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Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran
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JSGP (Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran, ISSN 2654-6477) is an academic publication media managed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and published by Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo (UNCP). Publishing research results and theoretical studies in the field of education, JSGP is a reference source as well as a means of publication for teachers, lecturers, students, school supervisors, policymakers, and education observers.
Articles 30 Documents
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Facebook and its Impact on Students' Learning Achievement at State Islamic High School of Palopo Nurdin Kaso; Andi Nurjihad; Dodi Ilham; Nurul Aswar
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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This study aims to determine the impact of Facebook on student's achievement at the State Islamic High School of Palopo. This quantitative descriptive research conducted at State Islamic High School of Palopo, especially class XI IPA. The population consisted of 65 students, and the instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. The study results found no impact between accessing Facebook on the learning achievement of class XI State Islamic High School of Palopo students, evidenced by the calculated r-value of the variable accessing Facebook of 0.191 with a significance value of 0.280. Therefore, the calculated r-value is smaller than the r table (0.191 < 0.339) and the significance value (p) is greater than the 5% significance level (0.280 > 0.05). The existence of activities to access Facebook for students of State Islamic High School of Palopo with internet social media can also maintain student learning achievement.
Oral Placement Test as the Indicator of Bilingual Students’ Speaking Skills Hanifah Hifni; Nida Husna; Didin Nuruddin Hidayat
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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This study investigates whether there is a significant relationship between the speaking ability of students in bilingual classes and their daily conversation performance, as reported in the oral placement test. The researchers analysed the relationship between the placement test scores and the speaking performance of 146 first-year bilingual students attending an Islamic Junior High School. An oral interview was applied to determine their speaking ability on the placement test and was conducted again to test their speaking ability at the end of the semester. Pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and fluency were the scoring criteria for assessing the oral interview to indicate the learners’ English performance in speaking and their oral abilities. Each student is tested individually in more or less than ten minutes. A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was applied to determine the strength of the correlation between the oral placement test and those from the oral interview at the end of the semester. The data indicated that the results of the oral placement test when the students are still considered first-year students are still the same with their speaking at the end of the term; therefore, there is no significance and changes. These results turned out to be affected by the students’ learning style at the previous school, background knowledge, and the teacher’s teaching methods.
Analisis Hasil Belajar Pada Kurikulum 2013 di Kelas V SD Negeri 22 SP.5 Manis Raya Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020 Apolonius Untung; Dwi Cahyadi Wibowo; Muhammad Rian Subekti
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 22 SP5 Manis Raya tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas 24 orang siswa. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Survei. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan jenis wawancara tersruktur. Alat pengumpulan data berupa lembar wawancara dan dokumen. Hasil dari penelitian ini berdasarkan nilai rata-rata siswa kelas V SD Negeri 22 SP.5 Manis Raya dengan siswa 24 orang dimana terdiri dari 9 orang siswa laki-laki dan 15 orang siswi perempuan, berdasarkan jenis kelamin dapat dilihat bahwa siswi perempuan lebih unggul dari pada siswa laki-laki baik itu dalam nilai pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Adapun yang menjadi faktor pendukung hasil belajar siswa adalah(1) dukungan dari orang tua, (2) menggunakan media seadanya, (3) selalu mengelola kelas sebelum memulai pembelajaran, (4) melakukan KKG setiap bulan. Dalam mengajar guru-guru di SDN 22 SP.5 Manis Raya menggunakan media apa adanya tergantung dari materi apa yang disampaikan dan guru-guru pun mengajak siswa keluar dari kelas dan mengajar dengan media seadanya, agar siswa tidak merasa bosan belajar didalam kelas.. Upaya untuk mengatasi hambatan hasil belajar siswa adalah (1) guru memamfaatkan sarana dan prasarana yang ada dilingkungan,(2) melakukan pendekatan kepada siswa,(3) memahami karakter setiap siswa, dan ) dan(4) di akhir pembelajaran guru selalu memberikan evaluasi kepada siswa tentang apa yang telah dipelajari.
