target univerasity student if the provider/incubator is not backed up by university/government/big corporate which could provide vast resource to face the uncertainty of incubating students. The big problem that made it hard is the commitments issue that is agreed by the incubators and the students themselves. Thus this research recommend that in current condition the better way is to provide program in a form that resemble pre-incubation phase, which focus on giving open experience to the students with the goal tofilter the one who is commited and then after that the incubation phase could started. Keywords : Startup, Incubator, University Students, commitment
How Was The Role of Human Resource Planning in The Quality of Production Process at Nédirzanit Company Azizah, Ummi; Bekti, Rudy
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract.  The quality of the products produced by a company is determined based on certain measurements and characteristics based on the standards set by the company. NÉDIRZANIT is a fashion company that put forward the theme of literature and its illustrations. NÉDIRZANIT has a problem of low quality production processes where production errors often occur. This results in decreased product quality or even defective products. Therefore, this research is conducted with an aim to discover the factors causing the low quality of the production process in terms of human resource planning and find out solutions to improve the quality of the production process.  The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. This study was conducted by interviewing the workers. The data obtained is processed By using manual coding. The result, it can be seen that the factor causing the low quality of the production process is the low priority to production task. The solution to overcome the low quality of the production process is to make human resource planning with mature and structured in order to be able to manage the human resources owned by utilizing their maximum potential. Keywords: human resource; human resource planning; production management; quality of production process; defect product
Integrated Marketing Communication for GRAN. Rinjani, Abby Nabilla Surya; Dellyana, Dina
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract- As a fashion based business, finding the right target market towards its variation of product is one of important thing to create the right strategy that will affected to the product sales of its company. However, GRAN. company find a situation whereas its marketing strategy run in a wrong way and its market segment are also less clear to a specific group of person, which affect to its product sales that is less maximal. The purpose of this study is to find its right target market and right marketing strategy to increase its sales by finding its right buyer persona and obtained its right marketing strategy for then create it marketing implementation using the integrated marketing communication to find the answer. The scope and limitation of this research are only for women who domicile in Bandung and Jakarta with the its specification of the buyer persona of GRAN.. By using qualitative research, this research will using a semi-structured interview using some interview protocols and questions that has been created before and using purposive sampling based on the 3 buyer persona to collect the data to 21 women in Bandung and Jakarta. After obtained the research, it will be analyze using benchmark analysis on the internal, and content analysis and pattern-matching analysis to analyze and match the interview answer from the respondents to answer the research questions of the right buyer persona, the right marketing strategy, and the implementation of the marketing strategy towards GRAN. company, and validation through its business model canvas. Keywords:  Buyer Persona; Business Model Canvas; Integrated Marketing Communication, Qualitative Research, Content Analysis

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