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Consumer Preferences on Purchase of Residential Home in Cimahi Region: Application of Factor Analysis Ibrahim, Shiddiq
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. The increase of population growth rate will also lead it into an increase of houses needs. One of primary human needs is needs of residence. As a place to live in, residential is one of primary needs other than food and clothing needs. So this research would like to know that the consumer preferences on purchase of residential home in Cimahi region, application by factor analysis. The problem is that there are still limited basic guideline on creating marketing strategy that based on the consumer preferences when browsing to look for the residential home they needed. By making an efficient and effective marketing strategy based on the consumer needs of residential home to keep the consumer engagement similar with the company’s product is one of the things that wanted to be solved. By not knowing what important features of the residential home to be delivered will be ended up in decrease of consumer expectation, which will have an impact on the company's image and trust. The method of this research is quantitative and use the application of factors analysis, namely research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain populations or samples, data collection method used in this study is descriptive analysis, with the aim to find the most dominant factor that influence consumer on purchase of residential home in Cimahi region. The results shows that the dominant factor that drives consumers to purchase residential homes is the factor of affordable houses with good material quality that can explain the drivers of purchasing residential homes. Based on the conclusions from the results of the study, the suggestions for this research, referring to the dominant factor that drives consumers to purchase residential homes is affordable houses with good material quality, that could be done by give more attention to four aspects: Proper land acquisition, construction speed, selection for the concept of a residential home, and determination of selling prices. These indicators can be used in promotional and marketing activities, because respondents have a positive perception of affordable houses with good material quality. Therefore the promotion that will be carried out must show the quality of the product and emphasis on affordable prices. The implementation process from this research must be conducted by the company itself based on the value of the company.Keywords: Purchase intention, Residential home, Consumer preferences, Purchasing decision making process.
The Impact of Celebrity Instagram Endorsement to Brand Image Novha Sary, Nadiya; Chaerudin, Rendra
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. There are so Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia are doing business in fashion industry. This creates startups should work harder in doing promotion their products and brands. One way to attract customers is with advertisement. Effective advertising can done with endorsement, with support that uses people known to many as a celebrity.Currently, someone who has popularity and followers than 20,000 in social media instagram also can be said celebrity instagram. Social media such as instagram is very concerned by world community especially Indonesian. Instagram is the second most visited social media after youtube. This creates a great opportunity for startups who want to promote their product or brand to its customers through Instagram social media.The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of celebrity instagram endroser to brand image. This research is expected to be useful and implemented for Small Medium Enterprises especially Iluvia Indonesia. This research used quantitative method by using non-probability sampling data collection technique using slovin formula with error 10%. The analysis used is a simple linear regression to test the hypothesis. The results of this study indicate that the use of celebrity instagram endorsement is classified as having a major influence to improve the brand image. Keywords:  Impact, Effective advertising, Celebrity Instagram, Endorsement, Brand Image.
