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International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)
ISSN : 26224992     EISSN : -     DOI : -
The theme of this Conference is on The ASEAN Prespective Policy Economic and Law. Thank you very much for Keynote Speakers from Indonesia PEMBANGUNAN PANCA BUDI UNIVERSITY AND PERBANAS Prof Dr Haryono Umar, Ak., M.Sc., CA, From Malaysia IIUM Associate Prof Tajul Aris Ahmed Bustami, From Brunei Darussalam UNISSA, From Australia Sidney University Wayne Palmer, PhD.Thank You Very Much For All Presenters From UNPAB and another university. Thank you very much for All quest invitation and all participants.The purpose of this conference is to discuss how ASEAN Policy in economics and Law to face MEA and international relations of ASEAN Country.
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Articles 64 Documents
Protection of Workers in the Implementationof the Principle of Human Rights Citizens in Indonesia Suci Ramadani
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Protection of workers in Indonesia is regulated through the provisions of Law no. 13 Year 2003 on Manpower. This provides for general provisions on the rights and obligations of workers and employers. Special arrangements are not only governed by the Ministry of Manpower, the local government regulates the policy of the Regional Regulation, so in providing protection for local workers it is necessary to develop the principles of City of Human Rights. Limitations of discussion are reviewed as follows how the law regulation of protection of workers in Indonesia? How to regulate the principles of the City of Human Rights in Indonesia? how to protect workers in the application of the principles of the City of Human Rights in Indonesia? The research method used is normative juridical using secondary data that is labor regulation and human rights regulation in accordance with research study. Human rights cities are human rights approaches to local governance including democratic principles, participation, responsible leadership, transparency, accountability, non-discrimination, empowerment and rule of law. That the protection of workers is a protection of human rights as regulated in the 1945 Constitution, the Law on Human Rights, so that a national human rights policy action plan that is implemented by the central government and local government through the implementation of the principles of Human Rights City in Indonesia with carrying the 3 pillars of respecting, protecting and fulfilling human rights specifically human rights workers in obtaining basic rights namely the right to obtain employment, protection at work and experiencing termination of employment that can be fulfilled by the local government through the Regional Regulation which is the application of the principle of the City of Rights Human Rights. Protection of workers within the Local Regulation to incorporate the principles of City of Human Rights that the protection of workers is a principle of human rights that must be implemented in the region.
The Perspective of Islamic Index Performance in Indonesia: A Conceptual Paper Eky Ermal M
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This paperis objected to know the development studies related to the comparative Islamicindex. The perspectiveof this study showed inconsistency results, supporting studies accordingto the portfolio theory, the risk-return performance studies by focusing on comparative between Islamic funds or indices against their benchmark. The purpose of this study to know the performance Islamic investment risk-return profile and risk adjusted return measures whether Islamic funds outperform, underperform, or similar performanceagainst the conventional benchmark. Therefore, from this conceptual paper the Indonesian perspectiveof Islamic index describes not better than conventional benchmarking.
Urgency of Cultivation of Morals in Children in the Era of Globalization in Islamic Perspective Effiati Juliana Hasibuan
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The family is the smallest unit in society that plays a major role in the cultivation of morality of family members. The value of the value of Tawheed and morals need to be implanted from an early age to strengthen the joints of religious joints in children better. The purpose of Tawheed and morals is to form Islamic character in children which make it have a strong religious value system, so it is not easily influenced or deceived by negative social environment situation. The human nature has Tawheed since its birth, but it is the parents who influence it so that there is a child that increases morals there is also increasingly faded as time goes. Children need to be given an introduction to the existence of God the creator at the beginning of his life. Children also need to get a good moral education to morality is a permanent habit that is embedded in him and carried away until he grew up. Even the era of globalization is loaded with various advances in communication technology with the information from various fields of the world increasingly opens opportunities for moral damages of children so it should be anticipated with the education of monotheism and morals as early as possible. This paper will discuss how to oversee the value of monotheism and moral education in the family that need to be applied to the child from an early age by reviewing from the Hadith and taking into account the negative excesses of the advances in communication technology.
