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International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)
ISSN : 26224992     EISSN : -     DOI : -
The theme of this Conference is on The ASEAN Prespective Policy Economic and Law. Thank you very much for Keynote Speakers from Indonesia PEMBANGUNAN PANCA BUDI UNIVERSITY AND PERBANAS Prof Dr Haryono Umar, Ak., M.Sc., CA, From Malaysia IIUM Associate Prof Tajul Aris Ahmed Bustami, From Brunei Darussalam UNISSA, From Australia Sidney University Wayne Palmer, PhD.Thank You Very Much For All Presenters From UNPAB and another university. Thank you very much for All quest invitation and all participants.The purpose of this conference is to discuss how ASEAN Policy in economics and Law to face MEA and international relations of ASEAN Country.
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Articles 64 Documents
The View of Islam on Religion Radicalization on Child Violence Atiek Noer Chalimah
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Recently, the teaching of jihad in Islam has often been the target of allegations as the main source of violence in the name of religion. One is the case of child abuse. Radicalism in the language means to stand in extreme positions and away from the middle position or beyond the limits of reasonableness. So the idea of religious radicalization that is considered closely linked to the practice of child abuse. In efforts to deradicalize religion in child violence and deradicalization of Islamic thought through education, it is only natural that the national commitment is demonstrated through boarding school. Also, it is necessary to deradicalization of Tafseer; this is an attempt to break the paradigmatic chain that led to the construction of a radical interpretation. Religion does not teach its people to commit child abuse. Religion also teaches people to love one another and give more attention; do not choose to commit violence.
The Effect of Advertising, Exhibition and Event Marketing to Improve Awareness Awareness and its Impact on Intereststo Visit to Destination Religi Tour in Padang City (Case Study of Muslim Tourists from Malaysia) Elfitra Desy Surya
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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From the data released by the Tourism Office of West Sumatera Province, it is seen that tourist visit to West Sumatera tend to decrease from year to year .. However, this decline has made the industry players and the Tourism Office in West Sumatra both provinci and regency. The city began to think of how efforts should be made to increase the interest of visiting Muslim tourists from Malaysia. Because the achievement of Malaysian tourists visit per year to West Sumatra as many as 60,000 people in 2017, has not been achieved, although it has been pushed by running the event "Visit Padang Halal Year 2017" Not reached the target of tourists visiting Malaysia is because allegedly awareness of tourists from Malaysia to destinations West Sumatra religious tourism has not been fully terpenetrasi. Because the pockets of Malaysian tourists who come to the city of Padang not only exist only in Kuala Lumpur, but also to other areas such as Selangor, Ipoh, Kedah, even to Kelantan and Negeri Sembilan. Problem formulation of this research is Does Advertising, Exhibition and Event have an effect on to Improving Consciousness of Tourists, Do Advertising, Exhibition and Event have an effect on to Improving Tourists Interest, Does Increasing Awareness of Tourists Affect Improvement of Visiting, Does Advertising, Exhibition and Event marketing have an effect on Increased Visiting Interest through Tourist Awareness.
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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In this time some of the peoples Indonesia before marriage was preceded by the making of marriage agreements among prospective grooms and women. The marriage agreement as an often also referred to as a pre-marriage agreement or prenuptial agreement that agreements made before marriage take place and binding the two sides of the bride and married woman candidates. A legal arrangement in the case of a marriage agreement is contained in Article 29 of Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, Articles 47 to 52 of KHI and also in Articles 139 to Article 154 of the Civil Code. Islamic law does not set explicitly in marriage agreements. However, based on the Qur'an and Hadith no single verse prohibits the making of marriage legally approval as long as it is not contrary to Islamic Shari'a and the marriage agreement is beneficial to the couple husband and wife. Thus, Islamic law justifies the implementation of marriage agreements among Islamic citizens. Among potential married couples aged over 25 years old up to 40 years past and have education level between D3 to S1 know and understand the purpose and benefits of the marriage agreement, but because it is not obligated in Islamic law hence not implemented marriage agreement among Muslim citizen.