Perishable Food-Inventory Management Improvement Using Single-Period Inventory Model Muhammad, Kharisma; Anisya Farmaciawaty, Desy
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Rasakhano is a restaurant with perishable inventory. This research was aimed to analyse the inventory in a restaurant, specifically the perishable inventory of Rasakhano restaurant. The main objective of this research is to reach the best optimum supply quantity of perishable ingredients where most of the customers can meet their demand while the restaurant itself still have the very least food waste.  For this research, researcher uses historical sales and inventory data of Rasakhano from July 2017 until November 2017. The data will be processed with single-period inventory model. From the analysis, researcher discovered that the restaurant has the potential of obtaining 59% more possible profit then before. The restaurant also discovered the cost of shortage from each menu to know the cost Rasakhano will put out if there is a certain amount of order that cannot be fulfil. By calculating the cost of overage, the restaurant knows the cost that will be put out if there is a certain amount of menu portion that is not sold in a certain period. The restaurant discovered the optimum stock for each menu to fullfil customers demand while still minimizing the waste of perishable food inventory. Keywords: Inventory Control, Inventory Management, Restaurant, Perishable Inventory, Perishable Food WasteAbstract. Rasakhano is a restaurant with perishable inventory. This research was aimed to analyse the inventory in a restaurant, specifically the perishable inventory of Rasakhano restaurant. The main objective of this research is to reach the best optimum supply quantity of perishable ingredients where most of the customers can meet their demand while the restaurant itself still have the very least food waste.  For this research, researcher uses historical sales and inventory data of Rasakhano from July 2017 until November 2017. The data will be processed with single-period inventory model. From the analysis, researcher discovered that the restaurant has the potential of obtaining 59% more possible profit then before. The restaurant also discovered the cost of shortage from each menu to know the cost Rasakhano will put out if there is a certain amount of order that cannot be fulfil. By calculating the cost of overage, the restaurant knows the cost that will be put out if there is a certain amount of menu portion that is not sold in a certain period. The restaurant discovered the optimum stock for each menu to fullfil customers demand while still minimizing the waste of perishable food inventory. Keywords: Inventory Control, Inventory Management, Restaurant, Perishable Inventory, Perishable Food Waste
The Effect of Social Capital of Entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurial Process Humam, Muhamad; Famiola, Melia
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. when many entrepreneurial processes framework identify the role of networking as important part at the start-up development stage, this study have extended the concept of networking and embraced it in the concept of individual social capital of entrepreneurs. However, much of literature on measuring social capital has focused on the quantity of social capital rather than quality made by it. This study will focus and seek to expand the depth and richness of social capital during new venture creation and later identifying the effect of individual social capital in entrepreneurial process. to expand and specify the richness of individual social capital during venture creation, Timmons Model of Entrepreneurial process are used. It considers opportunity, team, and resources as three components for successful new business, and later associate it with Bonding and Bridging and Linking Social Capital of Entrepreneur. The research is mainly expected to provide insight for the business founders and nascent entrepreneurs, help them facing the challenges in starting and running the business, so that they can aware the important of good network and relationship during entrepreneurial process. The focus is to describe how individual social capital of entrepreneur’s networks can affect their own business. This study only considers social capital in individual level and ignore social capital on collective level. This study uses qualitative approach and conducts semi-structured interview with 10 entrepreneurs operating on various industry and various background in Bandung to enhance the Social Capital variety of this study. The Result of This Study shows that individual social capital playing major role during entrepreneurial process. having family and close friends in business, and as well encouragement from family and close friends are strongly associated with successful nascent outcomes. the good social capital of founder’s will be result in better business. We also found as the company grow bigger, the result looks indicate that bridging social capital and linking social capital increasingly become more important, it reveal that bridging social capital connection of entrepreneur’s link it into specific networking and knowledge which may be not available in Bonding Social Capital ties. Overall, Individual social capital exists and affecting entrepreneur’s entrepreneurial process conscious or unconsciously. Suggestion for future research regarding this topic is qualitative study that including personality and environment and relationship or correlation between individual social capital in opportunity, team, and resource aspect of new venture creation. Keywords: Individual Social Capital, Nascent Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Process, Start-up 
Factors of Entrepreneurs on Choosing Culinary-based Business Kurniawan, Indra; Rachmawati Chaldun, Evy
