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Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jl. Udayana Kampus Tengah Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia 81116 Telp. +62362-22928
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Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation
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Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (JERE) is an interdisciplinary publication of original research and writing on education which publishes papers to international audiences of educational researchers. The JERE aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education and plays an important role in promoting the process that accumulated knowledge, values, and skills are transmitted from one generation to another; and to make methods and contents of evaluation and research in education available to teachers, administrators and research workers. The journal encompasses a variety of topics, including child development, curriculum, reading comprehension, philosophies of education and educational approaches, etc.
Articles 20 Documents
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Animated Video Approaching Contextual Learning in Natural Science Subject Class VII Nyoman Sukma Sumampan; I Komang Sudarma; Alexander Hamonangan Simamora
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.48212


In the era of technological, the readiness of teachers to educate their participants through online learning is very important. Animated video is one way of teaching that can help students in improving student learning outcomes. This study aimed to analyses the process of developing and validating animated videos with a contextual learning approach in natural science subjects for class VII at Junior High School. This research is development research using the ADDIE model. The subjects of this study were content experts, design experts, media experts, three students in individual trials, and nine students as small group trials. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, document recording, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. The result of this study found that learning content expert test results were 94%, the instructional design expert test was 91.66%, the learning media expert test was 97.17%, the individual trial was 91.33%, and the small group trial was 94.66% with the overall score percentage. Very well qualified. The implication of this research is to make students more active in learning, create a more fun learning atmosphere, be more independent, and understand learning material by connecting it to everyday life.
Reading Related Activities in English Textbook and How the Texts are Exploited in the Classroom Kadek Andre Karisma Dewantara; Luh Putu Artini; Luh Gede Eka Wahyuni
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.48583


Reading comprehension skill is an important requirement that must be possessed by students in learning English. To support students’ reading skill development, the role of the teacher and the learning materials are crucial. This study is an attempt to describe the reading related activities in English text book for Grade 9 and how the texts are exploited in the classroom by teacher. This study uses a descriptive qualitative which analyze the textbook used by the students and observe an English teacher who teach the ninth grade. The data of this research collected through document analysis, classroom observation, and interviews. The data were   analyzed through four processes of data analysis which involved data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The study found that, there are five types of reading related activities contain in English textbook namely: skimming/scanning activities, lexical items activity, linking words activity, activating activity, and questioning activity. Besides that, the most frequent exploited text done by the teacher in the class are completing activity in the form of fill the blank, grammatical words activity, and identifying order of event activity. This research was limited in time, number of subjects and data source so further research is suggested for more generable findings.
Test Instruments to Measure Non-Routine Mathematics Problem Solving Ability Grade IV Elementary School Students Parwati Dewi Jatiningtyas; Kartono; Budi Naini Mindyarto
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.48656


Teachers have a very vital role in the availability of quality education. Various classroom practices used in interacting with students play an important role in understanding mathematical concepts and overall performance in mathematics. This study aims to produce a prototype of a valid and reliable mathematical test instrument for fourth grade elementary school students. This research is a development research. Item analysis of the test instrument using the Rasch model includes ten steps of research and development implementation strategy. Research respondents consist of 5 people on the expert test, 28 people on the small-scale test, and 86 people on the large-scale test. Data was collected by using interview, documentation and questionnaire techniques. Analysis conducted through quantitative and qualitative data. This test prototype development instrument produces a complete Mathematics test. The reliability tested includes inter-rater reliability, namely 0.613, Cronbach Alpha reliability for small- scale tests 0.81 and large-scale test results on Cronbach Alpha reliability 0.78. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the mathematical test instrument to measure non- routine problem solving skills developed is valid and reliable. Existing instruments can help teachers to assess the mathematics ability of fourth grade elementary school students.
Scientific Learning Model: Analytical Thinking and Process Skills in Mathematics kamid kamid; Dwi Agus Kurniawan; Ahmad Mansur Nawahdani
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.49159


Education is one of the efforts to improve the intelligence of the next generation of a nation. Education is considered an important and strategic factor in national development, with efforts oriented towards improving the quality of human resources. In dealing with problems in social life, of course, every student needs to develop process skills. The process skills of each student will be honed by itself if students have the will to be better. It relates to physical and mental skills that result in good attitudes and processes. This study aims to determine the relationship between students' analytical thinking and process skills using the problem based learning model and the problem solving model, and to find out the differences between students' analytical thinking and process skills using the  model and the problem solving model. This research uses quantitative research with associative and comparative types of research. For this type of associative research, descriptive statistical tests are used, while for this type of comparative research, assumptions and hypothesis tests are used. The sampling technique used is purvosive sampling with the criteria of students studying mathematics on circle material, the samples taken are 180 students. The results showed that there was a relationship between analytical thinking and student process skills with the problem based learning and problem solving models besides that there was a comparison between analytical thinking and student process skills in both schools. The implication of this research is that the application of the learning model can be used as a means to develop students' analytical thinking skills and process skills in mathematics.
Certified Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in 21st Century Skills Heru Santosa; Supadi; Desi Rahmawati
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.49475


Pedagogic competence is a special competence, which will distinguish teachers from other professions and will determine the level of success of the learning process and outcomes for students. The aim of this study is to analyse description of the pedagogic competencies of certified educators in 21st century learning, in particular regarding the pedagogic competencies of certified educators, and 21st century teacher skills. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects is one State High School. Data collection using observation, interviews, drawing, and others. While data analysis process, researchers must pay attention to data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing and verification. The researcher also conducted in-depth interviews and structured interviews, structured interviews were interviews in which the problems and questions for the interview had been set by the researcher to be submitted to the informants. The results achieved are the importance of teacher certification to be carried out, the urgency of the importance of teacher certification, namely, as a requirement in teaching, standardization of professionalism, as a legal provision, professional development, and as a form of formal recognition of the teaching profession. The implications of achieving student achievement are because the learning process carried out by the teacher can run well and the transfer of knowledge to students can be right on target.
Teacher Social and Personality Development Model Based on Myers Briggs Type Indicator Supadi
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.49476


