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Scientific Contribution Oil and Gas
ISSN : 20893361     EISSN : 25410520     DOI :
research activities, technology engineering development and laboratory in the oil and gas field including regional geology/basin modeling, petroleum geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, petroleum geoscience, drilling and completion technology, production engineering, well simulation, formation evaluation, petrophysics, reservoir characterization, oil and gas reserves, reservoir modeling, field development/management, EOR, geomachanics, unconventional hydrocarbon technology, field processing facilities, flow assurance, gas technology/processing/storage, petroleum processing/refining technology, petroleum products, fuel quality/specification/storage, biofuel technology, corrosion/scale problem/water treatment, environment/remediation, CCUS, health and safety/petroleum hazard, emerging technologies
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 43, No 2 (2020)" : 5 Documents clear
Oil Spill Detection using Sentinel-1 Multitemporal Data in Offshore Karawang Matahelemual, Godfried Junio Sebastian; Harto, Agung Budi; Susantoro, Tri Muji
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 43, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1789.164 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.43.2.522


Oil spill is a serious problem that could lead to economic and ecological losses, both in the short and long term. On July 12, 2019, there occurred an oil leakage around YYA-1 oil platform of Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ), located off the northern coast of Karawang, Java Sea. This incident has caused the death of fishes and marine animals, damage to coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds, and several health problems of coastal communities. Therefore, it is necessary to map and monitor oil spills, so that actions can be taken to prevent the spread of oil spills. This study aims to map the distribution of oil spills in Karawang sea using multitemporal Sentinel-1 data from July to September 2019. The detection is carried out using the adaptive thresholding algorithm combined with manual interpretation. The result shows that the oil spills spread around Karawang sea from YYA-1 platform to Sedari Village and there are oil spills spreading from the Central Plant F/S platform. The oil spills tend to shift westward from July to September 2019. This shifting is supposed to be influenced by current and wave factors that were dominant moving westward at that time. Based on data processing, it was found that the oil spill area from July to September was respectively 24.79 km2, 20.05 km2, and 27.12 km2.
The Evaluation of Lubricants Performances in Light- and Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines in The Application of Biodiesel (B20). Hanifuddin, Hanifuddin; Fibria, Milda; Respatiningsih, Catur Y.; Widodo, Setyo; Maymuchar, Maymuchar
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 43, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1774.095 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.43.2.523


The use of biodiesel as fuel in light- and heavy-diesel engine vehicles in general will negatively affects the lubricant performance. the changes in lubricants properties during the use of B20 were investigated. Two type of vehicles engines were used, namely heavy duty and light duty diesel engines. The road test wascarried out until 40,000 km, while the lubricant was drained and analysed only for 10,000 km of distances. The laboratory test was conducted to observe both fresh and used lubricants. The results show that the biodiesel dilutions were less than 2% both in light- and heavy-duty diesel engines. The kinematic viscositiesof 4 samples of used lubricants in light-duty diesel engine were decreased in the ranges of 0.58 – 7.5%, while in heavy-duty diesel engines were 4.66-16.04% from the initial values. The decreasing of TBNs were less than 14% in light-duty diesel engine and fewer than 16% in heavy-duty diesel engine fuelled by biodiesel (B20). Meanwhile, the acidity of used engine oil was increased until 173% for light-duty diesel engine and 63% heavy-duty diesel engine compare to the initial values. The results show that the metal additives decreased while wear metal increased. According to this study, the increasing of wear metal (copper) in the used lubricants were less than 23% in light-duty diesel engine and lower than 26% in heavy-duty diesel engine fuelled by biodiesel (B20). Meanwhile, the lead contents of used engine oil were increased to 3.2 ppm in heavy-duty diesel engine and was not detected in light-duty diesel engine. After all, this work found that the lubricants exhibit good performances in the light- and heavy-duty diesel engines fuelled by B20. The changes of some critical properties were still in the acceptable values regarding to the specification as required in the SNI-7069-5 (2021).
Biobutanol Production from Microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. Biomasses by Clostridium acetobutylicum Fermentation Kristiawan, Onie; Tambunan, Usman Sumo Friend
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 43, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1600.611 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.43.2.524