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Entrepreneurship is the important activity for economic growth of the country. One actor of entrepreneurship activity called an entrepreneur. There is still a low number of the entrepreneur in Indonesia with 3,1% in 2016 rather than other Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and China which has more than 5%. But, that is increasing than years before and it indicates that being an entrepreneur is attractive. Many entrepreneurs running a culinary business which it has contributed one of the biggest GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for Indonesian economic with 41,69% in 2015. The government also support those entrepreneurs and wanted to generate new entrepreneurs in Indonesia and Bandung as one of the cities of the culinary destination. Become an entrepreneur and choosing culinary as the business itself consists of several influence factors. In the process, there is also a failure although barrier of entry in culinary business especially in Indonesia is low. It makes factors influencing entrepreneur on choosing culinary business becomes important to know. This research conducted by using a qualitative method with phenomenological study used and gather the data with purposeful sampling from 10 culinary business entrepreneur in Bandung by using the semi-structured interview. The result analyzes with coding based on the interview result. The result has shown that the most important factor is Opportunity-based with Entrepreneurial Alertness as the category in approaching the opportunity. There are also other factors that influence them in the findings which are Passion, Development Needs, Greater Business Achievement, and Economic Needs. The result can be used for evaluating the business activity and reflection for entrepreneurs that wanted to choose culinary as the business to do.Keywords: Choosing Culinary Business, Culinary Business, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Influencing Factors
Improving Inventory Management by Using Material Requirement Planning (MRP): Case in Soigne Adornment Company Fakhriyah, Siti Diaz Rifa; Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Soigne Adornment is a fashion company that focuses on accessories. High market demand in the fashion industry is very dependent on the supply and productivity of companies in making products. Therefore, the operating system must be prepared carefully. As one of the companies in the fashion industry, Soigne Adornment is needed to maintain the operating system. Soigne Adornment itself has experienced several operational problems in production because it does not have the right schedule and estimated demand, resulting in losses. Losses experienced due to several aspects, namely from the excess of raw materials and delays in ordering. These problems affect the company's performance and have an impact on sales. This study aims to make an estimate of demand and find the most efficient method to minimize production costs. Therefore, using Material Requirement Planning (MRP) can overcome the problems that have occurred. In this study, what must be done first is to determine the number of forecasting requests by interviewing through the Jury of Executive Opinion method by interviewing the owner of Soigne Adornment and interviewing the owner of the Velour Jewels Company. After the estimated data is collected, researchers conduct production scheduling using the Master Production Schedule (MPS), Bill of Materials (BOM), and Lead Time. After the scheduling process is completed, an analysis is conducted to find the lowest production costs using the Lot-Sizing technique through three methods, namely Lot-For-Lot (L4L), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and Order Quantity Period (POQ). Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the most efficient method for minimizing production costs. Keywords: Soigne Adornment, Fashion Company, Material Requirements Planning, Demand Forecasting, Production SchedulingSoigne Adornment is a fashion company that focuses on accessories. High market demand in the fashion industry is very dependent on the supply and productivity of companies in making products. Therefore, the operating system must be prepared carefully. As one of the companies in the fashion industry, Soigne Adornment is needed to maintain the operating system. Soigne Adornment itself has experienced several operational problems in production because it does not have the right schedule and estimated demand, resulting in losses. Losses experienced due to several aspects, namely from the excess of raw materials and delays in ordering. These problems affect the company's performance and have an impact on sales. This study aims to make an estimate of demand and find the most efficient method to minimize production costs. Therefore, using Material Requirement Planning (MRP) can overcome the problems that have occurred. In this study, what must be done first is to determine the number of forecasting requests by interviewing through the Jury of Executive Opinion method by interviewing the owner of Soigne Adornment and interviewing the owner of the Velour Jewels Company. After the estimated data is collected, researchers conduct production scheduling using the Master Production Schedule (MPS), Bill of Materials (BOM), and Lead Time. After the scheduling process is completed, an analysis is conducted to find the lowest production costs using the Lot-Sizing technique through three methods, namely Lot-For-Lot (L4L), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and Order Quantity Period (POQ). Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the most efficient method for minimizing production costs. Keywords: Soigne Adornment, Fashion Company, Material Requirements Planning, Demand Forecasting, Production Scheduling
Analysis of chef works’ master budget to minimize the value of leftover product Wiguna, Giovanni Julius; Darmansyah, Asep
