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Interaksi : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
ISSN : 23016051     EISSN : 25484907     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunicasi is published by the Magister of Communication Science Program, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Science Diponegoro University. I has registered number of LIPI, ISSN 23016051 (print), ISSN 25484907 (Online). This journal has aim to disseminate critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary social and political issues both local and foreign.
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Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18395.453 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.93-109


ABSTRACTNowadays, around us there are many teenagers who use social media as a means to actualize themselves, they are often referred to as Y Generation (Y Genes). Y Generation is the generation who was born in 1980 to 2000. The positive sides that they have a high self-confidence, strong in self-esteem, good in social networks, creative, multi-tasking, the generation who love the wireless world (Tulgan and Martin 2001, Beekman 2011). Through the technology, new media as a place for the generation of Y genes express themselves to gain recognition and self-existence they make use of social media, for example: their favorite is to take their picture by themselves (which famous as selfie in Indonesian) then upload them to social media, using social media such as instagram. The process of self-actualization by generation Y through social networking is done by displaying the profile photo, upload photos of their activities and write their status or feeling. The qualitative method was used in this research, self-presentation through dramaturgical theory. The techniques for collecting the data through: in-depth interviews with informants, observation, documentation and literature study. The researcher interviewed five person as the Y generation (3 female and 2 male), they were as students of Soegijapranata Catholic University in Semarang. Based on interviews the researcher concluded that the use of social media networking instagram for generation Y in actualize themselves was a positive activity, they displayed profile photos as attractive as possible, uploaded photos of individual activities as well as with the community, and wrote status as the fulfillment of the need for self-actualization and got a good impression on others. And this was appropriate with dramaturgy theory where people tend to show their positive side / front page to  others.Key words: Gen Y, Social Media, Self Actualization
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18362.204 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.38-47


1.    Abstract:The purpose of this research is to describe about communication of Japanese people. Japan has become a tremendous nation in technology. The impacts have both positive and negative sides which create the Japanese people became very cautious about their interaction especially in communication with each other or to foreigners.        This study is trying to observe in relation to communiction of Japanese people using a qualitative method and Communication Private Management theory. The subject would be college students at Graduate University for Advanced Studies in Sagamihara, Japan. Communication Private Management theory research about description for the action that people do based on intension, substance, and event that create in their language to communicate with other people or with them selves.        The result of this research is interaction between Japanese people and foreigners are possible as long as the ideas of self perception and the relationship with the society reach the accomplishment. Japanese people would be very generous and kind as long as the communication would be clear and good for them.Keywords: Communication Private Management theory (CPM), Japan, Japanese People   
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18370.499 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.110-119


ABSTRACTWhen a number of Madurese individual returned to the former conflict area in Central Kalimantan, the phenomena of identity negotiation in communication process between Dayaknese and Madurese individual has arisen. The events of social conflict between these two ethnic groups in 2001, tended to be a sensitive issue for Dayaknese and Madurese. Therefore, when Dayaknese and Madurese individual made contact and interact with each other, prejudice and negative stereotype were appeared. And then, mindful interethnics communication disturbed.The study based on genre of interpretive and phenomenology tradition, to get perceiver’s world, which is Dayaknese and Madurese individual, about identity negotiations in their daily interaction activities. Furthermore, by identity negotiation theory perspective, that accentuate mutual understanding among members of the dominant and minority groups, this study also seeks to gain meaning of individual relations of Dayaknese and Madurese ethnic which are understood by both parties in the framework of inter-ethnic conflict reconciliation.The results of this study indicate that relationships involving Dayak and Madura individuals in living together, have a positive development post social conflicts 2001. They could negotiated their own cultural identity in the process of daily interaction. However, there are still negative stereotypes, although their stereotypes do not completely block their intercultural interaction process. In addition, this study also revealed the results of the process of identity negotiation conducted by both parties. The form is the use of Dayaknese and Madurese Language and the existence of mixed marriages that are encouraged by both parties. The most prominent phenomenon in this Dayaknese and Madurese post-conflict individual relations is the cooperation made by the leaders to maintain good relations and prevent the emergence of social upheaval in the society.Key words: negotiations, reconciliations, conflict, Dayaknese, Madurese
Proses Informasi pada Peringatan Kesehatan dalam Kemasan Rokok Pamungkas, Yoma Bagus
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18359.447 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.29-37