An Empirical Investigation ofthe Effect of Workload and SOPs on Employees Work Morale Emi Wakhyuni
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of workload, and Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) on employees work morale. This study uses a quantitative approach that is an empirical study to collect, analyze, and display data. Population of this research is employees in PT. Sucofindo Medan Branch. The technique of determining sample used simple random sampling in which the subject of research used 50 percent. Therefore, The sample of this study amounted to 75 employees. The results of this study found that workload and Standard Operating Procedure have the significant impact on employees work morale in PT. Sucofindo Medan Branch simultaneously. Partially, the workload has not a significant effect on employees work morale in PT. Sucofindo Medan Branch. However, Standard Operating Procedure has a significant effect on employees work morale in PT. Sucofindo Medan Branch.The authors suggest to this company that they need to set up employee performance appraisal for the positions held. The company needs to prepare evaluation materials to improve work systems and procedures. The company is expected to consider the proposal to develop a real employee requirement plan related to the organization's workload. The company may apply for an employee mutation program from an excessive unit to a deficient unit.
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Capital structure is a consideration between tang long term with its own capital which aims to maximise wealth for their owners. Where the capital structure is a complex financial decisions and understand its relationship with risk/return results, and value. The greater the debt to maendanai asset, then the greater the capital structure. Therefore a financial manager should pay attention to factors that affect and what impact good or bad for the company. The study aims to find out the influence of the Current Capital structure Ratio (DAR) and Return On Assets towards the capital structure (DAR) on the company's Advertising, Media and Printing are listed at the IDX. The approach used is the associative approach, with an urban sample and as many as 8 company Advertising, Media and Printing are listed in BEI 2011-2015 period. The sample used is purposive sampling. Technique of data analysis using the method of linear regression, the classical assumptions of multiple, test t (partial), the f-test (simultaneous) and the coefficient of determinsi with the help of the software SPSS version 16. The results showed that there was no influence parisal in Current Capital structure Ratio (DAR) and the value of sig 0.076, there is the influence of Return On Assets against the capital structure (DAR) and the value of sig 0.025. The results showed that there is a simultaneous influence of Current Ratio and Return On Assets towards the capital structure (DAR) and the value of sig 0.011. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R-Square) was amounting to 0.956. This shows that 95.6% of the dependent variable i.e. capital structure (DAR) can be explained by the independent variables namely Current Ratio and Return On Assets while the rest of 4.4% is affected by other variables that are not examined by this study.
A Novelty Method Subjectif of Electrical Power Cable Retirement Policy Amani Darma Tarigan
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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An age data of the same type cables under the same operation condition in a regional transmission system was collected. Use a probability analysis method and the age data to calculate the reliability functions of normal distribution and Weibull distribution, which reflect the reliability level of cables. Effect Analysis system Failed mode (EAFM) is applied to find the characteristic fault parameters, which contribute to the cable failure and can be obtained by the preventive tests. Fuzzy membership function is constructed to estimate the failure probability. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is employed to define the importance weight of failure mode, and the reliability value of the cable will be gained through the weighted average method. It is estimated by using the reliability function and the cable reliability value that the expected damage cost (EDC) of the transmission system is caused by cable failure. The interest income can be gained by delaying the retirement of the aging cable. Finally, an appropriate time of the cable retirement is found when making an economic comparison between the EDA and the interest income due to the retirement delay.
Judicial Review on The Application of Criminal Offense of Evil Conspiracy to Narcotic Drug Courier Based on Act Number 35 Year 2009 about Narcotics (Verdict of District Court of Medan Number 1537/Pid.Sus/ 2015/PN.MDN) Khairun Na’im
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Evil conspiracy/samenspanning is a criminal action, on the other word, the crime is the agreed, prepared, or planned criminal action, which has not been yet happened (inchoate). In Criminal Code Guideline (hereafter KUHP), trying of criminal action and evil conspiracy are punished lightly from the actual punishment. However, it is different from current narcoticsdrug Act that gives the same punishment with the actual punishment on completed offense. It is due to the consideration that narcotic crime has become serious crimes. It turns out that according to Narcotics Drug Act, the applicable article of evil conspiracy is also limited. The consideration of evil conspiration as one of criminal offense may be caused by criminal action of narcotics as stated in Narcotic Drug Act Number 35 Year 2009as an extraordinary crime particularly for young generation.The issues rise in the application of legal process in proving the crime of evil conspiracy. It is due to the difficulty in finding the evidences of the crimes. For instance, what the evidences are that can be considered if evil conspiracy happened in doing the narcotic drug crime.
