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Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia
ISSN : 23563281     EISSN : 26224666     DOI : -
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Articles 226 Documents
Faktor Pemungkin Terkait Perilaku Ibu Memberikan Asi Eksklusif 6 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kemiri Muka Kota Depok Tahun 2011 Ida Ida; Kenti Friskarini
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 2 No 7 (2015): Journal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.121 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v2i7.78


Breast milk constitutes as the most suitable food for an infant and contains the highest value whencompared to baby food created by man or even animal milk. In Kota Depok in 2010, exclusive breastfeeding tillthe age of 6 months is still low at 61,93%. This article is about the relationship of enabling factors. This studyconstitutes a study with cross-sectional design and survey methods were applied. Location of study was atPuskesmas Kemiri Muka work area. Interviews were carried out using questionaires on on a study population of251 mothers with infants between 6 to 12 months of age, of which 172 mothers were samples. Study resultsshowed that the conferment of 6 months exclusive breastfeeding in the work area of PusKesMas Kemiri KotaKota Depok was still low. Study results revealed only 44 respondents or 25,6% conferred 6 months of exclusivebreastfeedings. The meaningful enabling factors in relation is the Early Breastfeeding Initiation (EBI) andnursing cluster. Recommendation from this study result is the expectation for Kota Depok Health Agency andPusKesMas Kemiri Muka to intensify the application and monitoring towards EBI and nursing clusterimplementations between infant and mother.Key Words: Enabling Factor, Maternal Behaviour, 6 Months Exclusive Breastfeeding
Analisis Mutu Pelayanan Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Dan Minat Berkunjung Kembali Pasien Di Puskesmas Pasar Rebo Tahun 2015 Elwindra Elwindra; Petronela Ruslini
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 2 No 7 (2015): Journal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.678 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v2i7.80


Puskesmas Pasar Rebo vision is to promote the realization of quality health services leading to an independent healthy society. The issues highlighted by the public in the scope of public services quality indicated there is still found weaknesses and deviation that could be influential towards public’s satisfaction. This research is important to be carried out as a follow-up research a year earlier towards Community Satisfaction Index in Puskesmas Pasar Rebo to find out if the improved service quality rendered by the Puskesmas Pasar Rebo to the public inter-relates to satisfaction and patients’ interest for revisits. This is a quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach of 100 sample respondents. This research applied an analytical survey using Importance-Performance Analysis with Cartesian Diagram. The results showed that the service quality categorised as good with level of conformity (comparison between expectation and reality) at 80,1%. Elements which are considered best meets the expectations of respondents were the friendliness and attention of the doctor during treatment 92.4%, while the element which least met the expectations of patients was the sufficient and comfortable waiting area of 76.3%. This research found a significant association between education and patient satisfaction, while for age, gender, occupation, distance and visitation interests showed no significant relationship with patient satisfaction. Importance Performance Analysis result shows the dimensions of service quality of Responsiveness (Quick response) are in quadrant A, which means the health center should expediate and be more responsive to meet customer expectations.
Kesesuaian Istilah Tindakan Medis Berdasarkan ICD-9-CM Pada Dokumen Rekam Medis Rawat Inap Non-PBI Triwulan I Di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Hasan Sadikin Tahun 2015 Fahri Ramdan Hariri; Ida Wahyuni
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 2 No 7 (2015): Journal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.058 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v2i7.81


The Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 Year 2014 on theIndonesian Systems Case Base Groups (INA-CBGS) Technical Guidelines that charging medical action terms,and action code refers to ICD-9cm. Based on preliminary studies in dr. Hasan Sadikin Central GeneralHospital, coders have difficulty in determining leadterm to define actions based on ICD-9-CM, giving rise to theassumption that resulted in inaccurate code determination. The study was conducted to determine the percentagelevel of medical procedures term conformity based on ICD -9-CM. This study is a descriptive study that seeks tolook back by re-reviewing or review back the use of the medical action term on NON-PBI inpatient medicalrecord document in the first quarter of 2015. Data obtained through observation using observation sheet andinterviews as supportive descriptives. The results showed that the use of medical action term is largely inaccordance ICD-9-CM with the corresponding percentage at 78% and in non-accordance of 22%. However, inorder to homogenize the perceptionof the medical action term usage, efforts should be made to address theimpact caused, by further enhancing the cooperation that has existed between physicians, nurses and otherhealthcare practitioners with medical records clerk about writing medical term measures appropriately basedon ICD- 9-CM.Keywords: Suitability, medical action term, ICD-9-CM.
Peran Pengawas Minum Obat (PMO) terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pasien TB Paru di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cakung Jakarta Timur Revie Fitria Nasution; Markus Amay
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 2 No 7 (2015): Journal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.763 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v2i7.82


