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Journal of Dynamics
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The International Journal of Dynamics in Engineering and Sciences (IJDES) is a fully refereed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all subjects relevant to dynamics in engineering, sciences and analytical and numerical solution. The highest priority will be given to those contributions which discuss practical problems, the establishment of dynamic models, the determination of a solution, approximate or exact, analytical or numerical development of the results to the real-life problems. Manuscripts which discuss new analytical techniques for new dynamics in engineering and sciences problems in different fields of science and engineering are also encouraged.
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Articles 22 Documents
Rigid Pavement Condition Assessment With Bina Marga Method and Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Method in Dumai - Duri City at STA 173+000 - 177+000 Ramdhani, Fitra; Mubarak, Husni; Equinaldo, Equinaldo
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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Appraisal the condition of the road on pavement surface is one step in the determination of maintenance management program to a road segments that need to be handled. This study pupose is to determine the road condition on the road section Dumai City  - Duri precisely at STA 173 + 000-177 + 000 and also to determine the type of precise handling program in maintenance. Based on the results of the analysis, the greatest damage type, either use Bina Marga Method and PCI Method is type of slippery aggregate damage. But for the smallest percentage of damage, there is a difference between Bina Marga Method and PCI Method. This is due to a difference in the election unit examined samples. In the Bina Marga Method the smallest damage percentage is type of popouts damage while in PCI method obtained the smallest percentage value of the damage isa type of fracture damage on plate. Results of assesment  rigid pavement road surface conditions at STA 173 + 000-177 + 000 in Dumai City Limits road - Duri by Bina Marga Methodobtained damage limitation percentage on 2.40% to the size of the surface layer of pavement surveyed road conditions were rated as " good (B) "the obtained result of determination program, namely road handling routine maintenance. While the results of the condition assessment of PCI method, PCI value obtained with a value on 65.25 road conditions as "Good " and the determination program of road maintenance is regular maintenance. It can be concluded that the results of assessment of the condition of  Dumai City Limits road - Duri City at STA 173 + 000-177 + 000 using either a Bina Marga Methods and Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Methods in determining the assessment of road conditions and determining the program road plan maintenance obtained the same results.
Slope Analysis Based On SRTM Digital Elevation Model Data: Study Case On Rokan IV Koto Area And Surrounding Choanji, Tiggi
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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The level of slope influenceed by the condition of the rocks beneath the surface. On high level of slopes, amount of surface runoff and water transport energy is also enlarged. This caused by greater gravity, in line with the surface tilt from the horizontal plane. In other words, topsoil eroded more and more. When the slope becomes twice as steep, then the amount of erosion per unit area be 2.0 - 2.5 times more. The area of study are include in Rokan IV Koto area that can be accessed through the road from Ujung Batu City toward west up to Banjar Datar village. Based on SRTM data obtained,  the roads in study area has a minimum elevation of + 80 m and a maximum  + 545 m. Rugged road conditions with slope ranging from 2 ° to  47.84 ° causing this area having potential of  landslides. The purpose of this study is to map the locations that have fairly steep slopes and potential landslides.
Expert System in Detecting Rice Plant Diseases Using Certainty Factor Minarni, Minarni; Fadhillah, Anisah
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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The livelihoods of most people in Indonesia are cultivate rice which is the staple food for the people of Indonesia. The productivity of rice plants can be obstructed when rice attacks disease. Diseases can be addressed from young if farmers know how to handle it. In fact, farmers are difficult to obtain knowledge about the disease of rice caused by a lack of trainers and the limited amount of time trainers. To resolve these problems, teh one of the solution is to make an expert system application, the system adopts the knowledge from an expert / counselor. For the decision of this application, it’s using certainty factor. The certainty factor is a method that uses weights certainty assumption of an expert in rice plants. The output is given in the form of images, the solution, as well as the percentage of the rice plant diseases conviction. The output is obtained from the results of the consultations that conducted by user. Users must answer the questions in the form of symptoms of the disease. In the design of this applications making by using the PHP programming and used a MySQL database. Applications make based on the WEB. The results of the research has been done is about 60% of respondents found that this application helpful to use or for the needs of the farmers, and approximately 78% found that this application is have an interesting features.
Design And Development Of Chopper Machine For Palm Oil Midrib Arif, Muhammad; Azmi, Azmi; Purba, Immanuel
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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The midrib of palm oil has good potency to be processed become animal feed (silage) and compost where the midribs are chopped into small pieces. The opportunity of this development process that can more be benefit and valuable encourages researcher to design and create a machine that capable to chop the midribs of palm oil. In this research, researcher designs and creates a chopper machine which can be operated safely and more efficient based on ergonomics approach. Researcher also uses anthropometry method with 30 samples and collecting creative ideas through brainstorming to produce a best design. The chopper machine has certain dimension determined by anthropometri data calculation through test data sufficiency, uniformity test data and calculation of percentil and had been obtained 107.85 cm for height, 120 cm for length and 58 cm for width. The chopper machine also uses 4 blades and working based on clockwise direction.