 Consumption of tobacco use is very high, no exception in Indonesia. Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Health decreed the regulation of health warning in the each cigarette package. The regulation includes the Pictorial Health Warning (PHW) and Health Information Message (HIM) which aims to reduce interest smoke. The purpose of this article is to examine more deeply about how an information process that occurs in health warnings on cigarette packaging can be conveyed to the smokers to reduce smoking. In explaining the process, The Author uses the concept of Attention and Message Processing, Elaborative Processing, Cognitive Response Theory, Fear Appeals and Fear Arousal. The result shows that on health warnings indicate that there is coherence between external stimuli (fear appeal) which described by Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) with cognitive meaning by smokers, so that can evoke fear in their self to quite smoking.  Keywords : Pictorial Health Warning Label (PHW), Health Information Message (HIM), Attention and Message Processing, Elaborative Processing, Cognitive Respon Theory, Fear Appeals dan  Fear Arousal
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18386.927 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.120-131


ABSTRACTThe proliferation of infotainment shows on television media for current decades is considered quite disturbing for broadcasting stakeholders in this country. The mass media through its four functions should be able to perform these functions in sequence and the four should run proporsonally, either the functions of educating, providing information, entertaining and influencing. But along with the disowning of conscience by media owners who are very oriented to the political economic of the liberal media, the main purpose of broadcasting is merely pursuing for ratings to be able to reap a lot of advertisements, with the reason people as the owner of the sovereign broadcasting like it. The orientation of media owners through infotainment shows that sold well consumed by society, on one hand, potentially damage the morality of the society into an opportunistic, apathy and hedonist nation. The situation of upheaval domestic political is also considered to foster infotainment shows in the midst of people's worries about the increasingly uncertain political situation, especially the corruption news that has filled the labyrinth of society, more saturated, so that people seek entertainment on television through infotainment shows.The lack of favor towards the conscience and the morality of society, thereby crashing into the corridor of mass media function, encourages media owners to tend to display something of added value in society, by denying the educational function, providing useful information and influencing the society with more cosmopolitan thinking. This is the serious problem faced by this nation, and has not obtained law enforcement as regulated in legislation. In this case, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission which has repeatedly reprimanded and gave strong warnings against television stations that broadcast infotainment shows inappropriately, merely to rebuke and commemorate, without being able to bring it into the realm of justice. The inherent strength of capital accompanied by the social political power of the media owners, have made all violations and crimes in the mass media unfolded without ever being touched by the law. Keywords: People behavior, media ethics and infotainment shows on television
ECOLOGICAL NICHE THEORY (Nichespace, Niche Breadth and Niche Overlap, Competitive Superiority) Local Media in Central Java (Suara Merdeka And Tribun Jateng) Monicaningsih, Aisyah
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18381.674 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.63-76


ABSTRACTThe Central Java Province has a wide range of local media both print and electronic media. The print media in Central Java is growing rapidly, as are present in the data follows the various print media market in Central Java. Suara Merdeka is one of the well-known mass media in Central Java Province, and is a daily morning newspaper published in the city of Semarang, Central Java. This daily has a circulation limited to the area of Central Java. The other one Tribun Jateng newspaper is a network Tribunnews newspaper, Kompas Gramedia Group. With the tagline "Spirit Baru Jawa Tengah", this newspapers targeting readers in Central Java have low price that only one hundred rupias so that all people can read a lot of information easily in physical form.As part of the print media, also affected the circulation of newspapers in Central Java, this research will discuss about how local media incase Suara Merdeka and Tribun Jateng consume resources the same and run a similar function in an environment in which the print media regional / local in which there is competition and live alongside each other. This study use qualitative research method, descriptive by interviewing informants from each newspaper, and study documents in the analysis using Niche Theory. This study aims to determine the Nichespace, Niche Breadth and Niche Overlap, Competitive Superiority of the local media that have popular areas in Central Java.The conclusion of this study is Nichespace terms both of the print media grab each local market both in terms of Central Java Region of the marketing and newspaper readers. Niche Breadth and Niche Overlap is different then the unit can coexist this is due to similarities between the two stories a bit, but both newspapers also must be careful to keep their respective markets both readers and ad target it to anticipate the competition fierce between the two mediums. Competitive Superiority media that most have the power to meet the needs of media audiences in Central Java primarily in Semarang is Suara Merdeka, but Suara Merdeka need to be vigilant if at any time the Tribune Jateng as a new medium that has the advantage of cheaper prices, easily obtained as in retailers who are in the traffic light in the city of Semarang can replace or destroy senior media like Suara Merdeka.Keywords: Media Local / Regional, Niche Theory, Space Niche, Niche Breadth and Niche Overlap, Competitive Superiority
INTERAKSI FRAKSI DALAM PROSES PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN PUBLIK (Studi Organisasi DPRD Kota Malang 2010, Atas Kasus Pasar Tradisional Dinoyo Dan Blimbing Menjadi Pasar Moderen Di Kota Malang) Nedo, Maria Susana
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18396.345 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.15-28


