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International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)
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The theme of this Conference is on The ASEAN Prespective Policy Economic and Law. Thank you very much for Keynote Speakers from Indonesia PEMBANGUNAN PANCA BUDI UNIVERSITY AND PERBANAS Prof Dr Haryono Umar, Ak., M.Sc., CA, From Malaysia IIUM Associate Prof Tajul Aris Ahmed Bustami, From Brunei Darussalam UNISSA, From Australia Sidney University Wayne Palmer, PhD.Thank You Very Much For All Presenters From UNPAB and another university. Thank you very much for All quest invitation and all participants.The purpose of this conference is to discuss how ASEAN Policy in economics and Law to face MEA and international relations of ASEAN Country.
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Articles 64 Documents
Agrarian Law Enforcement and Settlement of Land Affairs Dispute in Judicature Process Supandi
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This dispute settlement option beyond the court had developed for other cases such as certain criminal cases in work force dispute or environmental or land affairs case, hence, solely, it was not applied to commercial cases only. Firstly, by filing accusation through reply. Secondly, it is determination stage from verification through judging. Thirdly, it is exercise state, i.e, judge implementation. Any such stage requires long relative time, expensive and complex. This research is a normative juridical research referring to the legal norms contained in the laws and regulations on Agrarian Law Enforcement And Settlement of Land Affairs Dispute In Judicature Process. Data obtained from normative juridical research is legal research using secondary data are official documents, books related to the object of research, research results in the form of reports, legislation and jurisprudence.Although any land affair dispute had occurred at any area, immediately, it may be solved by local officer and its results may be received by parties in dispute. Lately, this condition my create law renewal on land affairs preceded by development of land affairs policy, of course, it should be commenced by law development of land affairs as part of national law system. Complexity of agrarian law enforcement become serious problem, it is based on land function is very strategic to support activities of economy, social, technology and information progress. Hence, common will and commitment to seek out land affair disputes in Indonesia which had sacrificed so many people, either local government, law enforcement apparatus, colleges and all communities should be striven for, and it should precede resolution by negotiation, and provided that it may not be achieved, it should be striven by mediation, and when it may not be achieved so, then, the court is last end/alternative to be achieved. Hence, judge’s award as Ultimatum remedies (last end) for land affair dispute and whomever should realize Court’s rules which had had permanent legal power because its position as law in concrete case/matter.
The Effect of Islamic Work Ethics on Organization Commitment and Change of Employee Attitude at Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan, Indonesia Anwar Adnalin
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB) as an institution that organizes the undergraduate and graduate education. The activities and innovations for its sustainability with maintain the employees' commitment. Cultural values provide the comfort of their life and have made employees are loyal to this institution. Organizational work culture in UNPAB integrated with the Islamic values, namely the 7NDY (Seven Basic Values of the Foundation) which encourage an improvement in commitment and attitude change by employees. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Islamic Work Ethics on Organizational Commitment and Change of Employee Attitude. The Population and samples using Cluster Random Sampling. Data analysis technique used Path Analysis and Statistic Descriptive Analysis. Data processed by Computer Statistics Software SPSS version16. The results of this study found that Islamic work ethic has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Moreover, Islamic work ethic has a positive and significant effect on the change of employee attitude. The authors found that Organizational commitment has a positive and significant impact on the change of employee attitude. Also, the authors found that the influence of Islamic Work Ethics on the change of employee attitude mediated organizational commitment is proven.
Business Growth Analysis for Micro and Small Enterprises, Post-Financing of Mudharaba by BMT Khalifah Amanah in Medan Tembung Sub-district Dwi Saraswati
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are the primary drivers of the economic sector in trade and services. Generally, the obstacle that is often the spotlight of Micro and Small Enterprises is the classic problem of capital. The tendency of micro and small entrepreneurs to run a business is always focused on the lack of working capital. The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences and business growth of Micro and Small Enterprises past and post-financing which includes working capital, Business turnover, and profit. The object of this research is Micro, and Small Enterprises which is a member of BMT Kalifah Amanah with sample amounted to 95. The types of data collected are primary and secondary data. Methods of data analysis in this study include multiple linear regression analysis, and t-test. The research findings indicate that there is an increase in the amount of venture capital, Business turnover and profit from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs).