Android-Based Geographic Information System of the Minangkabau Culture and Tourism Harison, Harison; Husna, Nurul
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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West Sumatera (Minangkabau) is a tourism destination that has uniqueness in culture and tourism sector. However, culture and tourism information is stiil limited on printed media such as brochure, pamphlet, poster, newspaper, banner, or billboard and from radio and website. To help the tourists who visit West Sumatera, an information medium is needed for easy to access. Geographic Information System can be implemented for various purpose and one of them is tourism. By using Android Smartphone, Geographic Information System for culture and tourism can be designed and developed as an information system which is mobile interactive. This system is using Location Based System (LBS) technology which is developed by using java script. The system can show the location of culture and tourism on the map available on the Android Smarthphone. It can also show information related to hotels and culinary. In this research, an analysis of implementation of geographic information system was done by using questionnaire and it was found that the respondents were satisfied with the system since more than 50% the respondents stated that they strongly agreed and agreed in each statements was 80% of the respondents were satisfied with the minangkabau culture and tourism application with geographic information system.
A Study on The Crack Behavior of Jute-Polyester Composites Saferi, Rozi
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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Natural fiber composites are an alternative for replacing environmentally harmful synthetic materials and help control pollution problems. In addition, they are low cost, have better mechanical properties and require low production energy consumption. Also, using such materials in construction works, it is possible to improve the sustainability by eliminating construction wastes. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the crack propagation of bending test on jute fiber-reinforced resin composites with orientation of 90° and 45°. In this study Jute fiber was spun with a diameter 1.5 mm and arranged into two layers with orientation 90o and 45o . It’s used  a matrix of clear resin type polyester with a volume fraction 5:95. Bending test specimen is based on ASTM D5045. The results showed that composites with 45o fiber orientation had greater value of crack propagation than  composites with 90o fiber orientation. The elastic energy of composites with 45o fiber orientation  tend to decrease dramatically as the initial crack length increases.
Decision Support System of The Zakat-Mal Distribution Based On The Poor Indicators Samsudin, Samsudin; Ilyas, Ilyas; Panca Nuari, Trafo Lajusi
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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A Decision Support Software has diplaning, analyzed, designed, tested and implemented, Sofware goal is to simplify the User in Zakat Mal Distributed in Kab. Downstream Indaragiri. People who receive zakat mal is one group received it (poor and needy) criteria, Fixed income, number of dependents, Frequency of food, Asset Ownership, type of dwelling. To Make Decision Support Software Using Waterfall Model consisting of several phases, namely: Planing, Analysis, Design, Testing and Implementation. In Analyzing Data Using Fuzzy MADM (Multiple Attribute Decision Making) with Simple Additive weighting method (SAW). In the Feasibility Testing Software Decision Support System Using use you Pre and Post Test System Using this with T. After the system was tested to conclude there is a difference between the pre and post use. And the probability of 0,037 <0.05 between pre- and post proves there is a difference significantly (significant).
A Critical Review of Value Engineering Development in Indonesian Construction Industry Sesmiwati, Sesmiwati; Utama, Wahyudi Putra; Roza, Fielda
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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Instead of Value Management (VM,) term of Value Engineering (VE) in Indonesia has been known over three decades. So far, there seems to be scanty attention, if any, from academia to summarize and review practical application of VE, particularly in construction industry. This paper, therefore, attempts to encapsulate and critically review the extant of VE application in Indonesian construction industry. The review presents the development of VE, identifies the opportunities and challenges and proposes new direction for future development. Both document searching technique and literature review were undertaken to find and view the existence of the methodology. It can be said that the practical application of VE in Indonesian construction projects is running in place. Four shortfall issues contributing to this patency were identified comprising lack of regulation, promotion, knowledge and expertise. Nevertheless, there are still big opportunities to echo and develop this methodology. 
Design and Experimental Testing of Savonius Wind Turbine U Three Blades Type Performance as An Alternative Energy Resource Arman, Rizky
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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Indonesia is famous for its potential natural resource especially energy in the form of mining, water and air. Wind energy is a natural resource that can be obtained for free of charge among the most abundant and available continuously throughout the year. The issue of energy is one of the greatest challenges facing todays society in the world. The utilization of wind energy can be used in sloping areas, mountains, and the waterfront. The principle of conversion of wind energy into electrical energy is as follows: The wind through the blades of the wind turbine spinning pinwheel cause, round lead generator wind turbine spins that into electrical energy. More than 86% of the worlds energy comes from fossil fuels, while the demand for energy worldwide continues to grow rapidly. We all know that the source of non-renewable nature of fossil energy if we only using fossil fuels as an energy source, a current source of energy will be depleted. Then the use of electrical energy derived from fossil also have an effect on the levels of emissions (CO2) in the air so called that the greenhouse effect. The application of wind energy in this study utilized as a small-scale electrical energy plant by utilizing a savonius wind turbine U three blades to generate electricity by using a generator and as a storage current battery. From design calculation results is obtained material on the blade is iron plate with a diameter of 0.6 m and blade’s high of 0.9 m. The location for this experiment is at the area of gunung panggilun, precisely in building E on 5th floor the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bung Hatta University.
Management’s of Construction Material Supply Chain Syamsuir, Elvi
Publisher : Kopertis Wilayah X

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Research on Management s of Construction Material Supply Chain in order to identify and analyze the structure of the supply chain of materials on the construction project of water resources. The expected benefits of this research is to investigate the determinants of the increase in the efficiency of the time, cost, quality and delivery of construction projects. The data used in this study are primary data interviews with Site Manager, project contractor  and logistics object of research and secondary data obtained from the Central Office River Region V West Sumatera. Results of research showed a link between a good working relationship between the contractor and suppliers such as type of procurement, contract type, payment systems, and the interaction between the two companies on the effectiveness of the implementation of construction work and material supply chain management in the project

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