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Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika)
ISSN : 25275771     EISSN : 25497839     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
JURASIK adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh LPPM STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar yang bertujuan untuk mewadahi penelitian di bidang Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika. JURASIK (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) adalah jurnal ilmiah dalam ilmu komputer dan informasi yang mengandung literatur ilmiah pada studi murni dan penelitian terapan dalam ilmu komputer dan informasi dan ulasan publik pengembangan teori, metode dan ilmu terapan yang berkaitan dengan subjek.
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Articles 204 Documents
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 1 (2016): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.322 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v1i1.3


Secara umum, setiap pengukuran diasosiasikan dengan sebuah nilai threshold yang nilainya dapat ditentukan sendiri oleh pengguna data mining. Aturan asosiasi yang tidak menggunakan threshold cenderung tidak menarik karena tidak merepresentasikan pengetahuan kepada pengguna data mining. Salah satu faktor yang memberikan kontribusi untuk menentukan apakah suatu pola menarik atau tidak adalah kesederhanaannya dalam pemahaman manusia. Semakin kompleks struktur sebuah aturan, maka semakin sulit untuk diinterpretasikan sehingga pola yang dibentuk semakin tidak menarik.
Analisis Algoritma Rabin-Karp Pada Kamus Umum Berbasis Android Herriyance Herriyance; Handrizal Handrizal; Siti Dara Fadilla
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 2 (2017): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (824.646 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v2i1.20


Development of the era had a considerable impact on the existence of a language. To overcome this there are some efforts to be made, one of which is to create a dictionary, a dictionary that was made to be practical and quick in use. Dictionary in question is a dictionary based on Android. To create a dictionary-based android can use string matching algorithm, one of the string matching algorithm is the Rabin-Karp algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm perform string matching hash value based on the text and the pattern hash value. The study produced an android based dictionary application which the base number is used to generate a hash value greatly affects the speed of search words. Average running time of 10 attempts to search for words is 14.9 ms.
Penyelesaian Masalah TSP Pada Rute Kunjungan ATM Dengan Pendekatan Heuristik (Tabu Search) Jhon Pontas Simbolon; Muhammad Zarlis
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 2 (2017): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2224.661 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v2i1.15


Determination of optimum route is a problem that can be found in a variety of activities. Principal of the problem is how to organize the trip so the distance is the minimum distance that the optimum is best found on a map or graph. There are many algorithms available to solve them. Algorithm is divided into two parts, the exact methods and heuristic methods. Heuristic method is considered the best method because it can work quickly. Tabu search is a heuristic method that is often used in solving optimization problems. The algorithm works by improving a solution by using memory to avoid that the search process does not get stuck at a local optimum value by rejecting new solutions that may be in memory (taboo) so that the new solution will be more dispersed. The author will implement a tabu search algorithm to provide a better alternative solution to solve the problems of the effectiveness of the distribution of charging money at the ATM machine.
Analisis Tingkat Akurasi Algoritma Backpropagation Dalam Prediksi Produksi Ubi Kayu Di Provinsi Indonesia Nuraysah Zamil Purba; Deviana Sitompul
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 3 (2018): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (849.676 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v3i0.68


Cassava is one type of food that is widely consumed by the people of Indonesia. In addition to the typical taste, cassava is often processed by the community into a cake or snacks that diverse. According to the statistical report of cassava agriculture in Indonesia from 2005-2015 experience up and down. In order to improve the cassava in Indonesia, it is necessary to make a prediction for the coming year so that the government will have a reference to immediately make the right policy to increase the production of cassava in Indonesia to prevent the increase of cassava import quantity. This study aims to determine the development of cassava production in Indonesia, in the hope that it can be used as a reference to increase the production and productivity of cassava. Data used in this research is data of cassava production in province of Indonesia year 2005-2015, algorithm used is Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation. Data analysis was done using Matlab 2011b. This research uses 5 architecture that is 5-8-1, 5-10-1, 5-15-1, 5-18-1, 5-20-1 but the best architecture is 5-18-1 with percentage accuracy 94% and MSE value of 0.007227812. This model is well used to predict cassava in the province of Indonesia.
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 1 (2016): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (681.624 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v1i1.9


