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Aplikasi Teori Batas Terhadap Poligami (Studi Hermeneutika Muhammad Syahrur) Jendri Jendri
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.160


This article seeks to provide an interpretation of the polygamy verse contained in the Qur’an Surah An-Nisa: 3 with Muhammad Syharur’s hermeneutic approach or Limit Theory. Polygamy discourse is an interesting issue since then until now. The polygamy verse became an interesting topic so that gave birth to various interpretations on it from classical interpretations, feminism to contextual interpretations. This article shows that based on the practice of polygamy according to Syahrur can be done with the provisions of two restrictions, namely quantitative and qualitative boundaries. Both of these limits must be applied simultaneously. The general understanding of polygamy in terms of quantitative restrictions is that a person marries at least one woman without the requirement of a widow or a virgin, and the maximum limit is four women. The understanding of polygamy in the theory of boundaries in terms of qualitative and quantitative boundaries is that a person marries a woman as a minimum limit with no requirement whether a widow or a virgin. Marrying two or three women is included in the area of ijtihad on the condition that they must have orphans. but the maximum limit is four women with the condition of widows who have orphans.
Mystical Living Qur’an: Resepsi Masyarakat Bismo Batang Terhadap Mushaf Al-Qur’an Kuno Heriyanto Heriyanto
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.155


This study will question some of the mystical traditions surrounding the ancient Qur’an manuscriptsin the wali’s grave of BismoBatang Central Java Indonesia. This research takes the form of field research by completing the Living Qur’an studywhich aims to find the mystical views of the Bismo community on the existence of the Qur’anic manuscripts and the factors underlying them.The results of the study found that the Bismo community believes that the Manuscripts of Al-Qur’an in the Bismo tomb area are a relic of some wali’s who used to spread Islam in the area. Consequently, the historic site was finally accepted mystically by the public and marked by the emergence of a ritual called “istikharah” by opening the Al-Qur’an and the haul program depending on the results of the ritual istikharah by opening the Qur’an. Bismo mystical belief in the existence of Qur’anic manuscripts is influenced by myths about tradition called by “Nyunggi Qur’an”(carrying the qur’an) which is believed to have existed in the wali’s era. This phenomenon proves the occult tradition of the Bismo community in their respond to the Qur’an. The Qur’anic text which lives in the midst of society is mystically received through various ascetic rituals, so this practice can be said to be a Mystical Living Qur’anic phenomenon that develops in rural communities.
Pembacaan Kontekstual Ayat “Berhukum dengan Hukum Allah” (Narasi Kontra NKRI Bersyariah) Misbah Hudri
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.161


Hasil survei yang dilakukan LSI (Lingkaran Survei Indonesia) menyatakan adanya peningkatan pro-NKRI Bersyariah dibanding dengan pro-Pancasila. Spirit dari NKRI Bersyariah memiliki keinginan untuk menegakkan hukum Islam atau penggunaan hukum Allah dalam konteks Indonesia dan isu khilafah menjadi bagiannya. Mereka menggunakan dalil QS. al-Maidah ayat 44, 45 dan 47 bahwa “memutuskan perkara dengan tidak menggunakan hukum Allah maka disebut sebagai orang kafir, zalim dan fasik”. Ayat yang digunakan sebagai pendukung gagasan NKRI Bersyariah ini justru ditampilkan dalam penelitian ini sebagai kontra NKRI Bersyariah. Untuk itu demi mendapatkan pembacaan kontekstual, penelitian ini menggunakan teori kontekstual Abdullah Saeed untuk melihat konteks makro dan mikro dari ayat, juga menemukan nilai hirarkis yang dikandungnya serta perkembangan dari tafsir yang membicarakan tentang ayat ini. Konteks ayat ini turun berkenaan dengan kaum Yahudi ketika tidak berhukum dengan hukum yang berlaku ketika itu. Kasus yang terjadi adalah pezina yang tidak dirajam sebagaimana hukum yang sesungguhnya tapi hanya dijemur dan dipukuli sebagaimana hukum yang mereka ciptakan sendiri. Di samping itu pula penegakan hukum ketika itu tidak adil dan tidak seimbang, antara kaum biasa dan para pembesar. Ayat ini tidak berkenaan dengan hukum Allah secara umum atau kepemimpinan sebagaimana dalam gagasan NKRI Bersyariah. Sebutan mengenai kafir, zalim dan fasik bukanlah pada makna yang sejatinya. Ayat ini tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai dalil penjelas mengenai sebutan kafir, zalim dan fasik ketika tidak berhukum dengan hukum Allah dalam gagasan NKRI Bersyariah. Apalagi ketika konteksnya Indonesia sebagai negara bangsa.
Paradigma Qira>’atul Qur’a>n bis Si>rah wa Qira>’atus Si>rah bil Qur’a>n dalam Membaca Fenomena Mohamad Yahya
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.156