Analysis An Expected Legal Rights To Think Before Receiving And Rejecting Legacy Irma Fatmawati
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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In the current system of the economy, the function of the matter is increasingly essential in the facets of human life, primarily that it can be traded regarding the election of properties often disputes. Such is the case of an inheritance arising in a specific circumstance, for example by the death of the heir and the possessions to be inherited, and those who receive the property. In the case of transfer of the right of this heir to the heir then arises the problem of inheritance. Strictly speaking there is no heir without the death. A human being as a member of the community as long as still alive has a place in society with accompanying various rights and obligations to others as well as to objects - objects that are in society. Mutual affect both parties either happiness or misery felt by both parties. If a member of the community at any time dies, there will be a transition of rights and duties or that we are often familiar with the term inheritance as a result of a legal relationship between the deceased and the abandoned family. According to the provisions of the Civil Code (Civil Code) which switched to this essentially all inheritance included also the debts of the estate. This means opening opportunities for debtors or creditors to insist on repaying the obligations of the inherited legacy to the inheritors. Inheritance according to the Civil Code there are often questions, such as when an heir accepts or rejects legacy, the consequences of the heirs receiving or rejecting the inheritance, the extent to which the inheritance rejection may be involved and the form of restoration of the inheritance's rejection.
Comparative Analysis of Islamic Monetary Economic System With the Conventional Monetary Economic System Reviewed From the Stability of the Indonesian Economy Atika
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The purpose of this research is to examine empirically how the influence of monetary economic system of Islam in the economic stability in Indonesia and compare it with the conventional economic system. This research is expected to explain that the sharia banking is said still new if compared with conventional banks that have the influence to economic stability in affairs and more effective in improving the welfare of the Indonesian people and to be able to survive in the face of inflation using the system of result sharing. The material used in this research is the request of Islam money variable is all (Depositor funds Third Party) sharia banks in Indonesia. The variables for the results sharing of the form of return (acquisition business activities) from investment contracts from time to time, is uncertain and does not remain in the sharia banks. How big or small of the gains depends on the business results that really obtained by sharia banks. Conventional Money Demand variable is all demand deposit on conventional banks in Indonesia, Conventional Bank Rate variable (BI rate), Variables Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a specific period of time and inflation variables in Indonesia. Observasi data used is variables data in the time frame of the 11 years namely from 2005 to 2015. The data is obtained from the BPS and Bank Indonesia. To perform data processing, author uses software SPSS. Research results on the first model simultaneously prove that the demand for Sharia money and for the results sharing of the effect of the GDP, partially both also affect the GDP. In the second model simultaneously proves that the demand for Sharia money and for the results sharing of the effect of inflation, partially variable only for the results sharing that affect inflation. In the third model simultaneously proves that the demand for conventional money and the BI rate affect the GDP, partially only demand of conventional money (Giral) that affect GDP. On the fourth model simultaneously proves that the demand for conventional money (Giral) and BI rate influence on inflation, partially both also affect inflation.
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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This study focused to determine the contribution SILPA and Cash Flow in the use of the Capital Expenditure in Karo regency government . Samples ares Regional Treasurer (BUD) Karo form of Local Government Financial Statements from 2010 to 2015. The research approach is descriptive research approach by conducting analysis of Contributions . The results of this study indicate that the Revenue Funding is SiLPAwhich has a small contribution to the funding of the Capital Expenditure. While cash flow has Immense Contributions in funding the Capital Expenditure by percentage consistently 100%.