Memiliki guru, staf tenaga pengajar yang profesional merupakan sebuah keharusan bagi sekolah dalam melaksanakan proses pendidikan yang bermutu, demikian halnya dengan SMK Maria Goretti Pematangsiantar. Untuk itu, sekolah selalu mendorong peningkatan profesionalitas guru dengan cara memantau kerja guru dalam mengimplementasikan tugasnya sehingga dapat mencapai standar kompetensi yang telah ditentukan. Sistem pendukung keputusan secara umum didefenisikan sebagai sebuah sistem yang mampu menghasilkan pemecahan maupun penanganan masalah. Sistem pendukung keputusan tidak dimaksudkan untuk menggantikan peran pengambil keputusan, tapi untuk membantu dan mendukung pengambil keputusan. Dalam peranan sistem pendukung keputusan dalam konteks keseluruhan sistem informasi ditujukan untuk memperbaiki kinerja melalui aplikasi teknologi informasi serta menentukan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan, sampai mengevaluasi pemilihan interaktif. Salah satu metode yang sering digunakan dalam sistem pendukung keputusan adalah metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) ini dipilih karena dapat menentukan nilai bobot untuk setiap atribut, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses perankingan yang akan menyeleksi alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif yang ada. Dalam hal ini alternatif yang dimaksud adalah penentuan guru terbaik pada SMK Maria Goretti Pematangsiantar menggunakan metode SAW (simple additive weighting). Dengan metode perangkingan tersebut diharapkan penilaian akan lebih tepat karena didasarkan pada nilai kriteria dan bobot yang sudah ditentukan sehingga akan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih maksimal.
Implementasi Metode Electre Dalam Penentuan Karyawan Berprestasi (Studi Kasus: PT. MEGARIMAS SENTOSA) Mesran Mesran; Selpi Anita; Ronda Deli Sianturi
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 3 (2018): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (748.199 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v3i0.64


One of the important things that an employee must have is not separated from the performance of an employee. For the effectiveness of human resources work in the assessment of the right decision is needed. Therefore, the software is made that can take a decision to recommend employee achievement for PT. Megariamas Sentosa. The software is built on the basis of a decision support system that has the ability to select outstanding employees using the ELECTRE method. This Electre method has criteria that can determine alternative decisions in application in the software. So that decision makers can determine the selection of outstanding employees. The process in this Electre method compares employees with one employee to another and gives out put value of priority intensity in the form of the assessment result / criteria that has been specified by the company to the employee. The result of this process is recommended as an outstanding employee in PT. Megaria Mas Sentosa.
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 1 (2016): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.435 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v1i1.4


Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi maka kebutuhan akan ketersedian akses internet melalui wireless lokal area network (WLAN) akan ikut meningkat. Semakin bertambahnya jumlah WLAN maka akan mempengaruhi kualitas dari WLAN itu sendiri, untuk itu diperlukan cara mengatasi masalah tersebut. Algoritma Dsatur dan algoritma Vertex Merge adalah dua buah algoritma yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu masalah diatas. Kedua algoritma ini bekerja berdasarkan konsep pewarnaan graf, setiap vertex dalam graf dianalogikan sebagai akses point dalam WLAN. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Algoritma Vertex Merge bekerja lebih baik dibandingkan dengan algoritma Dsatur dengan menghasilkan lebih sedikit jumlah channel yang diperlukan.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Beasiswa PPA Dan BBM Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) M. Safii
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 2 (2017): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (735.141 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v2i1.21


Improving Academic Achievement Scholarship (PPA) and Student Learning Aid (BBM) is one of the stimulus given to the government for students with the aim of motivating students to enhance the spirit of learning. In accordance with the program guidelines issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education must follow the principle of 3T is Right Target, Right Number and Timely. Computer Informatic Management Academy (AMIK) Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar is one of the private universities obtained on the scholarship quota. In accordance with the number of students currently as many as 1,400 people then the allocation of the scholarship must be selected carefully to fit the government guidelines. In this case we need a method that can support decision boosters system (DSS) in determining the grantee is using simple additive weighting method (SAW). With the basic concepts seek a weighted sum of the rating performance of each alternative on all attributes that require a decision matrix normalization process. This method can make an assessment criteria and detailed compound with a comprehensive framework considerations hierarchy process which then calculate the weights to each criterion in determining the priority recommendations of PPA and BBM scholarship recipients in accordance with the target.
Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Kaki Gajah Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Nelly Astuti Hasibuan; Hery Sunandar; Senanti Alas; Suginam Suginam
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 2 (2017): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (733.659 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v2i1.16


Elephant foot disease or filariasis is a contagious disease caused by filarial worms that are transmitted through the type of mosquito. This disease is chronic and if not get treatment will result in permanent disability in the form of leg enlargement, genitals both women and men. Elephant foot disease is generally detected through blood microcopy examination. Until now it is still felt because microfilaria only appear in the blood at night for several hours (nocturnal perioicity). In addition, various methods of examination are also performed to diagnose elephantiasis diseases such as those known as membrane crawl, knott concentration method and deposition technique. This study identifies elephantiasis and its causes, and applies certainty factor methods and designs expert systems to diagnose elephantiasis. To diagnose elephantiasis by using certainty factor method. Patients will be given questions to obtain probable values and then the values obtained will be solved by certainty factor formulation, so that the diagnosis and percentage is likely to develop elephantiasis.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Iklan Produk Halal Mui Berbasis Mobile Web Menggunakan Multimedia Interaktif Barany Fachri
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 3 (2018): Edisi Juli
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (691.916 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jurasik.v3i0.69


Advertising is essentially one type of communication that other people are doing, turning in the sense of changing attitudes, traits, and behavior of people or people (communicant) in accordance with the will of the initiator of communication. Interactive Multimedia is a multimedia equipped with controller tools that can be operated by the user so that users can choose what is desired for the next process.

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