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Jurnal Sendratasik diterbitkan 4 (empat) kali pada bulan S Maret, Juni, September, dan December denganmemuat artikel / artikel penelitian di bidang musik, tari, dan drama serta pembelajarannya. Memuat teks yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok penyunting, naskah yang digunakan adalah naskah yang lolos dan tidak pernah / tidak akan pindah ke jurnal lain. Jurnal Sendratasik menerima naskah yang memberikan wawasan tentang isu-isu terkini, dan terutama berhubungan dengan studi Seni Pertunjukan dan Pembelajarannya(Seni Drama, Tari dan Musik) dengan menyebar luaskan pengetahuan di bidang-bidang yang muncul dan berkembang. Hasil riset, terdiri dari laporan ilmiah yang meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang seni secara umum, seni pertunjukan, dan pendidikan seni. Baik dalam bentuk artikel yang melaporkan hasil studi penelitian kuantitatif atau kualitatif. Artikel secara konseptual harus relevan untuk memajukan Seni Pertunjukan dan Pembelajarannya, menyajikan teori tentang seni, model, posisi filosofis, dll. Artikel juga dapat mengacu pada teori-teori ataupun materi- materi yang dikembangkan dalam praktik dan pendidikan seni pertunjukan. Bahasa naskah yang dikirimkan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Harus membahas tentang masalah serta kontribusi baru yang signifikan untuk bidang praktik dan pendidikan seni pertunjukan. Artikel dapat berasal dari salah satu bidang berikut: - Drama - Tari - Musik dan / atau Musik Tradisional - dan Pembelajarannya
Articles 29 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 9, No 4 (2020)" : 29 Documents clear
Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Penerapan Metode Ceramah Plus Dan Metode Imitasi Pada Pembelajaran Penyajian Karya Musik Di SMA Negeri 3 Pariaman Patdila Ningsih Fardila; Ardipal Ardipal
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.765 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109557


This study aims to reveal the students ' perception on the application of the lecture method plus and The imitation method applied by the art of culture teacher at SMA Negeri 3 Pariaman on learning presentation of musical works. This research is a type of quantitative study with a descriptive analysis approach. This Data is derived from the results of poll distribution, interviews, and observations, then processed using the TCR score formula and percentages. The first indicator in Questionnaire 1 isAcceptance. It shows how well the students receive the treatment and procedures fromthe teachers who apply the plus lecture method when teaching in the classroom. The score obtained from this indicator is 82, and it is categorized Very well. The second indicator is Understanding. It showshow well the students understand the whole material taught by the the teachers who applied the plus lecture method in the classroom. The score obtained from this indicator is 70.5, and it is categorized Good. The third one is the Assessment indicator. It showsthe students' views towards the assessment given by the teachers who applied the plus lecture method on all aspects of the assessment available to students. The score obtained is 85 3, and it is categorized Very Good. The total score of the three indicators in questionnaire 1 was 238.The first indicator in Questionnaire 2 is Acceptance.It shows how well students receive the learning process given by the teachers applying the imitation method. The score obtained is 97, and it is categorized Very Good. The second indicator isUnderstanding. It shows how well students understand the materials taught and exemplified by the teachers who apply the imitation method to students. The score obtained is 93.3, and it is categorized Very Good. The third one isAssessment indicator. It showsthe students' views towards the accuracy of the teachers assessments viewed from various assessment aspects. The score obtained is 86, and it is also categorized Very Good. The total score of the three indicators is 276.
Pelatihan Kegiatan Pengembangan Diri Tari Indang Di SMK Negeri 3 Padang Firmadanni Liska; Nerosti Nerosti; Desfiarni Desfiarni
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.354 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109538


The research aims to describe the process of training self-development activity of Indang Dancein SMK Negeri 3 Padang. This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods of analysis. The main instrument in this research is its own researchers and assisted with supporting instruments such as stationery and cameras. Data types use primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are conducted by way of library studies, observation and documentation. The steps for analyzing data are data reduction, data model (data display) and withdrawal/conclusion verification. The results showed that the training of the self-development activities of Indang Dance in SMK Negeri 3 Padang goes well, in the implementation of self-development activities Dance Indang students get a variety of experiences, students are also able to establish cooperation and solidarity well. The activity of self-development of Indang Dance in SMK Negeri 3 Padang is implemented by demonstration method, drill, Tekhnik enquiries (group exercises) with an imitation approach. Competence achieved by students in the training of the activities of self-development in the Indang Dance SMK Negeri 3 Padang is good. It can be seen from the number of students who have very good competence is as many as 12 students with a percentage of 75.00%, and 4 students have good competence with a percentage of 25.00%.
Struktur Gerak Tari Lurah Kincia Di Sanggar Tari Lurah Kincia Nagari Situjuah Batua Kecamatan Situjuah Limo Nagari Kabupaten 50 Kota Muttiah Razki Judenta; Susmiarti Susmiarti
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (587.081 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109720


