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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship
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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship is intended to be an effective channel of communications and knowledge sharing among various types of stakeholder interested in the study of innovation, business and entrepreneurship, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. While theoretical aspects are considered as important, the journal however tends to be focussed more on practical aspects of innovation, business and entrepreneurship.
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Articles 94 Documents
Analysis and Implementation of New Product Development Method: Case Study of Asikin Aja Ramadhan, Saddam; Prasetio, Eko Agus
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. The culinary subsector is the largest industry that dominates 41.69% of the overall creative economy. Asikin Aja is one of the SMEs engaged in the culinary field. This company has developed many culinary products, but none of them are successful in entering the market. By using fishbone analysis, it is known that Asikin Aja experiences various kinds of problems. Lack understanding of customer demand, poor team management, and poor product development plans make it difficult for Asikin to develop new products. To overcome the problems faced by Asikin Aja, the right method is needed. There are four methods that are analyzed, i.e., Kanban, Waterfall, Scrum, and Lean Startup. After conducting the analysis, Lean Startup is selected as the suitable method for solving product development problems at Asikin Aja. After selecting the method, researcher creates a plan and implements it directly by making a minimum viable product. By conducting product tests directly to customers, the value and growth hypothesis can be fulfilled in one iteration which will be followed by persevere that is producing and selling the product.Keywords: Lean Startup, Framework, Team Management, Small Medium Enterprise, Culinary Industry 
The Empirical Evidences of Physical Store Survival of Hijab Fashion Industry in Digital Era Diantika, Mei Rizki; Hartati, Sri
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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The trend of wearing hijab in Indonesia is booming today. But, Nowadays several fashion business which has physical store that had exist suddenly closed down, they can not survive because they cannot knowing their customer need, technology make a system changes.This research aims to recognize and understand how physical store survive in digital era especially in hijab company and develop strategy of Khalisa Hijab which is startup hijab in Bandung. This research using qualitative approach with in-depth interview. It has interviewed five informants from different hijab companies which have more than three physical store. The researcher focused on the strategic retail model that owned by those companies. To recognize and understand the strategic retail model in hijab companies, there are four elements that the researcher used. The elements is product, service, positioning, and technology which is adopted from Gustafsson and Gustavsson (2013). Based on the result, to be different and unique product, the hijab company can make design product which has ethnic style from Indonesian culture or the raw material should up to date such as using laser cut and hijab printing. The store environment should show the value of brand. Each hijab company should focus on their customer want and customer buying behavior and agile with the existing changes. Based on the result of the research, there are develop strategy that can be implemented in Khalisa Hijab. Khalisa Hijab should engages its customer with brand via website or social media. The brand of Khalisa Hijab should be known by society especially in Bandung. Then, it should produce authentic product that can be the identity of Khalisa Hijab.And maintain and manage the customers with discount and member card that always broadcast the customer via Instagram feed and stories for gaining loyal customer.Keywords: Digital Technology, Hijab Company, Physical Store, The Strategic Retail Model 
Relationship of instagram content, instagram influencer, and perceived value of the product towards customer purchase intentions of photography service industry Siregar, Bian Hidema Zuhrilian; Mirzanti, Isti Raafadini
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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The trend of buying and selling of photography service is increasing. Furthermore, with the support of technology’s rapid growth, the use of social media is helping the business to grow. For instance, on Instagram, there are lots of users that sell their photography services and look for it. This phenomenon can be proved by the high number of photography services tag photos on Instagram, which acts as the media for customers to see the product, access information, and assess the product. The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship of Instagram content, Instagram influencer, and perceived value of the product towards customer purchase intention. This research can be implemented to attract the purchase intention of photography services on Instagram. After reading previous studies, the researcher continues to analyze the relationship by using quantitative method through questionnaires. The questionnaires will be distributed to the customers who will use photography service or people who have been used photography service on Instagram and live in Jakarta/Bandung. In this research, the independent variables are Instagram content, Instagram influencer, and perceived value of the product. While the dependent variable is purchase intention. The multiple regression analysis is used to analyze the relationship between the independent variables with the dependent variable. After all the test is completed, the researcher will make conclusion based on the data analysis to answer the research question. Recommendations will also be given and is expected to solve the problem which exist in this research. Lastly, the researcher will also give some insights related to the further research.Keywords: Photography Service Industry, Instagram content, Instagram Influencer, Perceived value of the Product, Purchase Intention
Will you eat your dog’s cookie? an exploration of relationship between consumer attitude and purchase intention in healthy food Alexandra, Graciella; Mayangsari, Lidia