Pulmonary Tuberculosis patient PMO support greatly affect healing in medication. This study aimed to determine the role of PMO in preventing pulmonary TB transmission in the Work Area of Puskesmas Kecamatan Cakung Jakarta Timur. The type of research is a qualitative research with phenomenology approach in the Work Area of Puskesmas Kecamatan Cakung Jakarta Timur and 7 PMO as informants. The study was conducted by direct observation of the patient and the PMO residence, interviewing informants and secondary data obtained from the documents or records and reports of Puskesmas Remaja Samarinda. The results showed and improvement of environmental sanitation and tableware in health promotion by improved environmental, general and specific protection by bring round BCG immunization for newborn in the PMO, early diagnosis and prompt treatment by identification of the signs and symptoms of pulmonary TB and the search prompt treatment, limitation disability by supervisor of taking medication (PMO), and rehabilitation by increasing balanced nutrition. It is concluded that the role of PMO in preventing public health improvement efforts by health promotion, vaccination, family’s nutrition and regular medication.
Hubungan Status Gizi Balita terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu yang Memiliki Balita di Kelurahan Karsamenak Kecamatan Kawalu Kota Tasikmalaya Wawan Rismawan; Shofi Hanifah A; Ani Nur Ulfah
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 2 No 7 (2015): Journal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.645 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v2i7.83


The main challenge in the development of a nation is to build the human resources quality, healthy,intelligent and productive, that can measured by the Human Development Index (HDI). Low HDI was influencedof low nutritional status have an impact on population health. Nutritional status of infants should be veryguarded and serious concern of the parents, because in case of malnutrition during this period will causeirreversible damage. Malnutrition have fatal impact on brain development. Anxiety can be accompanied byphysical symptoms such as headache, rapid heart beat, chest tightness, abdominal pain, restless and unable tosit still, unable to do anything despite the directives.. The purpose of this study was to determine the associationbetween nutritional status of mothers and children against anxiety levels who have children in Sub KarsamenakKawalu District of Tasikmalaya City. This research was conducted in June 2016 in the Village KarsamenakKawalu District of Tasikmalaya City with a sample of 50 mothers and their toddlers. This type of research is acorrelation study by using cross sectional approach. Data collection tool is a questionnaire used the HamiltonRating Scale for Anxiety (HRS-A), data used in the form of primary data and secondary data. Processing datawas using SPSS for windows release 21. The analysis used were univariate and bivariate Spearman rank (rho),test indicated that p value is 0,012 and coefficient correlation is 0,354. The conclusion was there is relationshipbetween nutritional status of children and anxiety mothers who have children with a low correlationKeywords: nutritional status of children, mother’s anxiety, Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HRS-A)
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Risiko Tinggi Tentang Kehamilan Risiko Tinggi Kabupaten Ciamis Tahun 2015 Siti Saadah Mardiah
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 2 No 7 (2015): Journal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.319 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v2i7.84


High risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that is expected to occur disruption of out-come to her mother orher fetus to require more intensive supervision and may act proactively. This research aim to detect therelationship between mother high risk pregnant knowledge about high risk pregnancies with antenatal care atcommunity health center District Banjarsari Regency Ciamis 2015. Knowledge or cognitive domain is veryimportant for someone action (over behavior). High risk pregnancy needs monitoring and proactive action. Themethod in this research is an analytic survey with cross-sectional approach. The population in this study is thehigh risk pregnant mothers for being too young, too old, too many and too close to the health center BanjarsariCiamis District during the study (week IV in November and week I in December 2015) by using the totalsampling of 31 people. Primary data (knowledge of mother with high risk pregnancy) were collected throughquestionnaires, secondary data obtained by visiting antenatal form women cohort. Statistical analysis used ChiSquare test. The research showed that knowledge of high-risk pregnant women is categorized quite enough asmany as 14 people (45.2%), antenatal care of high-risk pregnant women accordingto the standard as many as 13people (41,9%). Statistical tests using chi-square analysis with significance level of 0.05, got value 2 as big as10,192 with  value as big as 0,017. The conclusion of this research there is relationship between mother highrisk pregnant knowledge about high-risk pregnant with antenatal care at community health center DistrictBanjarsari Regency Ciamis 2015. It is recommended for pregnant women to do more health activities andperform routine check the pregnancy antenatal care.Keywords: knowledge, pregnancy, antenatal care
Hubungan Karakteristik,Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Dengan Perilaku Dalam Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR) di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur Herlina Herlina; Sariah Sariah
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 3 No 9 (2016): Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.589 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v3i9.86