Islam and Shariah Offences in Malaysian Constitutional Framework: Issues and Challenges Tajul Aris Ahmad Bustami
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This paper discusses the position of Islam in the Malaysian constitution and the enforcement of laws relating to shariah offences in Malaysia. It looks at the basic governing legal provisions relating toIslam and shariah offences both at Federal and State levels. The authorities and powers provided for the syariah courts officers and judges are also analysed. This paper focuses on the legal issues surrounding the investigation, prosecuting and courts’ power in dealing with the offences. With the current state of legal provisions and infrastructures, the paper finds that there are many rooms for the improvement for the Islamic Legal system in Malaysia particularly with regard to the upgrading the status, image and jurisdiction of the syariah courts.
Testing the Effect of Job Placement and Career Development on Employees Performance Nashrudin Setiawan
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The municipal education office of Medan has an educational motto for all residents of Medan City who have equal rights to get the education, and all educators for the community have a role to educate by their abilities. The problem in this research is whether job placement and career development have a positive and significant effect on the performance of Medan municipality education officials simultaneously and partially. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of simultaneous and partial of job placement and career development on employee performance. Test results show that F-count has a value of 40.330 and a significant probability of 0.00 < 0.05; the conclusion is career development and job placement have the significant effect on employees performance simultaneously. Therefore, the first hypothesis is confirmed and acceptable. Partial test results show the t-value of 5,729 of the job placement > value t-table 1.672, and significance 0.000 < 0.05. These results proved job placements partially have a positive and significant impact on employees performance. The conclusion is that the proposed hypothesis is confirmed and accepted. Furthermore, the test results partially show the value t-count 5,499 of career development > value t-table 1.672, and significance 0.000 < 0.05. The results of this test proved partially career development have a positive and significant impact on employees performance. Therefore, the researcher's proposed hypothesis is accepted. The results of data processing also show Adjusted R square is worth 0.571 and shows 57.1% contribution of career development variables and job placement on employees performance. Meanwhile, other factors contribute 42.9% worth such as motivation, incentives, and training which are not discussed in this study.
Influence of Managerial Performance against Participation Budget with Organizational Commitment as a Moderating Variable at PDAM Tirtanadi Medan Baihaqi Ammy
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This research aims to prove whether there is influence between participation and managerial performance budgets to prove whether there is influence between the participation budget with managerial performance with organizational commitment as PDAM Tirtanadi moderating variables on the terrain.This type of research is a causal association. The technique of determination of the sample used is the census. The data used was obtained through questionnaires to the deployment of 32 employees who were on the level of management. This data will be analyzed using Multivariate Data analysis methods, where this method is a method of descriptive statistics and inferential that are used to analyze the data more than two variables of the study. Testing the quality of the data used is the validity of the data and test reliability. A classic assumption test used is the test of normality, multicollinearity test, and test heteroskedasticity. Hypothesis testing is a test – testing – t, F. This research resulted in the discovery of the three as has been proposed in the research hypothesis. First, the participation of influential managerial performance against budget. Second, the participation of the budget jointly with organizational commitment effect significantly to managerial performance. Third, the variable of organizational commitment is not moderating variable.