Arikel ini mengelaborasi tentang fenomena Nuzululquran, baik dalam perdebatan para pegiat studi Al-Qur’an maupun dalam realitas kehidupan masyarakat.Topik ini dianggap penting sebab diskusi tentang Nuzululquran dalam khazanah keislaman bukan sekedar tafsir, tetapi justru pertarungan ideologis.Masalah yang hendak dijawab ada dua.Pertama,bagaimana Al-Qur’an membicarakan dirinya sendiri terkait dengan penanggalan penurunannya, bagaimana tafsir terhadap penanggalan yang diinformasikan oleh diri Al-Qur’an tersebut, dan surat apa saja yang dianggap pertama kali diturunkan. Kedua, mengapa terjadi friksi terkait peringatan Nuzululquran, padahal Al-Qur’an merupakan kitab suci.Dalam menjawab dua masalah tersebut, penulis menggunakan paradigma qirā’atul Qur’ān bis sīrah wa qirā’atus sīrah bil Qur’ān. Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat dua temuan.Pertama, Al-Qur’an membicarakan tentang penurunannya sendiri dengan menyitir tiga kata kunci dan para mufasir kemudian mengaitkannya bahwa penurunan Al-Qur’an terjadi di bulan Ramadan, di mana saat itu disebut dengan lailatulkadar yang dipenuhi dengan keberkahan (mubarakah), dan informasi tentang penggalan Al-Qur’an yang diturunkankalipertama menunjukkan data yang berbeda, namun demikian informasi yang paling populer berdasarkan riwayat dari ‘Āisyah ra tentang Q.S. al-‘Alaq, 96:1-5.Kedua, perdebatan seputar peringatan Nuzululquran antarkelompok masyarakat memiliki kecenderungan ideologis.Nuzululquran bukan hanyapersoalan agama (baca: syariah), tetapi jugasosial, budaya, dan ekonomi
Ya’juj dan Ma’juj dan Hubungannya dengan Dunia Modern: Telaah atas Penafsiran Imran Hosein dalam An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World Sirajuddin Bariqi
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.162


Imran Hosein is a sufi-interpreter who is concerned about the study of Gog and Magog. His interpretation combines external(z}ahir) and internal (bat}in)knowledge. From this, he produced interpretation out of the mainstream Muslim thought. His interpretation is summarized in the book An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World. He viewed that Gog and Magog had long come out. They were the Khazars of the Caucacus Mountains and afterwards divided into Anglo-American-Israeli Alliance (Gog) and modern Russia (Magog). They are the ones behind the corrupt, disruptive, and godless modern world system. This paper analyzes Imran Hosein interpretation of Gog and Magog and its relationship with the modern world. Furthermore, the author also tests the validity of his interpretation based on, (a) the factors behind the interpretation, and (b) the extend to which the possible interpretation when viewed from the rules of us}ūl al-tafsīr. The result of this study concludes that there are inconsistencies in the use of the methodology used by Imran Hosein and injustifices in using interpretive sources. This makes the product of the interpretation non-scientific.
(الإشكاليات اللغوية في ألفاظ القرآن الكريم (دراسة دلالية Zunah Zakinah; Nur Rohmatul Mufidah
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.157


In fact, the Al-Qur’an sentence, although in accordance with the rules of Arabic grammar, there are differences the over rules, because the Al-Qur’an sentence contains information that is charming, detail and beautiful. Then, the different setting of sentences has the purpose and aim with the rules of Arabic. The sentence has a holy meaning and includes the Rabbani secret is a new sentence arrangement that has never been known in Arabic. And some Muslims collapse the rules between Arabic and Qur’an language, and what is different from understanding Arabic is considered a mistake, sometimes some Muslims misunderstand that in the arrangement of the Qur’an sentence there are language problems. From the information above, the author tries to explain some of the secrets and hidden wisdom behind this problem. Based on this background, researchers tried to examine the problem of language in the Qur›an which was discussed with semantic studies. To obtain scientific data, researchers used the literatures method with primary data sources in the form of several literatures and books such as the interpretation of Al-Zamakhsyari or Al-Alusi. Secondary data is data that supports primary data. The data of this study were obtained by descriptive method, namely collecting and analyzing related data sources which were followed up with analytical methods by analyzing data, examined through a semantic approach, namely the meaning of the language approach. The results of this discussion discuss four aspects of the problem in the Qur›an, namely the uncontinuity between ma’thuf and ma’thuf alaihi, between ifrod, tasniyah, and jama ‘, between na’at and man’ut, and ta’nis al-mudzakkar and tadzkir al-muannas, these problems basically do not violate the rules of language or Arabic grammar, and the Ulama ‘Qur’an has explained in detail the wisdom of the structure of the text, and precisely because of the characteristics of the I’jaz the Qur’an can not only be understood from the grammatical aspect.
Penafsiran Ayat-Ayat Ibadah (Studi Pemikiran Tafsir Harun Nasution) Anshori Anshori
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.163


