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Al-Mashrafiyah : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan, dan Perbankan Syariah
ISSN : 25974904     EISSN : 26205661     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy,
This journal contains writings of research results or theoretical studies related to economics, finance and sharia banking.This journal is published by the Department of Islamic Banking Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business UIN Alauddin Makassar. This journal is published in 2 (two) editions every year, October and April editions.
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Implikasi Relationship Marketing Terhadap Tingkat Loyalitas Debitur Kredit Komersial Taufiq, M.
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.144 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v2i1.5611


Strategi Relationship Marketing (Financial Bonds, Social Bonds, Customization Bonds, dan Structural Bonds) dipandang sebagai faktor penting yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat loyalitas debitur kredit komersial. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang dominan dalam Relationship Marketing, dan strategi Relationship Marketing mana yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap tingkat loyalitas debitur kredit komersial.Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh debitur kredit komersial PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Kantor Cabang Makassar Somba Opu sebanyak 365 debitur. Sampel dipilih secara acak berstrata sebanyak 80 responden. Data dianalisis dengan regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Uji t yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel Customization Bonds memberikan pengaruh paling kuat (dominan)terhadap tingkat loyalitas debitur kredit komersial PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Cabang Makassar Somba Opu, kemudian diikuti berturut-turut oleh Structural Bonds, Financial Bonds, dan Social Bonds.Kata Kunci: Financial Bonds, Social Bonds, Customization Bonds, Structural Bonds, dan LoyalitasRelationship Marketing Strategies (Financial Bonds, Social Bonds, Customization Bonds, and Structural Bonds) are seen as important factors that influence the level of loyalty of commercial credit borrowers. The purpose of this study is to determine the dominant factors in Relationship Marketing, and which Relationship Marketing strategies have the dominant influence on the level of loyalty of commercial credit debtors. The population of the study is all debtors of commercial credit debtor of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Somba Opu Branch Office comprising 365 debtors. They are selected by stratified random sampling of 80 respondents. The data are analyzed by linier multiple regression. Based on the results of the t-test analysis performed, it was found that the Customization Bonds variable had the most powerful (dominant) influence on the level of loyalty of the commercial credit debtors of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Makassar Somba Opu Branch Office, then followed successively by Structural Bonds, Financial Bonds, and Social Bonds.Keywords: Financial Bonds, Social Bonds, Customization Bonds, Structural Bonds, and Loyalty
Mekanisme dan Masalah Pembiayaan Mudharabah Pada Kantor Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Cabang Makassar Ismawati, Ismawati
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.616 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v2i1.5960


Kenyataan bahwa dari semua pembiayaan yang ada di Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Makassar terlihat pembiayaan Mudharabah merupakan produk yang paling lambat perkembangannya dalam periode 5 (lima) tahun terakhir.Dalam artikel ini difokuskan pada produk panin bank syariah yang sejalan dengan semangat mewujudkan sistem bagi hasil (profit and loss sharing) yang adil dalam produk Mudharabah. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk mengungkap mekanisme dan masalah dalam Pembiayaan Mudharabah di Bank Panin Dubai Makassar. Kendala pembiayaan Mudharabah lebih kepada dari kebijakan Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Makassar yang menetapkan tarif tinggi pada pembiayaan Mudharabah yang membuat jangkauan dari pembiayaan Mudharabah menjadi pada kalangan pengusaha besar saja. Oleh sebab itu banyak masyarakat yang tidak tersentuh oleh pembiayaan Mudharabah. Prosedur yang ditentukan oleh Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Makassar akan menyulitkan nasabah untuk melakukan pengajuan nasabah yang baru akan memulai kegiatan usahannya. Karena para pengusaha baru atau UMKM tidak bisa memenuhi persyaratan persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam prosedur pembiayaan. Jugaadanya aturan yang ketat dari OJK bahwa hanya unit usaha syariah yang boleh diberikan pembiayaan.Kata Kunci: Mudharabah, Bagi Hasil, Bank Panin Dubai Syariah. The fact that of all the financing available at Panin Dubai Sharia Bank Makassar, Mudharabah financing is the slowest product in the last 5 (five) years. In this article, the focus on Islamic banks' panin products is in line with the spirit of creating a fair profit and loss sharing system in Mudharabah products. The approach used in the research is descriptive qualitative. This approach is used to uncover mechanisms and problems in Mudharabah Financing at Panin Dubai Bank in Makassar. Mudharabah financing constraints are more than the Panin Dubai Syariah Makassar policy which sets high tariffs on Mudharabah financing which makes the range of Mudharabah financing to be among the big entrepreneurs only. Therefore, many people are not touched by Mudharabah financing. The procedure determined by Panin Dubai Syariah Makassar Bank will make it difficult for customers to submit new customers who will start their business activities. Because new entrepreneurs or MSMEs cannot meet the requirements of the requirements set out in the financing procedure. There are also strict rules from the OJK that only sharia business units may be given financing.Keywords: Mudharabah, Profit and Loss Sharing, Panin Dubai Syariah Bank 
Efektifitas Modal Kerja dan Likuiditas Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Perusahaan Berbasis Syariah Rijal, Akhmad; Said, Salmah
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.852 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v2i1.6054