Legal Protection of Children as a Victim Exploitation Aras Firdaus
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Crimes that occur in the community tend to be done by adults as well as victims who are adults as well. However, at this time children are also victims of crime, for example, child exploitation. The phenomenon of child labor is a picture of how complex the problem of children. In spite of all these things, honor, awareness and protection of human rights are exalted throughout the world. Since the beginning of the declaration of human rights, the sharing of universal regulation has been issued in support of human rights protection in the world. Safeguards are also followed by law enforcement for the sake of consistent human rights. If we talk about the phenomenon of child labor, the direct human rights field is the right of the child. Both internationally and in Indonesia, issues surrounding the child's life are a major concern for society and government. Many ideal circumstances can solve this social problem. However, other factors such as failure in social institutions also indicate the inability of the government. Based on the description used in this research, that is how the legal forms against children victims of exploitation and how law enforcement officers in taking action against the law of victims of exploitation. To find the answer of the problem, this research is analytical descriptive, the purpose of this research is expected to get a detailed and systematic description of the issues to be studied. Analysis is based on the facts obtained and will be analyzed carefully to answer the problem.
Analysis Brand Awareness and Brand Trust to Purchase Decision (Case Study: PT. MountAqua Kruenggukuh, AcehProvince) Megasari Gusandra Saragih
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This study aims to test brand awareness and brand trust to purchase decision of Mount Aqua in PT. Mount Aqua Kruenggeukuh Aceh Province. The data used in this research are 125 consumers of Mount Aqua in PT. Mount Aqua Kruenggeukuh Aceh Province with the kind of quantitative research and primary data source.The analysis tool used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS-20 (Analysis of Moment Structure). The results showed that brand awareness significantly influence the purchase decision of Mount Aqua in PT. Mount Aqua Kruenggeukuh Aceh Province. Brand trust has significant influence to purchase decision of Mount Aqua in PT. Mount Aqua Kruenggeukuh Aceh Province.
Local Wisdom as the Foundation of Indonesian Economy in Facing the ASEAN Economic Community Muhammad Isa Indrawan
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Local wisdom is the power of the community in establishing a group and themselves without destroying the social order that is adaptive to the surrounding natural environment. It is built on social values ​​that are upheld in the social structure of society. The functions are to guide, control, sign and to behave in various dimensions of life both when dealing with others and nature. Local wisdom is one the foundation for economic development in Indonesia.The development of the Indonesian economy cannot be denied leading to a liberal economy without avoiding local cultural values ​​that are still used today such as a culture of mutual-cooperation, sustaining the food needs to be produced and enjoyed together, and love Indonesian products. Limitations of the study in this paper are how Indonesian economic policy in applying the principles of local wisdom and local wisdom can answer the challenges of the global economy, especially the ASEAN Economic Community.Indonesia has great potential in developing local wisdom since it consists of regions having diverse ethnicities, great natural resources from the sea and land. Indonesia's economic policy should focus on the local wisdom that is not eroded by the times. The economic policy uses local potential through local culture by generating one village one product into one of the Indonesian economic policies that local governments must realize to develop local economic potential. Indonesia has a creative economic agency that focuses on the development of local economy, but the creative economy should apply the principle of local wisdom in responding to the challenges of the global economy, especially the ASEAN Economic Community. Sustainable economic development is useful for the future of Indonesia.
Shariah Penal Code Order, 2013 of Negara Brunei Darussalam: Its Implementation and Challenges Abdul Mohaimin bin Noordin Ayus
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Shariah, or Islam law, is not foreign to Negara Brunei Darussalam. Its implementation started since the conversion of Awang Alak Betatar to the Islamic faith and assumed the royal name of Sultan Muhammad Shah (1363-1402 M).[1] Brunei, then, had officially accepted Islam as the religion of the ruler and the ruled; and thenceforth the birth of a new nation known as “Negeri Brunei”, a Malay Islamic Monarchy state (Kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Islam.[2] The monarchy system was officially established since early 15th century with the conversion of Awang Alak Betatar and this Islamic Monarchy State has remained till today. * Prof. Dr. Haji Abdul Mohaimin Ayus bin Haji Noordin Ayus, Former Dean, Faculty of Shariah and Law, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Negara Brunei Darussalam. Any opinions expressed in this paper is the writer’s own personal view which shall not represent the view and policy of UNISSA or any government agencies of Negara Brunei Darussalam, except those which have been duly acknowledged by citations referred to in the footnotes. This paper is a concise translation of the original paper “Perintah Kanun Hukuman Jenayah Syariah, 2013 Brunei Darussalam: Pelaksanaan dan Cabaran” which was earlier submitted. [1] See Abdul Mohaimin Ayus. “Memperkasakan Undang-undang Jenayah Syarak: Analisis Perundangan Perbandingan Antara Brunei dan Malaysia”. Prosiding Seminar Isu-Isu Kontemporari Dalam Syariah dan Undang-Undang, organized by the Faculty of Shariah and Law, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Negara Brunei Darussalam. 1432H/2011M, pp. 76-108. See also Prof. Dato’ Dr. Haji Mahmud Saedon bin Awang Othman. (1996). Perlaksanaan dan Pentadbiran Undang-undang Islam di Negara Brunei Darussalam: Satu Tinjauan. Bandar Seri Begawan: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Brunei, p. vii. [2]Ibid., p. 19. Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr. Haji Muhammad bin Pengiran Haji Abd. Rahman. (2007). Islam di Brunei Darussalam Zaman British (1774-1984). Bandar Seri Begawan: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Brunei, hal. 68-93. Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr. Haji Muhammad, at p. 92: “Berdasarkan sumber China dan sumber tradisi, Awang Alak Bertatar dipercayai menganut Islam pada atau sebelum 1371. Oleh itu kunjungan baginda ke Melaka pada awal abad ke-15 itu adalah dalam sifat baginda seorang raja atau sultan yang sudah menganut Islam sejak lebih tiga puluh tahun sebelumnya.” (Based on Chinese and traditional sources, Awang Alak Bertatar was believed to have embraced Islam in or before 1371. His visit to Malacca in the early 15thcentury was in the capacity of a king or sultan who had embraced Islam for more than thirty years before.)
