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SALINGKA: Journal of Language Studies is published by the National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation. It is a research journal which publishes various research reports, literature studies and scientific writings on phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse analysis, pragmatics, anthropolinguistics, language and culture, dialectology, language documentation, forensic linguistics, comparative historical linguistics, cognitive linguistics, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, neurolinguistics, language education, translation, language planning, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and other scientific fields related to language studies. It is published periodically twice a year in June and December.
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Articles 140 Documents
MANIFESTASI KETIDAKADILAN GENDER DALAM CERITA RAKYAT NUSANTARA (Manifestation of Gender Inequality in the Archipelago Folktales) Prima Hariyanto
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.557 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v11i02.18


Gender and feminism increasingly are voiced loudly by their followers and supported by some part of community. Assumption that female gender is subordinate to men seems to have its legitimacy from the public so that it weakened the position of women in society itself. This apparently has been happening for years and can be traced back to the Nusantara folktales. This research reveals gender issues in folklores that developed in Nusantara. Stories used in this study are the story from various provinces in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive methods and data collection techniques using literature analysis. The present study found a gender marginalization (5 stories), subordination (15 stories), stereotyping (19 stories), violence (30 stories), and excessive workload (12 stories).
KOMPETENSI BERBAHASA INDONESIA GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI KALIMANTAN TENGAH (The Elementary School Teachers’s Proficiency of Bahasa Indonesia in Central Kalimantan) R. Hery Budhiono
SALINGKA Vol 14, No 01 (2017): SALINGKA, Edisi Juni 2017
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (84.872 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v14i01.51


This research focuses on elementary school teachers proficiency of bahasa Indonesia in Central Kalimantan based on its average scores. The purpose of the research is to provide a comprehensive explanation of elementary school teachers proficiency in using bahasa Indonesia. The explanation given will be useful to decide what priority target and action should be taken. This research leans on the history of UKBI and descriptive statistics analysis. The writer uses note-taking technique in collecting data. The data in this research are UKBI scores. There are 185 samples in this research. The analysis is conducted in two ways, descriptively and statistically. Based on the findings, Kuala Kapuas reaches the highest average UKBI score. Meanwhile, Palangka Raya is the lowest. The writer also finds that region correlates strongly and significantly with UKBI scores.
KETIDAKEFEKTIFAN KALIMAT DALAM BUKU AJAR TEMATIK KELAS SATU SEKOLAH DASAR (The Uneffecetive Sentences found in Grade One Theme Textbook at Elementary School) NFN Lismelinda
Salingka Vol 14, No 2 (2017): Salingka, Edisi Desember 2017
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2565.698 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v14i2.160


AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to describe the uneffective sentences found in the textbooks forgrade one at elementary school. This paper uses qualitative descriptive method. Based on theresults of the discussion there is an error in writing effective sentences in the textbook. Theerrors include sentence writing errors that are inconsistent with the grammatical features ofeffective sentences and dictical features of effective sentences. The non-programmaticscontained in the sentences of the first theme textbook for grade one of elementary school aremorphologically and non-programmatically syntactic. While the error that does not fit withthe dictical feature of the effective sentence is the error of diction usage. Such errors includeimprecision of diction and uncommon diction. AbstrakTujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan ketidakefektifan kalimat dalam buku ajartema 1 kelas satu sekolah dasar. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkanhasil pembahasan terdapat kesalahan dalam penulisan kalimat efektif dalam buku ajar tersebut.Kesalahan itu meliputi kesalahan penulisan kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan ciri gramatikal kalimatefektif dan ciri diktis kalimat efektif. Ketidakgramatikalan yang terdapat dalam kalimat pada bukuajar tema 1 kelas satu sekolah dasar adalah ketidakgramtikalan secara morfologis danketidakgramatikalan secara sintaksis. Sedangkan kesalahan yang tidak sesuai dengan ciri diktiskalimat efektif adalah kesalahan penggunaan diksi. Kesalahan tersebut meliputi ketidaktepatan diksidan ketidaklaziman diksi.Kata kunci: kalimat efektif, ciri gramatikal, dan ciri diktis.
Salingka Vol 11, No 01 (2014): SALINGKA, EDISI JUNI 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (80.326 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v11i01.8