Artikel ini membahas tentang kinerja keuangan perusahaan yaitu pengaruh modal kerja yang diukur dengan Net Working Capital (NWC) terhadap kebijakan dividen yang diukur dengan Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), pengaruh modal kerja terhadap likuiditas yang diukur dengan Current Ratio (CR), pengaruh likuiditas terhadap kebijakan dividen dan pengaruh modal kerja terhadap kebijakan dividen melalui likuidias. Objek dalam artikel ini pada perusahaan yang terdaftar secara konsisten dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Teknik yang digunakan adalah  analisis jalur untuk menguji pengaruh modal kerja terhadap kebijakan dividen dengan likuiditas sebagai variabel internvening. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa modal kerja tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kebijakan dividen. Dengan kata lain, peningkatan modal kerja tidak dapat mempengaruhi keputusan kebijakan dividen yang diambil oleh perusahaan. Selain itu, modal kerja tidak berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap likuiditas. Dalam artikikel ini juga menemukan bahwa likuiditas tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kebijakan dividen. Selanjutnya, likuiditas tidak mampu memediasi modal kerja terhadap kebijakan dividen, karena modal kerja tidak memengaruhi kebijakan dividen walaupun salah satu faktor berpengaruh terhadap kebijakan dividen adalah likuditas.Kata Kunci: Kinerja Keuangan, Modal Kerja, Likuiditas, Kebijakan Dividen, Jakarta Islamic IndexThis article discusses to analyze the companies’ financial performance i.e. the effect of working capital measured by Net Working Capital (NWC) on dividend policy as proxied by Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), the influence of working capital on liquidity as measured by Current Ratio (CR), the influence of liquidity on dividend policy and the effect of working capital on dividend policy through liquidity. This study was conducted on companies registered consistently in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This study uses path analysis to examine the effect of working capital on dividend policy with liquidity as an intervening variable. The results of this research showed that working capital had no significant effect on dividend policy. In other words, an increase in working capital cannot affect the dividend policy decisions taken by the company. In addition, working capital did not have a significant negative effect on liquidity. This study also found that liquidity had no significant relevancy on dividend policy so. Furthermore, liquidity was not able to mediate working capital on dividend policy, as working capital did not influence dividend policy though liquidity is one factor influencing dividend policy. Keywords: Financial Performance, Working Capital, Liquidity, Dividend Policy, Jakarta Islamic Index  
Kelayakan Nasabah Dalam Pemberian Pembiayaan Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah Pada Kantor Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Investama Mega Bakti Makassar K, Amiruddin
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.186 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v2i1.6141