Peran Orang Tua sebagai Motivator terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Pendidikan Agama Kristen Fredik Melkias Boiliu
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/jsgp.4.1.2021.464


Orangtua memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai motivator untuk memotivasi siswa dalam belajar pendidikan agama Kristen.Siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi rendahnya tergantung pada peran orang tuanya dalam memberikan motivasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran orangtua sebagai motivator terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI di SMA PSKD IV Panglima Polim Jakarta Selatan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA PSKD IV Panglima Polim Jakarta Selatan yang berjumlah 30 orang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi persentase. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner tabel. Metode ini dipilih karena sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai. Dari hasil penelitian antara Rxy dan r tabel, penulis menyimpulkan nilai Sig sebesar 0,006 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (0,006 < 0,05). Artinya ada peran signifikan dari orang tua sebagai motivator terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen di SMA PSKD IV Panglima Polim Jakarta Selatan. Nilai peran orang tua sebagai motivator bersifat positif yaitu sebesar 0,415. Artinya orang tua sebagai motivator berperan positif terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen di SMA PSKD IV Panglima Polim Jakarta Selatan. Nilai Ŷ = 2,022 + 0,415X yang berarti jika nilai peran orang tua dinaikkan satu timgkat maka akan memengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa sebesar 0,415. Dengan demikian terdapat bahwa ada peningkatan motivasi siswa dalam belajar karena ada peran dari orang tua sebagai motivator terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Hal ini berarti bahwa penelitian ini dapat diterima dimana terdapat peran yang positif dan signifikan dari orang tua sebagai motivator terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI pada mata pelajara pendidikan agama Kristen di SMA PSKD IV Panglima Polim Jakarta Selatan
Pemanfaatan Google Classroom dalam Praktik Microteaching Pembelajaran Fiqih MI bagi Mahasiswa PGMI UIN Walisongo Semarang Nur Khikmah; Lu’lu Naeli Lovia; Fatimatuz Zahro; Firdhany Nur Azizah
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/jsgp.4.1.2021.466


Pembelajaran Fiqih pada jenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah (MI) menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk praktikan microteaching. Praktikan harus mempersiapkan dengan baik dalam membuat rencana pembelajaran, mengetahui dan memahami materi Fiqih MI, metode, fasilitas pelajaran, begitu juga instrumen penilaian untuk dipakai dalam praktik microteaching. Pemanfaatan google classroom ini sebenarnya memberikan kemudahan bagi para pengajar untuk mengatur pembelajaran serta memberikan informasi dengan tepat serta akurat kepada peserta didik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini guna menggambarkan dan menganalisis pemanfaatan google classroom dalam praktik microteaching pembelajaran Fiqih MI bagi Mahasiswa PGMI UIN Walisongo Semarang. Cara mengumpulkan data untuk penelitian ini diantaranya melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi. Teknik analisis datanya dengan mengumpulkan data, menyajikan data serta menarik simpulan. Adapun temuannya yakni masih kurang efektif dalam pencapaian tingkat pemahaman siswa dan tujuan pembelajaran. Tidak cocok untuk materi pembelajaran Fiqih MI yang berkaitan dengan aspek keterampilan. Kendala yang dirasakan yaitu 1) Guru harus memberi jeda waktu untuk setiap siswa agar dapat mengakses materi dan memberi respon karena kehadiran siswa dicek melalui kolom komentar, 2) Platform sering di refresh untuk memuat materi baru, 3) Memerlukan koneksi internet yang cukup. Jika sinyal sedang susah berakibat loading-nya cukup lama, 4) Guru dan siswa tidak dapat bertatap muka. Fiqh learning at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah (MI) level is a challenge in itself for microteaching practitioners. The practitioner must prepare well in making lesson plans, know and understand Islamic Fiqh MI material, methods, learning facilities, as well as assessment instruments for use in microteaching practice. The use of google classroom actually makes it easy for teachers to organize learning and provide accurate and accurate information to students. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the use of google classrooms in the practice of microteaching learning Islamic Islamic Civilization History for students of PGMI UIN Walisongo Semarang. Ways to collect data for this research include observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. The data analysis technique is by collecting data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The findings are that it is still not effective in achieving the level of understanding of students and learning objectives. Not suitable for Islamic Fiqh learning materials related to skills aspects. The constraints that are felt are 1) The teacher has to give pause for each student to be able to access the material and give a response because student attendance is checked through the comments column, 2) The platform is frequently refreshed to load new material, 3) Requires sufficient internet connection. If the signal is difficult it results in a long loading time, 4) Teachers and students cannot meet face to face.
Profil Lulusan Program Studi PGSD Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya Apri Irianto; Bahauddin Azmy; Susi Hermin Rusminati
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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This study aims to find out the jobs of alumni after they have studied at pgsd study program of PGRI Adi Buana University Surabaya. This research uses qualitative method using source triangulation. How to retrieve data on this thesis is to ask questions using google form and then distributed in alumni group. from the results of this study it can be known that 71% of students with a waiting time of less than 3 months, 7% of alumni are certified, 91% of people work in accordance with the field of education.