Bahasa dan budaya merupakan dua aspek kehidupan manusia yang tidak dapat dipisahkan karena bahasa merupakan sarana untuk mengekspresikan budaya suatu bangsa. Kosakata bahasa Indonesia dapat menyandikan budaya bangsa Indonesia. Tulisan ini menjawab pertanyaan tentang kosakata dari kategori apa sajakah yang dapat menyandikan budaya bangsa Indonesia dan unsur konseptual spesifik kebudayaan apa saja yang terdapat dalam kosakata tersebut. Data tulisan ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan teknik perekaman, pemancingan, dan pencatatan. Data penelitian ini dianalisis dengan teori model makna dinamis (Kecskes, 2007), yang menyatakan bahwa pengetahuan dunia seseorang dapat tersandi dalam butir leksikal sebagai campuran pengetahuan umum yang dikaitkan dengan pemberian konsep, unsur semantik spesifik kata (peleksikalan pengetahuan dunia), dan unsur konseptual spesifik kebudayaan. Tulisan ini menemukan tiga jenis bentuk bahasa yang menyandikan budaya bangsa Indonesia, yakni pronomina persona kedua tunggal dan jamak, leksem eufemisme, dan leksem idiomatis
PROSES HEGEMONI SOSIAL DALAM NOVEL TANAH TABU KARYA ANINDITA S. THYAF (Social Hegemony Process in Anindita S. Thayf’s Tanah Tabu) Diyan Kurniawati
SALINGKA Vol 13, No 01 (2016): SALINGKA, EDISI JUNI 2016
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (75.544 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v13i01.41


This research investigates social hegemony in Anindita S. Thyaf’s Tanah Tabu. This novel reveals social class changes among people in Baliem Valley, Papua since gold mining corporation started operating at this area. Using Gramsci’s theory of hegemony and feminism, this paper analyze the process of social hegemony around people in Baliem Valley. The step ofanalysis started by examined carefully the corporation’s method to get people sympathy for the corporation’s existence. Furthermore, analyzing continuous to social cultural changes asthe impact of hegemony superiority of corporation. Analyzing shows that the process of hegemony done by recognition new things, caring of children and doctrination about the importance of corporation for people. Even education doctrine toward women also strictly was given. As the result of these perfect method to hegemony people in Baliem Valley, the corporation successfully subordinate them. Hegemony successfully changes the life style of people in Baliem Valley.
MOTIF OEDIPAL DALAM NOVEL CERITA CINTA ENRICOKARYA AYU UTAMI, TINJAUAN PSIKOANALISIS Oedipal Motif in the Novel Cerita Cinta Enrico By Ayu Utami, Psychoanalysis Review) NFN Samsiarni
Salingka Vol 13, No 2 (2016): Salingka, Edisi Desember 2016
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.543 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v13i2.151


AbstractThis article discusses the Oedipal motive in the novel entiled Cerita Cinta Enrico, experiencedby it main character Enrico that caused no completion Oedipal period, so he experienced theOedipus complex. This study uses the theory of psychoanalysis by Freud, psychosexualdevelopment of children and personality theory. The results showed that the Oedipus complexEnrico suffered due to the distance in the relationship between he and his mother. Themother, in the sexual development of Enrico appears as someone who is in control, thuscausing Enrico can’t express the feeling of love towards his mother. His sister’s death, Sandaand runaway mother to the new religion as a cause of maternal perceived Enrico ignore itspresence. Results of the analysis carried out showed a different pattern in the case of OedipalEnrico as described by Freud’s theory, namely the inhibitor son gets mother’s love. In Freud,the person who prevents children from expressing teir love to mother is a father figure, whilein the novel is itself a mother figure.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang motif Oedipal yang dialami oleh tokoh Enrico yang disebabkan karenatidak tuntasnya masa Oedipalnya sehingga dia mengalami kompleks Oedipus. Penelitian inimenggunakan teori Psikoanalisis Freud, yaitu tentang perkembangan psikoseksual anak dan teorikepribadian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Enrico mengalami kompleks Oedipus yangdisebabkan adanya jarak dalam hubungan dia dan ibunya. Ibu, dalam perkembangan seksual Enricomuncul sebagai sosok yang memegang kendali sehingga menyebabkan Enrico tidak bisamenyampaikan perasaan cinta terhadap ibunya. Kematian kakaknya, Sanda dan pelarian ibunyapada agama baru dirasakan Enrico sebagai penyebab ibu mengabaikan kehadirannya. Hasil analisisyang dilakukan menunjukkan adanya motif Oedipal yang berbeda dalam kasus Enrico dengan apayang diuraikan oleh teori Freud, yaitu mengenai penghambat anak mendapatkan cinta ibunya. DalamFreud yang menghalangi anak mengekspresikan cinta pada ibu adalah sosok ayah, sedangkan dalamnovel ini adalah sosok ibu itu sendiri.
SALINGKA Vol 12, No 01 (2015): SALINGKA, EDISI JUNI 2015
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.382 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v12i01.32