This article discuss about Harun Nasution’s thought in doctrine of Islam, particularly relate with his thought about observance verses in al-Qur’ān. He is one of the figure indonesian modernist because his effort to criticize understanding society that be judged taqlid or a reclusive gesture and closing the ijtihad doors. In his opinion, the advances of science in the time of classical Islam period were none other than due at that time the ijtihad doors were wide open. Therefore, the notion held by Harun Nasution is the rational theology as adopted by Muhammad Abduh who is also close to Mu’tazilah. Harun argued that in the doctrine of Islam, divided inti two doctrines, that are unchangeable teachings, and then adaptable teachings that could be changed. The unalterable doctrine is like the Qur’anic text that is the source of the doctrine of Islam. As for the interpretation or understanding of the Qur’anic text includes something that can be changed in which it’s understanding is tailored to the needs of the ages.
Tafsir Modern Perspektif Mun’im Sirry dalam What’s Modern about Modern Tafsir? A Closer Look at Hamka’s Tafsir al-Azhar Umi Wasilatul Firdausiyah
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.158


Study of the verses of Qur’an will never run out anytime, becauseQur’an is a salih likulli zaman wa makan that is always needed toanswer the problems of times. The purpose of this study is to find outthe essence of modern interpretation which presented by Mun’im(1971), while the type of research chosen in this study is a libraryresearch which is studied with an analytical-descriptive method topresent the explanations related to modern interpretation in Mun’imSirry’s view, assisted by Hans George Gadamer’s theory, especiallyin his pre-understanding theory and his horizon theory as a bridgeto dissect Sirry’s thoughts regarding modern interpretation. Theresult research show that the interpretation of Qur’an has beencontinuously carried out by mufasir or commentators to solve thechallenges modern era. By producing interpretive works that arecompatible with each era. In the interpretation Mun’im Sirry’s,not all interpretations which born in this modern era can becategorized as modern, modern interpretations is the extent ofthese interpretations that have contribution to modern reality. Hecontinued, the Quran interpretation at the moment is almost nodifferent from the classical interpretation.
Resepsi Masyarakat Madura Terhadap QS. AL-Ikhlas dalam Tradisi Kompolan Sabellesen Habibatul Mahtubah
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.164


Kajian Al-Qur’an saat ini tidak hanya berkutat dalam kajian teks saja. Kajian Al-Qur’an mulai dilakukan pada ranah dialektikanya dengan kehidupan masyarakat. Tradisi kompolan sabellesen K. Abdul Munir di Desa Gadu Timur termasuk salah satunya. Tradisi ini merupakan peninggalan dari sesepuh terdahulu yang tetap berkembang sampai saat ini. Untuk mencapai hasil dari fakta lapangan kompolan sabellesen di Gadu Timur, peneliti merumuskana dua hal. 1. Bagaimana kompolan sabellesen di Gadu Timur. 2. Bagaimana horizon ekspektasi atau cakrawala harapan dari QS. Al-Ikhlas pada kompolan sabellesen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis deskriptif. Pendekatan ini dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis secara detail tentang latar belakang berdirinya kompolan sabellesen serta resepsi kultural masyarakat Gadu Timur terhadap ayat Al-Qur’an yang dimasukkan dalam ritus lokal berupa tradisi kompolan sabellesen dengan tetap berpijak pada teori resepsi Hans Robert Jauss dengan konsep horizon of expectation. Dengan hal ini dapat diketahui hasilnya yang disederhanakan sebagai berikut: 1) kompolan sabellesen di Gadu Timur termasuk salah satu tradisi yang berdiri atas inisiatif sesepuh dalam meningkatkan nilai keagamaan masyarakatnya. 2) horizon of expectation pada anggota kompolan sabellesen meliputi horizon cakrawala harapan sempit dan cakrawala harapan luas dengan mengindikasikan fungsi informatif dan performatif di dalam menunjukkan cakrawala harapan luas anggota kompolan sabellesen
Sejarah Media Penafsiran di Indonesia Muhammad Miftahuddin
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.159


The development of science always walk on the roal with the media used. This also give color the history of tafsir in Indonesia. Marshall McLuhan said there are at least four divisions of media development in general, the tribal age, the age of literacy, the print age, and the electronic age. Based on the classifications of the McLuhan media era, it can be seen how the history of tafsir in Indonesia developed according to the media used, first, the era of oral tafsir which coincided with the islamization process where the application of Al-Qur’an values was conveyed through speaking. Secondary, the era of written tafsir which began to use paper as the medium and us handwriting. Third, the era of printed tafsir which uses a printing press as its main characteristic, such as books, magazines, and others. Fourth, the era of electronic tafsir which began to use electronic media such as tv and radio. Fifth, the era of online tafsir which is the development of the era of electronic tafsir. In this era, interpretation is carried out through online media such as YouTube, websites, social media and others.

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