Experimental Research in English Language Teaching: A Peek from Undergraduate Students' Theses Muhammad Affan Ramadhana; Deis Kondo Allo
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/jsgp.4.1.2021.474


This study focused on the undergraduate students’ theses submitted to the English Language Education study program in Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo. A total of 53 theses between 2014-2018 were collected. The main purpose of this study is to capture the trends of experimental method used in students’ undergraduate research. The selected sample is only the theses submitted by students who have been finished study in not later than four years. Skill and elements, the technique of sampling, types of treatments, level of the school, types of the experimental method, and research instruments were analyzed. The results revealed that vocabulary is the most researched language skills. In terms of research designs, random sampling, pre-experimental, and test instruments dominated. Quasi-experimental only a little bit used that was found in 2014 of three theses used and true-experimental was not found at all. As for types of treatment (independent variables), learning media is dominantly used.
Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Inovasi dan Kreativitas Guru di Masa Pandemi di SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota Hanif Kurniawan; Enung Hasanah
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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The aims of this research is to analyze role of Principal in improving innovation and creativity of teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota during the pandemic. This research uses descriptive research type from observation and interviews. The research sample was the principal, three teachers, the school committee, and two guardians and students. The role of the principal in improving teacher innovation and creativity in learning are (1) the principal as a role model; (2) supervision and guidance, (3) giving rewards and punishments, (4) involving teachers in training, (5) creating a pleasant working atmosphere, (6) giving freedom to innovate and be creative, (7) involving teachers in various competitions
Pengaruh Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Tema 2 Selalu Berhemat Energi dan Subtema 1 Sumber Energi Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 23 Menyumbung Sintang Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 Muhammad Rian Subekti; Dwi Cahyadi Wibowo; Silvina Triani
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Pembelajaran Tema 2. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Model penelitian adalah model penelitian Eksperimen. Bentuk penelitian adalah penelitian Quasi Eksperimental Design. Desain penelitian adalah nonequivalent control group design. Popolasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SDN23 Menyumbung Sintang berjumlah 40 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah kelas IVB sebagai kelas eksperimen berjumlah 20 orang dan kelas IVA sebagai kelas kontrol 20 orang. Teknik sampling adalah PurposiveSampling. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi langsung, komunikasi langsung, pengukuran, dan Dokumentasi. Alat pengumpulan data adalah Lembar Tes, validitas, reabilitas, dan dokumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian: hasil observasi siswa kelas eksperimen rata-rata pertemuan pertama dan kedua 100% kriteria sangat baik. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis pretest kelas eksperimen dan kontrol nilai Sig.(2-tailed) = 0,335> nilai α =0,05 artinya hipotesis ditolak. Tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif pada pembelajaran Tema 2. Uji hipotesis posttest kelas eksperimen dan kontrol nilai Sig.(2-tailed) = 0,00< nilai α =0,05 artinya hipotesis diterima. Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif pada pembelajaran Tema 2. Uji hipotesis kelas eksperimen pretest dan postettst nilai Sig.(2-tailed) = 0,00 < nilai α =0,05 artinya hipotesis diterima. Tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif pada pembelajaran Tema 2. Uji hipotesis kelas eksperimen pretest dan postettst diperoleh nilai Sig.(2-tailed) = 0,00 < nilai α =0,05 artinya hipotesis diterima. Tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif pada pembelajaran Tema 2.
Assessment Instrument of Critical Thinking Skills for Student on Light Interaction with Organisms Tariza Fairuz
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - April
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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Critical thinking skills are one of the skills needed in the 21st century. These skills can be developed and measured in science learning. This study aimed to produce an assessment instrument that can be used to measure critical thinking skills of junior high school students. This assessment instrument was developed in the multiple choice test. The stages of development include a preliminary study, preparation of item questions, test of content validity by experts and empiric validity, and reliability test. A total of 60 junior high school students in Tebing Tinggi became the research sample. This assessment instrument consists of five aspects of critical thinking skills, basic clarification, basic support, inference, advance clarification, and strategy and tactics. 7 of the 25 items are valid with high criteria, 11 are valid with medium criteria and 7 others are valid with low criteria. Reliability test used the Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) approach and the results are reliable with high criteria. The analysis showed that the developed critical thinking skills of junior high school students on the theme of light interaction with organisms.

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