This study aims to describe and analyze the structure of the dance movement of Lurah Kincia dance in Situjuah Batua village, Situjuah Limo Nagari district, 50 Kota regency. This study belongs to a qualitative research using analytical descriptive method. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. The main instrument used was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments, cameras, and flash drives. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted by collecting the data, describing the data, analyzing the data, and making conclusions. The results showthat the movement structure of Lurah Kincia dance has basic elements related to the attitude and movement of the body parts starting from the head, body, hands, and feet. From the relationship system between those elements, it produces motive forms in the form of turn taking, and are related to each other like a chain.The hierarchical grammatical relationship system contained in Lurah Kincia Dance consists of 37 motifs, 6 phrases, 4 sentences, and 1 cluster. Lurah Kincia dance belongs to a syntagmatic relationship system. It is a system whose relationship is like a chain and cannot be separated or exchanged between one another.
Koreografi Tari Uraklah Simpuah Di Sanggar Tak Kondai Nagari Pasir Talang Kecamatan Sungai Pagu Kabupaten Solok Selatan Yosi Muliana; Herlinda Mansyur
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.309 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109566


This is a descriptive qualitative research using a descriptive analysis method. The main instrument in this study was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and cellphones. The data used where primary and secondary data. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion making. The results of this study show that the Uraklah Simpuah Dance is cultivated from social condition which is not in accordance with the customs in the village. The situation meant isgetting around done by Minangkabau women. In the form aspect, there is a floor design used in Uraklah Simpuah dance. It is a straight floor design which is lined and curved in a circle. It uses large group composition (unison). The music instrument used in this dance is a drum namely gandang tambua. In addition, it uses the distinctive strains of songs to accompany the dance.The costume worn is a basic black velvet shirt paired with songket and a red to orange head cover. This dance also uses metal plates and resins as the sounds. Thus, it is concluded that the Uraklah Simpuah dance is a traditional dance which already has choreographic aspects so that it can be researched using choreography.
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Rekorder Menggunakan Aplikasi Whatsapp Di Kelas Vii.5 SMPN 2 Pariaman Silvy Avelia Wardin; Irdhan Epria Darma Putra
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.226 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109553


This study aims to describe the implementation of recorder learning using WhatsApp application in class VII.5 at SMPN 2 Pariaman. This is a qualitative research using descriptive method. The main instrument in this study was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and cameras. The data were collected through literature study, interview, observation, and documentation. The steps for analyzing data are collecting the data, describing the data, and making conclusions. The results show that the implementation of learning using WhatsApp application at SMP Negeri 2 Pariaman, especially in class VII.5, has not been carried out well because not all students participate in the process of online learning. There are obstacles in the implementation of online learning such as internet connection, internet loads. In addition, there are still some students who do not have cellphones. As a result, there are many students who do not participate in the learning process using WhatsApp application. At the presentation and delivery stage, the teacher only gives assignments to students through group chat or voice messages on WhatsApp groups that have been made specifically for learning Cultural and Arts. The training and practice stages are not optimal because the activities cannot be directly controlled by the teacher.
Makna Tari Kain Dalam Upacara Perkawinan Masyarakat Pauh V Kecamatan Pauh Kota Padang Sumatera Barat Harza Dena, Vhellani; Darmawati, Darmawati
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (87.465 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109534


This study aims to describe and analyze the meaning of Kain dance in marriage ceremony at Pauh V, Pauah district, Padang city. This is a qualitative research using a descriptive method. The object of this research was Kain dance in Pauh V community, Pauh district, Padang city. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. The main instrument was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments, cameras, and cellphones. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted by reducing the data, displaying the data, and making conclusions. The results show that Kain dance is a traditional dance which is a manifestation of the values of Pauh V community in a marriage ceremony. The instructions are given by niniak mamak (headmen) and bako (fathers’ family) as people who are responsible. This is depicted in a dance by dancers who invite the bride and groom to dance as a form of learning.Kain dance depicts a man who is married and is recognized as an adult who must have dexterity, strength, and vigilance in facing challenges in life's journey. This dance is performed in a marriage ceremony during the malakek an gala (giving a title). However, over the time, Kain dance may be performedat religious events in Pauh V Community, Pauh District.
Analisis Gerak Dan Karakter Tari Kain Di Pauah V Kecamatan Pauah Kota Padang Mila Septiana Putri; Nerosti Nerosti
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.621 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109595