Pekanbaru Religious Court's Policy on the Implementation of Legal Litigation Legal Rights Besides Advocates Robert Libra
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Regulations set by the Government provide guidance in formulating a policy in the Religious Court of Pekanbaru, in the implementation there is a policy that is felt beyond the regulations that may complicate the Legal Aid providers. Specific targets of this research are to provide suggestions for the Supreme Court in order to formulate the regulation of the Rights of Legal Aid Specialist in the Religious Court of Pekanbaru. The type of research is sociological law research. In the data collection used nonstructural interview, observation, and literature review. In this case, the result of Pekanbaru Religious Court Policy on the Implementation of Legal Litigation Legal Rights Besides Advocate as well as a policy on the rights that an advocate obtains when dealing with a professional case in a religious court. However, although legal aid providers other than advocates have been accepted and admitted to the newborn religious court, no legal aid providers other than advocates have come as good legal aid providers it's from paralegals, lecturers, or law faculty students who come to accompany the poor. The lack of socialization of legislation by the government on society has made people unaware that there are legal aid providers other than advocates. When filing a lawsuit / petition in a newbie religious court has additional rules regarding the filing of case registration as there are additional letters to be completed, namely letter of advocate appointment by LBH, letter of willingness of advocate, and letter of attendance of first session.
Legal Enforcement on the Perpetrators of Theft Crime with Violence in the Jurisdiction of Polsek Medan Area Irwanta Sembiring
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Theft crimes because anxiety for every member of the community against may also occur in relation to theft crime are torture, torture, rape, and murder which is the linkage of theft crimes which was preceded, accompanied or followed by violence. At this time especially in the city of Medan, the rampant theft crime has a variety of motives. The formulations of the problem to be studied are:1) What is the factor of the occurrence theft crime with violence in jurisdiction of Medan Area Police?2) How does the role of Polsek Medan Area in combating violent theft crime acts? 3) What are the obstacles of Polsek Medan Area in running their functions and duties in legal enforcement of theft crime with violence? The results of his research states that: 1) Factors of theft crime with violence in the jurisdiction of Polsek Medan Area are economic factors, environmental factor; narcotics abuse factors; and victim factors.2) The efforts made by the Police of Polsek Medan Area to prevent the onset of theft crime with violence by conducting patrols, conducting raids, increasing detection of the source of threats, conducting counseling to the public, and making strict action against the perpetrators.3) Obstacles of Polsek Medan Area in running its functions and duties in the enforcement of theft crime with violence due to the limited members of the Police, the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure, the lack of budgets, and some people to take action to punish a party without going through legal processes.
Analysis of the Acceptance of Sharia Bond Funds to the Income Bank of Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. Heriyati Chrisna
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of issuance of sharia bonds at Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk and to know how big the contribution of sharia bonds funds against the income of the Bank Transactions Indonesia, Tbk. The object of the study was conducted in the Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk. Type of this research uses the descriptive research to achieve the goal of this research i.e. to provide a clear picture of the problems examined, data source that is used is a secondary data and the data is qualitative research, and the author uses the technique of observation and documentation, and bibliographical technique (library research)for data collection techniques. The results of research, the author basically uses the principle of sharia bonds like conventional bonds with the essential difference among others in the form of the use of the concept of the reward and for the result sharing is as a replacement of the interest. The income of fund management by a bank as the mudharib for the period 2010 until 2014 increased, but it decreased in 2015 amount of Rp 265.503.473 or 5.09 cents%. Result sharing of Sharia Bonds that obtained from the sukuk issuance of the subordination of the Bank Muamalat for the year 2008 was Rp 314.000.000.000 with return period (tenor) ten years, the results sharing obtained from 2010 to 2015 was Rp. 982.703.166.