This article is to describe personal pronouns of greeting di Musi dialect between husband and wife interaction. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken throughparticipant observation, recording,dan field note to some informans from three villages. The result was found that there were two phases of using greeting, pre-marriage and marriage phase. In both pre-marriage and marriage phase, there were also two forms, indirect and direct communication. In pre-marriage phase the phrasal pronouns for indirect communication were Anak wak +proper name, Anak mang/bibi+proper name.  and for direct was kamu or kau.For marriage phase the phrasal pronouns for indirect communication were anak kamu, cucong kamu, anak
RELEVANSI CERITA RAKYAT MIMIKA BIWAR SANG PENAKLUK NAGA SEBAGAI BAHAN BACAAN ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR (Relevance of the Folklore of Mimika Biwar Sang Penakluk Naga as Reading Material of Primary School Students) Normawati Normawati
Salingka Vol 12, No 02 (2015): SALINGKA, EDISI DESEMBER 2015
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.65 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v12i02.199


AbstractMimika regency, Papua has a lot of interesting folkores as well as other regions in Indonesia. The folkore, however, is not used for children’s literature as learning in the school yet. Therefore, the research describes the appropriateness presentation of the structure of Mimika folklore, that is, Biwar Sang Penakluk Naga, with the development of children intelectual. The source of data is written text that contains of folkore. Analysis is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The result shows that this folkore appropriates with criteria for assessment of children’s literature, so, it’s worth as a reading source for 7—11 years old of Primary School students. The appropriateness can be seen in a simple story by using linear groove, flat characters which are shown in black and white, and the using of simple vocabularies and sentences. Accordingly, the folkore Biwar Sang Penakluk Naga has moral value, namely patience and braveness that can build children’s character.Keywords: Mimika folkore, intelectual, children literature, character valueAbstrakKabupaten Mimika, Papua memiliki banyak cerita rakyat yang tidak kalah menariknya dengan cerita rakyat lain di Nusantara. Akan tetapi, cerita rakyat tersebut belum banyak dimanfaatkan untuk bahan bacaan anak terlebih sebagai bahan pembelajaran sastra di sekolah. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini mengulas kesesuaian penyajian cerita rakyat Biwar Sang Penakluk Naga dengan tahap perkembangan intelektual anak. Sumber data berupa teks tertulis yang berisi cerita rakyat. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerita ini sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian sastra anak sehingga layak dijadikan sebagai bahan bacaan anak sekolah dasar dengan rentang usia 7—11 tahun. Kesesuaian itu dapat dilihat pada penyajian cerita yang sederhana yang ditunjukkan dengan penggunaan alur linear, tokoh cerita berwatak datar (flat character)yang ditampilkan secara hitam putih, dan pemakaian kosakata dan kalimat yang sederhana. Selain itu, cerita ini mengandung nilai pendidikan karakter, yakni nilai kesabaran dan keberanian yang dapat membentuk karakter anak bangsa.Kata kunci: cerita rakyat Mimika, intelektual, sastra anak, nilai karakter
DIAGRAM POTENSI OTAK PADA ANAK AUTIS: Kajian Neurolinguistik (Brain Competence in Children with Autism: The Study of Neourolinguistics) Rita Novita Gusdi Sastra
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.751 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v11i02.23


This article talks about the analysis of brain potential diagram of autistic children through neurolinguistics.The subject of the research is the autistic children at the beginning program, intermediate program, and advanced program. Those subjects can use verbal expression. Based on the analysis, it found the differences between those subjects. The value of brain potential diagram for autistic children at early program is 4, for middle program is 8, and forthe advanced is 12. So that, brain potential of children with autistic children at advanced is better than two other program. It is proved that the brain potential of children with autistic children can be improved through a good therapy program.
NILAI-NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL DALAM PARIBASA URANG BANJAR (The Values of Local Wisdom in Paribasa Urang Banjar) Siti Jamzaroh Wahdanie R Siti Alfa A
SALINGKA Vol 14, No 01 (2017): SALINGKA, Edisi Juni 2017
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatra Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (98.335 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/salingka.v14i01.56


Cultural values are inherited in various forms, one of them in a proverb. Banjar society inherites  theirs cultural values   through expressions and proverbs. This study aims to (1) describe the relationship of cultural values and behavior; (2) describe the value system, and (3) characterize the cultural values in terms of universality. The source of this research datais a book entitled Paribasa Urang Banjar. This research is conducted in three stages, namely data collecting, data processing, and data analyzing. The results showed that Paribasa Urang Banjar contains the values of local wisdom that include (1) Cultural values related to one’s behavior, such as attitude and outlook of life and strong determination. (2) Cultural valuesrelated to the value system, such as, family norms, economic / commercial norms, and social institutions. (3) Cultural values  related to universality, such as goodness, justice, and science. The conclusion of this research is that Banjar society is a society that also inherites theirs cultural values through proverbs.

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