Developing teacher social competence is a series of activities to improve teaching staff quality. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychological test designed to measure a person's basic psychological preferences for seeing the world and making decisions. The purpose of this study was to develop a Model of Teacher Personality and Social Competence Development Based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The method used is research and development procedures. The total number of respondents obtained was 51 people. The research instrument used is a questionnaire developed by the researcher. In order to test the practicality and effectiveness of the self-development model conducted a broader product test, revision of the results of a more comprehensive field test, a large-scale feasibility test, and final revision of the results of the feasibility test. The results of the analysis of the needs for social competence and personality of teachers based on MBTI consist of a series of training to produce quality teachers, including personal grooming, multicultural learning, interpersonal skills, team building, and public speaking according to the personality type of each teacher. Most teachers in this study have a strong personality and social competence. When viewed from the personality type, it can be said that teachers with extrovert traits' personality and social competence tend to be high. In contrast, teachers with introverted traits tend to have low personality and social competencies. Teachers with intuitive and sensing traits tend to have strong personalities and social competence.
The Effectiveness of E-Scrapbook Media Containing HOTS Questions on Science Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students Desak Putu Parmiti; I Gede Wahyu Suwela Antara; I Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Wulandari
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.52078


The low ability of Indonesian students is related to the science learning process which has not fully provided opportunities for students to develop critical reasoning skills. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the E-Scrapbook media containing HOTS questions on the learning outcomes of fourth grade elementary school students. This research is an experimental research using a quantitative approach. The research design used in this study was a one group pre-test post-test design. The subjects of this study amounted to 30 elementary school fourth grade students. The effectiveness of using E-Scrapbook media with HOTS questions can be measured using the test method. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive and inferential analysis. The analytical technique used to test the hypothesis is Paired Sample T-Test. Hypothesis testing using the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version 21.0 program. There is a significant difference in the learning outcomes of students' science before and after participating in learning using the E-Scrapbook media containing HOTS-Based Questions. Thus, the application of E-Scrapbook media containing HOTS-based questions in the learning process effectively has an influence in improving student learning outcomes.
Management of Teacher Competency Development and Training in Improving Learning Quality Hafizi; Iim Wasliman; Hanafiah; Faiz Karim Fatkhullah
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.52673


Management of teacher competency development and training in improving learning quality still has constraints on planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating. This study aimed to describe the management of teacher competency development and training in improving learning quality. This qualitative study used case-study and descriptive methods. Data were collected using observations, interviews, and documentation then reduced, presented, and concluded. Based on the results, the management of teacher competency development and training in improving learning quality has been running to improve teacher competence making them have the structure, concept and scientific mindset to excel students through high learning quality even though it is not optimal due to constraints on the number of teachers, mismatches with qualifications, oriented to assignment scheduling, low HR quality, and low mastery of technology so that the proposed solution is to train teachers to have good competence, teach according to their own expertise, career development through functional roles based on credit score calculations, motivate teachers to continue study to a higher level, provide opportunities for teachers to participate in training, raise salaries, conduct clinical supervision to all teachers, and assess learning tools owned by teachers.
The Effectiveness of Adolescent Health Booklets to Strengthen the Character of Healthy Living Behavior of Junior High School Students Desak Made Citrawathi; Putu Budi Adnyana; Ni Putu Sri Ratna Dewi
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.53027


Teenagers today have a very permissive nature related to sex before marriage, giving rise to various health problems in adolescents. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of using youth health booklets in education to strengthen the character of healthy living behaviors in junior high school students. This type of research is quasi-experimental, with the research design being a randomized posttest-only control group design. The research sample was students who took part in the extracurricular activities of the AIDS and Drug Concern Student Group (KSPAN), totaling 58 people. The data collection method uses self-assessment and observation, and self-assessment sheets. Objective tests and descriptions measure students' knowledge of healthy lifestyles through questionnaires. The results showed that students who demonstrated mastery of the concept of a healthy lifestyle were in the good and very good categories of 96.67%, showed student responses in the good (27%) and very good (73%) categories, and showed good behavior (40%) and very good by 60%. The use of youth health booklets can strengthen the healthy behavior of junior high school students. This research implies that students are expected to be able to improve the application of clean and healthy living behaviors in everyday life.
The Error in Ethnomathematics Exploration on Silat Perisai in Kampar District Molli Wahyuni; Zulfah; Astuti; Zulhendri
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 6 No 3 (2022): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v6i3.53041


Silat Perisai is one of the cultural heritages of the Pucuk Adat, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, which has existed since before the independence of the Republic of Indonesia and since 2017 has been included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage. This study aims to evaluate the results of ethnomathematical exploration carried out by students of Mathematics Education at Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University in the Silat Perisai movement. This research is a descriptive study with a case study on ethnomathematical exploration in Silat Perisai. Researchers observed the exploration process carried out by students, and evaluated reports on exploration results. Student errors are viewed from two aspects, namely aspects of mathematical concept errors and aspects of ethnomathematical exploration procedures errors. Before carrying out the exploration, the student group first validated the research instruments used, such as observation sheets and interviews. The results showed that the overall level of error in disclosing ethnomathematical concepts of flat shapes reached 50%, which means that students' errors in expressing concepts are still relatively moderate. The procedural error rate in ethnomathematical exploration reaches 40%.

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