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Dr. Waras Nurcholis, MSi
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Jurnal Jamu Indonesia
ISSN : 24077178     EISSN : 24077763     DOI : 10.29244
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia (JJI) didedikasikan untuk pertukaran informasi dan pemahaman keilmuan yang meluas mengenai pengembangan dunia jamu melalui penerbitan makalah-makalah Ilmiah. Tema makalah ilmiah yang menjadi lingkup JJI meliputi tema riset jamu dari hulu kehilir yang tidak terbatas pada riset etnobotani dan pengetahuan lokal, eksplorasi, Konservasi, Domestikasi sumberdaya hayati terkait jamu, pemuliaan varietas, pengembangan Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) bahan baku jamu, pengembangan standar bahan baku dan produk jamu, pengembangan produk jamu, Identifikasi senyawa aktif serta sintesisnya, Mekanisme kerja bioaktivitas formula jamu, aspek sosial dan ekonomi terkait dengan pengembangan jamu.
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Articles 5 Documents
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Antioxidant and Anti-aging Activities from Zodia (Evodia suaveolens J.R. Forst & G. Forst) Fruit and Leaf Extract Greesty F. Swandiny; Yesi Desmiaty; Haura Usna Rahmah
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Jamu Indonesia
Publisher : Pusat Studi Biofarmaka Tropika LPPM IPB; Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center - Bogor Agricultural University

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Aging is a natural process that occurs in every living organism, including humans. Skin wrinkle, caused by deterioration activity of the elastase enzyme, is one example of the aging process. The activity of the elastase enzyme could be inhibited by flavonoid and phenolic compounds. Zodia (Evodia suaveolens) from the family of Rutaceae is one of the indigenous Indonesian plants widely known as rich in flavonoid and phenolic compounds. The purpose of this study is to explore antioxidant and anti-aging activity from ethanolic extract of fruit and leaf Zodia. The extracts were prepared by refluxing fruit and leaf zodia in 96% ethanol. The obtained extracts were characterized for the phytochemical constituent and its antioxidant activity determined using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl method as well as anti-elastase activity for anti-aging evaluation. Phytochemical analysis of both samples showed the presence of flavonoids, saponins, tannins, steroids and essential oils. The calculation of IC50 in antioxidant activity using the DPPH method showed that ethanolic extract of zodia leaf (264.15 ppm) was higher compared to fruit extract (121.59 ppm). The fruit extract was further tested for anti elastase activity with IC50 of 145.67 ppm. In conclusion, the presence of phytochemicals in zodia fruit may be responsible for the antioxidant and anti-aging activities. 
Molecular Docking Study of Isoflavonoid Erythrina variegata To Plasminogen Receptor as Thrombolytic Agent on Myocardial Infarction Disease Rizky Arcinthya Rachmania; Hariyanti; Dewi Susilawati
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Jamu Indonesia
Publisher : Pusat Studi Biofarmaka Tropika LPPM IPB; Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center - Bogor Agricultural University

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Erythrina variegata is one of the plants that have efficacy as thrombolytic agent. Isoflavonoid compound has the potential to accelerate the changes of plasminogen which plays important role in the forming of fibrin, that causes the formation of fibrin clots that can clog the arteries thus causing myocardial infarction. This study aimed to look at the activity of isoflavonoid compounds from Erythrina variegata bark which are expected to be candidates for thrombolytic drugs. This research aims at looking for the interaction of isoflavonoid compounds of bark  which is expected can be thrombolytic drug candidates. The method used in this research was the molecular docking with Autodock Vina and PyMOL software. The results showed that the value of ΔG binding affinity as ligands standard streptokinase -8.4 kcal/mol and isoflavonoid derivatives that have ΔG binding affinity value was lowest for the folitenol -11.5 kcal / mol and orientanol C -11.4 kcal/mol. Can be concluded that isoflavonoid derivatives in Erythrina variegata have better binding potential compared to streptokinase as standard ligands.
Effervescent Granule Formulation Combination of Coleus amboinicus Leaves Extract and Tamarindus indica Pulp Extract Erni Rustiani; Ulfa Nur Awinda
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Jamu Indonesia
Publisher : Pusat Studi Biofarmaka Tropika LPPM IPB; Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center - Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jji.v7i1.214