Dalam melakukan penilaian permohonan pembiayaan bank syariah bagian marketing harus memperhatikan beberapa prinsip dan analisis utama yang berkaitan dengan kondisi secara keseluruhan calon nasabah, sehingga bisa mengurangi tingkat pembiayaan bermasalah calon nasabah di dunia perbankan syariah. Artikel ini mengulas tentang kelayakan Pembiayaan nasabah dalam pemberian pembiayaan pada kantor Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah IMB Makassar. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa dalam menganalisis kelayakan Pembiayaan nasabah dalam pemberian pembiayaan, Bank Rakyat Syariah melakukan penilaian dengan menggunakan prinsip 5C yaitu Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Condition of Economy, dan konsep FAST yaitu Fathanah, Amanah, Shiddiq, dan Tabligh. Adapun dampak kelayakan terhadap pemberian pembiayaan yakni untuk pihak Bank, kelayakan ini berdampak positif karena dengan adanya kelayakan maka pihak Bank dapat menganalisis secara detail permohonan nasabah. Sedangkan untuk pihak nasabah, kelayakan ini berdampak negatif karena untuk mendapatkan modal secara cepat akan terhambat dengan adanya standar kelayakan ini.Kata Kunci: Kelayakan Nasabah, dampak Kelayakan, konsep FASTIn assessing the financing application for the marketing department, sharia banks must pay attention to several main principles and analysis related to the overall condition of prospective customers, so as to reduce the level of financing of problematic prospective customers in the world of Islamic banking. This article reviews the feasibility of customer financing in the provision of financing at the office “Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah IMB Makassar”. The approach used is descriptive qualitative’ approach. The results show that in analyzing customer financing feasibility in providing financing, “Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah IMB Makassar” conducts an assessment using the 5C principles of Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Condition of Economy, and the FAST concepts are Fathanah, Amanah, Shiddiq, and Tabligh. As for the impact of feasibility on financing provision, namely for the Bank, this feasibility has a positive impact because with the feasibility, the Bank can analyze in detail the customer's application. Where as for the customer, this feasibility has a negative impact because to get capital quickly will be hampered by the existence of this feasibility standard.Keywords: Customer Feasibility, Feasibility impact, FAST concept 
Management Of Akad Murabahah On Subsidized Housing Financing In The Branch Office Of Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) Sharia In Batam Wibisono, Chabullah; Purwanti, Ipunk
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.11 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v2i1.5775


One type of bank product is a mainstay now is the form of offering financing products Ownership Subsidized Housing, And needs of the community, especially the lower middle-class society will be the availability of housing that is habitable is a primary need that can not be rejected again. For that form of mortgage financing for most people is the best solution. However, a problem arises where there has been much disagreement on the principles of sharia. In other words, in the have a “muamalah” activities should use the provisions in force in the field of Islamic law. The provisions of Islamic law governing the movements between the man known as the principles of sharia have an essential role in the economic life of society. The purpose of which is to meet community needs for housing or decent housing. The manifestation of professionalism shown by the Branch Office “muamalah” in Batam achieve it best category award in the realization of Subsidized Housing Nasional. Bank level BTN Sharia also always provide the best service to its customers, which one of them through subsidized homeownership financing in sharia and always follow legislation in force. Based on the analysis and the previous discussion, the following authors put forward some conclusions as follows: a. The need for residential facilities is essential for all Indonesian citizens without feathers . By of view because it is the muamalahtake on this important role as a pioneer of home finance is subsidized. All that aims to provide a sense of justice and improve the welfare of society. b. In the subsidized homeownership financing in Islamic Party muamalahBranch Office of Batam and the recipient of the funding first, make “wakalah” which stated that the client authorizes the bank to build a home purchase subsidy desirable customers. Then in use “wakalah”, and the bank buys the house from the developer. After the purchase of the house and then the banks did purchase contract to the customer at the selling price agreed upon after the added margin (profit) bank. This is what is called a transaction “Murabahah”. Then customers pay the installments corresponding periods in multi separate.Transaksi this contract are allowed by the National Sharia Board fatwa Indonesian Ulema Council with the provisions of Indo- No.10/DSN-MUI /IV/ 2000 on “wakalah”. In the implementation of the financing agreement are carried out by the “muamalah” Branch Office with the recipient Batam financing problems may occur. Problems or problematic were generally occurred because of the faith that is not good from the receiving party financing. Said that because the “muamalah” Branch Office will hold a time Batam financing agreement has been briefed in detail the contents of the contract is communicated to the recipient of financing. The problems that occurred in the implementation of “Murabahah” in subsidized homeownership financing in sharia at the muamalah Branch Office (BTN) Sharia in Batam generally consist of two (2) types, namely: a. Recipients of subsidized home ownership financing by sharia late paying the installments that exceed the agreed time limit. b. Rececier subsidized home ownership financing by sharia are unable to pay the number of episodes as agreed.Keywords: Management, Akad Murabahah, Subsidized Housing, Sharia Bank.
Menakar Dampak Suku Bunga, Nilai Tukar, dan Inflasi Terhadap Permintaan Kredit Konsumsi Sabar, Wardihan; Kuslin, Kuslin
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (534.007 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v2i1.6190