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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The food market is developing with a health benefit. However, health food tends to attract even more interest from consumer and businesses. Besides seeing the sense of meaning, food quality, and health of these foods, prices also greatly affect consumer attention. Snuupil Petcare is a company that runs in the pet care industry especially for dog products. This research is about how can we grow with a wider market, from only dog market and into human market. This research is to understand the relationship of consumer attitude and price perception in healthy dog cookies to the purchase intention decision. propose a growing business for Snuupil Petcare from dog market to a wider consumer market. Using the Multiple linear regression and descriptive analysis with online survey and product testing, the result customer attitude are have a really big role to the purchase intention, when human wants make a decision it affect by their attitude. Based on the analysis result after doing all the analysis, researcher will wider the Snuupil Pet Care especially for Snuupil cookies into human market, because there are really positive influence from the customer attitude to the healthy cookies even though it a dog cookies, and there are not really significant the price of the healthy cookies to the willingness to buy.Keywords: customer attitude, price perception, purchase intention, healthy food, price 
Developing new product & marketing strategy case study tribute watch company Fernaldy, Muhammad Yusuf; Wulansari, Amilia
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Fashion is one of the creative industry sectors that provides the largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 18.15 percent in this industrial sector among 15 other sectors. As the second biggest sub-sectors in the creative economy, the Fashion industry has promising growth. Until July 2018 fashion industry has made 8.2 Trillion USD in export. The number increase by 8.7 % compared with the year before. Fashion retailing has a low capital compared to other industries (Thanatassa). Because of the low capital, many newcomers to start a business in the fashion industry. The fashion industry has a wide variety of products. With so many fashion styles, a watch is one of the fashion apparel that can easily blend in with every fashion style, thus making it one of the most wanted products in the fashion industry. With so many competitions in the market, careful planning and an excellent product strategy are very crucial to help to win the market. Tribute Watch is a fashion company that wants to develop a new product for their customer. By developing a new product, Tribute Watch wants to improve its current product and gain an advantage in the market, especially in the fashion trend that changing rapidly nowadays.Thus the research question is What is the improvement feature for Tribute Watch, and what the marketing strategy for Tribute Watch new productThe researcher used the AIDA model to create the customer persona; from there, the researcher will generate based on the customer persona and the customers want. after the product has been generated, the researcher will create the marketing strategy based on the customer journey and the customer persona of Tribute Watch. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with Tribute Watch customers. Interview results will be analyzed using a descriptive analysis approach. The number of respondents collected by the researcher is 15 person. The conclusion of this research is Tribute Watch's new product will be added several new features such as calendar, more optional strap, water resistance. Tribute Watch will brand themselves as a watch that can be used in every situation. For the marketing strategy, Tribute Watch will focus on online marketing, especially digital advertisements. Tribute watch marketing content will be based on the AIDA model which has a step to step to attract their customer systematicallyKeywords: Micro Watch Industries, New Product Development, AIDA model, Customer Persona, Marketing Strategy 
The influence of entrepreneur characteristics for fashion business success Khansa, Fairaniah; Bekti, Rudy
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Fashion is the second largest contributor to the GDP of the creative industry with a figure of 18.1%. During the period of 2015-2018, in Indonesia, many fashion brands have sprung up with a total growth of 7.05%. And now fashion brands can be said to be 5 points 1, which means that one small scope has at least 5 fashion brands, which results in increasingly tight competition. This research aims to explore the characteristics of fashion entrepreneur. Based on the results, the researcher found there are 6 characteristics that influence the business success. This research used qualitative approach which is in-depth interview method. It conducted to 10 business owners in the fashion industry in Bandung and Jakarta. In exploring the influence between entrepreneur characteristics and business success, there are 4 main dimensions related to business success.. According to the results of the in-depth interview, it was found that all fashion entrepreneurs who become informants have all the good entrepreneur characteristics and also their characteristics turned out to really affect the success of their business where all four dimensions of business success can be achieved by all informants. According to the research results, there are several recommendations that can be applied at SADE in terms of improving the quality of the characteristics of entrepreneurs and recommendations for achieving business success. SADE must implement the six characteristics of entrepreneurs related to business success in each member, and SADE has to create improvements to the four dimensions of business success in their businesses.Keywords: Business Success, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Characteristics, Fashion Industry , SMEs 
On The Consumer Attitude Analysis toward the Purchase Intention of Local Fashion Brand in Indonesia Pertiwi, Ken Garudajati; Mayangsari, Lidia