Abstract:This study aimed at describing the interaction of the factions in the organization's decision-making process DPRD Malang; with a focus on the kind of interaction both internally and externally fraction of the party over government policies Malang in development projects / peralian traditional market status and Dinoyo Blimbing Malang into Modern market in the city of Malang. Based on the results of field research (Member of Parliament Malang in Malang Parliament Office II) and analysis of data regarding political interactions between members of the board in a fraction in DPRD Malang; especially the interactions between the factions with regard to public decision making (policy Making) in the case of market Dinoyo and Blimbing can be seen the political interaction between the factions in the organization DPRD Malang in various forms, including: conflict, Accommodation, Compromise, and the Coalition in the process of pushing or thwart development policy and the transitional status of both markets.Although the final decision through voting; DPRD Malang still approve policies Dinoyo market development and market Blimbing as the modern market, since the beginning of the discussion on the construction of two projects in the city parliament Malang occur Pros and Cons of each-each faction will be the plan. Semuannya behalf of the interests of the people to remain grounded in their respective party platforms. The difficulties in the market building approvals showed adannya interaction among factions in the party's internal and external parties on development projects in both markets. The change of final views and policies fractions as a result of lobbying-lobbying in the political interaction between factions both in the form of cooperation (Pro) and the opposition (Counter) shows the form of interaction in political communication who conducted members of the faction DPRD Malang internal and external parties resulting in a decision together though through a vote to approve the construction of traditional markets and Dinoyo Blimbing into Modern market. Keywords: Fraction of DPRD II Malang, Interaction and Political Communication, Public Decision
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18400.463 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.1-14


The demonstration to refuse online taxi Uber and Grab driven by PPAD Jadetabek on March 22 is a crisis for Blue Bird Group that has been known to have a positive reputation. This is due to the demonstrations was allegedly provoked by one of the Blue Bird driver's. The purpose of this study is to describe the Blue Bird Group's PR strategy in managing the crisis as a result of the demonstration in order to save the reputation of their organization. The results showed PR Blue Bird Group implements several crisis response strategies, such as execuse, apologize, compensation, and reminders. 
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18355.329 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.132-139


Abstract                Not only information, social media also encounters negative content and hoax. Not resolved yet, precisely social media is used as reference or source by mass media. In fact, media literacy has been put into practice and exposed the dangers of negative content since long time ago. Two interesting phenomena are; negative content that predicted would be soar on Jakarta Governor Election, April 2017, was missed. Those negative content still exists, organized, even commodified nowdays. The second phenomenon, the community is not just as an audience anymore. They even more daring to exist as an artist in social media. The study aims to analyze the use of media and its implications on media institution. It is important to determine the accuracy of media literacy strategies based on massive, reactive, and plural Indonesian public character.               Research is in the literature review area, analyzing mass communication strategy, and presented by descriptive qualitative. The Elaboration Likelihood Model that explains  central or peripheral routes of public message processing and attribution is used as the theoretical basis. The results; public using central routes are motivated for economic and social benefits. While the aspect of ability of the route is not synergy due to low competence and public ability to be critical. The peripheral route is formed by convenience, wide, and real time interaction in social media. Researcher concludes, literacy requires ethical material and its implications in social life. For example by showing the impact and relevance of media usage in social situations. In addition, public access to seek the truth, provide feedback, and discussions need to be opened wide so that the public can think critically without intervention or doctrine. Keywords : Negative Content, Media Institutions, Elaboration Likelihood Model
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18387.986 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.6.1.77-92


Abstract The logo of Semarang’s 469th birthday celebration was created by Ibnu Pramudya, the winner of Logo Competition held by the town council of Semarang. The current version of Semarang’s 469th birthday celebration logo consists of number 4,6, and 9 combined together in a unique curve with gradation of red and yellow. The committees and the judges of the competition have requirements for the chosen logo that it must be able to show the vision and mission of Semarang and based on the theme of Semarang’s 469th birthday celebration “Bulatkan Tekat, Semarang Hebat”. The research question would be whether the logo created by Ibnu Pramudya was qualified enough according to the judges and represented the soul of Semarang. By using Semiotic Theory of Charles Sanders Peirce, this logo was analyzed based on the symbols, the used of symbols, and interpreters. It was found that the numbers of 469 created by Ibnu Pramudya was not only unique and attractive, but also it could meet the committees’ and judges’ qualifications. This attractive logo could represent unity and harmony the people of Semarang in developing the city, so that met the qualification of the theme of Semarang’s 469th birthday celebration, “Bulatkan Tekad, Semarang Hebat”. This showed that the message through the logo could be interpreted by the interpreters. Key words: Semiotic, logo, Semarang’s 469th birthday celebration, Charles Sanders Peirce

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