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Core Subject : Agriculture,
Journal of Agromix as a scientific study and information on agricultural fields containing scientific writings, a summary of the results of research, service, critical thinking about Agricultural, Fisheries, Agricultural Product Technology, Animal Husbandry, and all fields related to Agriculture.
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Articles 214 Documents
Aplikasi berbagai jenis pemberian konsentrasi asam amino sitokinin dan giberelin pada tanaman melon (Cucumis melo L.) hidroponik Tri Rini Kusparwanti; Rindha Rentina Darah Pertami; Eliyatiningsih Eliyatiningsih; Edi Siswadi; Abdurrahman Salim Salim

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v14i2.3637


Introduction: This study aims to determine the growth and yield of melon plants in drip irrigation systems in conventional and hydroponic cultivation techniques. Method: The research was carried out in July – September 2022, on the Smart GreenHouse area of ​​the Jember State Polytechnic with an altitude of ± 89 meters above sea level and an air temperature of 22 – 32 °C. Parameters observed were plant height (cm), plant diameter (cm), number of leaves (strands), fruit weight per sample (kg), fruit brix content per sample (0brix), fruit diameter per sample (cm). Result: Based on the results the t-test recapitulation of the use of drip irrigation systems in conventional and hydroponic melon cultivation gave a significant effect on the observation of plant height at 2 – 6 WAP, plant diameter at 2 WAP and 3 WAP, number of leaves at 2 – 6 WAP, as well as giving effect on yield parameters, namely fruit weight, fruit brix content, and melon fruit diameter. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that the use of drip irrigation systems in conventional and hydroponic melon cultivation has a significant effect on all plant parameters. However, it did not affect the parameters of plant diameter at the age of 4 - 6 WAP. The use of this drip irrigation system is well applied to the cultivation of melon plants with substrate hydroponic cultivation techniques using coco peat growing media.
Kelimpahan plankton Prorocentrum sp. pada tambak intensif udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) Heri Ariadi; M.B. Syakirin; Tri Yusufi Mardiana; Hayati Soeprapto; Linayati Linayati; Benny Diah Madusari

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v14i2.3668


Introduction: Prorocentrum sp. is one of the harmful algae genera that often grows in the aquatic ecosystems of vaname shrimp (L. vannamei) ponds. The purpose of this study was to determine the abundance and dynamics of the Prorocentrum sp. during the shrimp culture period of vaname shrimp (L. vannamei) in intensive ponds. Method: This research was conducted on 4 ponds with a size of 3,200 m2 and a stocking density of 120 fish/m2. The research variables observed were water quality parameters and Prorocentrum sp. which is carried out every 7 days during the shrimp cultivation periods. Result: Based on the results of study, the water quality parameters during the shrimp culture period tend to be stable, except for the water pH parameters which have relatively high afternoon pH fluctuations. Prorocentrum sp. genera during the shrimp culture period, the plankton genus was the most dominant compared to other genera of the Dinoflagellate class. The dynamics of the Prorocentrum sp. abundance on the intensive pond, there was a significant correlation between the solubility of TAN (Total Ammonia Nitrogen) content of 74.8% and the water temperature of 83.3%. Conclusion: The abundance dynamics of Prorocentrum sp. genera during aquaculture period of vaname shrimp (L. vannamei) fluctuated dynamically following the solubility trend of TAN (Total Ammonia Nitrogen) levels and water temperature flux in the pond ecosystem
Pengaruh penambahan tepung ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) dan tepung umbi porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia dan organoleptik biskuit Deny Utomo; Dini Octasari

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v14i2.4177


Introduction: Biscuits are snacks made from flour and fat that are baked and have a long shelf life. Biscuits contain carbohydrates, fats and calories which are high but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. This study aims to determine the proportion of the addition of purple sweet potato flour and elephant foot tuber flour to the best physicochemical and organoleptic properties of biscuits. Method: This method used in the study of purple sweet potato flour and elephant foot flour biscuits was a randomized block design with 5 treatment substitutions and 3 replications, resulting in 15 trials. Results:The best results for biscuits were in the P5 treatment (17.5% purple sweet potato flour : 12.5% elephant foot tuber flour) with the results of the physicochemical analysis of fracture strength of 13.07 N, antioxidant activity of 81.88 mg/ml, moisture content of 3.11%, ash content of 1.74% and organoleptic test of taste 4.00 (like), aroma 4.00 (like), color 2.88 (rather like) and texture 4.08 (like). Conclusion: Treatment substitution with the addition of purple sweet potato flour and elephant foot tuber flour had a significant effect on the parameters of breaking strength, antioxidant activity, moisture content, ash content, taste, color and texture. But it has no real effect on the flavor.
Perilaku petani padi terhadap risiko usahatani pada suku yang berbeda di Jawa Timur Kholid Murtadlo

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v14i2.4199


Introduction: The agricultural sector is a sector that depends on natural conditions so that uncertainty and risk in farming always occurs. The source of risk is predicted to continue to grow which greatly affects the total agricultural yield. Farming risk consists of production risk and price. Production risk is related to production uncertainty. Price risk is related to price fluctuations that cause losses to farmers because prices are difficult to predict. Indonesia is known for its diversity with nearly 300 ethnicities. Each ethnic group has different characteristics in behavior, language and customs. This difference is possible to influence decisions in managing a business, including in dealing with farming risks. This study attempts to analyze the behavior of rice farmers on the risk of farming among various ethnic groups in East Java and factors that influence farmer behavior towards farming risk. Methods: This research was conducted in Pamekasan, Ngawi and Pasuruan, where these three districts represent Javanese, Madurese, and Madura-Javanese ethnic assimilation. The data used are primary data collected from 49 respondents in Pamekasan Regency, 72 in Ngawi Regency and 65 in Pasuruan Regency so that a total of 186 respondents using the cluster sampling approach. Farmers' behavior towards farm risk was analyzed using the Just and Pope risk function model with the utility function approach, while the analysis of factors that influenced behavior towards farm risk was carried out using multiple regression. Results: The results of the analysis show that the behavior of rice farmers in Pamekasan District with Madura ethnic risk seekers, in Pasuruan Regency is a risk averse and in Ngawi Regency is a risk seeker. Conclusion: Regression analysis shows that differences in ethnicity of farmers affect the way rice farmers deal with farming risks

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