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Indonesia is one of the largest countries in the world, with the 4th largest population in the world. According to Badan Perancangan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), the total population of Indonesia in 2018 is 265 million. With a large amount of population, it makes Indonesia has a large level of consumption, including the consumption level for clothing product, because clothing is one of the primary needs for every human being. So, with a large amount of population, the demand for clothing product is also high and always increasing, which this situation will become a great opportunity to run a business in the fashion industry.Currently, the creative industry in Indonesia is experiencing rapid development; one of the examples is in the fashion industry. The Creative Economy Agency of Indonesia (BEKRAF), states that Indonesia will become one of the world's fashion centers in 2025. For that, to be able to compete and survive in this industrial competition, the criteria of product required to be excellent physically or non-physically. Besides, being able to understand consumer behaviour for a product is needed to be able to compete in the fashion industry.This study aims to understand the consumer attitude towards the purchase Intention of Indonesians local fashion brands, especially in Bandung, Jakarta, Malang, and Surabaya. For make a better strategy in marketing activities, it will be beneficial for local brand owners to understand consumer attitude toward local fashion brands. The output of this research will be used to recommend the right marketing strategy for SMEs in Indonesian local fashion brand, especially for the LOOKOUT Indonesia brand.An online questionnaire collected this research with 206 respondents aged 17-35 years who live in Bandung, Jakarta, Malang and Surabaya. This data has passed five classic assumptions tests and then analyzed by multiple linear regression. This method is to find out the relationship that influence between consumer attitude towards local fashion brands to purchase intention. Also, cluster analysis tests have been conducted to determine differences in consumer attitude towards local fashion brands in each region in Bandung, Jakarta, Malang and SurabayaKeyword: Customer attitude, Purchase intention, Consumer buying behavior, Geographical Marketing, Local Fashion Brand
The influence of elements in brand story towards customer purchase intention through narrative engagement in Indonesia Afradyta, Sastia Roria; Maryunani, Salfitrie Roos
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Fashion industry is one of the world's largest economies and attracts many entrepreneurs to enter this industry. In Indonesia, there are more than one million fashion businesses and the number keeps increasing that makes this industry highly competitive. In order for a business to survive, one needs to find a way to make their business stand out and a strong brand story can be the solution. In this paper, the researcher will present an adapted conceptual framework regarding the influence of four elements of brand story towards narrative engagement, brand attitude and purchase intention, specifically in Indonesian fashion brand that use traditional fabric in the products. The purpose is to determine which element from brand story that has significant influence and the result can be used as a reference for other fashion entrepreneur to build a strong brand story for their business. The data used in this research are 138 which is gathered by spreading the questionnaire through Line and Instagram. Microsoft Excel and SmartPLS are used to process the data and result is only humour has significant influence to narrative engagement, narrative engagement has significant influence to brand attitude and purchase intention, and brand attitude of the use of traditional fabric in the product hassignificant influence to purchase intention.Keywords: Brand Story, Narrative Engagement, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intention, Fashion Business
Inventory management to reduce wasted product: case in naturale indonesia company Aliffa, Aliffa; Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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As cosmetic industry growth rapidly, Naturale Indonesia came as one of the fashion industry that focused on cosmetic based natural ingredients, located in Bandung, Indonesia. In balancing the high market demand in the cosmetic industry with company productivity, a cosmetic company should have a mature operation system. As one of cosmetic industry, Naturale Indonesia also needs to maintain their operating system which aims to prevent and solve any problems in operational activities. Naturale Indonesia has a problem in the operation process. In operation, Naturale Indonesia has a problem wasted product due to expired date because of cosmetics made from natural ingredients only last 3 to 6 months. Therefore, many products are wasted because Naturale Indonesia previously did not use planning methods, and make waste a lot of costs. Accordingly, this research was aimed to solve this problem by the Inventory management method which purposed to generate the mature production planning and optimum of quantity stock. To manage the inventory, the researcher will search the right method for Naturale cases by using method selection for inventory management. And then do the collecting data in historical data company and benchmarking to Felice Shop company. The result of this research is the implementation of an inventory management method for a cosmetic company and to know optimum stock, which is a Naturale Indonesia company by using Single Period method. The optimum stock for every tree months is 44 products for liptint, 10 products for lip balm, and 19 products for lip scrub.Keywords: Naturale Indonesia, Fashion Company (Cosmetic), Method Selection, Singel Period Method, Optimum of Quantity Stock 
Strategy for Collaboration in Small Medium Enterprises: A Framework for Strategic Partnership (A Case Study in Jakarta and Bandung Fashion Industry) Thahira, Asyifa Violanda; Larso, Dwi
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. The majority of firms in Indonesia which is categorized as SME are contributing to Indonesia's economic development by creating more job opportunities and thus help the country on tackling down the unemployment rate. Local SMEs nowadays are competing with international SME's, which deluge in Indonesia’s market. This condition forces local SMEs to be able to seek new innovations to strengthen their branding which can be done through collaboration. Performing a collaboration can help SMEs to increase their ability in entering a new market and increasing their business performance, the problem, however, is that SMEs’ obstacle in identifying potential partners and the management process during the collaboration. This research aims to understand the effective and beneficial collaboration to create and inspire the collaboration strategy for fashion SMEs. The primary data gathered is from interviewing the Indonesian fashion small enterprise who accomplished a successful collaboration. The data was analyzed through the transcript and coding method. To obtain the advantages of collaboration, SMEs implemented the strategy compatible with each company’s capability to create an effective work environment and having good relationships among the member of the collaboration. A successful collaboration leverages the company performance in terms of brand awareness and profit of a company.Keywords: Collaboration, Fashion Industry, Small Medium Enterprise, Performance, Collaboration Strategy

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