Kredit merupakan aktivitas bank yang paling dominan dari seluruh kegiatan aktivitas operasional bank. Bahkan sebagian besar aset bank berasal dari kredit. Bedasarkan data tahun 2007-2016 permintaan kredit konsumsi di Sulawesi Selatan terus mengalami peningkatan. Disisi lain data empirik selama periode pengamatan menunjukan bahwa suku bunga, nilai tukar rupiah, dan inflasi yang menjadi faktor penting yang mempengaruhi aktifitas penyaluran kredit terus berfluktuasi. Artikel ini bermaksud mengulas pengaruh suku bunga, nilai tukar dan inflasi terhadap permintaan kredit konsumsi di sulawesi selatan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan eksplanatori, dengan teknik pengolahan data regresi linear berganda dengan metode kuadrat terkecil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suku bunga signifikan negatif terhadap permintaan kredit di Sulawesi Selatan. Lain halnya dengan nilai tukar berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap permintaan kredit konsumsi di sulawesi selatan, sedangkan inflasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan kredit konsumsi di provinsi Sulawesi selatan. Peningkatan kredit konsmtif di Sulawesi Selatan tetap perlu diwaspadai, dan dikendalikan oleh Bank Indonesia selaku regulator perbankan di Indonesia. Sebab kenaikan kredit konsumtif tidak memberikan dampak pada penguatan fundamental perekonomian, dan mendorong pengikatan inflasi di sulawesi Selatan.Kata Kunci: Suku Bunga, Nilai Tukar Rupiah, Inflasi, dan Kredit KonsumsiCredit is the bank's most dominant activity of all bank operational activities. Even most of the bank's assets come from credit. Based on data from 2007-2016, demand for consumption credit in South Sulawesi continued to increase. On the other hand empirical data during the observation period shows that interest rates, rupiah exchange rates, and inflation which are important factors influencing lending activities continue to fluctuate. This article intends to review the influence of interest rates, exchange rates and inflation on demand for consumption credit in South Sulawesi. The approach used is an explanatory method, with multiple linear regression data processing techniques with the least squares method. The results showed that the interest rates were significantly negative for credit demand in South Sulawesi. In contrast, the exchange rate has a significant positive effect on demand for consumption credit in South Sulawesi, while inflation has no significant effect on demand for consumption credit in the province of South Sulawesi. Consistent Credit Improvement in South Sulawesi still needs to be watched out, and controlled by Bank Indonesia as the banking regulator in Indonesia. Because the increase in consumer credit does not have an impact on the strengthening of economic fundamentals, and encourage increased inflation in South Sulawesi.Keywords: Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, Inflation Rate, and Comsumption Credit 

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