Adolescence is part of human development. This period is a period of changes or transition from childhood to adulthood covering biological, psychological and social changes. In most societies and cultures, adolescence in general begins at ages 10-13 years old and ends at 18-22 years of age. SDKI year 2012 data showed 28% female adolescents and 24% male adolescents consumed alcoholic beverages before the age of 15. About 2,8% adolescents aged 15-19 years old were involved indrugs abuse, and 0,7% female and 4,5% males aged between 15-19 year of age indulged in premarital sex. This study aimed at determining the relationship between characteristic, knowledge and attitude with behavior in teens care health care service utilization (PKPR) in the Pasar Rebo East Jakarta Sub-District Puskesmas. This study used quantitative approach and analytic study type with Cross Sectional approach that is cause and effect variable or cases happening to study objects measured or collected as a stimulant (at the same time). Samples in this study totaled 81 respondents. Significant variable study is a type of poly result as every patient treated will be referred to PKPR poly first, after which health issue found at PKPR will be referred to other poly appropriately related to each issue, in carrying out integrated clinic functions with all other service units at community health centres (puskesmas).
Hubungan Motivasi dengan Kepuasan Kerja Petugas Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Yadika Pondok Bambu Tahun 2015 Tri Wulandari; Diana Barsasella
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 3 No 9 (2016): Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.242 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v3i9.87


According to Stoner (1996) motivation is the cause and support the person's behavior. Robin (1989), stated motivation is the ability to struggle or strive to a higher level, provided they are not ignoring its ability to obtain satisfaction in the form of personal fulfillment. Job satisfaction is an assessment of how far the workers that the overall job or satisfy their needs and generally can be defined as a person's feelings towards their job. Job satisfaction is closely linked to the attitude of employees towards their own work, the work situation, cooperation between the leadership and with fellow employees. (As, ad, 2000). This study design is a research plan drafted in such a way, so that the study can obtain answers to questions (Setiadi, 2007). This research is quantitative. This research uses analytic survey research methods. Characteristics of respondents who most nation points in this study is the beginning of adult respondents age group (20-30 years) 11 (61.1%). Based on the gender of the most respondents were male as many as 13 (72.2%). The education level of most of the largest higher education as many as 11 (61.1%). Based on the educational background of the respondents it was found that non medical record as many as 17 (94.4%). Based on the long work of the most respondents was the same between the new work with old works as many as nine (50%). Based on the intrinsic motivation that most respondents was that as many as 10 (55.6%). Based on extrinsic motivation is a good majority of respondents ie 13 (72.2%). Based on job satisfaction of the most respondents are satisfied with 11 (61.1%). From the results of statistical test by using t-test is a statistical test two samples are independent (independent sample t-test) there is no difference between each variable.
Pengaruh Sikap dan Pengetahuan Tentang Bahaya Merokok Terhadap Perilaku Merokok Mahasiswa STIKes PHI Tahun 2016 Siska Toto; Revie Fitria Nasution
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 3 No 9 (2016): Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.466 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v3i9.88


Smoking has become a normality found wherever we are. Smoking is a habit that is widely practiced in both educated & otherwise environments. Each cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals harmful to the body, 400 of them can have toxic effects, while 40 of them can cause cancer. Persons with smoking behaviour usually find it hard to quit. Many late teens between ages of 21-24 years of age are only followers as they are just adhering to the smoking trend eventhough they are aware of the effects of smoking. According to Riskesdas 2013 report, analysis results showed a slight increase in the public smoking perportional rate especially in children and juveniles aged between 15 to 29 years of age. The rate increase can be seen from the years 2007 to 2013 from 23,7% to 24,3%. DKI Jakarta ranked 12th position as a province with massive porportion of 23,2 % of smokers population. The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of knowledge, attitudes and characteristics towards smoking behaviour. This study applied cross sectional approach on 94 respondents through data collection. Data processing used chi-square test (@ = 0,05). A few study results showed no knowledge and characterictic (age, parents’ careers and monthly allowances) influnces towards smoking behaviour in male undergrads aged between 18-30 years of age with value of p = > 0,05. Study results also showed the presence of influence between attitude, characteristics (peer role) towards smoking behaviour with value of p = < 0,05.
Hubungan Dukungan Penghargaan Suami Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Teti Rahmawati
Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia Vol 3 No 9 (2016): Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia
Publisher : STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.112 KB) | DOI: 10.56014/jphi.v3i9.90


Expectant mothers and families health attitude can influence the occurrence of anemia in expectantmothers. However, it is not known yet the husbands’ support influence towards the occurrence of anemia inexpectant wives. This study aimed to identify support recognition influencing occurrence of anemia in expectantmothers. This analytic descriptive study uses cross sectional approach and was carried out at Sector Sukatani,Sub-District Tapos, Depok between January- June 2015 towards 60 expectant mothers selected by total sampling.Data collected utilized questionaires on respondents’ perception towards knowledge, attitude and husbands’support behavior related to anemia. Hb tests used multicheck units to obtain respondents Hb data. Study result showed a significant relationship between husbands’ recognition support with anemia occurrence in expectantmothers (p value = 0,021). Expectant mothers lacking husbands’ recognition support has a higher chance 4,680times of experiencing anemia compared to expectant mothers with good husbands’ recognition support (OR = 4,680). Requires early anemia detection policy through Hb screening, health promotion administration, conducting care and services involving husbands and further studies related to recognition support through perspective husbands.

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