This study aims to analyze the variety of movements and characters of Kain Dance in Pauh V, Pauh district, Padang city. This isa qualitative research using a descriptive analysis method. The object of the research wasKain Dance in Pauh V, Pauh district, Padang city.This research focused on the analysis of movements and characters. The data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted in the form of description, and the data were validated by using triangulation technique by comparing the observation data to the data from interview and documentation. The results of the study generally show that Kain dance is a traditional art performed in batagak gala event in Pauh V, Pauh district, Padang City. Kain dance is danced by 2 men, who face to face perform eight kinds of movements: salam pembuka, sambah, gantuang sabalah, rantak tigo, malapia, mailak, kalatiak, mangepo. The floor pattern of Kain dance is a straight line pattern, and the dancers always face each other from the beginning to the end of the dance.The dominant movement is the silat movement in the form of a defensive attack with the characteristic of Rantak Tigomotion. The analysis found in the movement of Kain Dance can be seen from the elements of motion: energy, space, and time. The quality of strong motions with the use of powerful movement intensity is carried out at a fast tempo.This dance is accompanied by a large volume of movement depicting the character of a man who is dashing and temperament. The temperament character contained in Kain Dance is expressed in the attack and block movements. The music which accompanies Kain Dance is two mancak drums. Kain dance is performed at the groom's house in front of the aisle at night in a day before the wedding party. The dancers wear black shirt, endong pants, deta for a headband, and sasampiang attached to the dancer's waist.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Bernyanyi Siswa Secara Unisono Menggunakan Metode Tutor Sebaya Di Kelas VII.1 SMPN 6 Sijunjung Kemri Firdana; Ardipal Ardipal
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.105 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109558


This study aims to findstudents improvements in learning to sing local folk songs in unison singing through peer tutor method in class VII.1 at SMP Negeri 6 Sijunjung. This research was conducted in March-July 2020. The research subjects were 30 studentsof class VII.1 at SMP Negeri 6 Sijunjung. This study applied peer tutor method in learning music in unisono singing and wasconducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of 2 meetings. The 2 meetings consisted of four stages: planning, implementing actions, observing, reflecting, and evaluating. The data were collected through field notes, observations, performance tests, and interviews. The data analysis conducted was the result of implementing the actions taken. The results show that there is an improvement in unisonosinging ability by using peer tutor method forstudents in class VII.1 at SMP Negeri 6 Sijunjung. This improvement can be seen in the quality of the process shown through students’enthusiasm and activeness in learning music.The improvement in the result quality can be seen from the increase in score and average before and after the implementation. The average value before implementation is 44.12. In the first cycle the average value increases to 70.03, and in the second cycle it increases to 84.19.The average from pre-action to cycle II has increased by 40.07 and has met the Minimum Completion Criteria which is 75. From the above research, it is known that peer tutor method succeeds in improving student learning outcomes in singing local folk songs in class VII.1 at SMP Negeri 6 Sijunjung.
Pengaruh Pertunjukan Orgen Tunggal Terhadap Eksistensi Rabab Pasisia di Kecamatan Lengayang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Silpa Parwati; Harisnal Hadi
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.953 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109539


This study aims to find and describe the effect of Orgen Tunggal performance on the existence of Rabab Pasisiain Kambang Village, Lengayang District, South Pesisir Regency. This is a qualitative research using a descriptivemethod. The main instrument in this study was the researcher it self and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and cameras. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The steps for analyzing the data are collecting the data, describing the data, and making conclusions. The results show that Orgen Tunggal performance can affect the existence of Rabab Pasisia in Kambang Village community, Lengayang District, South Pesisir Regency. Nowadays, people no longer understand the messages contained in Rabab, and Rababis viewed as entertainment only. There are factors which influence the existence of RababPasisia. Internally, the community more likely enjoys Orgen Tunggal. The people no longer understand the education value in Rabab, so it makes Rabab Pasisia unattractive. Externally, modernization and globalization rises. The existence of Orgen Tunggal which is increasingly popular in the community of KambangVillage, Lengayang District, affects the existence of Rabab as traditional entertainment which has moral messages.Gradually it also affects the intensity of Rabab performance on the community who enjoys Rabab, on messages Rabab delivers, on the existence of Rabab, and on the performance of Rabab. Rabab undergoes a few updates so that it still exists and is favored by the community. One of which is a form of Raun Sabalik which has pleasant rhythms.
Perkembangan Tari Piriang Di Kanagarian Pandai Sikek Kecamatan X Kotokabupaten Tanah Datar Nofri Hidayat; Afifah Asriati
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.319 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v9i1.109721


This study belongs to a qualitative research using a descriptive analysis method. The object of this research was the Piriang dance in PandaiSikek village, X Koto district, TanahDatar regency. The research instrument was the researcher itself and was assisted by stationeries, a photo camera, a handy cam, and aflash drive. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was done by collecting the data, grouping the data, analyzing the data, interpreting the data, and reporting the results of the research.  The results of this study show that the Piriang dance in PandaiSikek village, X Koto district, Tanah Datarregency, has two aspects of development: quantitative and qualitative aspects. Quantitative development is found in the number of actors who have increased from generation to generation. Judging from the area of its use, apart from PandaiSikek, it is also performed inKacang village. Meanwhile, its functions and uses have developed.  In thebeginning, it was only danced in the harvest time. Today,it is performed in various events such as wedding ceremonies, circumcisions, Khatam Qur’an (sealing the Koran), and other events. Meanwhile, qualitatively there is a development in movement and costume.

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