Biobutanol is an example of alternative energy sources to replace liquid fuel with the carbon-neutral characteristic. It has more benefits to the environment compared to the fossil fuel. Biobutanol is synthesized through fermentation of microalgae cells wall or other organism parts as the carbon sources. The aim of this study is to determine the ability of Clostridium acetobutylicum bacteria in the fermentation of Nannochloropsis sp. to produce biobutanol. Fermentation of Nannochloropsis sp. for biobutanol production was used as an initial treatment before lipid extraction. Fermentation was performed with C. acetobutylicum bacteria for 96 hours. The result showed that C. acetobutylicum was able to produce 2.61% v/v butanol. Thisprocess used Nannochloropsis sp. microalgae hydrolysates and biomass of viscozyme hydrolysis yield. The process of hydrolysis with cellulose and viscozyme can produce simple sugars, with the highest obtained yield of 1738.38 ppm from hydrolysis using viscozyme.
Appication of ZO-CRS Stack on Residual PP Removal of PS Component in Converted-Wave Sesimic Reflection Processing Triyoso, Wahyu; Irawan, Jefri B.; Viony, Natasha C.; Fatkhan, Fatkhan
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 43, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1547.926 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.43.2.520


A high-quality image of the PS component is needed since applying the converted-wave seismic method has increased significantly in hydrocarbon exploration, especially in interpreting the detail and complexity of structure or reservoir zones. The incident P-wave on a surface produces a reflected and converted P-S wave. Converted-wave seismic uses the multicomponent receiver that records both vertical and horizontal components. The vertical component is assumed to correspond to the compressional PP wave, and the horizontal corresponds to the PS converted-wave. To better understand how to image better the PS component, synthetic seismic data with the shallow gas and relatively complex model are constructed by the full-waveform modeling. This study aims to improve the imaging quality in the PS section to remove the residual PP events on the horizontal data refer to our previous study. In this study, to obtain the more reliable PS data, the residual PP reflections have been removed by applying the Zero Offset Common Reflection Surface (ZO CRS) Stack of the PS component. The results of this study, the imaging quality is better than that in the previous study.
Crude Oil Pipeline Security: Minimizing Illegal Tapping using “SOLIDS” System Rais, Muhammad
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 43, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1904.977 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.43.2.521


One of subsidiaries of Pertamina is Pertamina Gas which manage special task in operating crude oil transportation 15,000 barrel oil per day (BOPD). In the operation still occur illegal tapping activities and risk of pipeline product theft is a major concern to industry. In 2012, oil thieves drills 748 illegal taps or an average 2 times every day. Losses from transportation approximately 40% per day and loss revenue more than $20 million a year. The activities of illegal tapping by cutting into pipelines can cause pipeline ruptures and explosions, leading to human casualties, destruction of property, and damage to the environment. Pertamina Gas reported that illegal taps rise to 400% from 2010 until 2013 and effort was taken to minimize illegal tapping frequency and develops integrated system that includes supervision and security of assets along the pipeline called “Security and Oil Losses Management with Integrated Detection System (SOLIDS)”. This system includes liquid management system (LMS), pipeline leak detection system (PLDS), security team patrol, emergency response team (ERT), radio communication-CCTV and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The implementation of SOLIDS is an effective oil loss detection technologies and pipeline security that detect product thefts quickly and accurately locate illegal tapping points. SOLIDS investment costs are still smaller than the company's losses due oil losses and environmental impact.Pertamina Gas has been succeeded in reducing losses from illegal taps. In 2012 the number of illegal tapping cases 748 points and decreased significantly in 2018 as many as zero case. Consistent implementation of this system will provide solution in reducing losses and illegal tapping under all operational conditions.

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