Coleus amboinicus and Tamarindus indica effectively decrease glucose in the blood with work mechanisms by reducing oxidative stress in the body. Flavonoid contains in these plants was thought to play a role as anti-diabetes. This study made an effervescent granule preparation from a mixture of Coleus amboinicus leaf extract and Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) pulp, with additional ingredients of citric acid, tartaric acid, and sodium bicarbonate. The effervescence reaction masked the extract's unpleasant taste. The three effervescent granule formulas manufacture using a dry granulation method. Each formula used a different amount of acid and base. Effervescent granule testing includes organoleptic, flow rate, angle of repose, froth height, froth time, and hedonic test. The granule quality test results show that the best effervescent granule is formula 1, which contains 7% citric acid, 14% tartaric acid, and 25% sodium bicarbonate. Formula 1 had the best high froth 0.5 cm and 2 minute 18 seconds froth time and preferred by the panelists based on aroma and taste.
Twelve Asteraceae Species as Tyrosinase Inhibitors: Selection and Assumption of Active Compounds Veby Tri Yani; Irma Herawati Suparto; Irmanida Batubara
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Jamu Indonesia
Publisher : Pusat Studi Biofarmaka Tropika LPPM IPB; Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center - Bogor Agricultural University

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Some Asteraceae plants have phytochemicals that are commonly used to treat some illness. However, research on the use of Asteraceae plants as tyrosinase inhibitor agents is still rare. Therefore, this study aims to select the most active fraction of Asteraceae species as tyrosinase inhibitors and suspect active compounds that play a role in it. About 12 species from Asteraceae are extracted using water. The resulting filtrate is partially fractionated using chloroform to obtain water extracts, water fractions, and chloroform fractions. Each extract and fraction of each plant determined the activity of its tyrosinase inhibitor using a microplate reader (ELISA) with L-DOPA as the substrate. Thitonia diversipholia water fraction provided the best activity of all the samples tested with the smallest IC50. The active compounds contained are analyzed using LC-MS / MS.  Compounds that act as tyrosinase inhibitors are alkaloid group that dominate the plant, namely trigonelline.
Review: Indonesian Herbal Ingredients as Immune Booster Yasmiwar Susilawati; Norisca Aliza Putriana; Silmi Auliya Zakariya
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Jamu Indonesia
Publisher : Pusat Studi Biofarmaka Tropika LPPM IPB; Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center - Bogor Agricultural University

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The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus lead to massive death counts in parts of the world, including in Indonesia. Indonesian people often use herbal medicine as a way to increase their immune system, to prevent infection, and to accelerate the healing process of COVID-19. They are used to compose herbs with several medicinal plants as ingredients.  This review was aimed to provide information about immune booster herbs in Indonesia along with how to make it, its composition, its chemical contents, and how to use it in order to obtain scientific basis in understanding the efficacy and the herbal formulation. The method was carried out by browsing the literature from 2011-2021 through Google Scholar database from September 2021 to October 2021. The keywords used were "immune booster",  “immune boosting herbs”, “jamu”, “herbal ingredient”, “formulation” using the Boolean Operators 'AND' 'OR' and ‘NOT’. The literature that met the inclusion criteria were 30 journals. From the literature review, it was known that there are 22 species of medicinal plants that are used for 37 immune booster jamus with Zingiberaceae as the majority of the family (31%). The top ten plants commonly found in the ingredients are turmeric, ginger, lemongrass, temulawak, cinnamon, red ginger, lime, lesser galangal, meniran, and centella asiatica. Based on the plant’s chemical constituents, it was found that the secondary metabolites components which could potentially boost immunity are essential oils, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols. Meanwhile, the active compounds for immune booster were curcumin, gingerol, xanthorrhizol, citral, p-methoxycinnamate, and philanthine.

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