An Independence of Judicial Power Under the System of Justice: Study Case In Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam Ismaidar
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This paper is based onthe concept of judicial independence. Judiciary is one of the organs of the state. The independence of the judiciary is the cornerstone of a democratic system. Without independent judiciary, people cannot get justice. Only the independent, impartial and accountable judiciary can protect the rights of the minorities and the indigenous communities. Independent judiciary can maintain the delicate balance between the three major organs of the state.Some of internationally recognized principles have been incorporated in our present constitution. But judicial autonomy, freedom of expression and association, professional immunity are not incorporated. Our judiciary lacks functional autonomy to determining the jurisdiction of the court, selecting its support staff. Another issue concerning the financial independence of judiciary which are must for an independent judiciary. Judicial training and judicial education is necessary for independence of judiciary. Role of national judicial academic is satisfactory in this regard. Competent, independent, and impartial courts will also depend also on the judges who have integrity, ability with appropriate training and higher qualifications in law enforcement. It is influenced by several factors.The guarantee of judicial power independence by the constitution, the competence and capacity of judges in carrying out judicial functions and the quality of court. Judicial power as an independent and autonomous power must be freefrom any intervention and power, thus ensuring that judges possessindependence and impartiality in handling cases.In this way, judicial independence means freedom from direction, control or interference in the exercise of judicial power by either the executive or legislature. Independent judiciary is backbone of the democratic state. In the beginning of the development of the concept, functional independence of the judiciary was regarded as sufficient requisite. But in modern era both structural and functional independence are equally important for independence of the judiciary.Beside these, the court must be impartial and competent.
Legal Protection of the Workers in Certain Time Agreement (Study at PT. Infomedia Nusantara) Surya Nita
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Working relationships are formed as a result of an agreement between employers and workers. The agreement is reached after both parties talk / negotiate on the agreement to be made and based on the will of both parties. The problem that arises is the number of violations in the application of the system of certain time agreement (CTA). Many deviations occur on the implementation of CTA rules or in other words CTA that is implemented is not appropriate or even does not refer to the rules of CTA set out in the Manpower Act. In practice, in addition to the application of CTA which is not in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Manpower Act, the CTA system implemented also greatly disadvantages the workers. The purpose of this research is to know the legal arrangement about certain time work agreement, due to certain time working agreement law, and legal protection to workers who are bound in certain time working agreement in PT. Infomedia Nusantara. The type of research used is empirical method, descriptive research, while data analysis in this study using qualitative methods. Based on the provisions of Article 56 paragraph (2) of Law Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Manpower referred to as certain time agreement (CTA) constitutes an employment agreement between workers or workers and employers to establish a working relationship within a certain time or for certain workers. As a result of the law of a certain time labor agreement regulates if either party terminates the employment relationship before the expiration of the period specified in a specified working period, the party terminating the employment relationship is ultimately required to pay compensation to the other party for the wanprestation of that party. Legal protection of workers who are bound in certain time work agreement in PT. Infomedia Nusantara is based on the Law Number 13 of 2003 on Manpower, where the worker must be protected from permanent work, that is, the CTA if told to do work that is not his job, the status of CTA by law or by law is no longer into CTA, but has changed its status to Worker / Laborer of Uncertain time agreement (UCTA), whose meaning is regarded as an employee / permanent worker.
Analyze a Policies for Higher Education Institutions in Electrical and Information Engineering Eka Putra
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This paper deals with the process of identification of the needed changes within higher education to meet future challenges. The work is related with the work package Policy of the LLP SALEIE program “Strategic Alignment of Electrical and Information Engineering in European Higher Education Institutions”. The analysis includes a review of the needs and impact of administrative policy as it impacts the design, development, delivery, assessment and review of academic programmes. The final objective of this global task is to bring together policy administrators from institutions across Europe to review current practices and to identify examples of best practice, to build a common understanding of governance and policy implications on the strategic changes associated with the project, and create a centre for excellence in the policy area. The paper presents the designing process of a questionnaire regarding the above problems. The objective is to achieve as broad coverage of European higher education institutional responses as possible.
Keynesian vs Monetaris Approach: Which Model Effectively Controls Indonesia's Economy? Ade Novalina
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This study analyzes the phenomenon of the problem of different approaches in controlling the Indonesian economy. This study was able to predict using two different theories. Data analysis for long-term prediction uses Structural Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression (SFAVAR). The result of the research shows that the model of controlling the rate of economic stability is done through inflation and export in short, medium and long-term. Policies are to control the poor in the short term through exports and inflation; in the medium term, foreign exchange reserves and exports; GDP and exports control long-term. Apparently, exports are very dominant in affecting economic stability.