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Culinary business is one of the fastest growing business in Indonesia. According to Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia or BEKRAF, culinary as one of creative economy sub-sector is in the top of sub-sector that has the most number of businesses. Chef Works is one of business that runs in food and beverages industry and located in Bandung. Right now, Chef Works focuses on making packaged filling bread with “modern” fillings. As a new established company, finance is become one of the most important factor to grow the business. Based on 2018 financial data, Chef Works has leftover products and ingredients or waste expense worth approximately 1.6 million rupiah in a year. The issue is related to the inaccurate of budgeting process in the first place. By using fishbone analysis, it is known that the company did inaccurate in making budgeting process especially in sales budget when the company should determine sales target unit forecast. To minimize the value of leftover product, the company should create a “right” initial budgeting. To create the most suitable budgeting for the company, company should consider factors that can affect company in determining the budgeted sales or sales forecast such as customer preference. After considering several factors, then the researcher creates a new master budget for the company. But the company needs other aspect/unit support especially marketing to run the budgeting plan. It is ineffective if the marketing unit does not make any moves to support the sales.Keywords: leftover products, inaccurate, budgeting, sales forecast
Business Process Improvement of Fixed Wing UAV Assembly Process: Imperia Dirgantara Case Ajibaskoro, Akbar; Wasesa, Meditya
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Abstract. Imperia Dirgantara is a company engaged in providing aerial survey solutions using their own university-based research Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology and data processing systems. To anticipate an increasing demand of the aerial survey, the UAV has to be prepared in a short preparation time. Currently, Imperia Dirgantara is facing an issue of lengthy assembly process of the UAV which may lead to lost sales opportunity. In response, this research focuses on providing proposition improvements for the UAV assembly business process, All of data source directly from Imperia Dirgantara internal archives. This business process improvement research is initiated with thorough analysis of bottleneck process in the existing UAV assembly process. Following the bottleneck process identification, we conduct root cause analyses and propose the corresponding business process improvement propositions. Finally we assess the impact of the solution propositions, define the required resources and provide a plan to implement the solution proposition. This research resulting time reduce in processing time as much 12.66% or equal to 10 days. The suggestion of keep improving the current business process instead picking up another option is stated in this research’s report.Keywords: Business Process Improvement; Business Process Model; Bottleneck Analysis; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; UAV Assembly Process.
Analysis of Ricebox Business Model in Bandung Saanty, Debby Aulia; Aprilianty, Fitri
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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As a creative city, Bandung is also known as a culinary city because of the number of culinary product innovations it has, and ricebox is one example of a culinary phenomenon in Bandung. Nowadays, there many ricebox brands in Bandung, and its growth has begun to emerge. However, until now there has not been a proper business model to guide a Ricebox business in Bandung yet. In order to run the business well, Ricebox business in Bandung should create their own business model as their guidance on doing the business. This research is conducted to analyse the most suitable business model for ricebox in Bandung. The data collection is generated by doing the interview with 5 ricebox owners in Bandung and survey of 200 respondents. The result of the data is analysed by manual coding and descriptive statistic. The final result of this research is the recommendation for the most suitable business model for ricebox in Bandung. This research also aims to help PETJAH, as one of ricebox brands in Bandung to find the most suitable business model to be adopted.Keywords: Business Model, Customer Segments, Value Proposition, Ricebox
The influence of perceived quality and perceived price towards the purchase intention of kebaya product: perspective of female students in college Ali Fikri, Ramadhan; Chaldun, Evy Rachmawati
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Indonesia have been roused by social legacy which reflected through nearby conventional clothes and fabrics in fashion industry such as kebaya. Kebaya is one of kind cultural heritage products in the fashion industry has a high value and uniqueness. However, as entrepreneurs create kebaya product, SVAN Company has difficulties to fit the target market which is female students in college. Therefore, this research is conducted to understand the dimension of perceived quality and perceived price towards female students in college purchase intention. Data gather from around 225 respondents, by purposive sampling method with requirements for female students in college for diploma and bachelor, attain the age of 17 years old or above, and currently living in Banten, DKI Jakarta, and West Java Province also income no more than Rp 3.000.000. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis is also used to process the data. As a result, perceived quality and perceived price have significant influence towards female students in college purchase intention simultaneously for kebaya product, which the independent variables could explain more than 40% of the dependent variable.Keywords: perceived quality, perceived price, kebaya, female students in college, purchase intention

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